Conscious Leadership’ Types

Subject: Leadership Styles
Pages: 2
Words: 295
Reading time:
< 1 min
Study level: Master

The purpose of any business is defined by those who create it – the entrepreneurs. The vast majority of businesses, whether they realize it or not, are motivated by the following goals:

  • Service to others.
  • Discovery and furthering of human knowledge.
  • Creation of excellence and beauty.
  • The desire to change and improve the world.

Conscious leadership relies on four types of intelligence: Spiritual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Systems Intelligence, and Analytical Intelligence. All conscious leaders have to aspire to improve their skills in each of these areas.

  • Emotional intelligence – understanding oneself and others.
  • Spiritual intelligence – having a higher purpose, high standards and ethics, love and compassion, and the desire to improve the world.
  • Analytical intelligence – the ability to disseminate information and discern between cause and effect.
  • Systems intelligence – understanding of various systems.

Practices that make a good leader:

  • Servant leadership.
  • Creating a shared purpose for others.
  • Making a positive difference in the world.
  • Helping people grow and evolve.
  • Using strategies that are beneficial to everyone.
  • Making tough ethical choices, when necessary.

In modern American business, love is seen as a weakness. However, good leaders are not afraid of that and allow love to be the glue to bind their organization together. Love inspires productivity and loyalty in managers and employees alike.

In order to become a good leader, one has to follow one’s passion and not be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. A crisis is a good opportunity for learning and evolving. Good leaders evolve into a higher state of consciousness through practicing self-awareness, taking on challenges, and constantly learning from the better people. Many of us can become good leaders. Personal growth is a choice.