💫 Essays on Organizational Management

Critique of Two Journals

Introduction The main aim of this critique is to provide an opportunity to learn from scholars and to try as much as possible to analyze the concepts and theories brought forth. One aspect of the critique attempts to link concepts and theories with my Ph.D. thesis topic, which is “impact...

Diversity Management Importance in Multicultural Organizations and Their Challenges

Abstract Many organizational employees exude dissimilar tendencies and attributes as evident in sex, race, nationality and background. These differences are potentially beneficial in decision-making, increased resourcefulness and efficacious marketing strategies. However, bigger differences in cultural aspects at the work place lead to conflicts among employees, sophisticated turnover and communication failures....

Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Nonaka’s Organizational Knowledge

Introduction Contemporary management is extremely shifting its focus from the traditional reliance of tangible assets to intangible assets such as knowledge. Knowledge management has turned out to be among the most popularly researched disciplines by both academic scholars and management practitioners from most industries. The structure of the firm in...

Continuous Learning for Organizational Changes

Executive Summary Learning and continuous learning process is examined and the various benefits have been explored through this report. A major IT company has been chosen to understand the various methods employed by them to run the learning cycle effectively. The learning at various stages in the course of the...

Organizational Socialization

Introduction Every organization would want to have a cohesive team that occupies different positions in the organization’s structure. Individuals who are new to the organization expect that they are recruited and assisted in inculcating the values and cultural norms as well as the expectations of the organization (Champoux, 2006). It...

Knowledge Management in the Information Technology Industry: An Analytical Perspective

Introduction The challenge of managing knowledge in an organizational context lies in effectively harnessing multiple knowledge sources into coherent business intelligence and embedding the intelligence into the organization’s memory. As the notion of Knowledge Management (KM) matures, it is increasingly clear that KM is not just about technology, and cannot...

National Ferries Company: Resistance to Change

Executive Summary National Ferries Company is the sole provider of ferry services in the Sultanate of Oman. In this report, the primary aim was to conduct an investigation about the problem of change resistance among employees and determine strategies that the management of the company can use to address the...

Classis and Contemporary Management and Organization Theory

Abstract In any social set up or organization, the importance of leadership cannot be underestimated. Leaders within the organization do the planning for most of the sectors such as financial, marketing, policy formulation, and control of the major assets. In addition, they also do the control, organizing and leading of...

Comparative of Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organization behavior (OB) is the study of the way individuals and groups of people act within a particular organization or organizations. It can also be defined as the study of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations, it has an impact on how this people and groups think,...

Organisational Change in Company

Abstract The paper at hand is going to dwell upon organizational change as one of the key aspects determining the success of a present-day company. In order to attain effective outcome of the change process, it is essential to take into consideration not only the purpose of the change but...

The Systems Approach and Inclusion Melbourne

Introduction Management studies have taken on a new trend in that organizations are perceived with a systems perspective (McNamara, Free Management Library). The vast number of innovative changes in their style of operations has prompted organizations to wake up to new methods of rapid and sure accomplishment. Inclusion Melbourne Incorporation...

Trategies of War Planning and Business Planning

Business Planning refers to the applications, processes, and technologies involved in the planning of functions in a business to improve organizational synergies and optimized financial performance (Whitehair, 1996). War planning refers to the strategizing required before military action is put forth. Sun Tzu wrote the Art of War (Clavel, 1983)...

Learning to Improve the Business

Abstract This research investigates the impact of organizational learning and continuous improvement on service through UK enterprises. It looks at the current literature on these and related topics and then examines the attitudes and perceptions of a selected group of managers to see how they match up, and to ascertain...

Why Organizations Fail to Successfully Implement Tqm?

Research Objectives The research intends to achieve the following objectives: Understanding the scenario of TQM implementation Identifying the need for successful implementation of TQM carefully To observe the factors of failure for TQM? To identify the organizational inhibitors of Successful TQM implementation Research Goal The Goal of the research is...

Organizational Change and Development

Introduction Change is an endless process in any form of setting. For organisations, change is the difference in quality, form, management, or leadership structure in the respective units (Aras and Crowther 2008, p. 444). The choice of model to apply for an effective change in an organisation can be influenced...

Values, Leadership, Negotiation in Organization

Introduction and Purpose As a human resource management expert, I am inclined to embrace ideal organization behavior to perform optimally in a friendly work environment. I have held several positions in different organizations as a human resource officer. I hold a bachelors degree in human resource management and intends to...

Organisational Change Management: Success Factors

Introduction Organisational change refers to a strategic or operational alteration of the current work patterns with the aim of replacing unnecessary activities. With the radical changes observed in the contemporary business environment, firms should initiate certain changes to retain their competitive advantage. While such changes are necessary to an organisation,...

Organisational Change and Development

Introduction Change is one of the processes that affect virtually every business since organisations have to evolve in order to adjust to competitive environment, technological developments, new social trends or other forces that prompt the management to introduce new policies or practices (Bhattacharya & Sengupta 2006). To a great extent,...

Organizational Change as a Key Component in Business

Introduction Organizational change is inevitable in the current fast-moving business environment. Businesses should embrace change so as to ensure success and meet their growth objectives. Without change, business organizations are likely to lose their competitiveness, hence failing to realize their goals of ensuring loyal customers and sustainable growth. Change is...

Organizational Change: Theory and Practice’ Perspectives

Introduction Organizational change refers to adjustment in the structure of an organization that may involve a change in the operations or the management structure of the organization (Mills, 2008, p.27). It results in significant changes in the culture of the organization in order for it to adapt to changes in...

Multinational Firm’ Global Strategy and Environment

The structure of an organization is designed in such a way that it capitalizes on its inherent strengths while at the same time minimizing its weaknesses. This enables the organization to cut down on its operational costs and increase its market share. As globalization takes over the business environment, some...

Organization Identity and Its Effects

Introduction Organization identity is the degree at which an individual or organization shares aims, goals, values and desires. The altitude of organizational identification managers of a company and employees or between a group and members can be vital in the success of the company. People feel great when the performance...

Learning Organization Defining

In a bid to understand a learning organization, it is necessary to explore some of the ideas of prominent scholars such as Peter Senge. Learning organization is an entity where people are empowered to increase their potential to eliminate the factors that limit growth (Senge 2014). Learning organization offers the...

Management: Organization Development Process Interventions

Introduction Change involves the process of shifting from the prevailing state to a desired position in reaction to dynamic external and internal elements that alter existing realities (Beer & Nohria, 2000). Organization development is the process of instituting change in an organization. Sullivan (2010) defines organization development as a continuous,...

Quality Management Effects on Organizations’ Performance

Introduction Total Quality Management is one of the widely used quality management tools in current society. Hill (2008) defines total quality management as “An organization-wide efforts to install and make a permanent climate in which an organization continuously improves its ability to deliver high-quality products and services to customers.” It...