Organizational Culture: Employees Management

Subject: Management
Pages: 2
Words: 546
Reading time:
2 min
Study level: College

The case explains how organizational culture affects the performance and contribution of employees. The managers did not inform the employees, lawyers, and stakeholders about the decision to merge and relocate the law firm. Lack of proper communication and failure to involve the employees in the decision-making process was a major dysfunctional behavior in this firm.

The second dysfunctional behavior mentioned in the case is the organization’s undue emphasis and focus on outcomes. The leaders in the company always neglected the social and personal concerns affecting the employees. These behaviors affected the firm’s performance. The level of resentment increased among the employees and lawyers in the company. The employees were against the proposed change because it did not address their expectations and career goals. Most of the employees believed that the idea to relocate would expose them to insecurity. The idea would also affect their social relationships. The proposed change in the law firm made the employees and lawyers unhappy.

The leading factor that led to these unacceptable behaviors is the lack of proper organizational culture. The culture in every organization determines how its managers and leaders communicate with the employees. The firm was experiencing a poor organisational culture. This is the reason why the managers did not inform the lawyers and employees about the proposed change. The leaders made their decisions without involving lawyers and employees. Every stakeholder should be involved in the decision-making process. The leaders in the firm failed to identify the unique needs and expectations of every employee. This explains why the proposed change encountered different challenges and obstacles.

The managers in the firm failed to address the changing needs and expectations of the employees. The law firm focused on outcome orientation. This situation reduced the level of motivation in the organization. The culture in the organization did not address the social and personal issues affecting the employees. The leaders and managers failed to involve the employees in the business processes. The above organizational factor explains why these dysfunctional behaviors occurred in the company.

How did these dysfunctional behaviors affect organizational performance? The case explains how the level of productivity and morale in the firm went down. Some employees in the firm turned in their resignation letters. A disappointed employee will not work hard in an institution. The dysfunctional behaviors in the firm affected the employees’ morale. The employees were not ready to work for the firm because it did not address the issues affecting their lives and careers. The Change Resistance Assessment (CRA) approach helped the employer understand and identify their challenges affecting the employees. The employees stopped to focus on the company’s goals. They also provided poor services to targeted customers and clients.

The company focused mainly on targeted results. The managers did so without examining and addressing the issues affecting the employees. The employees lacked the necessary support and incentives. Some of the employees decided to quit their jobs because the company was not concerned about their welfare. It is appropriate for organizational leaders to address the needs of their employees before focusing on the targeted goals. The employees were unhappy with the firm’s leadership strategies. This is the reason why the company failed to realize its main goals. Every business should address any dysfunctional behavior to promote its performance.