Leadership and Change Management for Development

Subject: Management
Pages: 2
Words: 605
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: College


Change is part of development, and no improvement is possible without updating the existing practices or replacing them with novelties. Challenges in addressing the risks and sustaining the motivation of the involved individuals can occur throughout the process. Practical support of the related operations can be achieved through change leadership and management because the responsible commanders develop strategies that include dealing with unexpected outcomes and assisting the involved people’s coping with the modification (Pedersen et al., 2018). However, the administration styles vary in their functioning and influence, require unlike measurements, and therefore must be appropriately selected for achieving sustainable results. This paper aims to compare change management and leadership and explain the latter’s function in influencing development.

Difference between Change Management and Leadership

Managing change means monitoring and controlling how the planned events are realized, and that process requires actionable strategies to maintain modification and timely address the issues. Indeed, administration includes quality control, evidence-based practices, milestone tracking, and performance identification (Sipes, 2020). In contrast, the leadership of change focuses on achieving the motivation level among the participants sufficient to provide sustainable performance.

Besides, management effectiveness can be precisely measured through specific tools, leader’s activities cannot be specifically evaluated. Change of leadership requires the responsible person to encourage others to follow the vision and build a guiding coalition necessary to support the pace of modifications (Kotter, n.d.). Consequently, while leading generates the foundation for novelties to be obtained effectively, management becomes measurable and action plan to follow for achieving the goals.

Leadership Functions In Evaluating, Maintaining, and Sustaining Change

Leadership is crucial for maintaining change, evaluating its effectiveness, and achieving sustainable results expected from implementing novel strategies or processes. Guiding groups through the updates reveal the demand for addressing the challenges such as difficulties in coping with new conditions or learning how the novel tools work (Pedersen et al., 2018). Leadership’s function in maintaining change is based on the approach of timely noticing the issues and helping the group to overcome them. Evaluation of the modification’s effectiveness also requires leaders’ attention as they are responsible for the results of implementations they initiated. Assessment practices must include receiving and processing feedback, keeping the team informed about the process, and celebrating the achievements to support the motivation (Veenema et al., 2017).

Sustaining change after it was successfully integrated is also a leadership function exercised through managing the new operations, educating the involved individuals, and reminding them of the mission behind the novelties.

Measuring Change In an Organization

Measuring change is a part of administrative practices at most healthcare organizations because checking the milestones and achieving benchmarks is claimed as necessary to create further improvement strategies. However, the updates are inevitable considering the modern technological development and growing volume of evidence-based innovations which enhance the work (Augustsson et al., 2019). Considering that the changes continuously occur, the measuring practices might not be necessary because they require significant workforce and tools involvement. For instance, in facilities where the COVID-19 departments are organized, the new implications are based on the pre-checked practices applied by other organizations, and assessing them might not result in significant discoveries.


Leadership and change management are different processes based on unlike strategies and tools for performing. While the former develops a vision and encouragement for a team, the latter creates an actionable plan to implement the novelties. Leadership includes the functions of measuring, maintaining, and sustaining change through the person in charge’s attention, timely response to the issues, and proceeding with feedback. Organizations include measuring modifications’ effectiveness; however, this process might be unnecessary due to the poor results compared to the resources it requires.


Augustsson, H., Churruca, K., & Braithwaite, J. (2019). Re-energising the way we manage change in healthcare: the case for soft systems methodology and its application to evidence-based practice. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 1-11. Web.

Kotter, J. (n.d.). The 8-step process for leading change. Web.

Pedersen, A., Sorensen, J., Babcock, T., Bradley, M., Donaldson, N., Donnelly, J. E., & Edgar, W. (2018). A nursing leadership immersion program: Succession planning using social capital. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(3), 168-174. Web.

Sipes, C. (2020). Project management for the advanced practice nurse (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

Veenema, T. G., Deruggiero, K., Losinski, S., & Barnett, D. (2017). Hospital administration and nursing leadership in disasters. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 41(2), 151-163. Web.