Components of Attitude: Abc – Tripartite Model

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 2
Words: 571
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: Master

It seems reasonable to state that QuikTrip (QT) has developed a significant approach in terms of its working environment. According to the materials of the case, the company pays much attention to the employees’ satisfaction with their workplace. This policy brings visible benefits for QT, given the high ranking in Forbes. The corporation’s good reputation and willingness to establish healthy relations with the staff lure potential workers throughout the country. Below, the attitudes and emotions of the typical QT employee – through the perspective of their work behaviors – will be discussed.

The employees tend to enjoy their presence in QT to a great extent. Such a state of affairs allows assuming that the affect-behavioral intent-cognition (ABC) model of an attitude here will be as follows (Drew, 2020). The affect here will be that these employees like their working environment and top management. Then, behavioral intent seems to be that they do not want to transfer to another department or company. Finally, cognition would be that they believe their bosses do their best to provide the workers with the best conditions.

Here, it would be rational to claim that there is no degree of cognitive dissonance is observed. According to Nelson (2018), this phenomenon implies that employees face tension due to a conflict between attitudes and behavior, which is not inherent to QT. In contrast, due to the high rates of job satisfaction, their behaviors are positively affected by the attitudes, which results in a smooth and productive workflow (MBA Skool Team, 2020). In this regard, it should be noticed that QT’s employee’s emotions are important as well and should be taken into account with the necessary degree of attention.

In particular, the company’s employees feel mostly positive emotions and share them with each other so that a healthy working environment could be enhanced. This process is called emotional contagion and serves as a great foundation for the excellent performance of an enterprise (Nelson, 2018). The described working conditions seem to provide a plethora of factors that motivate the staff. There is clear evidence that the top management fully realizes the need for affiliation and implements a motivation factor (Indeed Editorial Team, 2020). The latter implies working conditions that satisfy the need for psychological growth. Given the fact that the company sets clear goals, QT tends to reduce role stress, conflict, and ambiguity. Generally, there is no reason for an average job-seeker not to aspire to get hired by such an organization.

At this point, a number of statements regarding the employee’s relations with customers from an ethical perspective can be made. There are many factors that form a positive employee attitude towards their responsibilities and roles, which are accompanied by good emotions. Moreover, the company’s values – the core aspect of ethical behaviors – stand for appropriate practices within the scope of serving a client. The employees enjoy being a part of this team and do their best to meet all customer needs and expectations.

To conclude, the case of QuikTrip in the framework of its employees’ behaviors, emotions, and attitudes was discussed. It was found that the organization adheres to a significant approach in caring about its workers and establishing healthy working relations. The corporation promotes clear goal setting, great motivation factors, and consistent development practices, which leads to the absence of various ethical issues. QT’s example is one that enterprises should follow in order to achieve significant performance.


Drew, C. (2020). The 3 components of attitude (ABC / Tripartite Model). Helpful Professor. Web.

Indeed Editorial Team. (2020). A guide to equity theory of motivation. Indeed. Web.

MBA Skool Team. (2020). Job satisfaction. MBA. Web.

Nelson, D. L. (2018). ORGB6. Cengage.