Managing Employer-Employee Relationships

Subject: Employee Relationships
Pages: 2
Words: 614
Reading time:
3 min

Principal causes of employee turnover

Why are there so many memes and jokes about stereotypically demanding and unfair bosses? From childhood, many people get used to such image of an employer. However, is there a way to build relationships with the boss based on trust and harmony?

Relationships between employers and workers are critical determinants of success of most businesses in the United States. According to Staniec, poor work relationships between managers and their junior employees are among the main causes of employee turnover, low productivity, and low job satisfaction (Staenic 2). The following statistical information shows the importance of having good employer-employee relationships in organizations.

Statistical Data

A recent survey conducted among 600 companies in the United States with a workforce between 50 to 500 employees showed that 63.3 percent of employers find it difficult to retain employees than hiring new ones (Arimie et al,, 2020).

Organizations that fully engage their employees increase their productivity by 21 percent, achieved by realizing a reduced absenteeism rate by 41 percent and reduced turnover of 59 percent (Arimie et al., 2020).

Another survey showed that 96 percent of employees believe that working under an empathetic boss increases their productivity and likeliness of long-term engagement with the company (Arimie et al., 2020).

Aim of the Presentation

This presentation seeks to explore different ways to manage an employee’s relationship with their boss. Critical arguments are backed by statistical evidence from peer-reviewed articles.

Employer-employee relations are an essential aspect in an organization from the moment an organization hires an individual. The relationship is characterized by how the employer and employees perceive each other and conduct themselves toward each other (Staniec 3).

In this relationship, the manager becomes aware of the workers’ multifaceted needs, and pays attention to the workers’ emotional state, financial needs, working environment, and working culture.

The relationship is usually grounded on a reciprocal psychological and social contract characterized by a reciprocal obligation between the two parties. (Staniec 3).


Communication is the key to building a stronger employer-employee work relationship. Effective communication is vital in understanding expectations, establishing boundaries, and clearing any misunderstandings.

Effective communication gives a platform for feedback on employee job performance and directions on what is expected for an individual in a given position.

Proper communications channels provide employees with a platform to voice their concerns, ideas, and innovations, thus increasing their self-esteem, creativity, and confidence (Arimie 12). As a result, employees who have a voice in the organization’s agendas are associated with increased productivity and commitment to the organization.

Trust and Respect

In any organization, trust and respect are essential for its efficiency. Trust and respect increase employees’ engagement, job retention, and satisfaction (Mahaffey et al.).

If the trust is lost, which could have damaging consequences to the organization.

Employers build trust and respect with their employees through behavioral consistency, maintaining integrity, effective communication, and showing empathy.

Additionally, according to (Mahaffey et al.), maintenance of good work ethics and being proactive also creates a good employer-employee relationship. An employee who shows their boss that he is a valuable addition to the team is always prepared, flexible, dependable, and contributes to seeking solutions to any arising challenges.


Employer-employee relationships are essential in ensuring the success of the organization.

An organization with good employer-employee relationships enjoys maximum output from its workforce, pushing it towards its goals.

Good employer-employee relations create motivated, committed, creative and productive employees. It also reduces absenteeism and employee turnover.

Thus, employer-employee relationships have evolved, and there is a need to shift from the conventional human resource practices of treating employees as a mere workforce for the company’s exploitation to focusing on individual employees’ needs and treating them like family.

Works Cited

Arimie, Chukwuyem Joel. “Employer-Employee Relations and Employee Engagement in a Tertiary Institution in Benin-City, Edo State.” Annals of Management and Organization Research, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 9–24. Web.

Staniec, Iwona. “The Nature of Employee–Organization Relationships at Polish Universities under Pandemic Conditions.” Information, vol. 12, no. 4, ser. 174, 2021, pp. 1–12. 174. Web.

Pandian, Venkadesa Narassima, and M. Saranraj. “Employer and Employee Relationship.” International Journal for Research Trends and Innovation, vol. 2, no. 6, 2017, pp. 380–389. Web.