Three-Day Orientation-Training Program for Sales Clerks

Subject: Professions
Pages: 2
Words: 436
Reading time:
2 min

It is worthwhile here to mention that the sales clerk is a crucial interface between the company and customers; therefore, they need to be trained for earning the goodwill of customers. The orientation program would therefore include;



Interaction of the sales clerks with some company officials
Company officials must inform the sales clerks in detail about company policies and objectives. During this interaction, an effort would be made by company officials to collect as much information as possible about the expectations of the sales clerks and their apprehensions. An effort must be made by the company officials to solicit the opinions of the sales clerks in resolving some of their problems/ issues.


Thereafter, a session is to be arranged in which a PR professional gives the all-important training to the sales clerks on how to handle the customers and their requests. In addition, the PR professional will also present some examples from other organizations.


Session-1: Computing and Accounting Skills

In this session, the sales clerks will be imparted training by qualified professionals in the fields of accounting, maintaining cash registers, and computing.

Session-2: Training on Ethics and Upright Behavior

In this session, the sales clerks will be told about the importance of being truthful and honest in one’s approach, be it in dealing with the finances, the customer, truthful accounting, the fellow workers, or the seniors and managers. They must be clear about how ethical behavior helps in the progress of the company as well as the individual.


Session-1: Taking up Case Studies

In this session, the trainees will be handed over some case studies to resolve. Some case studies could be the recordings from the company’s operations as well. In the process, the sales clerks will apply whatever they’ve learned during the training so far. Since the company has seven stores in different parts of the city, some of the issues could be location-specific.

Session-2: Feedback, Interaction, and Brainstorming Session

This session will also help in ascertaining the learning of the sales clerks and providing them the all-important feedback about some of their weaker points while solving the case studies. This session must also be used to encourage those sales clerks who appear to have learned really well and score high points in solving case studies.