Shell Petroleum Company’s Stakeholders’ Objectives

Subject: Company Information
Pages: 2
Words: 498
Reading time:
2 min

The management of any organization should consider equally the interest of all shareholders by involving them in the decision-making process. This would benefit the organization because the stakeholders will contribute immensely towards organizational growth. Proper communication to all will enhance their contribution and motivation to the aspirations of the society.

The leadership is responsible for protecting shareholders’ investment and providing long-term competitive returns. It wins and maintains customers by providing valuable products and services in terms of price, quality, safety supported by modern technology.

Workers’ rights are respected, provided with safe working conditions and a competitive pay package with excellent terms of service. Further, the employees’ talents and abilities are nurtured and recognized through meritorious promotion. Training is encouraged to enhance skills and expertise.

Shell has a good relationship with suppliers, contractors and joint ventures, who determine the company growth and profitability. They conduct business as a responsible member of society while complying with the statutory laws and supporting health, safety, security and environmental concerns.

The employees are major stakeholders who undertake the day to day running of the organization. Their efforts are vital as the business viability and productivity entirely depends on them. They determine the performance by propelling the production process through efficient, effective, reliable and constant channels. If dissatisfied, they may be involved in go-slows, strikes, redundancies and sit-ins. Company policies are set to protect the interest of the employees, provide a safe and secure working condition. It’s the company’s mandate to pay them good salaries while providing job development programs that enhance their talents and skills. Further, there are avenues of job enrichment through decision-making with a feedback mechanism that creates a sense of ownership. Shell has competitive standards of work, superior terms and conditions of work.

The company is aware of the ripple effects that come by customer dissatisfaction due to low-quality products, exaggerated prices, use of outdated technology, poor and slow deliveries, inadequate supply, poor customer relations, and environmental degradation among others. As a matter of principle, the company has embarked on utilization of the modern state of art technologies coupled with the best management principles across the entire chain of distribution with a quality control mechanism spanning from product development, sourcing and all through to the final consumer aiming at customer satisfaction by achieving operational excellence.

Shell Company is aware of the importance of the surrounding community as it automatically becomes a member of the same by virtue of its presence. Destroying the environment, noise, disturbance, poor waste disposal, inhuman treatment of the locals, interfering with community harmony and encroachment of protected areas means crisis and conflict. This has made the company contribute directly or indirectly to the community by providing the necessary assistance. The company has gone to a level of managing the social, economic and environmental impact as well as resolving any negative impact to the community.