💳 Essays on E-Commerce

eCommerce refers to using the Internet to buy and sell goods or services and transferring money and data online. This type of transaction includes many features. Some of the key features are web design and development, e-marketing, e-payment systems, and customer service.

eCommerce businesses must have a well-designed website that provides a good user experience. They must also have an effective e-marketing strategy to reach their target customers. E-payment systems are necessary to process online transactions, and customer service is essential for assisting customers and building rapport. When writing a paper on eCommerce, you must take all these features into account to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic. Our free essay samples can help you with this task.

An Innovation Issue for a Commercial Success

Innovation is an essential tool for business development and success. In today’s business world, most of the major market companies do have their Research & development sectors, departments, which constantly seek to find new routes, new alternatives for the company to be successful in the market. These companies rely heavily...

E-Business. Traditional Merchant vs. Two-Sided Platform Mode

The digital technology economy requires the development and involvement of intermediaries, information technologies, and different market platforms. The modern digital market covers the usage of two major intermediary types such as “two-sided platform” and “merchant.” The first type means direct selling to the buyers, while “merchant” means the reselling of...

E-Commerce Business: Ensuring the Venture’s Success

Companies involved in e-commerce depend on various internet-based technologies and e-commerce applications and services to accomplish marketing, discovery, transaction process, and product and customer service processes. The scope of e-commerce is so vast that it can include interactive marketing, ordering, payment, and customer support processes at e-commerce catalog and auction...

E-Purchasing Tools and Supply Positioning Model

The complete list of e-Purchasing tools includes e-auctions, electronic health record system, electronic resource planning, catalogs complex goods and services, content and catalog management, e-marketplace, tender, RFQ, e-invoicing and payment, procurement card. Supply chain positioning model: The diagram above shows the relationship between the organization’s vision and missions is transforming...

Five E-Purchasing Tools Within Purchasing Processes

This question focuses on the next step of mapping, which means- analyzing the customer’s experience. By doing so, it can obtain an interview of customers by the appreciation through which steps of consumption chain can be unfolded. It is very much important for the company as the customers always interact...

The Impact of E-Commerce on Economy, Communities, Business, Culture

Electronic commerce is a new way of conducting business transactions over the internet. In this case, it has the ability to radically transform an economy, community involved, businesses, and culture. Economically, electronic commerce affects the market trade in which businesses are conducted. In this case, it enhances new ways of...

eBay’s Reasons of Success in Online Selling

At first, eBay’s global activities was a small company and restricted its business operations only in US, the advancement of information technology worldwide enabled eBay to open new branches in other countries. This move to join commerce assisted the company to increase its global activities adversely. This is because its...

E-Business Website’s Influences on Consumers

Corporations already included in e-commerce, as well as those regarding moving into that matter of operation, require to comprehend that this method of doing business intakes with it new ethical matters. John McClenahen and Jill Jusko provide two good instances of matters unique to this new manner of procedure. They...

E-Commerce: Brick-and-Mortar Stores and Online Presence

Electronic commerce is the process of buying and selling goods and services by the use of electronic means. Electronic commerce differs from traditional commerce in that; the latter does not use electronic transactions while buying or selling products. Electronic commerce has given most businesses an equal playing ground where each...

The Future of E-Commerce in the Next Five Years

Introduction The main advantages of the Internet are its accessibility and, unbounded opportunities, development with technology. On this basis, the fact is that e-commerce will develop permanently. The important question is how the future of e-commerce will develop in the next five years. It is necessary to identify three major...

E-Business with a Brick-and-Mortar Store

I could think of Amazon.com as a successfully run e-commerce business with the traditional brick-and-mortar store in place. Amazon.com has become one of the most successful internet-enabled book stores due to its innovative marketing and excellent customer servicing. Established just in the year 1995, today it could boast of nearly...

Ducati’s and Harley-Davidson’s E-Commerce Strategies

Laudon argues e-business is the use of the internet and digital technology to execute all the business processes in the enterprise includes e-commerce, as well as processes for the internal management of the firm and for coordination with suppliers and other business partners. On the other hand, e-commerce refers to...

eBay Competition Methods: Reasons of Success

eBay is one of the major success stories of e-commerce. It is an online shopping company that commands more than 90% of the online auction market, and from 1999 to 2004, it has posted at least 40% annual profit growth every year. The company has 31 sites across the world,...

Social Commerce as an Important Marketing Issue

Social commerce can be considered one of the most important marketing issues today. It is determined as the direct sales of products to clients using popular social media networks. In general, it differs from social media marketing as users and not offered various online stores, but they are provided with...

E-Commerce: Domain Names, Branding and Positioning Strategy

The success of e-commerce for any given company majorly relies on the domain name. Online success or e-commerce, therefore, greatly depends on the effectiveness of the domain name because this is the mechanism companies use to direct their clients to their products and services. Domain names are, in simple terms,...

Dynamic Pricing Explanation

Dynamic Pricing Dynamic pricing is a form of pricing where the parties to a sale contract ascertain the price when the actual transaction is taking place. In this case, the price is not fixed in advance, but instead, it is flexible. Dynamic pricing has been applied in various markets where...

E-Commerce Strategies and Their Performance Measurement

Ghandour, Benwell and Deans in their journal article highlight on the effectiveness of performance measurement of e-commerce strategies by businesses (2011). They note a lack of an appropriate measurement model that will assist owners of the business judge the effectiveness of their websites. They highlight that mainly financial measures and...

How is e-Business Shaping the Market

Research Question What are the current trends that e-business sets, and how do these trends affect the global market? Thesis Statement E-business radically shapes the market and influences offline businesses by setting such trends as quality orientation, AI and technology implementation, optimization and personalization of customer experience, integration with social...

Customer Service via the Internet

In this day and age, the Internet has become an essential part of the economic activities of global companies. It significantly changed the style of conducting business, advertising, and providing new opportunities and unique technologies for the development of firms. The Internet has its own laws, capabilities, features, as well...

Grid Technology-Based Electronic Supply Chain Management

Abstract The advent of the internet and the World Wide Web has brought down an era in which computer-based technologies have a minor or major role in almost all aspects of society, business and industry. The competitive environment of business and corporations have seen the most drastic changes like eCommerce,...

E-Commerce: The Today’s Trands

The development of the internet has taken communications and trade beyond the scope of time and distance. With the advent of the internet and massive computing systems that are increasingly becoming smaller on a physical scale, the world is continually proportionately shrinking in sociological terms and becoming economically interdependent. Officially,...

Internet Services During COVID-19

Introduction COVID-19 is one of the commonly discussed themes in today’s society. Its impact on social, economic, and business aspects remains crucial because millions of people have to adjust to living conditions, apply new strategies, and follow recent changes in health care and commerce. At this moment, about six million...

E-Commerce Industry: Overview, Features, and Challenges

Industry Overview E-commerce (electronic commerce) is defined as transactions, be it buying or selling, being made through the Internet. It involves the sale of goods and services, the exchange of data, and the transfer of funds. Some of the most influential e-commerce players in the world are the US-based Amazon,...

Online and Brick-And-Mortar Stores in the Future

The impact of information technology on human life and world progress is impressive, and it is necessary to understand which areas undergo considerable changes right now. The possibility of using such devices as smartphones and computers improves the quality of work and saves time in different spheres, including politics, management,...

How Should E-Commerce Be Designed to Enhance Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty?

Introduction Background During the last two decades the information technology industry has focused upon moving in the direction of developing the World Wide Web. Information systems that make use of www technology that is delivered through intranet or the Internet have now become increasingly prevalent across the world. In any...

Saudi Women’s Perception of Online Shopping

Introduction The majority of people define e-commerce as the act of shopping through the World Wide Web (WWW). However, e-commerce includes various activities such as internal business processes and business-to-business transactions (Schneider 2011). E-commerce has been accessible ever since the 1980s. However, the mode of conducting e-commerce has evolved with...

Improving Customer Service in a Nigerian Musical Instrument Company

Introduction Nigerian consumers are reluctant to use online shopping carts for local purchases. The main reason for this is the fear of becoming victims of online fraud (Onaiwu & KPMG 2013). This means that any company in the country seeking to trade online has the uphill task of creating customer...

Electronic Business in Small-to-Medium Size Organisation

Introduction Today’s world is moving at a faster speed through technology in every aspect of business while e-business has recognised as the most modern aspect of that technology integration. It influences organisations for discovering newer customs for expanding the competitive marketplace; draw the attention of customers through customisation their offerings...

Singaporean Consumer Trust and Loyalty in E-Retailing

Abstract This paper is about the trust and loyalty relationships in e-tailing. It is an attempt to validate the hypothesis on the impact of trust and loyalty to e-tailing. The introduction revolves around the importance of the study with respect to the lack of existing prior studies into the value...

Entrepreneurs the Future of the Internet

Introduction E-Business organizations that will advantage. We will see “near organizations” shaped that will “reduce repetition and pull together in order and services keen on a user-friendly ‘one-stop supermarket.” These organizations’ determination be shaped to serve businesses that contain regular communication with the World Wide Web, making life easier for...

An Evaluation of the Application of CRM to E-Commerce

Abstract The purpose of this research project is to investigate theoretical approaches to define the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and the stages taken for its design and implementation in relation to e-commerce. The customer relationship marketing is often considered as opposite and balancing to traditional forms of...

Metaverses and E-Business: Risks and Advantages

Risk Perceptions The speed of conducting purchases in metaverses is slowed considerably because of actual or perceived risks that surround shopping in virtual reality regardless of the privacy and security issues. Such issues as the possibility of credit card fraud and personal information disclosure have been reported by the focus...

Dubai Emirate’s Community: The Effect of TQM

Background of the Problem Ensuring the high quality of the services provided is among the utmost concerns in the contemporary world. One of the most notable and evident ways to make services both more accessible and productive is adopting the systems of electronic services or, shortly put, e-services. The concept...

E-Commerce Barriers in the UAE

Introduction “Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, refers to the buying and selling of products and services over electronic systems such as the internet and other computer networks” (Reynolds, 2004). As a matter of fact, a great number of studies mark that there has been an extraordinary growth registered in...

E-Commerce Challenges in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction As much as there is a vast array of e-commerce definitions, it is generally delineated to refer to “the transaction of services as well as goods via the internet.” It encompasses business transactions in terms of business to end-users or business to business. This paper tries to illustrate the...

E-Commerce and Business Models

Background of the Problem In the past few decades, the American economy has shifted from a primarily industrial-based economy to one depending largely on technology. The shift has come with new challenges that businesses must deal with. Contemporary American businesses spend much time, energy, and resources keeping up with technological...

The Online Shopping Environments

Online and offline behaviours showed by consumers have varied significantly in the last few decades (Lee & Cheng 2009). The Effectiveness of Customized Promotions in Online and Offline Stores explores the usefulness of customized campaigns with the aim of understanding the consumer behaviours (Jie & Michel 2009). The findings indicate...

Online Retail and Services: Walmart and Amazon

Introduction Walmart and Amazon are two extremely popular organizations focused on retail that initially operated only in the US but have already reached the global market. Even though both companies represent the same sphere and provide customers with an opportunity to buy a wide range of various products, they differ...

E- Commerce for Senior Citizen Management in Taiwan

Abstract The issue of senior citizen management has proved challenging for many countries. This is due to the disconnect that exists between the planners and the senior citizens themselves. In Taiwan, the problem is even worse due to the high number of senior citizens which currently accounts for 10% of...

The Financial and Economic Transformation of the Global Governments

Introduction Background Emerging technologies have had a profound impact on various sectors of economy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). One of the areas that have been significantly affected by modern technologies is the mode of payment. Ulrich Sen explains that there has been an increasing need to have a...

A Survey of Fraud Detection Techniques in E-Commerce

Introduction Since the expansion of the Internet is always growing and reaching more and more countries around the world, businesses have to adapt to the global demands of their potential customers and launch e-commerce departments. Despite the variety of benefits such as convenience and the reach of customers worldwide, there...

Amazon: Implementation of E-Commerce Technology

Introduction With the rapid technological development, a lot of companies developed e-commerce websites to offer their products to clients. Amazon is among the most well-known and successful of them. It attracts clients providing them with an opportunity to both sell and buy products, services, and information. As all these activities...

UAE Customers’ Needs and Emerging Technologies

Background The United Arab Emirates is one of the leading economies in the Middle East and North Africa region. The government has made a concerted effort to diversify the economy of the country to reduce its over-reliance on the oil and gas sector. Just like many countries in the MENA...

Problems Related to E-commerce in the Uae

Introduction United Arab Emirates (UAE), just like most regions of the world, has considerably adopted e-commerce in facilitating most of its business transactions (OpenNet Initiative, 2009b). However, various issues surround the formulation, adoption, and implementation of e-commerce in the region. More so, these issues are characterized by the cultural and...

The Utilisation of E-market Places in Saudi Arabia

Abstract ICT has become an integral part of business operations in contemporary society. Many aspects of ICT such as the use of smart cards, use of mobile phones, and the internet have become integrated into business operations today, becoming indispensable aspects of the same. Ecommerce is one aspect. Recent developments...

E-Commerce in Dubai

Abstract The Middle East is one of the fastest growing economic regions in the world. Trade commissions from ‘first world’ countries are encouraging their nation’s businesses to seize the opportunities that exist in the Middle East’s low penetration rates and immature, but cash-rich, market. It can be argued, therefore, that...

Dynamics of Behavioral Marketing Approaches for E-Commerce Business

Introduction It initially sounded like a winning situation – absolute free money – for all internet access providers. By simply tracking their users personal surfing habits, they can effectively deliver ads to their target audience interests and claim a portion of the budding online advertising market heavily dominated by internet...

Internet Revenue and Consumers’ Purchasing Decisions

Abstract The dissertation is aimed at identifying the factors that affect the internet advertisement revenue and the consumer’s purchasing decision. The dissertation is intended to study two major issues that are the Companies’ Internet advertisement revenue and Consumers’ Purchasing Decisions. In this regard the research work is focused on studying...

Retailing Operations and Technology & Security

Abstract Technology has changed the way we do things and has revolutionized businesses all over the world. The increased use of internet in the process of business transactions, e-business has been hailed as the way to go in the modern and future business growth. This has led to many business...

E-Commerce in a Field of African Economics

Introduction The World Wide Web is a collection of smaller intranets and extranets as well as wide area networks, WANs, which are clustered and grouped together to form a virtual world that is known as Cyber Space or the online dimension of the Internet. The large scope of this dimension...

Electronic Commerce for European Small Enterprises

Executive Summary The main objective of this work is to provide readers with three-dimensional insight on operational essence of eCommerce, as such that is closely interrelated with economics, politics and technology, because we believe that it is only when the practitioners of eCommerce understand the full scale of implications, related...

Retail Market in Hong Kong and Online Marketing

Introduction Online marketing is nowadays a popular concept and getting more attention both for the buyers and sellers in Hong Kong. Anon, (n. d.) estimated that “[0]nline marketing, (also known as web marketing, search engine marketing, SEO or internet marketing)” is a billion-dollar industry. “The companies are spending a lot...

Buying Goods on the Internet. Advantages.

Methodology As mentioned earlier the current topic of study is privacy issues faced by consumers during online purchases. It is a fact that online shopping has become widespread around the world especially in advanced economies. The prospect of viewing the goods online, ordering and paying for it and having the...

E-Commerce in Supply Chain Management Business

Abstract E-commerce has been hailed as the next formidable communication medium after telephones and cordless mobile technology and has made deep and impressionable forays into the technological progress of a business. E-Commerce has been a major innovation of the 20th Century as has transformed the way business is being done...

Mobile Devices and Data Economics

The Economics of Mobile Data Advancements in technology have defined the history and the playing field of the economy. The use of Smart Phones, Tablets, and other types of mobile devices is swiftly growing and becoming common around the world. This has not only revolutionized the way people are doing...

Demco Communications’ Mobile Banking Technology

Introduction Demco Communications is a new company that is not more than two years since its inception. The company deals with the manufacture and distribution of electronic software and hardware equipments. It has had problems with the payments system since most of its clients are not in the same geographic...

Walmart and Amazon Companies Information Technology

Walmart and Amazon are the two leading retailers in the world. The companies now have billion-dollar sales worldwide but used to remain in their niches. For instance, Amazon was an e-commerce company with a limited range of products offered. At the same time, Walmart was a retailer with thousands of...

Customer Sales Relationships via Internet

Introduction Close customer relationships are important for profitability growth of any business organization. To maintain customer loyalty in today’s competitive business environment, access to accurate and complete customer information is a recipe in any business. Internet-based customer relationships allow business organizations to manage customer records, monitor the sales opportunities, and...

Web 2.0 for Business: Developing Customer Services

Summary Web 2.0 tools provide firms with an opportunity to develop services that match customers’ needs and expectations (Sigala, 2012). In the Greek tourism sector, there are very few firms that use Web 2.0 to design, develop, and market new services. Most firms use Web 2.0 to collect data and...

Online Shoppers: Consumer Analysis

Introduction The invention of the internet has revolutionized retailing with a significant proportion of users turning to online channels to do shopping. Shopping on the internet allows users to browse and buy products and services in online stores. The internet has become a preferred medium of shopping for products and...

Personal Data Privacy in E-Commerce

Introduction E-commerce has emerged as one of the most important new method of carrying out business in the modern world. Through e-commerce, businesses are able to exploit the efficiency and power of the internet and computing devices to carry out business transactions. This observation is confirmed by Parayitam, Kiran and...

Benefits from Creating Online Shopping Website

Introduction Online shopping, also known as online retailing is a modern form of marketing goods and services. It entails use of the Internet to buy and sell goods or services. The Internet is a key factor in online shopping because it provides the electronic systems that are required. This process...

Online Sales Business Report and Analysis

Introduction The evolution of the internet and information technologies therein has led to great changes in the marketing philosophy. In addition to many businesses going for the opportunities created by the new technologies, they are struggling to create customer loyalty through online marketing. Unfortunately, online environment is dominated by dynamics...

Cell Phone Products and Services

Cell phone industry is one of the fastest growing market platforms in the retail market arena. The report below describes business description, and industry analysis for my e-business which will deal with cell phone products and services. The analysis will consider the e-business in terms of operation, mission statement, goals...