Google Company’s Effective Employee Programs

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 4
Words: 876
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College

Employee satisfaction plays a critical role in the overall productivity of the company. When employees are motivated and satisfied, they record improved performance. However, there are enormous factors that affect the overall satisfaction of employees. The purpose of this essay is to explore the employee programs employed by Google and at the same time highlight ways in which the effectiveness of the programs is measured. Furthermore, it will provide a list of the measures used to compile the top 100 rankings, and finally, explain how a performance management system can lead to a positive organizational outcome.

Google emerged the world number one company this year having recorded an increase in revenue, share price, hiring, paid search clicks, and profits, as well as employee love. Employee programs present in the organization are the essential driving force for the four-slot improvement from the previous year’s fourth position. The organization has enormous investments in areas that seek to create a worker-friendly environment for employees. Google workplace countrywide is impressive to a considerable number of employees, and a job search destination to many. Improved employee satisfaction and motivation equates to an organization’s performance (Publications, 2007).

Google has designed several programs that help improve employee satisfaction. Some of these programs include employee benefits, Googleplex facilities, benefits, and daycare, and food. The company provides a wide range of benefits and perks to attract new employees and at the same time retain existing employees. The programs are available and offered on-site to ensure that employees are at the office around the clock. This will boost the productivity of the organization since it will reduce time wastage and improve employee satisfaction.

In Google, benefits program exists such as free haircut services available for employees through online scheduling. Employees can access a well-equipped gym facility and swimming pools. These services ensure that employees stick to a healthy and safe lifestyle. As such, healthy employees are enthusiastic and productive, hence boosting overall productivity. The organization also provides a variety of games and laundry facilities. This ensures that all things that are in the mind of the individual are met on-site. Furthermore, employees of Google provide a universal healthcare plan for the employees coupled with an on-site medical officer. To counter the stress that may arise in the workplace, a massage program that is subsidized is available in the benefits. The unique program provided by Google to employees is the twenty percent time program. The organization allows each employee up to 20 percent of their work time for individual projects. This can add up to a whole day and employees can engage in activities not related to normal tasks. This is coupled with on-site daycare for the children of employees. Mothers have a delightful time with their young ones while performing their normal tasks. The programs help transit fresh graduates into the business environment.

With the growing competition and battle for a fair market share, the employee especially those who contribute highly to the company’s superior performance are treated as a valuable asset to the organization. Most organizations strive for their retention and recruitment of other high profile personnel through the award of attractive incentives to increase the organization’s competitive edge and profitability.

The organization uses the output, performance, and morale to measure the effectiveness of the programs. Also, feedback generated by employees reflects the efficiency of the programs that are implemented in the organization. The satisfaction of employees is another measure of program effectiveness.

The measures employed while ranking the top 100 companies are not researchers generated, but the researcher solicits opinions from the employees that allow employees to vote for their employers (Evans, 2004). This is because there are no individual firms that exercise monopoly in terms of an excellent workplace. The workplace is unique through management commitment to satisfy the needs of the workforce, and satisfy their everyday inclinations. The narration of the employees forms the basis of the rankings.

Evaluation of individual employees is vital in ensuring organization performance. The system for performance management should be consistent with the goals of the company to yield suboptimal results for the company. The PMS system provides the organization with the opportunity to control, sketch and measure their performance to facilitate accurate decisions, allocate resources, as well as activities towards the achievement of the desired outcome, and build shareholder value. The performance management system will provide feedback to employees concerning their performance and the necessary steps for performance improvement. Furthermore, the system stipulates the responsibilities of workers in terms of results, as well as behaviors that guarantee positive results. The system also draws up a plan that will ensure the accomplishment of organizational targets within the stipulated time.

According to Evans (2004), the PMS (Performance Management System) should communicate the performance targets to all workers covering one year. The employees together with employers to develop a sense of belonging should generate the targets. The employees should be aware of the benefits accruing from using the system to attract employees’ approval.

In conclusion, the ranking of companies is benchmarked on the organizations’ ability to satisfy the employees and motivate them, as well. The employee-based ranking reflects the leading companies that ensure excellent employee welfare for greater productivity and performance. Therefore, the performance management system should be all-inclusive.


Evans, G. E. (2004). Performance management and appraisal: a how-to-do-it manual for librarians. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.

Publications, U. (2007). 500+ top US companies to work for handbook (5th ed.). Washington, D.C.: International Business Publications USA.