Organization’s Performance and Social Responsibility

Subject: Management
Pages: 1
Words: 292
Reading time:
2 min
Study level: Master

My research will examine the impact of social responsibility on the organization’s performance. Hence, for the sampling, I will have to select an organization, and the main criteria will be them having a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. I plan to survey the employees and use the company’s financial data to evaluate if the implementation of a CSR affected performance and the organization’s reputation. The most appropriate sampling strategy for this project is probability sampling because I want to choose participants who work for the organization (“Probability sampling: Definition, types, examples, steps and advantages,” n.d.). However, there are no other criteria that the potential participants have to fulfill to be a part of this study because the focus is on the company as a whole and not on its particular department. The probability selection method implies that all applicants have an equal chance of being chosen for this research, which will allow me to determine how CSR affects the company from the perspective of a general population instead of focusing on managers, executives, or another group.

This research implies the use of quantitative methods because I will examine factors that are linked to an organization’s performance, such as profits, margins, and the employee’s job satisfaction. In the organization chosen for this study, there are 2500 employees, and the anticipated sample size is 50%, which should provide comprehensive results. Hence, the sample size will be 1250 individuals who will be selected through the simple random sampling method. This approach implies that each employee has an equal chance of being selected for this study. This is a suitable method considering the research question and the need to focus on the entire population of employees at this organization rather than on a more specific group.


Probability sampling: Definition, types, examples, steps and advantages. (n.d.). Web.