Creativity Program in Human Resource Management

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 8
Words: 2610
Reading time:
10 min
Study level: PhD


The ability of human resource to plan and manage its workforce is an integral part of any organization. It is important to be acquainted with the role played by succession management in replacing aging employees with new and productive ones who will take the organization business to the next level of objectives and goals realization as outlined in visions and the missions of the company. In his studies (Ivancevich, 2010) assumes that to build a motivated workforce, human resource must be very responsive to problems related to succession management.

Issues that are related to succession which any concerned government faces include: an aging labor force, the rise in retirement rates, high and competitive labor market, a fast change in a job by a worker (migration form one job to another) and ultimately financial crisis manifestation in every nation across the world. This paper will present a human resource program that fits a company faced by problem related to succession management. In her book (Renda, 2009) writes that the problem that will be described is incompetence of employees when expected to take up challenging roles while the competent ones move out of the job. Being able to develop and implement a program that is transparent and fair will result in an environment where people sharpen their skills in preparation for future jobs openings. It is also worth noting that succession management is driven by strategies employed in the business and plans for action.

Case study of Present Creativity in Google

Google has undertaken a various programs in order to boost their human resource capacity. After the realization that the employee is the engine behind the company growth, the company decided to undertake various succession programs that will assist in the smooth flow of employees.

Mentoring (both formal and informal) program

According to (Monicalyn, 2010) this is a situation where senior and more experienced personnel in an organization models and shapes a junior with an aim of cultivating higher experience and more output. Mentoring therefore is a complex procedure of developing a young person in a company setting. Formal mentoring program is supported and perpetrated by an organization in response to problems related to succession management. In his book (Borman, 2003) emphasizes that the informal mentoring process is not managed or supported by an organization but occurs under natural conditions of attraction with similarity in intentions and attributes. Some of the benefits related to mentoring include: development of self esteem, confidence, social interaction, identity and interpersonal bond.

According to (Anderson, 2002) in the line of career, benefits that can accrue are: job satisfaction, promotions, and higher compensation. To achieve mentoring procedures, the organization has to practice retaining of employees and developing leadership skills. The organization can further improve both vertical and horizontal communication to ease flow of intelligence. In her book ((Monicalyn, 2010) states that this program is vital when assessing succession management. In broad terms, succession management is a deliberate step by a company in ensuring that the organization is vibrant at all times by providing for employee development, replacement and promotion to key sectors of an organization. An analysis of the required competence is made while taking note of interest, aspirations, mobility and developmental needs of workers The data collected is compared with the needs of the organization so as to arrive at equilibrium.

In his book (Dessler, 2007) concludes that informal programs will employ an attitude of group activity and joint assignment. This will automatically orient the individual person to actively participate and gain from competence of the experienced people. It is also important to note that group assignment appraises intellectual ability of an employee definitely introducing him or her to an advance knowledge gain. It also bridges the impermanent knowledge gap between the theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge.

Description of the problem related to succession management

Lack of competence is a major problem related to succession management in an organization. It is the inability of an employee to take up the task he or she is expected to perform when the aging employees leaves the office. In their report (Deciere & Kramar, 2008) found out that this is contributed by the fact that the employee is a fresh graduate from an institution of learning and has not had an experience working in a real life situation. It is the responsibility of the experienced persons in a company to shape the young individuals who will later occupy these positions when retirement age approaches. Level of experience is related to succession management in that as the old retire from working, their places have to be occupied by other competent persons. To be able to replace loss of knowledge and talents in the future, succession management program must be employed. In his studies (Armstrong, 2006) found out that If young and energetic individuals are to be employed in a company, then it calls for an appraisal of succession management.

Consulting and change management activities which will lead to acceptance of the program

In their research (Jex & Britt, 2008) discovered that one of the activities to manage change is incorporation of work ethics as a means of supplementing the change. If good ethics as defined by the company entailed interpersonal relation and good group activities, then there is a possibility that the change as intended by management would be accepted without any overreaction. Good ethics fosters good relationship between employees and the management. In essence ethics can also help in improving business to business relationships (B-2-B) or business to customer relationship (B-2-C).

The program should be made part of the policies of company so that there is a link between strategy and succession plan. In their studies (Hall & Taylor, 2004) discovered that a mentorship program should be made part of the daily activities in the business. This will also help to affect positively the long term goals and objectives of the business. It is also important to integrate the program in the technology system of the company so that the process of change can be appreciated easily and at a faster rate.

In his research (Testa, 2008) concludes that engaging future leaders in the process of employing a program will help in ensuring its success. The human resource is obliged to identify each individual person and specify personal development plans for such employee. The individual development plans brings out clearly a simplified version of developmental activities such as coaching training and remedial classes. The best practice for a company is to cultivate the use of special assignments.

Talent pool should be identified so that the change brought about by the program is received positively by the intended group. In his book (Kelloway, 2004) states that talent is easily identifiable in an employee by examination of activities which he or she can do easily and efficiently. A frequent communication of information between the management and the junior staff enhances affection and sound relationship in the company.

Indicators of a successful program

According to (Wilson, 1995) for a successful program, there are opportunities for employees to consider taking up challenges in consideration of the fact that they have gained competence by mentorship program facilitated by the management (Monicalyn, 2010). It was discussed earlier that a mentor nurtures an incompetent person into gaining experience in the field of interest. If the program is successfully implemented, employee accepts challenges in the line of duty and subsequently executes responsibilities to an excellent level.

The employees also reveal that they are part of the company and can participate in major decision process. This is achieved by the integration of both vertical and horizontal communication. It also goes along in sharing personnel and information across departments. A systematic process of identification of potential candidates for succession is evident in a mentorship program. One of the striking features of a good mentorship program is the ability of managers to promote best employees and reward them (Monicalyn, 2010).

Case Analysis of an Organization where Creative Human Resource Management is Lacking

Current situation

This case analysis is focused on Triad International, which is a company located in Siberia that focuses on offering a range of financial consulting services to other multinational companies around the world. In his studies (Green, 2009) found out that t,he current situation in the service organization case is the poor management of the most important resource that an organization has which its workers. The organization has more than 5000 employees who work in different departments of the organization. These employees are performing below expectation in their departments (Rogelberg, 2002). The new employees find it difficult to perform the task prescribed in their job description provision. As a result of the poor job adaptation, most of the organization’s employees are opting to reassign from the organization and look for other opportunities elsewhere.

In their research, (Roberts & Mathis, 2008) state that this condition has direct effect on the organization’s performance. This is because the general waste of time recruiting all the time as a result of the high turnover. The recruiting process is also costly because of the need to sacrifice important time to handle the problems that are as a result of loss of a significant number of employees and so forth. The time that should be geared towards the goals of the organization is directed towards the continuous recruitment process which has a direct negative effect on the performance of the company. In his studies (Torrington, 2009) states that, the recruitment process and the management of the new employees affects the overall performance of the company. As evident on this service organization, there is an urgent need to address issues related to the reason why the employees of the company fail to adapt to their task immediately and become productive instead of opting to leave the organization.


Dealing with Human Resource problems

The human resource department is mandated the task of ensuring that the organization runs smoothly with well motivated and productive employees (Raymonds, 2000). Whenever this is not the case, the entire human resource department fails to manage the most important resource that an organization has and this result to poor performance of the organization. The following outlined issues should be addressed in order to ensure that an organization like this Australian service organization experiences minimal difficulties when dealing with the organization’s employees.

Motivation of employees

In his book (Clemont, 2002) states that motivation is one of the key aspects of ensuring that the workers of an organization perform their task optimally. Motivation gives the workforce of an organization the required recognition for their task. If the employees of an organization are not motivated, there is a higher likelihood that they will not work with the efficiency required to meet the goals of an organization. The human resource department is therefore responsible in ensuring that the entire team is motivated, the human resource can ensure that this is the case through proper channels of motivating employees (Legge, 2004). Timely pay of employee is one factor; if employees are assured that their payments will be made in time, they are highly likely to work optimally and not worry about their financial situations because of delayed payments. The other form of motivation is through bonuses and insurance policies which secure their health and their family’s health. These provisions will improve the psychology of the employee and consequently result to a higher performance level by these employees. In their research (Mathis & Jackson, 2004) conclude that initiating a reward scheme that seeks to evaluate the performance of employees and reward them according to their performance is another major motivating factor. To the employee, he or she will work maximally for the company because of the confidence that his or her efforts will not go unrecognized. It is also imperative to give employees time off to attend their domestic issues whenever possible.

In his book (Lengnick, 2002) assumes that giving breaks and compensating them for the break will always make the employees feel as part of the organization. In his book (Rüdiger, 2003) comments that in this case of Australian Service Company, it is imperative to ensure that the new and the current employee of the organization are properly motivated in order to reduce the rate of turnover that has been experienced over time. Motivated employees will add on their effort and not think of getting alternative places that appreciate their efforts by rewarding them. There is a clear deficiency of motivation in this case; the human resource of the company ought to take measures that encourage these employees by empowering them through well organized compensation scheme. In his studies (Pell, 2001) comments that There is need for the company’s human resource management department to ensure that the workers of the company feel as a part of the company by appreciating their efforts through compensation and reasonable breaks from their duties. Quality work cannot be done by overworking workers but rather providing them with a reason to increase their efficiency.

Time frame for achievement of goals

In this case, the time frame of achieving the goals of ensuring that there is a faster rate of job adaptation and low employee turnover is subject to several factors and therefore only a reasonable projection of 1 year can be given. It is necessary to understand that the integration of these mentioned factors that relates to the most important resource of an organization which is its people will determine the rate and the time in which the entire process will take. The initial step that should be taken in this case is the incorporation of sound leadership. It is only in sound leadership that the motioned organizational factors such as motivation, training, rewards and creation of working environment can be achieved.


As analyzed in this paper, establishing the root cause of a problem is the initial step of finding a substantial solution. In this case, the problem is centered in the way employees of the company are handled. According to their studies, (Lloyd & Byars, 2000) claim that the handling of these employees determines their effectiveness and productivity. Some of the major concerns in this case includes the following factors; compensation scheme, sound working environment, training, proper recruitment process and strong leadership among other vital factors. With the implementation of this proposal, the employee’s adaptation rate will be improved and also their turnover rate decreased.

This paper has also presented an apt response to a human resource problem related to succession management. As defined in the paper, succession management recognizes the wide goals and objectives of an institution by replacing old and aging employees with young and energetic ones. In his book (Legge, 2004) states that objectives are usually stated as measurable and achievable plans of intention formulated by management in its endeavors to make the company succeed. Some of the issues which any republic is concerned about are: replacing the aging with young and competent labor force, competition in the job market and rising number of qualified and inexperienced personnel. Mentorship program revolves around nurturing a person so as to be able to take up a task. The old and experienced persons models and shapes a junior staff with a pre-stated aim of cultivating experience to realize more output. Mentorship therefore is a program that human resource can use as an intervention measure to curb a problem related to succession management in a company. As described in the analysis, such a problem can be incompetence of the young employees. To measure the success of the program, employees are more willing to take up challenging tasks and ultimately elevate the profile of the company to a new level.

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