The aforementioned SIPOC chart aims at outlining some of the primary operations and emphasis points for a distributor company that deals with the procurement and supply of Vachon Snack Cakes. Thus, the primary objective of the company is to obtain the ready-to-sell product from a manufacturer based in Quebec and allocate the products among the retailers within the distributor’s major stakeholders.
The overall supply chain process of the company encompasses the procurement of products from the manufacturer, communication with wholesalers and retailers, and product shipment to the end-user. Hence, the suppliers of the products include both manufacturers and customers, as the latter supply distributors with the relevant demand for the product. The suppliers between the extremes include the local managers and retailers, who, in this case, mostly comprise Grupo Bimbo bakery administrators.
As far as the inputs are concerned, the primary input is the customers’ request for the product, as it consequentially creates a demand for procurement and distribution. Another asset is an extensive network of stakeholders in retail, as they are key to the distribution. The processes included in the distribution endeavor are mostly correlated with the notion of logistics and allocation of products. Considering the fact that the company deals with perishable products, the immediacy of communication and shipments is crucial. The outputs primarily concern timely shipment, profits from the retail, and the level of customer satisfaction. Finally, the customers of the process include not only the end-users but all the participants of the procurement process, as they all tend to pay for specific services during the distribution.