Aeroflot: Employee Relations

Subject: Employee Relationships
Pages: 1
Words: 288
Reading time:
2 min

Aeroflot is Russia’s biggest airline and can be considered the country’s official carrier. Furthermore, it is one of the oldest airlines still operating. During the last decade, the airline progressed significantly and in two thousand eighteen took twenty-third place among the world’s best airlines comparatively to eighty-fifth place in two thousand twelve (Eremichev & Aslanov, 2019). Aeroflot’s ability to persist and make such progress in a short time can be partially attributed to its attitude towards employee relations and talent management.

Employee relations consist of such vital elements as organizational culture, leadership, recognition, and efficiency. From a recruiting perspective, Aeroflot builds on social partnership, collaborating with multiple aviation trade unions. The company’s HR priorities include identifying and attracting talent, particularly for cockpit and cabin crew positions (Eremichev & Aslanov, 2019). In attempts to identify talent, Aeroflot cooperates with universities and research centers. It has an array of collaborative projects; for instance, the company arranged an open competition for in-flight entertainment concepts in which potential candidates and employees participated (Gershman et al., 2018). Such efforts not only portray Aeroflot as an innovative company but also reinforce its image as the most prominent employer in the Russian air transportation market (Gershman et al., 2018). Moreover, to create a comfortable but encouraging work environment, Aeroflot uses employee programs, prompting professional advancement, and providing social protection.

Conclusively, Aeroflot’s approach to recruitment, talent management, and retention through collaboration and social programs helps it occupy a principal position among Russian airlines. Incentives such as compensations and benefits motivate the airline’s employees, and its positive image attracts the most qualified and promising professionals. Aeroflot’s progress can be partially attributed to efficient and innovative practices that it began to apply to its recruitment and employee relations.


Eremichev, A., & Aslanov, M. (2019). Turkish Airlines versus Aeroflot. International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(2), 33–400.

Gershman, M., Roud, V., & Thurner, T. W. (2018). Open innovation in Russian state-owned enterprises. Industry and Innovation, 199–217.