🤝 Essays on Employee Relationships

For a business to succeed, good employee relationships are paramount. The best approach to studying employee relationships is from multiple perspectives. That’s why we recommend exploring relevant essay examples in our database. These papers will give you a better idea of how to approach your paper. They also contain valuable insights into the employee relationship dynamic.

A New Employee’s Relationships and Source of Power

Power is an essential element in the workplace, mainly because it fosters the control of processes and activities based on the critical objective. As an employee, it is necessary, to begin with building strong relationships and networks in an organization. It is important to establish a firm association with the...

Benefits and Employee Relations in US Military Field

American military personnel already have significant privileges over other citizens of the country. However, the Department of Veterans Affairs highlights that the Pentagon is increasing the benefits package. All military personnel and veterans remain eligible for lifetime medical insurance paid in full from the federal budget. Moreover, this includes complex...

National Culture Shape of the Nature of the Employment Relationship

National culture can be defined as a set of shared values that distinguish individuals from a specific country from others. National culture differences between locations can have major challenges to practice transferring in operations management. Some practices are altered by culture, while others are more effective in some societies more...

Collaboration Competencies – Conception

Collaborative competencies refer to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed when working in a team. Healthcare teams are usually composed of various health professionals. For example, an inter-professional team may be made of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, dentists, and nutritionists. In the current scenario, the only members of the healthcare...

The Role of Cognitive Ability in Understanding Behavior in the Workplace

To establish relationships with staff members and ensure that these relationships are based on trust and mutual respect, a leader will have to use their cognitive ability extensively. Namely, several cognitive skills such as emotional intelligence (ELI), perception, reasoning, intuition, and multitasking are critical for an effective leader. The role...

The Relationship Between Cohesion and Effectiveness

Cohesion is a significant component of comprehending group effectiveness and processes. Organizational teams that are perceived to be highly cohesive demonstrate increased levels of performance, low levels of staff turnovers, and greater levels of member satisfaction. Research has been done on the treatment teams from various hospitals engaged in extremely...

Factors That Create a Trust for Globally Distributed Knowledge Worker Teams

Trust in a virtual team is hard to build than to destroy. Certain conditions must be met for trust to appear and be nurtured. Such conditions include social context, shared culture, and values (physical proximity, time, and information exchange). In a virtual team, trust is based on the ability to...

Improving Communication for Distributed Knowledge Worker Teams

In this era or age of globalization, the need to collaborate and communicate among virtual teams has become a major concern. R&D and sales, corporate operations, and marketing team, once found in the same place, state, or city, may now be found in different places, states, or cities. It’s for...

Managing Workplace Relations and Surveillance

Introduction Managing workplace relations is a complex task that requires specific skills, knowledge, and awareness of the current situation regarding the quality of communication among employees. As the name implies, labor relations are legal interactions between staff and employers to attain organizational goals and obtain a mutual benefit (Teicher, Holland,...

Spud’s Contract Breach and Remedies

A contract breach happens when one of the parties in the contract does not follow the terms and conditions set within the contract. Based on the clip, Spud’s emergency is insufficient to excuse him from contractual obligations without liability. According to the Unfair Contract Terms Act, 1977 (UCTA), liability can...

Managing Employer-Employee Relationships

Principal causes of employee turnover Why are there so many memes and jokes about stereotypically demanding and unfair bosses? From childhood, many people get used to such image of an employer. However, is there a way to build relationships with the boss based on trust and harmony? Relationships between employers...

Camaraderie In The Work Place

Introduction Background study The success of any business enterprise normally draws into consideration many factors that that act in varying degrees. Of great interest is the success of businesses dealing in single-line merchandise such as sports franchises. Sociology of business culture reveals another aspect of organizational culture that breeds sustained...

Aeroflot: Employee Relations

Aeroflot is Russia’s biggest airline and can be considered the country’s official carrier. Furthermore, it is one of the oldest airlines still operating. During the last decade, the airline progressed significantly and in two thousand eighteen took twenty-third place among the world’s best airlines comparatively to eighty-fifth place in two...

The Impact of Workplace Bullying

Introduction Workplace bullying is a practice observed in organizations when certain employees or employers repeatedly mistreat their co-workers. This mistreatment is usually harmful and offensive in its nature, and it can have the form of verbal and non-verbal abuse (Baack, 2012). In this situation, the victims of bullying are targets,...

Team Building: Implications, Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction The economic realities of the post-industrial era leave very little doubt as to the fact that the commercial well-being of just about any company, aimed at expansion, cannot be discussed outside of such company’s managers possessing a comprehensive insight onto what the concept of team-building stands for. This concept...

Coaching: Core Competencies and Outcomes

Coaching is a work-based relationship whereby an individual with knowledge and expertise in a particular field assist others (clients) to identify and develop certain skills (Flaherty, 2010). In this field, individual’s strengths and weakness are identified. This significantly helps a person/ client to grow as an individual. The results of...

Coaching Ethics: The International Coach Federation

Introduction Coaching which is defined by Flaherty (2010) as “interventions in competence to improve the actions of others” is an emerging and evolving field which is gaining popularity all over the world. A good understanding of the ethical guidelines is necessary for a coach to be most effective in all...

Creating and Fostering Successful Work Teams

Introduction With the advent of organizational complexity together with the engulfing wave of rigorous transformation that shapes the contemporary business environment, managers have continually witnessed changing employee behaviors. The handling of employee resistance to change at both the departmental and individual levels remains a vital role that managers need to...

Gaps in Employee Motivation Analysis

Introduction The relationship between employees and employers is influenced by how systems are designed to work in the business environment (Steers, Mowday & Shapiro, 2004). Employee motivation is determined by how employers treat employees. Therefore, it is important to motivate employees as one of the ways of increasing productivity (Mak...

Conflicts in the Workplace and Employee Morale

Introduction In business management, a number of problems exist. The problems may comprise of difficulties in managing innovation, conflict in the workplace, and increased turnover. During the research process, the above problems were analyzed. Thereafter, the researchers were able to narrow down on a specific topic. The topic chosen was...

Workforce Planning: Factors Influencing the Work of the Emiratis

Perceptions of Emiratisation The distribution of responses shows that most participants disagree that it makes business sense to employ Emiratis. Out of 487 responses, 168 (34%) are neutral and 147 (30%) disagree with the assertion that it makes business to employ Emiratis. The implication is that organisations in the United...

Power and Language in the Workplace

Introduction The aspects of communication differ from one culture to another. Intercultural workplace creates various challenges to effective communication, besides the common barriers created by varying competence in the primary language of communication. According to Ting-Toomey, communication is an expression of one’s realities and varied cultural perspectives that construct their...

Concepts of Interpersonal Skills and Management

Abstract Although most managers appreciate the significance of good interpersonal skills in the present competitive business world, still in some societies, this concept has received very minimal recognition, because it is a skill that some managers do not possess, or if they possess it, they do not put it into...

Employee Relations: Informing and Involving Employees

Introduction Employee involvement in organizations has many faces and is also defined in many ways. Some people especially the management believe that the involvement of employees in the organization is meant to solve all the problems occurring in that organization. On the other hand, others are of the opinion that...

Communication and Relationships at Workplaces

Abstract Communication is one of the elemental aspects of management and operation in any organization and projects. The significance of communication can never be exaggerated. Communication eliminates misunderstandings, confusion and misrepresentation thus establishing harmonization among all the subordinates and departments. Communication is necessary to handle business operations at all levels....

Work-Life Balance: Basic Terms and Fundamental Theories

Background Starting the research of any kind, the researcher has to develop, at first theoretically, the frame in which the work will be carried out and the sources from which preliminary, mainly secondary, data will be collected. This fact makes the literature review a vitally important part of every research...

Teamwork in “We Are Not Animals, but Still” Activity

Activity: The Essence The activity may be called “We Are Not Animals, But Still…” There is a group of 10 people, who need to tell more about themselves and discover what all members think about each other. Each member is provided with several (10) pieces of paper and a pen...

Employee Communication Project Plan

The project plan to be implemented is associated with improving employee communication and overall interactions in the workplace. Effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills are considered one of the pillars of business. Many companies target a lot of effort and funds towards training workers on how to effectively communicate with...

Human Resource Management: Communication Systems

Introduction Effective communication is one of the useful functions of an organisation. Managers who want to drive performance in their firms should begin by embracing the power of communication. Adequate communication is what empowers organisational leaders to perform the four unique functions of business management. These functions include “controlling, leading,...

Conflict and Power in Organizational Politics

Conflict among managers is not a new thing and is here to stay. The first source of conflict among managers working for a particular organization is interpersonal differences. Differences in personality and communication style are the source of interpersonal conflict among managers ( Bacal, 1998). Poor communication is among the...

Building the Team: Tasks, People and Relationships

The factors that influence teams’ behavior while pursuing the desired goals of a team are wide-ranging and very important in establishing the roles and responsibilities of each team member. A team is “a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and...

Role of Team Building and Interpersonal Skills

Introduction The ability of an organisation to achieve its set goals depends largely on the ability of its employees to work effectively with each other in a group. Effective team implementation not only increases job satisfaction, but also improves employee motivation (Griffin, Patterson & West 2001, p. 537). There is...

Group Work Communication Importance

Human beings work in groups to achieve their goals much faster. Members of a particular team should promote the best communication skills. Such skills will improve the performance of the targeted group. Members of the group will share their competencies and ideas. The approach will produce the best outcomes. Mealiea...

Servant Leadership Concept

Practicing Servant-Leadership Servant leadership philosophy has gained popularity and use by most of the modern leaders. An escalating number of formal and informal organizations have taken up this concept as part of their company’s mission. Modern leaders moving from the old leadership styles and theories and adopting the integrated psychological...

Future Leaders of an Organizations

Introduction Employee training is a significant undertaking for every organization that wants to remain competitive. Training future leaders is the most valuable kind of investment that an institution can make through training its junior employees in readiness to take leadership. The strategy ensures that young employees are competent to perform...

Human Resource Manager: Role and Functions

Hiring the brightest people across the world is a great challenge since potential candidates have diverse characteristics. However, the two important things that stand out during recruitment and selection are: natural skills and academic qualifications. Inherent skills provide an employee with the self-drive they need to work effectively. Most jobs...

Bad Customer Services

Every successful business organization provides quality services and products to its customers. Businesses should treat their customers with respect, dignity, and professionalism. Many customers have encountered bad services or products from different businesses. I have also encountered several bad experiences as a consumer. I recently visited my Mobile Network Provider...

Study of Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior refers to the study of how, when, where and why individuals and groups of people make their purchase decisions in a given market. Marketing should find out how people make their select different products and services before a marketing strategy is developed for any given company or organization....