According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it is critical to satisfying an individual’s needs in the following order: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. If an employee does not have sufficient money to meet his or her physiological needs in proper living, nutrition, and sleep, it is not likely that workplace productivity would be high. In this regard, the statement of person A is correct: those whose basic needs are satisfied would start seeking career development.
Alderfer’s ERG theory implies that there are existence, relatedness, and growth needs, while their priority varies for different people. However, existence needs are fundamental, and the easiest to meet, but relatedness and growth needs are quite abstract as they depend on the nature of particular relationships. In this connection, the significance of the needs is not hierarchal, and person B can be considered correct.
In turn, Vroom’s expectancy theory distinguishes between valence, instrumentality, and expectancy beliefs. According to this theory, conscious choices identify behaviors that are directed to increase pleasure and reduce pain. This theory states that employees’ behaviors at the workplace are complex, and they are largely impacted by personal attitudes, experiences, and perceptions. For example, in terms of instrumentality, employees expect that the promised rewards will be received, and if they link their performance and efforts to this reward, it will motivate them to work better. Thus, both person A and B can be regarded as correct since employees’ needs are much more complex than they identified.