Emirates Airlines’ Employee Job Satisfaction

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 5
Words: 1111
Reading time:
5 min
Study level: College


The performance of organizations is subject to a myriad of internal and external factors. Some of the external factors such as economic, social, and demographic changes are unpredictable and beyond the employers’ capacity to control. Despite the inherent uncertainty in these forces, employers can control some internal organizational aspects. Some of the fundamental aspects relate to the employees’ job satisfaction and engagement. Research shows that a direct correlation exists between the extent to which a firm meets its employees’ expectations and the level of organizational commitment and job satisfaction (O’Meara 78). Therefore, employers should be creative in applying strategic human resource management practices to promote their organizations’ performance. This paper involves a comparative analysis of the issues that employers should consider to achieve job motivation. The paper focuses on two main aspects that include job satisfaction and employee commitment.

Employee job satisfaction

Job satisfaction involves the extent to which employees are contented with their duties in the workplace. In the quest to nurture a high level of job satisfaction, it is imperative for employers to focus on intrinsic and extrinsic forms of job satisfaction. The intrinsic job satisfaction entails the degree to which employees are contented with the specific job roles. Conversely, the extrinsic form of satisfaction refers to the contentment that employees derive from the job characteristics. Such aspects include the rate of remuneration, working conditions, promotion opportunities, and relationship with co-workers and supervisors (Shane 57).

Employers should consider several issues in maximizing the level of job satisfaction. First, employers should ensure that employees meet their personal expectations. One of the expectations is related to personal development. Thus, employers should ensure that the workplace provides employees with an opportunity to achieve their career development goals. Employers should design jobs in a way that gives employees a chance to utilize their skills and abilities. This goal can be achieved by taking into account the jobholders’ personal characteristics. This view is supported by the Job Characteristics theory, which emphasizes the importance of job characteristic, task significance, and identity (Rauner, Maclean, and Boreham 454). I think that employees tend to have a low satisfaction if their job roles do not match their skills and abilities.

The second component that employers should emphasize entails the creation of an enabling working environment. The work environment should stimulate the employees’ productivity. Different aspects play important roles in achieving this goal. First, employers should ensure that employees are accorded an adequate level of job security. Kandula argues that job security is “particularly important because it stabilizes the relationship, and people want stability in their lives” (46). I believe that the lack of job security leads to a decline in the level of employee loyalty and commitment to their job.

Another aspect that amounts to the creation of an attractive work environment entails the establishment of a positive corporate culture. One of the cultural organizational aspects that employers should integrate relates to the appreciation of the concept of diversity in the workplace. Employers should integrate equity and equality in dealing with employees. Moreover, employers should appreciate the importance of work-life balance to minimize the occurrence of work-related stress. As one of the airlines in the UAE, Emirates Airlines should appreciate the multicultural nature of the UAE society. Therefore, the firm should give job candidates equal employment opportunities. Moreover, the firm’s top management should encourage its workforce to desist from discriminatory practices. This aspect will make employees feel valued in addition to fostering the establishment of a positive relationship with co-workers. The outcome of these aspects entails an improvement in the level of employee productivity.

The third vital aspect that employers should consider in the pursuit of job satisfaction involves ensuring that employees are compensated and given other benefits. According to the theory of equitable payment, employers should recognize that employees possess innate understanding on their capacity to work skills and knowledge and compare it with the compensation that they receive (Kandula 46). I opine that employers should develop a comprehensive reward system to improve the employees’ level of job satisfaction. This goal can be achieved by focusing on external, internal, and individual factors. The external factors should involve the consideration of the market forces, quality of living, industry trends, and state legislations. Conversely, the internal factors should consider the organization’s financial strength and the collective bargaining forces. Therefore, job satisfaction is strongly correlated with an organization’s approach towards career development, work environment, and compensation.

Employee commitment

Employee commitment can be achieved by integrating several issues. First, employers should focus on the development of a high level of job satisfaction. If employees develop the perception that the top management is concerned about their job satisfaction, they are more likely to be committed to their job roles. The second factor entails nurturing a collaborative work environment. Employers should establish an interactive work environment through effective communication. Thus, employers should talk to employees and provide an opportunity to share personal opinions. For example, prior to making organizational changes, employers should ensure that the employees are informed promptly. Moreover, involving employees in making major organizational decisions will make employees feel valued (Price 193).

The third aspect that employers can integrate involves communicating a sense of vision to the employees. This aspect will make employees develop enough understanding of the direction that the organization is heading. A clear vision creates the employees’ commitment to achieving the overall organizational goal (Price 193).

Impact of job motivation on company performance

The job satisfaction model has illustrated the positive correlation between integration of career development, the establishment of an enabling environment for work and reward system on the level of job satisfaction. By focusing on the issues articulated in the job satisfaction model, Emirates Airlines has been in a position to strengthen its performance in the UAE’s airline industry, even though it has become very competitive.

The firm has developed competitiveness based on human capital. For example, the firm ensures that employees are remunerated fairly and equitably. Thus, the firm has developed a comprehensive reward system that is comprised of monetary and non-monetary benefits. Moreover, the firm has integrated effective job policies such as job security and work-life balance (“Deloitte” par. 1). These aspects have improved the company’s capacity to attract and retain the best human capital. The high level of job satisfaction amongst its employees has further culminated in the improvement of their effectiveness and efficiency in executing their job roles.


In summary, employers can improve the performance in the workplace by leveraging on the workforce as one of the critical organizational assets. This goal can be achieved through the integration of effective policies and practices such as job satisfaction and employee commitment.

Works Cited

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