Based on the above, imported product, I would not change its brand name. However, to increase its marketing, I would employ the direct selling approach on how the product is sold in the U.S. Direct selling constitutes the transaction of products straightforwardly to the consumer in a non-retail surrounding (Clark, 2018). Using this marketing strategy, I can change the way people view the product since instead of placing them at the retail stores and waiting for consumers, I would take the product to the consumer. I would establish face-to-face relationships with the customers by demonstrating the product and selling it to people in their homes. Direct selling does not only mean the application of the traditional setting for the product to be sold; it also incorporates other venues like e-commerce (Clark, 2018). Therefore, the same demonstration will be done online to attract more consumers, emphasizing the significance and health benefits of the oranges.
While I will not change the brand name, I will modify the specific audience. I would target every potential buyer since the products can be used by every person who understands the benefits of the oranges. Along with the marketing, the approach would be the significance the oranges have in helping to minimize the prevalence of chronic health conditions like obesity and obesity-related health problems like diabetes. Since oranges are fundamental in providing vitamin C to the body, my marketing method will include such information to educate my audience on why they are essential to have in every meal. On the other hand, any possible changes to the price will rely on the current price list available on the market. However, prices might not change since I will be taking the product to the consumer and not the other way round where the consumer goes out to shop.
Clark, K. Social Media for Direct Selling Representatives: Ethical and Effective Online Marketing, 2018 Edition: Social Media for Direct Selling, #1. Karen Clark.