Infosys Group: Human Resources Management

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 4
Words: 874
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College

Case Analysis Question

Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) is one of the best practices in every business organization. This practice is what differentiates success from failure (Mello, 2014). SHRM is a powerful approach whereby “organizational leaders manage different human resources in order to produce a strategic framework that can support the objectives of a business” (Mello, 2014, p. 14).

The strategy offers useful solutions to the challenges affecting different employees. Managers should use this concept in order to produce long-term strategies for their organizations. Traditional HRM mainly focuses on employees’ needs in an attempt to realize the targeted goals. The traditional HRM approach does not engage in proactive practices. SHRM promotes “the culture, quality, structure, value, and effectiveness of an organization in an attempt to realize the targeted goals” (Mazen & El-Kayaly, 2014, p. 5). Infosys Group can benefit significantly from effective SHRM strategies.

A Brief Analysis of the Situation: and pending-decision problem

Infosys Group has been a successful company. However, the company’s culture has changed drastically. The company is trying to deal with different issues associated with communication, employee-satisfaction, and performance. The company’s pay mechanism and promotion policy have not been producing the best results (Delong, 2006). The strategies employed by different leaders are making it impossible for Infosys to achieve their goals. The majority of the employees were dissatisfied with the changes at the company. This situation explains why Hema Ravichandar’s team must find a new solution. The important thing is to recapture the heart of every stakeholder. The challenging thing for Infosys is how to initiate this new strategy.

Major Issues Surrounding Infosys Group

The managers at Infosys Group wanted to create one of the best-performing companies. The company identified new strategies to control its financial performance. The next strategy was to increase the level of employee satisfaction. For instance, the original vision was “to create a company of the professional, by the professional, and for the professional” (Delong, 2006, p. 2). However, the liberalization of the Indian economy produced new competitors in the industry.

The company identified new “sports clubs, hobbies, and dances to support its employees” (Delong, 2006, p. 4). This effort was critical towards encouraging every employee to pursue different areas of interest. Discontent from the employees increased at the company. Most of the employees (also called Infoscions) were “unhappy when the SEBI required the company to issue its future ESOPs at 85 percent of fair market price” (Delong, 2006, p. 6). The company’s promotion depended on employees’ performance, abilities, and availability of new posts.

The company’s strategy had also resulted in confusion and misinformation. The level of mistrust and discontent among the workers had also increased. The company’s compensation change (CC) continued to receive negative views from every employee. The majority of the employees were very skeptical of the company’s strategies and intentions (Delong, 2006). Infosys Group had established different subsidiaries with the aim of offering effective solutions to its clients. The company was also unable to manage the expectations and differences of its workers.

Alternative Courses of Action

Infosys has been a leading player in its industry. However, the company has not realized its goals. New strategies and courses of action will be critical towards supporting its business strategies. The employees at the company are dissatisfied with “its policies, reward schemes, promotion strategies, and conflict management styles” (Delong, 2006, p. 7). This situation has increased the number of employees who are willing to exit from the company. New courses of action will ensure the company is on the right track. The first approach is identifying new methods of dealing with organizational conflicts and problems. The company should identify a new Grievance Resolution Strategy in an attempt to address the challenges affecting its employees.

Infosys should use the better human resource (HR) strategies in order to empower its employees. The company must execute every promotion and compensation strategy in a professional manner. New health platforms can support the changing needs of every employee. Infosys should use the best HRM approach in order to educate, train, empower and mentor its employees. A positive emotional approach will support the employees at the company (Mazen & El-Kayaly, 2014). The managers at Infosys Group can also embrace new business practices. This approach will ensure every employee realizes his or her objectives.

Recommendation for Action

Infosys Group stands a chance to benefit from the best Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) practices. This approach will address the issues affecting different employees at the company. The strategy will also support the company’s long-term goals. This complex process will make it easier for Infosys to implement its strategies effectively. According to Mazen and El-Kayaly 2014, the company should plan its HRM activities effectively in an attempt to support its goals. Infosys Group should use the best SHRM in order to create the best working environment for its employees.

The company should introduce new compensation and training programs. SHRM encourages managers to think ahead, make appropriate decisions, and identify new ways to improve the performance of their organizations (Mello, 2014). The approach improves every organizational practice through continued training and mentorship. The strategy “also improves the level of employee participation and empowerment” (Mello, 2014, p. 96). This recommendation will ensure Hema Ravichandar realizes her business goals.

Reference List

Delong, T. (2006). Infosys (A): Strategic Human Resource Management. Harvard Business School, 1(1), 1-11.

Mazen, S., & El-Kayaly, D. (2014). Conceptual Design for a Strategic Human Resources Quality Management System. Web.

Mello, J. (2014). Strategic Human Resource Management. Cengage: Cengage Learning.