Private & Public Information Related to Potential Employment

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 1
Words: 273
Reading time:
< 1 min

In many organizations, the human resource departments are never satisfied with the information that the potential employee provides, and this forces them to go an extra mile in order to identify the real character of an individual. This implies that they might check the profile of an individual on Facebook and Twitter. Even though some people might consider this unethical, it is necessary because people tend to present fictitious bio-data information when applying for employment. The organization might not be interested in knowing the person more if he or she provides accurate information in the first place. Social sites give an individual an opportunity to express him or herself freely, meaning that they are the most reliable sources of information that explain and define the character of a person.

Sinha et al. share the same viewpoint, and the researchers provide reasons why the organization has the right to access the information of the individual online for purposes of recruitment. For instance, the presidential aspirants in the United States are often taken through a rigorous evaluation process since they aspire to hold the most important position in the country. Likewise, any company has the right to hire a skilled and experienced employee who is truthful and committed to working hard. More so, there can hardly be something unethical in monitoring would-be employees’ posts as it is not private information. After all, people post everything they think is worth sharing with millions of web users. Therefore, using social networks is another way to learn more about the personality and even professional qualities of a person.