The Impact of Employee Training on an Organization’s Success

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 5
Words: 1184
Reading time:
5 min
Study level: College

Employee training is a subject that has been discussed extensively by various scholars. Study literature indicates that workforce training is a fundamental factor to organizational success. For instance, past studies show that organizations that do not train their staffs are likely to record poor workforce performance. Therefore, training helps in enhancing the employees’ performances and increasing the overall growth of the organization. Training results into behavioral change, productivity and performance efficiency as well as improved workforce skills and ability.

Researchers have used multiple techniques to establish the correlations between an individual employee performance and the existing training programs. From the study conducted by Seth (1984), the results showed that there is a correlation between workforce training and personnel or organizational performance. The study indicates that employees training directly correlate to improved organizational production. From the organization perspective, it emerges that training facilitates competitiveness. It increases the production of high quality products as well as valuable client-oriented services. Thus, the study indicates that employees’ competencies can be improved through proper training. Workforce training eventually results into better or quality production. This literature review source supports the action research project. It will assist in establishing the correlation between workforce productivity and training.

Organizations tend to acknowledge the value created by their employees. Various studies show that this could be depicted by the changing trends in the production processes. A study conducted by Katou and Budhwar (2007) indicates these changes introduce new values to the organizational employees. The accruing values could be in the form of skills and knowledge acquired through training. Thus, training appears as an important attribute, which may adjust the employees’ attitudes accordingly. The assertions by Katou and Budhwar (2007) suggest that training sustains organizational productivity. It empowers the employees in terms of innovation and creativity. On the other hand, when an organization trains the employees, it helps the business to survive in the competitive market environment. Based on this reason, Katou and Budhwar (2007) indicate that employees’ training can support successful wealth creation in an organization. It is clear that without workforce training the employees may dismally perform their duties. This source will offer supportive literature for the action research. It establishes that lack of workforce training may negatively affect the organization performance.

Latham (1988) carried out a research study on employees training. The study results showed the organizational HRM should implement effective training and development programs. In fact, the most successful companies attribute their growth to quality training offered to employees. This implies that, employees are the most significant resources in any business or organization. However, literature reveals that employees are the most expensive resources to maintain (Latham, 1988). They are important because they contribute to the growth of the organization. Conversely, employees are expensive because they are supposed to be paid. Thus, organizations are obliged to come up with strategies that can be used to encourage employees to work efficiently. This source supports the action research. It offers information on how employees training and development programs can contribute towards organizational growth and success.

Lui, Lau, and Ngo (2004) indicate in their research study that different approaches should be used to achieve successful employee training. Most businesses and institutions use different training strategies and designs to achieve their goals. However, changes in customers’ preferences negatively affect the profitability of such institutions. The customary ways and strategies of training organizational workforces face a number of challenges and setbacks. The setbacks are reported in the strategic implementation of the training programs and purpose uncertainties. Traditional training approaches hinder the chances of organizational growth (Lui, Lau, & Ngo, 2004). In fact, the organizational managers may not be able to determine training programs that are suitable for junior workers. Cases of workforce resistance to organizational transformation or change can therefore arise. Nonetheless, the managers’ should be included in the determination of the training programs and strategies to be implemented. The workforce training programs must be derived from the individual’s potentials and problems that are detrimental. This source relates to action research project. It claims that managers must be incorporated in the training and development initiatives. This will ensure that employees perform their duties according to the acquired skills and abilities.

The levels of improvements in the new and existing modes of deliveries show the importance of training the organizational employees. A research study conducted by Ng and Siu (2004) shows that some skills appeared to be important in the past. However, in case such skills are still possessed by the workforce they are now invalid. Thus, it is important to ensure that employees are well equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills. Technologies, machines, and equipment have been used to replace the unskilled labor. This implies that, the remaining sections in an organization are those that require high quality human intelligence. This requires that workforce skills should be improved to match those that are offered by technological advancements. The source supports the action research project. It offers information, which indicates that organizations should establish and implement appropriate training programs. These could help the employees handle changes in technology.

According to Maheswari (1981), businesses and organizations can maximize their profits and ensure customer satisfaction. However, these can be achieved through investing in quality employee training. The most successful companies attribute their growth, dominance, and success to workforce training. In fact, workforce training helps the corporation staffs to gain relevant knowledge and skills. Such organizations enjoy reduced operational cost, low employee turnover, consumer satisfaction, and increased revenue. The source offers supportive information for the action research. From this source, the performance of employees and returns to an organization are impacted by the presence or lack of trained staffs.

Organizational success is attributed to the level of appropriate human resources that an organization employs. According to Vijayabanu and Amudha (2012), other assets can just supplement the human resources. However, to manage both the external and internal changes, an organization must develop the workforce skills, wisdom, and abilities. Training is considered the most important foundation for developing the organizational human resources. Training assists in attaining the organization and workforce needs. Training should be based on the undertaken tasks. It must be geared towards improving the culture of employees assigned to accomplish certain tasks. Vijayabanu and Amudha (2012) concluded that a perfect workforce-training program must change the participants’ skills, mind-sets, and enlarge their visions towards accomplishing the assignments. The source justifies that employees training is key to organizational success.

The current market conditions require organizations to invest in employees’ training and development. Therefore, failure to train the employees may make an organization to report losses. The losses may be caused by the increased cost of production and decline in returns (Lepak, D., & Snell, S. 1999). When market competitors adopt new technologies, an organization that has not trained its employees may provide poor services to clients. This normally generates customer dissatisfaction. The effect is noted during the annual report appraisal. The reports often indicate the losses and profits made by the organization. The source shows that trained staffs are essential assets that an organization should not lack.


Katou, A., & Budhwar, P. (2007). The effect of HRM policies on organizational performance in Greek manufacturing firms. Thunderbird International Business Review, 49(1), 1-35.

Latham, G. (1988). Human resource training and development. Annual Review of Psychology, 39, 545-582.

Lepak, D., & Snell, S. (1999). The human resource architecture. Academy of Management Review, 24, 31-48.

Lui, S., Lau, C. & Ngo, H. (2004). Global convergence, human resources best practices, and firm performance. Management International Review, 44(2), 67-86.

Maheswari, B. (1981). Formal training, skills development, and job performance: Administrative Staff College of India. Journal of Management, 11(1), 28-38.

Ng, Y., & Siu, N. (2004). Training and enterprise performance in transition: Evidence from China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15, 878-894.

Seth, P. (1984). Impact of training on personnel managers. Productivity, 25(2), 207-216.

Vijayabanu, C. & Amudha, R. (2012). A study on efficacy of employee training: review of literature. Business: Theory & Practice, 13 (3), 275-282.