Cosmetics Packaging Waste Management in Dubai

Subject: Management
Pages: 5
Words: 1526
Reading time:
7 min
Study level: Master


Depending on personal experiences as an overall packaging-based designer for an executive cosmetics firm, I have witnessed how much time and resources companies put into producing recyclable packaging. However, the question remains as to whether recyclable-based packaging gets reused. Or does it end up in designated landfills, where it could do environmental damage? The garbage generated by the cosmetic packaging industry/sector for cosmetic products is divided into two categories: non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste, respectively (Acharya, 2012). Product rejects, plastic-based bags, cardboards, and papers are examples of non-hazardous waste generated by cosmetic products.

The hazardous-based waste contents of cosmetic products are comprised of components like chemical packing drums, wastewater treatment, and paint-based sludge, among other things (Taiwo, 2011). On either hand, there is the possibility of managing overall waste, which can begin with separating non-hazardous and hazardous wastes, the recycling stage of the general non-hazardous waste materials. Thus, third-party companies’ conversion of waste/trash into goods, among other things. This step is because hazardous trash that is handled following waste regulations could be transformed into a valued system that provides financial and social benefits (Rashid and Shahzad, 2021). The investigation looks into several possibilities for utilizing garbage as raw resources and processing it into goods. Several steps are included in the work, including identification, evaluation, and overall implementation options (Liobikiene, G. and Bernatoniene, 2017). According to the findings of various studies, hazardous trash could be utilized as fuel, filler materials for clay bricks, and ceramics natural resources, among other things. Its use as raw resources for bricks represents the most critical commercial possibility and has substantial environmental advantages.

Research Aim

This proposal aims to identify strategies for increasing the recyclability rates of overall cosmetics packaging-based waste and areas for advancement within the entire field concerned with waste management throughout Dubai, waste recoveries, and sustainable consumption, and make recommendations for these improvements.

Research Objectives

This research contains various objectives to be achieved by the end of the proposal. Some of the goals include:

  • To identify cosmetics-based packaging waste that has been thrown away.
  • Examining the life cycle of cosmetics packaging bags. To discover the most important factors that influence recyclability.
  • To investigate consumer attitudes and actions around cosmetics packaging trash disposal and find and fill in the existing gaps.
  • A review of Dubai’s existing waste management system and regulations was conducted.
  • Evaluate effective waste management strategies.

Rational of the Proposed Project


Dubai’s population increased to 3.5 million by 2020, representing an increase of almost one million people from 2.5 million from 2015, according to the ‘Population Bulletin Emirates of Dubai,’ published in 2020 (Hussein et al., 2021). An expansion of urbanization and community engagements has all resulted in increased amounts of garbage produced throughout the United Arab Emirates (Al-Dabbagh, 2021). Through 2019, through the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, it was noted that 20.76 percent of the municipal-based solid wastes generated throughout the UAE are dealt with appropriately. However, a substantial percentage of garbage has not been adequately addressed and pollutes municipal dumpsites resulting in a wide range of potent greenhouse emissions (Rogers, 2011). Dubai is among the emirates countries that make up the UAE, and it is viewed as the capital of that country. The substantial economic increase has accelerated throughout the country during the previous twenty years, primarily attributable to its expansion as a commercial area throughout the Middle Eastern countries. According to the World Bank, due to government initiatives focused on developing a more diverse economic system, Dubai has grown into a rapidly expanding urban center with a significant multinational populace inside the Mideast.

Furthermore, the city now has a sizable transitory and tourist populace due to well-executed and well-planned target promotional activities (Ryan, 2020). As a consequence of these variables, typical waste treatment difficulties have arisen. As a result, waste management throughout the emirates has emerged to address these difficulties through a structured strategy that strongly emphasizes sustainable development. This act is evidenced by the fact that Dubai is a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Limitations of Existing Solutions and Research

However, accomplishing prevention through altering the norm of receiving any dumped goods as rubbish is challenging since garbage collectors have a vested financial interest in collecting as often as they can from the public (Alharmoudi, 2022). The volume-based or weight collection charges might operate as an overall deterrent to disposal (Beres et al., 2017). Still, they do not distinguish between legitimately dumped-off products and items that might best serve by being thrown off somewhere besides the landfill (Cruzes, Dybå, Runeson, and Höst, 2014). Because the overall WFD describes wastages as “whatever object or substance that the bearer dumps or aims to throw away or is discarded as waste,” these collectors’ disposition to maximize the quantity of trash accumulated might well be reinforced. Because the deed of disposal is not questioned, this may impede attempts to stop waste from being generated.

Importance of Proposed Research

Natural resource scarcity, climate change, contamination, and waste generation seem to be the most pressing environmental issues facing the world today, which would be an inevitable consequence of human-derived activities (Brunner and Rechberger, 2015). Thus, it is necessary to do this thorough research, including determining the feasibility of recycling and recovery of materials (Gidarakos, Havas, and Ntzamilis, 2006). Additionally, improper waste management leads to various environmental consequences, such as releasing carbon into the atmosphere and contaminating groundwater and the soil (Ayilara et al., 2020). Consequently, if garbage is not managed correctly, it can cause severe significant damage to the environment and health complications (Tseng, 2010). Aiming to analyze and examine the structure of optimal waste management systems, the entire research assessment team will develop and offer regions for development that is appropriate for Dubai’s consumption patterns toward trash disposal and overall waste management standard procedures.

Proposed Research Methodology

Secondary Research Methods

Thus, a comprehensive review/assessment of existing literature got done to effectively determine cosmetics packaging-based waste and critical drivers for boosting recyclability. The results of this particular study were used to develop this report. According to Hartt (1998), until one reviews the existing literature surrounding the chosen issue, one would not grasp whatever has already been accomplished, how it is investigated, and the significant aspects regarding their subject. Thus, to structure available literature and create a conceptual framework upon whom one personal investigation could be constructed, any literature review provided for academic researches project. It helps define available literature and develop an analytical foundation around which personal research could be created (Snyder, 2019). Thus, to find a similar document, distinct keyword phrases like “Packaging-based Waste Management process,” “Waste control or Management in the United Arab Emirates,” and “Waste Control” were searched. Also, “Solid-based Waste Disposal,” “Municipal Wastewater Treatment,” and “UN’s Sustainable Development-based Goals” were explored in three primary database systems. The names were searched in databases including Google Scholar, Discovery, and Scopus, concentrating on documents that have been published and peer-based reviewed between 2011 and 2022.

Primary Research Methods

Life Cycle-based Assessment (LCA) experiments are performed following the International Organization-based Standardization abbreviated as (ISO), which provides a list of guidelines (1404-14044) for such investigations is essential (Klüppel, 2005). Thus, an overall life cycle assessment (LCA) research should examine cosmetics packaging-based waste’s overall sustainability. Therefore, this step is a comprehensive approach that identifies all existing environmental implications across the entire lifecycle of any products and activities (from conception to death). As Bakarada (2014) points out, overall case study methodology has been the most often employed methodological approach for broad qualitative researchers throughout academia. Because it is hard to evaluate all relevant considerations in a specific case study, several case investigations of evidence-based practices within waste management would be considered (Arafat and Jijakli, 2013). The evaluation is done to learn how other nations have executed or implemented to enhance recycling rates/recyclability and reduce environmental impacts on waste material. The guideline within Dubai would be compared to benchmarks from around the world to identify significant areas for improvement.

Ethical Considerations

Since this particular research is focused on a review of the literature and upon desktop research, zero ethical approval is necessary for this study.

Expected Results and Outcome

Outputs and Outcomes

The expected outcome of the research is based on the fact that cosmetic packaging waste will assist in the reduction and mitigation of excessive garbage. Another result will be that the study will develop fundamental ways of educating individuals on the importance of packaging cosmetic wastes in bio-degradable materials. Sustainable recyclable or fully biodegradable substances for cosmetic-based packaging are a vital problem and potential for sustainable development throughout the cosmetics industry (Al-Dabbagh, 2021). Several overall bio-based and biodegradable materials have already been created that can be used to develop excellent cosmetic packaging. In contrast, other materials are still under creation with good qualities and futures. Thus, consumers and policymakers must be aware of its importance in developing environmentally friendly cosmetic-based packaging.

Gant Chart

In 1910–1915/1916, Henry Gantt created the Gantt chart, a bar graph or chart that depicts a project’s timeline. Contemporary Gantt charts typically reflect the current proposal schedule status and the overall dependency relationships among activities. The chart below shows a 12-week project plan.

Gant Chart

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