Procter and Gamble Company: Designing a Training Program

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 8
Words: 2016
Reading time:
7 min
Study level: College

The proposal designs a two-day training program for 20 employees at Procter and Gamble. In the program, there are training needs and justification for the approach, the objectives of the training, the training cost, and the method of training. A training program for 20 Procter and Gamble employees under the facilitation of two trainers will take the following design for the two days.

Day 1

Day 1.
Day 1.

Day 2

Day 2.
Day 2.

Procter and Gamble can spend less than $5,000 to train 20 employees on how to improve productivity in long-term perspectives. If all the 20 employees apply whatever they have learned during the two-day training, the result will be increased company performance, thus gaining a competitive advantage over its competitor in the global market. For instance, effective leadership development will inculcate the necessary management skills in the trainees, which will enable them to meet the needs of all stakeholders evenly.

The three training needs that the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) will expound on include:

  1. Leadership development
  2. Interpersonal skills training
  3. Communication skills training

TNA helps in identifying abilities, knowledge, and skills that an organization requires to meet its strategic objectives. Just as an effective leadership style steers a company to great heights, an effective TNA identifies resources that a company needs to achieve its mission, vision, and values, and directs them to sectors that have great demand. The entire process involves identifying the margin between the expected company performance and the present performance. If there is a wide margin, TNA ponders on the possible causes of the difference and ways of getting rid of the gap (Sims, 1998).

The management must come up with courses that are necessary for closing the training gaps and parameters that will show whether the training has successfully closed the gaps. To determine the training needs in the workplace, it is vital to understand employees’ past and present outputs. It also analyzes the environmental factors that need alteration for the successful achievement of the firm’s goals. In addition, individual-based assessment will look into the performance level of an individual employee, thus gauging his/her level of handling a different job. There are five key steps of TNA that the human resource department must follow. Problems and needs identification is the first step; it involves ascertaining the need for training since training cannot solve all challenges in a firm. The second step is determining the design of needs analysis where the management identifies target groups for training, interviewees, survey methods, and survey plans that entails the schedule and person-in-charge of TNA (Baker, 2007).

The TNA conducted at Procter and Gamble involved the top management and employees in the US. One target group was identified for training among the interviewees. Surveys and questionnaires assisted in coming up with a large sample for consideration. Step3 involves data collection, where data is obtained from interviews and questionnaires. At this stage, the organization of focus groups and observing people at work takes place. The panel then reviews the documents. Data analysis forms the fourth step. Here, both qualitative and quantitative analyses are paving the way for solutions and recommendations. The feedback stage ascertains whether training will be necessary or not, thus resulting in action plan development where designing a training program takes place (Bartram & Gibson, 2000).

From organizational, occupational, and individual assessments, the performance of Procter and Gamble reveals leadership development as the first training need, interpersonal skills training follows second, and communication skills training closes the first three training needs. Under leadership development, the company plans to recruit and retain key managers in the competitive market. The company preferred to retain its employees and develop them to occupy managerial positions so that they become competent in firm management. Clients have been raising concern on how employees communicate to them unsatisfactorily. Some employees lack personal etiquettes and end up in collision with potential customers and key suppliers. The aforementioned cases led to inclusion of interpersonal and communication skills in the training program.

After identifying the key areas that required training within the company, trainers and mentors will focus on the objectives outlined below to improve the company’s return on investment (ROI). Notably, for effective training purposes, the objectives must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound). The relevance and clarity of the objectives will clearly create positive impacts on the firm output (Ferdinand, 1988). The training, therefore, will focus on the following objectives:

  1. To develop greater leadership responsibility which will enable employees develop a sense of belonging as a result of relevant training;
  2. To keep the executive and employees updated on recent modes of communication as a way of changing with current market trends in serving customers;
  3. To inculcate in the trainees the organizational culture thus improving the interpersonal relations between all departments and employees of Procter and Gamble;
  4. To instill the right attitude into the trainees to add on their knowledge and skills in improving job and performance;
  5. To assist employees become highly innovative by using the recent technological applications and methods.

The cost of the program is represented below:

Description Calculation Total Cost
Training materials:
{Employees handbook, notebooks},
Training modules
and other stationeries
$50 x 22

$150 x 2
$150x 10



Two trainers and 20 employees welfare for two days 22 x $100 $2200
Grand Total $4100

The preferred training method for the Procter and Gamble employees will be through a two-day face-to-face program. External training will enable employees to interact with new ideas and perceptions in management. Moreover, mixing employees will assist employees to understand how other firms operate. Face-to-face training will require an interactive trainer who will challenge the thinking and operations of the trainees (Baker, 2007).

Additionally, this method has wide forms of presentation, that is, lecture, conferences, seminars, and workshops. In lectures and conferences, lots of information is delivered easily to a mammoth audience thus increasing networking processes. Seminars and workshops also encourages problem solving activities hence instilling problem solving skills in trainees. Evidently, in face-to-face learning, personalization of learning is not lost, as learners are able to share their experiences at personal levels (Sims, 1998).

From the identified training needs, person-to-person interaction proves effective given that all the situations touch on personality. In face-to-face training, trainees remain focused on the subject of the day as opposed to e-learning where new mail messages can pop up and distract the attention of a trainee. Therefore, effectiveness is evident in instructor-led learning since there is no multitasking that makes a trainee achieves little by the end of the training session. Moreover, an instructor in face-to-face learning will adapt the trainees’ needs to the content given that he/she will understand the individual difference among the participant through one-on-one interaction.

The facilitator will easily notice body language among the participants and pose to ask for clarifications, which are not possible with asynchronous e-learning (Anderson, 1994). In face-to-face, there is possibility of role-playing among the participants themselves to show their ability on content mastery. It is doubtless that e-learning can be effective in facilitating other training needs; however, eliminating completely face-to-face training style is worse than combining the two modes of training. Notably, departmental-level training will require diplomacy, which is only effective through the face-to-face learning method.

It is easy to build personal relationship in face-to-face training than in e-learning thus can offer grounds for sharing experiences and reinforcement. The training needs require development of interpersonal and communication skills, which are highly possible under face-to-face training as there, are massive interaction and cooperation. This is possible through group discussions where participants can fill questionnaires on the problems they do encounter in carrying out their roles. The present and future approach option of conducting TNA will analyze the company’s current situation and its expectation in years to come. It will assist in adjusting the future expectations by identifying and overcoming current problems within a company. The approach will also align the future expectations with the company’s objectives y ensuring that there are required skills and technical expertise for future expectations (Noe, 1999).

There are also the six steps to training needs analysis approach that starts with determining what is to be achieved at the end of the training session. This ensures the design of the training session elaborates the purpose, context, and objectives of clearly. In this way, the approach ensures that the training is relevant to the content under analysis. Businesses that engage in training their employees increase the capabilities and skills level in their workforce. Since well-conducted trainings develop a workforce, organizations have to identify key elements and adopt systematic management approaches in order to improve their performances.

Developing a learning culture is fundamental in any business environment, as it instills safety and readiness-to-learn attitude in employees. It makes employees feel safe in making inquiries on what an organization expects of them to do to suppliers, themselves, customers, and other stakeholders. Similarly, aligning the training needs with company’s goals is an essential element that is key in any learning strategy. In effect to this, learning programs at Procter and Gamble have to support the achievement of its strategic goals and objectives. Some of the indicators of achievement of performance include customer satisfaction, return on investment, and service or product quality (Anderson, 1994). Stiff competition is not only pressurizing organizations around the globe to reduce cost but also to produce quality products.

Markedly, all profit-making organizations always focus on gaining competitive advantage over their competitors. An organization, therefore, must organize a training program where its employees will understand clearly their responsibilities and expectations at the onset.

During the training session, there will be series of activities that participants will go through to the end of each day. In this, will be the agenda for the two-day face-to-face training that will be conducted within the company’s assembly hall. On the first day, the agendas will be as follows:

  1. Trainees and team members introduction;
  2. Familiarizing with the state of existing training to assist trainees in understanding the entry behavior of the participant, that is, what they know and what they do not know.
  3. Reviewing job characteristics and requirements; this will assist in understanding the level of underperformance, leadership styles and ways of effective relation and communication
  4. A.O.B

The second day will have the following agendas:

  1. Participants’ familiarization
  2. Discussing various interpersonal skills that employees should have to help in their interactions with clients and fellow colleagues;
  3. How to develop interpersonal skills, as well as effective communication skills that can increase satisfaction of customers in terms of service delivery;
  4. Influencing a customer’s behavior; this is to help in predicting future behaviors regarding purchases of Procter and Gamble’s products;
  5. Performance expectations – employees will be able to gauge their individual performances based on their inputs at the workplace. This parameter will help employees to meet their goals and objectives, thus increasing chances of their retention;
  6. Challenges and coping up with effectiveness – employees will know how to navigate through setbacks within the organization in order to maintain their focus on success.


Anderson, G. (1994). A Proactive Model for Training Needs Analysis. Journal of European Industrial Training, 18(3), 23-28. Web.

Baker, H. (2007). Employee Training. Chandni Chowk, Delhi: Global Media. Web.

Bartram, S., & Gibson, B. (2000). Training Needs Analysis Toolkit a Resource for Identifying Training Needs, Selecting Training Strategies, and Developing Training Plans (2nd ed.). Amherst, Mass.: HRD Press. Web.

Ferdinand, B. (1988). Management Training Needs Analysis (TNA). Industrial and Commercial Training, 20(5), 27-31. Web.

Noe, R. A. (1999). Employee Training and Development. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Web.

Sims, R. R. (1998). Reinventing Training and Development. Westport, Conn.: Quorum. Web.