🎁 Essays on Product Marketing

Product marketing is a process of creating customer interest in a product or service through promotion and advertising. It is a crucial component of any business strategy, even though it tends to be a complex and expensive undertaking.

There are many ways to approach product marketing, such as looking for different case studies online or finding examples of successful campaigns. If you are working on an assignment or writing an essay on product marketing, feel free to use our database of essay examples to get started.

The New Target Markets of North American Breweries

They are very much committed in marketing and promoting their products in a very responsible manner. In 1985 the company was renamed Labatt USA. It is an associate of KPS Capital Partners, LP. The CEO of North American Breweries, Mr. Rich Lozyniak said: “Positive changes are brewing. We’re reviewing every...

Why New Product Development Is Important

New product development is one of the most important marketing processes for many companies because it is responsible for the revenues and margins that a company can achieve and its ultimate value. Therefore, it is the identification of an opportunity in the market and ends with the successful launch of...

What Is an Augmented Product? What Purpose Does It Serve?

It is important to note that there are three levels of a product, which are defined by its role or purpose and intrinsic characteristic value. These levels are categorized as core product, actual product, and augmented or modified product. Core product is an idea, actual product is the one on...

Marketing Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) Scanners

Admittedly, any multinational company which distributes its products worldwide faces complex pricing issues. Companies that are sourcing companies experience a strong currency have even more complex pricing decisions to make. Thus, the product cost is quite high, and worldwide distribution presupposes a wide range of prices which can be quite...

Starbucks: Marketing of Services

Starbucks has been very competitive in the industry and for it to remain competitive; the employees have to be managed in the best way possible that the HR manager can. With respect, it is important to appreciate the employee cycle strategy. Starbucks begins its management abilities by supporting the firm’s...

Misleading Beer, Wine, and Spirits Ads

Some beer, wine, and spirits ads can be misleading because they create a false impression of the brand they try to advertise. The law requires that only those who have attained the age of 21 years should drink alcohol. However, this is not true as alcohol continues to be abused...

Fur Coat Market and Woollen and Angora Coat Market

There have been cases where the people who support the marketing and selling of natural fur products have come under criticism and treatment from the anti-fur environmentalist groups. In France, for instance, it has been reported that the members of the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are hitting...

Product-Market Expansion Grid and Portfolio Evaluation

Market penetration whereby a company is willing to enter the market to sell its products, and this can be achieved through ensuring that the company has a stronghold in the market and has the goals of raising its sales that is in making its product known to the consumers. A...

Rick Fire: Case Study

The case depicts a scenario in which Rick Fire an enthusiastic national sales manager for a consumer goods company comes up with a new idea to sell a new product in the market. The company manufactures and sells consumer goods with department and superstores the likes of CostCo, Wal-Mart, and...

Product Marketing to Customers Who Only Use Social Media

For those customers who use only social media, it is important to set such pricing goals as building brand awareness and engaging customers in communication. The primary objective is dynamic raising pricing, which would allow for attracting customers and community growth. It seems to be useful to focus on the...

Digital Television Promotion over Analogous One

Motivation theory can be used in this case scenario because the government in advance wants people to change over to digital TV. The motivation theory will come in handy because it basically reflects the real psychological force (unconscious forces), which helps to shape an individual’s behaviour. What happens is that...

How to Commercialize New Products

All business decisions for commercializing new products need to be based on factual data obtained through credible sources. This means that before actions related to expansion to new markets, the removal of a particular product line, or the creation of a new product, a manager must base such decisions on...

Price Reduction and Revenue Increasing

Given the population of the United States of people suffering from the hearing problem as approximately 30 million, with only 7 million able to afford a hearing aid, the price of the commodity becomes an important factor in determining whether an individual would use a hearing aid. As the price...

Promotional Campaigns for American Minorities

The promotional campaigns of different products also presuppose the use of various materials to create ads, promotional materials, and other elements needed to attract customers’ attention to specific products. Thus, the combination of some benefits associated with the use of a particular good and eco-friendly incentives might be especially important...

Monopolistically Competitive Market and Milkbars

The characteristics of a monopolistically competitive market are almost similar to those ones exhibited in perfect competition. The only difference is that a monopolistically competitive market has heterogeneous products (this is not the case with perfect competition). Another distinctive feature is that in this market, there is a great deal...

How to Avoid Losing Sales Because of Product Issues

When the product does not meet the requirements and expectations of consumers, businesses should resolve the issues immediately to avoid losing sales. Failure to do so will spoil the image of the company and lead to substantial marketing costs for subsequent products. The first step is to identify the nature,...

Monopolistic Market of Diamond Jewelry Products

When one huge firm dominates the market, it is called a monopoly. Monopoly is the opposite of perfect competition. It usually exists either because there are no similar firms in the vicinity or because its product is unique and hence cannot be bought from anywhere else. In a monopoly, the...

Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising Analysis

Direct-to-consumer YouTube advertisement Advertising goods and services have never been a simple task due to the necessity to consider the specific characteristics of clients. All prospective buyers see products through the prism of their personal experience, and their situation can have a major impact on their consumer decisions. Companies in...

Product and Market Testing in Firms

The process of conducting marketing research is often used with product testing procedures. This is done to choose a strategy for promoting this product on the market. In the process of testing, the advantages and disadvantages of this product are identified, in the opinion of the consumer, and a comparative...

Stages of the Product Life

Wireless phones are at the growth phase of the product life cycle. This means that the market for wireless phones is almost at its peak, and businesses are making most of their profits from their sales. The reason for the booming sales is the lifestyle demands in developed and underdeveloped...

What Are the Issues of Alcohol Advertisements?

Alcohol advertising is recognized to have little or no influence on the amount or frequency of alcohol drinks consumption by the population. The rate of liquor drinking is impacted by factors other than commercial representation. Explanation: Recently, there has been a significant rise in alcohol advertising restrictions aimed at controlling...

General Considerations for a Good Product Design

Good product design means that the manufactured goods that a company produces are competitive and remain. They should be appealing to the eyes of the targeted customers. The following characteristics entail a good product design: Appearance When given a choice to select between two products, most individuals tend to go...

Broad Product Portfolio in Fast-Moving Markets

This paper aims to examine whether the management of a broad product portfolio has become complex in today’s “fast-moving markets” and caused new products’ failure. In the present day, the company’s innovation performance is strongly affected by a chosen strategy of resource allocation. As a matter of fact, in today’s...

Aspects of Product Launch Strategy

Introduction When a company decides on launching a new product to the market, it is either the beginning of a great success story or a total disaster. The reason for planning and having realistic strategies when launching a product is to avoid unexpected disasters. Therefore, a company should put all...

Effect of Humor in Product Campaign

Marketers try their best to be creative when creating an advertising message that will capture the attention of their audience. An advertising message is significant in influencing the sales of a product hence should be evaluated thoroughly to ensure the best results. However, when creating an advert, marketers should fully...

Converse Chuck Taylors’ Distribution Channels and Pricing

The present discussion pertains to the distribution channels and pricing of innovative Converse Chuck Taylors. As the product exists as a part of Chuck Taylor’s line, the distribution for the brand has already been established. Therefore, the required set of actions is to identify them and fully take advantage of...

Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star Shoe

Introduction Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star shoe is a multi-purpose product that is suitable for different customers. Therefore, the needs it addresses may differ depending on the final consumer. However, the general idea is to satisfy the need for high-quality and stylish footwear for different populations for a reasonable price (Anne,...

Business and Disruptive Innovations

The existing environment of business and innovation powered by social media and market freedom serves as a catalyst for rapid trend introduction that changes the patterns of customer preferences and opportunities. The existence of disruptive technology is a prime example of such a dramatic change to the business models that...

Social Responsibility in the Marketing of Tobacco and Alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol usage is an industrially created an issue that, in most circumstances, has severe adverse effects on users, such as addiction, sicknesses, and even fatalities. All of this may be avoided, but it will need a collaborative effort from the different governments, producers of these substances, and society....

Monster Energy Drink Marketing

Competitive Advantages The beverage market and particularly the energy drink market, is highly competitive. Therefore may be critical to utilize a wide variety of techniques in order to maintain existing competitive advantages and not miss emerging opportunities. Monster energy drink products are well-established beverage products with a number of considerable...

The Producers of Greaser Cutters: Targeting Business Customers

The producers of effective greaser cutters can penetrate a new market. Instead of selling to customers, the company can start business-to-business sales, which will lead to an increased profit. The global household cleaner market is one of the areas to target as this sector is steadily expanding. It has been...

Sneakers and Their Primary and Secondary Markets

Branded and high-fashion footwear has become more popular among the young population. Sneakers are shoes designed for sports; however, it does not stop young people from wearing them daily. In 2019, the global sneakers market size exceeded $60 billion; and it is still growing. The leading brands in the sneakers...

Range Rationalisation: An Attempt to Promote Drinks

Tesco has approximately 170 brands, and they are not equally profitable and important for the company, so range rationalization is necessary to determine what should be discounted/receive an additional push. Generally, the issue is that the drinks are not evenly distributed in stores, which affects both the top-performing items and...

Blue Ridge Manufacturing: Case Study

Type of Cost System Blue Ridge Uses, and Whether It’s Consistent With Their Strategy Blue Ridge uses activity-based costing (ABC) in determining unit costs of its diverse products. ABC is a costing system that enables an organization to allocate resources to diverse activities and assessing value of outputs to establish...

Business Proposal. The Marketing Mix

Introduction Product in the marketing mix refers to the physical goods or services offered by a business. The organization provides high-quality hair salon and makeup services. Price is another element in the marketing mix that produces revenue for the business. The organization invests in service standards and not the number...

Technological Solution for Business

Email Dear ladies and gentlemen, The current email is written to introduce a new technological solution for the business problem. Our company specializes in the manufacturing of such products for smartphones as headphones, portable batteries, and wires. However, in recent times there has been a recession in sales. A possible...

How Marketers Shape Consumer Wants and Must-Haves

Definitions Nowadays, marketing is one of the essential parts of developing a product that will be both revenue-producing and highly scalable. Marketing is defined as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”...

Stealth Advertisement: Roles, Ethics, and Unethical Issues

Stealth advertisement is one of the sales promotion techniques used in the marketing industry today. Companies spend a lot of money on advertisements, which affects their revenue. For a company to remain competitive in today’s turbulent market, it needs to reduce its operation costs e.g. advertisement costs. Levi Strauss &...

Galaxy Chocolate Product Quality for Consumer Perception

Abstract Galaxy Chocolate is one of the leading brands of chocolate worldwide. In Dubai, it is one of the most sought-after chocolates by chocolate lovers. The company is a distinguished multinational that also promotes healthy living and environmental protection. Galaxy has different brands classified according to form and flavor. This...

Psychology of Student Consumer of Apple Products in the UK

Introduction In 2010 when Apple released its iPad, consumers waited in line for several hours in order to acquire the new sleek techno-gadget from Apple. This unique behavior among Apple consumers makes a lot of sense to Apple, marketing firms, and psychologists, who are all interested in the reasons that...

Gemstones Competitiveness Analysis and Methodology

Introduction As mentioned earlier, this thesis proposal will be aiming to undertake a competitiveness analysis of Gemstone artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) value chain focusing on key issues, constraints and opportunities of small-scale precious stone miners in Erongo Region of Namibia and comparing them to ASM in the Karas Region. The...

Effects of PR on Improving Quality Levels

In the present day global business environment lot of emphasis has to be given on establishing a company’s reputation and strongly holding on to in order that the company succeeds on a consistent basis. The status of the present corporate credibility is at an extremely low level and the mistrust...

The Bottled Mineral Water Product Marketing

Type of Product the Company Will Offer and Its Primary Characteristics The product that will be offered in the market is bottled mineral water. This product falls in the beverage industry. For a long time, water has been considered as a free product that could not be sold like other...

SurgeArrest Essential Product’s Detailed Marketing Plan

Executive Summary American Power Conversion Corporation has been in the electronics market for more than two decades. The company is known for its innovative products and technological excellence. The company has well-performing products such as the SurgeArrest Essential. The research will present a comprehensive marketing plan for the SurgeArrest Essential...

Apple TV and Monopolistic Competition

Introduction Monopolistic competition for smart TV and other electronic devices is a common trend in capitalist states. Joan Robinson and Edward Chamberlin were the first economists to come up with the term monopolistic competition in the 1930s. According to the economists, businesses strive to come up with unique products and...

Nestle Company’s New Product: Public Relations Plan

Introduction The food market is flooded with different types of products. Clients are gradually shifting towards the consumption of healthy foods. In light of this, Nastle has developed new products to meet the demands of the clients. In conjunction with Gordon Ramsay, a popular TV chef, Nastle intends to market...

Apple’s iPad Product: Marketing Analysis

Introduction The iPad product is one of the products that are produced and sold by the Apple Company. The Apple iPad is a tablet that comes with an interesting range of features, which include the ease of accessibility to the web, email, photos, and videos; all merged within the same...

Product Marketing Plan: Apple’s Iphone 5

Introduction The focus will be on Apple’s recent model of iPhone 5 which is a thing to go for today. Figure 1 below will illustrate the main features of the iPhone 5 (Apple Inc., 2012): Apple further states that iPhone 5 happens to be the thinnest and most portable iPhone...

Kids iPad Product’ Marketing Plan

Introduction Apple is one of the leading technology company companies in the world. In fact, Apple is the most valuable technology company according to market capitalization. Apple reputation is gained due to the company’s ‘i’ products. These include the iPhone, iPhone, iTunes, iCloud, iPod, and iPad. The company credits its...

Coca-Cola Blak Product’s Marketing Strategy

Target consumers Coca-Cola Blak is a product of the Coca-Cola Company that was unveiled in 2006. It was first introduced in France before expanding its market scope to the United States and other markets. The drink is made up of coke effervescence and coffee essence. The drink was sold in...

The Polished Diaper Cakes Company’ Distribution Strategy

Distribution Strategy Modern world can be characterized by a great level of rivalry. To become successful a person or organization should overcome great number of obstacles and become better than the rest of the world. Only under these conditions it is possible to count on high incomes and continuation of...

Coca-Cola Company International Business

Introduction Sustainability is required for the placement of a business strategy. Several key preconditions such a long-term commitment to the place brand strategy, ad campaigns, adequate budget allocation, responsiveness to societal changes, and the need for specific objectives determine the success and sustainability of a business. This analytical treatise attempts...