“Aspects of Recruitment and Selection of Human Resources in Organizations” the Article by Bekesi, C., & Bekesi, D.

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 3
Words: 575
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: College

Article Summary

The article under analysis by Bekesi and Bekesi (2017) describes studying the aspects related to recruitment and selection of human resources in organizations on the example of the employees from Bihor County. The authors state that the processes of recruitment and selection are aimed at obtaining human resources necessary for an organization with minimal expenses. Moreover, these processes predetermine the successful performance of an organization, which depends on the potential and qualifications of employees (Bekesi & Bekesi, 2017).

The study includes qualitative research conducted through the focus group method. Individuals responsible for recruitment and selection of personnel in 10 selected economic-social units of companies functioning in Bihor County were involved in the group. Research data were obtained through a structured interview. It was expected to identify the meaning of personnel recruitment and selection for employers. The study revealed that employment specialists considered meaningful such aspect as the manner of candidate’s presentation. At the same time, the reputation of university or candidate’s grades was not significant.


Specialists in employee recruitment and selection involved in the research expressed their opinion on selection criteria. Thus, nine out of ten respondents mentioned that the candidate’s performance is important for their decision. Another significant criterion for employee selection is the complex of their personality features. Still, these features are considered in the context of every specific position and the working conditions (Bekesi & Bekesi, 2017). One more selection method mentioned by respondents is the organization of tests or exams that allow revealing specialty knowledge necessary for the position. Still, previous experience is not important in case of hiring an unqualified workforce. Finally, the majority of participants do not consider university reputation or school grades factors that influence their selection decisions.

The results of the study prove that the recruitment and selection of employees is a complicated and meaningful process. Moreover, the article analyzes the factors that should be considered during an interview as well as those that are less important. Consequently, the article can be recommended for HR managers as a guide for employee recruitment and selection. One of the flaws of the article is that the results cannot be generalized due to the relatively small sample and the fact that the research was conducted in a single county. This limitation can be addressed by involving a more significant sample from different regions of the country or international organizations.

Article Significance and Opportunities for Further Research

On the whole, the study has some options that can be improved. One of the alternatives to expand on the results of the research is to provide specific recommendations for HR specialists or a checklist of options that should be considered in the process of recruitment and selection of human resources. Such an approach is expected to stimulate a more careful selection of professionals who suit their position and can provide high performance. In general, the information presented in the article means that every organization should take care of its human resources and arrange recruitment and selection processes in a productive way. Future research of this problem should focus on the discovery of recruitment and selection processes on a bigger sample of respondents. It will allow data generalization and make the findings more reliable thus expanding the knowledge in the area of human resources recruitment and selection. Moreover, prospective employees can also be interviewed to study their impressions from job interviews and assess the aspects of personnel selection from different angles.


Bekesi, C., & Bekesi, D. (2017). Aspects of recruitment and selection of human resources in organisations. The perspective of the employees from Bihor county. The Annals of the University of Oradea. Economic Sciences, XXVI(2), 50-59.