Performance and Change Management Study & Analysis

Subject: Management
Pages: 4
Words: 1087
Reading time:
5 min
Study level: Master

Data Analysis: Survey

Company Sector

The survey shows that most of the respondents (78.13%) work in the government sector. The identified characteristic implies that the change processes are bound to be rather rigid. Therefore, strong tools for altering the employees’ perspective and motivating them will be required.

Backing from the Management

The fact that only 59.38% of the staff receives backing from the managers in the course of the change process implies that the communication process (particularly, the provision and analysis of feedback) could use significant improvements.

Understanding of the Organization’s Role

The fact that 25% of the participants do not understand the significance of organizational culture and values should also be viewed as the reason for concern.

Assessment Standards

The inclination of only 59.38% of the respondents to participate in the change implementation shows that the levels of initiative could use enhancement.

Assessment Frequency

The significance of informing the staff about the changes in a timely manner can be deemed as high according to the survey results (59.38% of “Strongly Agree” and 28.13% of “Agree”).

Change Process Timeliness

The propensity among the employees to take assessments at least a year after the implementation was set shows that the staff needs more motivation for change.

Repetitive Mistakes

The fact that, in most cases (48.39%), companies fail to build on the change that they promote should be taken into account.

Performance Management: Ending

65.63% of the participants claimed that performance management should not end, which means that, for the most part, people realize the significance of consistent leadership and guidance.

Maintaining Performance Levels High

The emphasis on transparency indicates that the staff is willing to engage in active information management. Thus, the premises for quality improvement can be built.

Data Analysis: Interview

Familiarity with the Organizational Process

The fact that only five respondents out of nine (55.56%) indicated that they are familiar with the organizational change process implemented at their workplace shows that the lack of clarity in the implementation process may be the source of resistance toward changes among the staff

Requesting a Change

The results of the interview also show that 66.67% of the participants need more clarity as far as the change process is concerned.

Procedural Underpinnings

Most of the respondents (77.78%) indicated that there were some forms of procedural underpinnings for the promotion of change from the perspective of its effects on the staff’s performance.

Steps for the Smooth Change Process Implementation

Evaluation (44.44%) was viewed as the primary tool for smoothing the change effects. Other tools included making the information publicly available (22.22%) and focusing on the important tasks (22.22%).

Implementation of Change: Positive and Negative Results

55.56% of the respondents claimed that the promotion of change had solely positive impacts, whereas 66.66% admitted that there were both positive and negative aspects of the implications. Therefore, the introduction of improved forecasting and change management tools is necessary.

Persuading Supervisors to Modify the Goals

The emphasis on promoting awareness among the staff members (77.78%) should be viewed as the key tendency among the respondents. Therefore, it can be assumed that the communication aspect is the primary advantage of the companies in question.

Attributes of a Good Leader

The following concepts were mentioned as the foundation for good leadership: communication (33.33%), care (22.22%), taking the staff’s needs into account (11.11), promoting employees’ growth (22.22%), offering support (11.11%), encouraging transparency (11.11%) and fairness (11.11%), and developing a positive vision (11.11%).

Change without Explanations

Most of the respondents (88.89%) also indicated that there is a need to provide explanations regarding the change to be introduced to the company’s design before the process starts.

Efficacy of the Performance Management Process

The fact that 44.44% of the research participants showed that there are major issues with the process of change implementation in their workplace indicates that there is an urgent need to reconsider the change paradigm in the identified environment.

Discussion and Conclusion

A detailed overview of the responses provided by the research participants shows that there is a strong need in introducing an enhanced communication framework that will allow for an efficient analysis of the feedback received from the staff (Ceptureanu 2015).

Furthermore, the research indicates that there may be certain issues with the staff’s understanding of the significance of change. The identified problem is rooted deeply in the inability of the company to render the message regarding its values and vision to the employees. Consequently, the reconsideration of the corporate values and ethics is also essential for the improvement of the employees’ performance and the promotion of change (Hon, Bloom & Crant 2014).

Another important issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of efficacy of the performance management strategies used by the companies in question. The observed phenomenon shows that the approach toward introducing the staff to change needs to be redesigned. For instance, it will be crucial to make sure that the target population is aware of their roles and responsibilities in the altered environment (Hornstein 2015). Furthermore, the goals and objectives of the firm need to be spelled out. Finally, the organization leaders must place a very heavy emphasis on improving the communication process between the managers and the staff, at the same time stressing their appreciation of the contribution that the employees make. Thus, the staff will feel that they are valued; consequently, the motivation levels will rise consistently, and the resistance to change will be handled successfully (Komodromos 2014).

The introduction of new and improved leadership strategies, in turn, will also create the prerequisites for a better performance management framework. With a close focus on the communication process and the feedback analysis, one will be able to help the staff members recognize the necessity and, more importantly, the significance of change. For instance, the interview results indicate that some of the employees view the change as a step forward in the process of their professional growth (11.11%), yet the rest seems to be unaware of the specified perspective.


In order to promote change in the context of the organization successfully, at the same time keeping the performance rates and motivation levels high, the company leaders must place a very heavy emphasis on communication. Taking the feedback from the staff into account, as well as providing detailed explanations regarding their new roles and responsibilities, is essential to the overall organizational success. Therefore, a redesign of the leadership approach and the reconsideration of the corporate values should be viewed as the first steps toward a massive improvement (Bassey, Solomon, & Omono 2014).

Reference List

Bassey, AO, Solomon, EH & Omono, CE 2014, ‘An analysis of the application of change management in organisations’, Academic Research International, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 481-486.

Ceptureanu, EG 2015, ‘Survey regarding resistance to change in Romanian innovative SMEs from IT sector’, Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 105-116.

Hon, AHY, Bloom, M & Crant, JM 2014, ‘Overcoming resistance to change and enhancing creative performance’, Journal of Management, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 919-941.

Hornstein, HA 2015, ‘The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity’, International Journal of Project Management, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 291-298.

Komodromos, M 2014, ‘Employees’ perceptions of trust, fairness, and the management of change in three private universities in Cyprus’, Journal of Human Resources Management and Labor Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 35-54.