Unethical Behavior in Business

Subject: Business Ethics
Pages: 1
Words: 308
Reading time:
2 min
Study level: College

The success of any company largely depends on the number of its customers. Attracting customers to the business is an essential goal of any business that seeks to increase sales and maximize profits. To achieve this goal, managers can use various methods and methods to attract the maximum number of customers. However, it is necessary to keep in mind the ethical component of customers, investors, and employees’ involvement.

Deception is one of the most striking examples of direct and deliberate violations of ethical standards in business, coupled with a demonstration of disrespect for other people’s work. Some business experts believe that traditional moral values cannot be used in an economic situation. They practically deny marketing ethics as a phenomenon, compare business with a game, and argue that considering all moral norms in a competitive environment will not allow for effective development. However, even the most challenging game requires compliance with the rules, without which it is not very meaningful.

Business ethics is the observance of decency concerning those with whom the company cooperates, from buyers to suppliers and employees. Ethical behavior is considered a set of rules and principles that will lead to the effective achievement of any goals (Emery, 2017). In this case, the company’s primary value should be the integrity of its actions, that is, meeting the needs of customers, making a profit, and morally correct behavior. It is based on this unity that the long-term success of the company is possible.

The formation of a business that takes into account moral norms is a complex, but objectively necessary process. Despite the fact that some believe that it is possible to resort to deception to achieve better results, such a position will not lead to success. Unethical behavior damages the functioning of the entire economic system and reduces citizens’ confidence in the role of business economy.


Emery, E. (2017). Leadership, decision-making, and ethical behavior. Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 4(1), 41-49.