Recruitment, Retention, and Development Process

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 1
Words: 359
Reading time:
2 min
Study level: College


An organization aims to hire a well-qualified applicant for a specific position. A selection decision-maker should gather accurate information to make informed staffing decisions efficiently. Some of the data they need is to understand critical issues affecting the organization, such as when a firm can reduce costs by laying off workers. The selection decision-makers should gather the necessary information using appropriate methods to develop a sound staffing plan.

Staffing Decision Making

The selection decision-maker must make staffing decisions that support the overall business plan, meaning they should begin by aligning the talent sourcing strategies and expected outcomes. One critical information that should be collected is the factors influencing personnel availability (Winter et al., 2020). In addition, they should determine the functional needs of an organization by asking if mentorship programs and training may assist the current employees in moving over or up into the vacated or new positions.

Gap analysis is another piece of information that is useful to selection decision-makers, which compares what an organization has and what it needs. After identifying gaps, they should work towards filling them (Okoroafor et al., 2019). For instance, if there are development and training deficiencies or high seasonal demand periods due to heavy workloads, the organization may decide to incorporate more training programs or hire temporary workers (Harris et al., 2020). Ways of gathering the above information include reviewing data from business publications, local chambers, and the bureau of labor statistics, which offers invaluable statistics on unemployment rates, job openings, and labor costs. Additionally, it may be collected by conducting job analysis and the job description, which provide the necessary qualifications, job tasks, and other crucial information.


In conclusion, workforce planning supported by a systemic process aids in ensuring that a business has the right talent and qualifications to attain the organization’s objectives. After gathering data on the gaps in an organization and identifying the functional needs, the decision maker of the selection department should roll it up into an accurate, actionable staffing plan. Thus, clear communication across departments and functions in an organization is crucial to drafting a plan that accounts for the works and requirements of all.


Harris, G. H., Baldisseri, M. R., Reynolds, B. R., Orsino, A. S., Sackrowitz, R., & Bishop, J. M. (2020). Design for implementation of a system-level ICU pandemic surge staffing plan. Critical Care Explorations, 2(6). Web.

Okoroafor, S., Ngobua, S., Titus, M., & Opubo, I. (2019). Applying the workload indicators of staffing needs method in determining frontline health workforce staffing for primary level facilities in Rivers state Nigeria. Global Health Research and Policy, 4, 1-8. Web.

Winter, V., Schreyögg, J., & Thiel, A. (2020). Hospital staff shortages: Environmental and organizational determinants and implications for patient satisfaction. Health Policy, 124(4), 380-388. Web.