💭 Essays on Management Theories

Students must familiarize themselves with management theories to be successful in their studies. In addition to textbooks and lectures, a wealth of essay samples are available on the EssayBizLab database. By reading management theory essays, you see what a successful paper looks like and understand the task ahead.

Bureaucracy Growth Factors and Effects

Generally, in the case of large organizations, the combined organizational structural processes and a set of regulations help to control the activities mainly in large organizations and political structures. A bureaucratic organization is controlled by different factors like law, policymaking, and subsequent regulations. Leadership is the most important aspect of...

Classical Management Theory Has No Value Today

The Classical theory has continuously become popular today accompanied by several modifications. However, the following several criticisms have made it have no value today as discussed below: Overreliance on experience The ideas that developed the theory were based on the experiences positions held like managers limited to some organizations. For...

Aspects of the Use of the Faultline Theory

Being aware of the key limitations and incorporating them into the further strategy of communication with a particular group is vital for a successful multicultural conversation. However, the quotation under analysis correctly states that the faultline theory has a significant limitation. Namely, the assumption that faultlines will necessarily pose a...

Crisis Management and Contingency Theory

Contingency theory states that the leader’s working situation determines the best style of leadership. A leader can be effective in one circumstance but ineffective in another. The theory requires that the effectiveness of a leader is contingent in any case their way of management suits a certain situation. Therefore, to...

Discussion on the Management Theories

Introduction Management is a process that determines how scarce resources are available for use to maximize potential. There have been various options on how to effectively manage organizations. The scientific theory, bureaucratic theory, and the human relations movement have been at the center of management changes. The Three Approaches to...

McClelland’s Theory for Managers

The theory proposed by the American psychologist David McClelland is a useful tool allowing managers to construct an appropriate work environment while considering the needs of employees at all levels. The principal application of the theory to this task is demonstrated by the development of varying reward strategies. According to...

Building and Maintaining Project-Based Organization

Introduction Background to the study Knowledge management is a key pillar for the success of an organization operating in the business dynamics of the 21st century. This means that knowledge sharing is essential for the design of products, development of business models, and services possessing a magnificent competitive value. Knowledge...

Versatility Levels Between Male and Female Managers

Introduction Berlluzzo (2007) asserted that the health care industry is one of the fast growing industries in the world. This growth is attributed to the ever-increasing demand and consumption of health care products. The growth is also attributed to the expanding population. The health care sector continues to expand despite...

Bureaucracy as a Management Philosophy

Overview of Bureaucracy Bureaucracy is a philosophy of management that was developed by Max Weber. This principle or philosophy of management is argued to be a form of management in old forms of organizational management by scholars of modern management. However, it is evident that bureaucratic principles are still embraced...

Strategic Management Theory

Abstract Most management theories are based on certain ground rules about organizational structure. The importance of strategy in business cannot be overemphasized; an organization needs clear objectives, both in the short-term and long-term, to remain competitive. In this paper, the constructs and variables of Ansoff’s strategic management theory are analyzed....

Strategic Human Resource Management Theories Review

Abstract The literature review on the approaches to Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) was conducted in order to discuss the main theoretical perspectives and models that are usually applied to SHRM. The traditional sources on SHRM perspectives were examined along with the recent researches in this topic area. The examination...

Fun at Work: Theories, Issues and Controversies

The promotion of fun at the workplace is one of the most controversial and discussed managerial approaches and practices because there is no strict opinion regarding the effect of fun on employees’ productivity and performance. In spite of the fact that proponents of fun at work point at its role...

Phenomenology & Reflective Practice

Introduction Reflective practice has mushroomed over the last few decades throughout various domains of professional practice and education, though what is understood by ‘reflective practice’ has been found to vary considerably across different disciplines and intellectual traditions (Willis 1999). Available scholarship has identified critical reflective practice as a fundamental aspect...

Dave Ulrich’s Model of Human Resource Four Roles

Introduction Human Resource Management [HRM] has undergone tremendous changes over the past decades. HR has shifted from the operational to a strategic continuum. Thus, Ulrich (2013) asserts that HR professionals are charged with the duty of delivering results and creating value for diverse organisational stakeholders. In order to deliver value,...

Dave Ulrich Human Resource Model’s Middle Phase

Introduction Once business partnerships are established, tension is created between different entities. DeVoge and Spreier (2005) hold that employees are the most affected elements of an organisation in the event of a merger. HR is important since the resolution of tension that is created between employees and organisations that form...

Sandberg’s “Understanding Human Competence at Work”

Purpose and Objectives of the Study The article identifies its purpose as to explore how the interpretative approach is effective and reliable in elucidating and comprehending human competence at work. As the rationalistic approach is prevalent and limited in scope because it focuses on knowledge and skills, the study holds...

Global Management Research: Theory and Case Studies

Importance of Theory in Global Management Research Even though there is a significant gap between the theory and the practical application of the acquired skills in the management area, one must not underrate the importance of theoretical tenets. The role of theory in management research includes identifying the roles and...

Organizational Change Management: Lewin’s Theory

Introduction In the modern competitive business world, organizations need to optimize their operations to increase the return on investment. This has become the basis of organizational change that is supposed to respond to the changes in the market. With a lot of emphasis on organizational change and the need to...

Ordinary and Extraordinary Management and the Rational Model

Introduction Any institution will adopt a management approach that best suits its functions. However, some organizations choose approaches that end up stifling the operations and development of their members. This mostly results from the lack of knowledge on the appropriate approach and its effects. However, the fear of losing power...

Initial Public Offering Underpricing in the Saudi Arabian Market

Introduction Initial public offering (IPO) underpricing is a global puzzle consisting of a mechanism characterised by significant price differences that firms use to optimise and increase their equity bases. Alzomaia (2014) examined the theory of IPO underpricing and used empirical evidence to explain it as a result of information anomalies...

Behaviorism as Useful Framework For Managing People

Introduction Behaviorism is not entirely a new concept in management. Managers in many organizations employ certain aspects of behaviorism on daily basis. Organizational policies, operation plans, and analyses of their activities contain aspects of behaviorism. Nonetheless, it is hard to ascertain whether the concept is used appropriately. Behaviorism can be...

Phenomenon of the Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Introduction By using Sperry Rail Service organization, the researcher will conduct a survey and an in-depth interview template allowing him to collect the data needed to start analyzing the thoughts and feelings that different managers have as regards Emotional Intelligence. The researcher also plans to survey and interview 28 women...

Homeland Security Research Project

Introduction With the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the department faced several challenges which were specifically evident through the organizational problems of the department. The present paper identified several problems that stemmed from the existent pattern of bureaucracy, characteristic of the government...

Comparative Management Theories

Introduction The contemporary theories of management justify and interpret the change in the nature of organizational environments today. They also tend to give guidelines on how to run organizations. Some of these theories have been effective on the ground while others have made little impact. Management theories that have made...

IS Projects: High Failure Rate

Introduction ‘To err is human; to really foul things up requires a computer’ – Anonymous. Many statistics stand testimony to the issue of the high failure rate in IS projects. The Robbins-Gioia Survey (2001) points out that 51% of the projects are considered to be failures, and 46% of the...

Supply Chain Management: Theories and Implementation

Introduction Supply chain management – SCM “is the art and science of network management in which multiple business entities and actors are interconnected so that services and products are delivered at the required time and quantity” (Gattorna, 1998). Cox (1995) defined SCM as “the processes from the initial raw materials...

Management Theorists on Executives and Owners

Management theorists suppose that top management has different motivations and firms’ shareholders. They claim that management strives to maximize shareholder wealth but management’s strategic decisions are subject to the discipline of the capital market. From their perspective management’s choices are directed by the corporate rate of return on investment compared...

Paradigms of Organizational Change and Development

Introduction Organizations function within dynamic economic, social and political environments currently embracing historic heights of uncertainty. Also, globalization poses enormous pressure upon institutions, people and governments to venture into wider horizons initially less considered. Management practice has to respond to the urgent calls while also ensuring sustainability of such intricate...

Theories and Models of Business Management

Abstract Management is the key to business triumph because the success and failure of any business mainly depends upon the role of management. There are varieties of issues and fields that come under the business management like risk management, Human resource management, financial management etc. This paper is aimed at...

A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice

Abstract of the article It can be argued that structured anarchies are companies exemplified by problematical inclinations, vague technology, and fluid participation (Cohen, Michael D., James G. March, Johan P. Olsen, 1972). Recent research effort on the form of structured anarchies, point out that such organizations can be perceived for...

Management Information System in Healthcare

Abstract Institutions in the world today are in the midst of revolution in which the key increment is the control of data and management of information. Information sharing and management has become of paramount importance to many institutions. Knowledge management has also been embraced in training institutions, hospitals, and pharmaceutical...

Organisational Change Development and Transformation

How action research can be combined with other methods to reduce barriers between different staff and employees groups Action research involves data collection and analysis and initiating actions based on what the analysed data indicate. In situations of change management, implementation actions are based on the data findings. Action research...

Motivation Theories in Business

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of theories of motivation. It seeks to explore the most powerful and helpful theory in explaining how motivation works. It is argued that the human relations theory of motivation is the most powerful and helpful because it is based on an experiment...

Lean Six Sigma in Quality Management

Quality management has been one of the most significant parts of the overall company management for decades. Total Quality Management and Six Sigma are the primary concepts in this area and suggest that quality is the top priority of any organization. Deriving from total quality management and adopting the key...

Quality Management Theories and Concepts

Quality became an important management subject because of the rise in competitiveness in global markets. Quality management should be introduced on each level of business and involved in everything that the company does, as it is a key to managing process and success. Many quality pioneers have added to the...

Organizational Behaviour Influence on Innovation Processes

Abstract Innovation is a concept that has proved to be very important for today’s businesses and economies. It is often associated with change and transformation due to the fact that new ideas are brought up. Like many business concepts, it has numerous facets. This essay will explore various behavioral factors...

Managerial Leadership Development: Contingency Theory

Managerial leadership development simply refers to the process by which business managers and supervisors get to advance their knowledge and skills so as to be able to execute leadership skills in the most desirable way. Nowadays, there are many programs that have been designed with the aim of helping business...

Human Resource: Recording and Analyzing Information

Reasons why the organization needs to collect Human Resource (HR) or Learning and Development (L&D) data Rolling a new Human Resource department is mostly concerned with data and information. Essentially, the key roles of the HR department are collection and storage of data, such that such it can be easily...

Total Quality Management: History and Theories

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a strategic management tool that focuses on delivering quality products and services. The management tool operates through the frameworks of quality control, quality planning, quality standard measurement, and continuous quality improvement. It aims at improving production efficiency, output quality, customer satisfaction, and internal processes effectiveness...

Henri Fayol’s Management Theory

Background information Henri Fayol is a French scholar, theorist, and academician who contributed to development of a theoretical framework that guides management with regard to organizational entities (Brunsson 2008). He developed a general theory of organizational management. Although this theory does not satisfy scientific considerations, it influences organizational management in...