I-Train-U Inc.’s Prison Employees Training Program

Subject: Management
Pages: 3
Words: 792
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Bachelor


I-Train-U consultants were contracted by the prison to train its over 200 full-time correctional officers, and their contract is coming to an end. The prison decided to review the costs, benefits, and effectiveness of the training, with a view to either renewing the I-Train-U contract or terminating the contract (Andriotis, 2019). This review was based on the training provided, evidence of effectiveness, and the impact of the training using the Kirkpatrick levels of training evaluation mechanisms. Further, I-Train-U is expected to provide evaluation techniques and tools they used, their expenditure for the entire training item by item, and a detailed report of all the four training areas.

Results and Evaluation of Use-of-Force Simulator

I-Train-U facilitated the prison employees on Use-of-Force training which included access software and a simulator to simulate different scenarios when force may be necessary for safety. This training incorporated an on-site trainer to give instructions and feedback (Andriotis, 2019). The training cost was $80,500, and I-Train-U reported that clients experienced a 15% reduction in excessive use of force lawsuits in the year following the implementation of the use-of-force simulator. This training assessed whether the behavior of prison correctional officers has changed due to training. However, it is insufficient to judge the success of this training because the behavior may change but fail to translate to implementable actions (Andriotis, 2019). Empirically 15% reduction in excessive use of force lawsuits means the employees are implementing what they learned during training. The team would thus recommend renewing the training but cutting costs by eliminating on-site trainers sessions.

Results and Evaluation of Motivational Speaker sessions

The training consultant hired the services of a motivational speaker, who delivered presentations in four sessions of one hour each to inspire officers’ safety at a cost of $3,800. They reported that clients loved their motivational speakers, and attendees reported increased enthusiasm and engagement as a result of these presentations. This training evaluated learners’ reactions to training, and it seemed the weakest of the four according to the management team evaluation. The chances are that those who participated in the training could have been happy due to other reasons like how the motivational speaker engaged them, friendliness, and even being good at narrating evens (Walter & Rodriguez, 2017). No empirical evidence to quantify its level of effectiveness against money spent; therefore, the management team does not recommend its use in the event that the I-Train-U contract is renewed.

Results and Evaluation of Lecture-based Seminars

The consultant facilitated correctional officers using lecture-based seminars, where on-site trainers delivered weekly training lectures. This training method was expensive in terms of time, and it consumed in excess of $47,000 (Andriotis, 2019). The consultant reported that trainees who attended lecture seminars showed significant knowledge gains between pre-training tests and post-training tests of seminars. The training results measured what the correctional offers learned or the change in skills from before to after training. There is no empirical evidence indicating that it was effective, considering that it was one of the most expensive methods, having consumed $47,000 (Walter & Rodriguez, 2017). The management team recommends doing away with this training because nothing in the results shows whether the skills gained could be transferred to practical solutions.

Results and Evaluation of Online self-directed training modules

Online self-directed modules training routine included online learning materials, assignments, quizzes, and videos accessed by trainees anytime-either on-site or off-site. This training used about $15,750 and was one of the least expensive methods. The consultant reported that the trainees who utilized the online training modules were 20% more likely than other employees to comply with safety standards, follow supervision protocols, and were likely to be promoted. The outcome of this training evaluated the impact of employees’ training programs on business results. It measured parameters like quality, efficiency, and the effectiveness of employees’ training programs about societal benefits like the ability to add value to the company’s clients (Walter & Rodriguez, 2017). Given the outcome of this training, the management team recommends its renewal. This training process seemed to have been more effective for the trainees with practical skills they are likely to transmit after training procedures (Andriotis, 2019). Its cost also was relatively low compared to the use of a force simulator combined with on-site training and lecture-based seminars.


Online self-directed training was very effective, it delivered practical and action-oriented results at a low cost, and it should be renewed. Use-of-Force Simulator was also effective in influencing employees’ behavioral change but relatively expensive. It should be renewed with the removal of the on-site trainers’ component. Motivational Speaker sessions and Lecture-based Seminars were not effective at all, their results lacked empirical evidence on their impact on employees and the organization, and therefore the two training methods should not be renewed.


Andriotis, N. (2019). How to Evaluate a Training Program: The Definitive Guide to Techniques and Tools. Web.

Walter, K., & Rodriguez, J. (2017). The Importance of Training and Development in Employee Performance and Evaluation. Worldwide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Web.