💼 Essays on Business Ethics - Page 2

Ethical Issues Surrounding Hospitality Industry

Problem Statement The hospitality industry that consists of restaurants, lodging, transportation, parks and events planning is facing a variety of challenges including intense competition, reduction in the business travel, and the current economic recession. These challenges have encouraged unethical and unquestionable behavior in management of services in the industry. Kohlberg...

Liberty, Political Liberalism and Ethics in an Organizational Culture

Introduction In this paper, the concepts of liberty and political liberalism are analyzed. In this case, this paper explains the link between the two concepts. The paper further provides examples of positive and negative liberties, and a brief synthesis of the debates around political liberalism. Besides, the paper explains the...

Aspects of Business Ethics

Introduction This paper concentrates on analyzing the aspects of business ethics; in order to do so, it is vital to understand the key issues and concepts of moral reasoning and ethics in business, and to focus on leadership and formulation of a practical framework for ethical decision-making. Furthermore, it considers...

Business Management: Evaluate Ethical Behavior

Introduction Ethics is an important element of business management. It enables managers to make decisions or take actions that benefit all the stakeholders of their companies. However, maintaining high ethical standards is often difficult due to the social, political, and economic challenges that managers have to deal with when making...

Ethical Perspectives on Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is a management model that requires organizations to adopt socially responsible behaviors by abstaining from socially harmful actions, or contributing to socially beneficial activities (Hopkins, 2012). This philosophy departs from the idea that most companies do business to maximize profits (only). The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) says...

Ethical Principles in Scientific Research

Introduction: The Issue of Emotion Management in Workplace The emotional health of the employees is one of the key elements to the company’s success. As the management experts note: “Over the past ten years, increasing attention has been given to how workers express emotions in a variety of working setting”...

Corruption: Legal and Ethical Issues

Introduction In business administration, there are some ethical and legal considerations. Legal considerations play vital functions in domestic and global business settings by offering the guidelines for operations (Guilherme, 2012). Informed policymaking necessitates knowledge of the basics of the American and global legal systems. Such systems may comprise of regulations...

Ethical Issues in Coca-Cola Company

Introduction Ethics refers to a set of norms that influence the actions of individuals, teams, management staff, and customers among other stakeholders in an organisational setting. The fundamental aspects of ethics revolve around rights, responsibilities, and duties. Ethics is currently applied to management to ensure a positive attitude and participation...

Achieving Sustainable Development in Organisations

Introduction Sustainability has become one of the critical issues in the contemporary business environment. Bansal affirms that sustainability acts as the bridge between the environment and development (197). Traditionally, sustainability was considered as one of the most important aspects in the operations of non-governmental organisations. However, over the past few...

Business Ethics: Wal-Mart Employee Code of Conduct

Introduction Ethics can be regarded as “the moral standards by which people judge behavior” (Bradburn 2001). In usual circumstances, ethics stipulates that a person should do onto others what he/she would have others do onto him/her. Many people have argued that this cannot apply to a business setting, where there...

Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct: Two Scenarios

Scenario 1 Several ethical dilemmas are associated with confidentiality issues, as well as confidentiality exceptions, and the first scenario describes such a situation. During one session, Tom admitted that he used to be sexually attracted to a minor. Lee, another participant, is worried by this confession because his niece is...

The Efficacy of HR Role as Ethics Guardian: The Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Introduction Creating a set of ethical standards and maintaining them during communication with other stakeholders is a crucial step in the development of a business organization. Although often overlooked, ethical principles designed by a company hold it together and serve as the foundation for the decision-making processes occurring in its...

Unethical Decision Making by the Top Management Team

Introduction The need to develop good strategies to place organizations in a competitive position has been increasing and this has been accelerated by the intensifying competition in the global markets. Competitiveness in modern markets requires establishing appropriate policies for the organization. The quality of policies and strategies developed by an...

International Codes of Business Ethics: Literature Synthesis

Introduction As stated by Starr-Glass (2011), the globalization process has vastly affected business research and practice, and one of the outcomes of globalization consists in the cultural, legal, and ethical diversity of the contexts in which one organization may have to operate. The universal interest towards ethics and the attempts...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Evaluating Its Impact and Ethical Considerations

Introduction Organizations all over the world have a new common objective of meeting the needs of the contemporary world without compromising the capability of future generations to sort out their needs. Corporations are being urged to be accountable for their effect on the society and the natural environment (Berkhout, 2005)....

Triple Bottom Line Overview and Analysis

The business world is characterized by a wide-scale discussion of ethical issues and the concept of responsibility. Businesses now strive to become corporate citizens that follow the principles of sustainability (Schwab, 2008). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a norm or rather a goal to reach. Scholars and practitioners have...

Stakeholder Management: Practical and Theoretical Implications

Literature Review Stakeholder theory (ST) and stakeholder approach are commonly associated with corporate ethics, strategic and ethical decision making, marketing, and accomplishment of financial objectives. It is considered that application of ST principles in practice can allow organizations to generate benefits and competencies leading towards long-term performance sustainability. According to...

Ethics and Values in Organization

Introduction Ethics can be defined as an acceptable manner in which people behave, and it is influenced by how they view right and wrong (Carmichael, 1995). It is the human conduct in light of moral principle that governs human beings established by beliefs of good or bad. The code of...

Conflicts Between Ethics and Organizational Demands

Introduction The following essay examines conflicts between ethics and organizational demands. However, it is important to first determine what ethics and organizational demands entail before examining the conflict that exists between the two. Ethics entails the morality of a character i.e. the nature of being right or wrong. It is...

Business Ethics in Multinational Companies: Informing a Workplace

Introduction My company is a large oil and gas corporation with 88 locations in various countries. As a result, it faces the issue of the development of its international organizational ethics, which is complicated by the company’s natural diversity and which has already lead to conflicts in the past. The...

Marketing and Consumer Interests: Ehical Issues

Introduction Marketing entails all those activities that precipitate the knowledge on the availability of certain products and services so that appropriate levels of production can be attained in accordance to the movements in demand and supply. It also features the strategic movement of finished goods and services to various points...

Ethical Perspectives Overview

Introduction Business ethics and social responsibilities are common concepts in the world today. Nonetheless, there are myriads of issues that arise especially in regards to whether ethics should be considered as one of the most important aspects of running a business. Therefore, these two concepts have been used interchangeably quite...

Ethical Practices in Information Technology

Introduction The world is currently experiencing adverse changes in the field of information technology. These advancements have changed the manner in which economic entities operate. Many businesses have adopted the use of technology. In almost all business activities, there are information technology experts who monitor the computer networks of these...

Business Ethics: Odds of Disability are Themselves Odd

Nowadays two contradicting notions – business and ethics – are closely interwoven. People use morality and ethical issues as the main power for achieving business success. Hence, many companies manipulate moral principles and human feelings to raise their incomes and to set a stable position in the market. Sometimes this...

An Ethical Dilemma in a Work Setting

Introduction With the development of technology today, the world has become ‘smaller’. The ‘global village’, that is the world today, has surely broadened the scope of cultural diversity in work settings. These diversities are not only based on micro-cultures, such as ethnicities, but also on macro-cultures like nations and continents....

Ethical Behaviors Application in Businesses and Its Benefits

Business ethic is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. It is diverse and it not only concerns dealings with the world but also with the customers. Business ethics plays a major role in the success of every business. The way a business...

Organizational Behavior: Ethics Program and Conflict Management

Introduction The ethics program helps the import and export company to stipulate strict moral norms and ethical principles for employees and the management. In export/import organization, functions that ethics perform are: helping develop and periodically reviewing ethical philosophy; coordinating ethics training proposing policies relating to ethics; responding in a timely...

Business Ethics in the Next 20 Years

In the current essay there is the brief analysis of the most important ethical issue that the world will face in the next 20 years. From point of view of theoretical approach it is rather important to define the area of business ethics and to describe the current situation of...

The Rule of PR and Their Impact on Arab Gulf Communities

Executive summary Public relations is increasingly growing in importance in the modern business environment due to the need for profitability and competitive advantage. Many organizations are engaging in public relations services whereby they advertise the organization to the media and the public. Public relations can transform the performance of an...

Code of Ethics Within Human Service Professionals

Introduction The requirement to analyze the ‘Code of Ethics’ is derived from that professional work plays a vital role in social change. The code of ethics can best be described as a set of guidelines for daily professional life which should be utilized by every individual who has decided to...

ImClone Systems: Management Ethics Case

Introduction Business ethics is an essential element of the organization structure and culture that aid in the tactics of making conclusions. The concentration of planning and decision making in the business is creating the strategies to meet the interest and purposes of the business for proper organization and profit maximization....

The Truth About Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction The article “The Truth About CSR” by Kasturi Rangan, Sohel Karim, and Lisa Chase explains why companies should design appropriate CSR that support their business models. This review focuses on the best approaches to dress Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as vital business tool. The targeted article supports the importance...

Profit or Corporate Social Responsibility

The main crux of the article “The Case against Corporate Social Responsibility” is Karnani’s view that when it comes to a choice between profit or acting for the benefit of the general public, competent CEOs would always choose profit. Karnani presents the notion that since corporations are primarily profit-driven entities,...

Ethics and Organizational Culture

Introduction The focus of the study is to analyze the significance of ethics in organizational behavior. Organizations often develop unique cultures that define how employees undertake their duties, relate with one another, and how customers are handled. Ravasi and Schultz (2006) say that organizations that fail to develop a culture...

Social Corporate Responsibility and Its Role in Organizations

Understanding the basics of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the involvement of companies in it are useful aspects of the activities of corporations and the state. The United Arab Emirates understands, appreciates, and supports the principles of CSR. Even a small contribution of each company to the development of society...

Coca-Cola Company: Corporate Social Responsibility

Many companies have used corporate social responsibility (CSR) for different reasons. CSR has been used to address cultural, ethnical, and political issues all around the globe. Companies usually develop a CSR policy that acts as a guide to the type of CSR the company engages in to keep tabs on...

The Cheesecake Factory’s Business Ethics

Introduction Today, more than ever before, it is becoming increasingly impossible to overstate the assertion that there exists a business case for business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) owing to their immense contribution to firm competitiveness (Vogel, 2005). Indeed, as suggested by Vitell and Hidalgo (2006), many business executives...

Common Ethical Problems in Business

Businesses have had various ethical issues and problems as far as their operations are concerned. In this case, there is a need to understand the ethical and moral issues that businesses are currently exposed to. This means that there are various differences that need to be understood. As a matter...

Moral and Ethical Values in Organisation

Morals are values and character that a person holds. These values can be applied in the workplace since it is a social setting (Fredrick, 2002). This is where ethics comes in. It implies the standards and expectations of a group towards the individual who holds these moral values. Ethics applies...

Ethics and Morals Role in Business

Introduction Ethics and morality are two aspects of business operations that are vital to the success of any business from the owner’s perspective and that of the public. Before distinguishing the two terms, it is worthy to note that ethical business norms have been evolving ever since man discovered the...

ADNOC Corporation Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Reports on corporate social responsibility usually contain recent publications on an organization’s sustainability initiatives as well as non-monetary corporate accountabilities. In fact, the pages on corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports of any corporation normally file the entire media bulletins that are linked to various publications (Boubaker & Nguyen, 2012)....

Ethics and Professional Responsibility Practices

The fast growth in science, technology, economy, and politics has made ethics and professional standards an important issue which raises the concerns of the public. Ethics and professional standards refer to how an organization combines its core values with its business policies and practices. Ethics and professional standards form the...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Business Benefits

Summary Corporate social responsibility may be described or referred to as the unspoken contract, which exists between a business society and society. This relationship is based on the kind of business that organizations operate within a given society. It is worth appreciating that corporate social responsibility is an important aspect...

Social Responsibility Benefits for Organization

Summary Social responsibility is a strategy used by organizations that focuses on fulfilling the economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities expected by its stakeholders (DuBrin, 2009). Social responsibility has many benefits for both the organization and its stakeholders. Some of these benefits include; enhancement of trust in the company’s stakeholders,...

Q Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Evaluation of company Q’s attitude toward social responsibility Company Q’s attitude towards social responsibility can be described as negative. It is clear that the company is highly sensitive to its performance and almost all of its efforts are directed towards profitability. Theoretically, corporate social responsibility concerns a company’s ability to...