Social Responsibility of the Company

Subject: Business Ethics
Pages: 4
Words: 694
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: College

The modern economic society is a rather complex environment, with rapidly developing global trade, and exponentially expanding markets for enterprises, their capital, as well as information, and technology. When it comes to business in the modern world, economic responsibility to society is still a critical factor in the successful development of a business. At the same time, business quality is becoming an increasingly severe challenge due to global competitiveness. Today, entrepreneurial activity is becoming an integral part of the economy and a natural necessity. Unfortunately, very few businesses still attach the necessary importance to official ethics and social responsibility.

There are usually four reasons why businesses should give back to society, and which our company tries to support actively. First of all, our business is interested in civic discourse, and we are always open to our client’s concerns. A corporate culture of impoliteness and intolerance hinders the development of a company’s most important asset – its employees. Therefore, we aim to ensure that our employees have all the rules adopted in the company and strive only for its development. In addition, we strive to show that business should be an example of how people are treated.

There are many ways that our company has been involved in philanthropy in recent years and has helped communities and other stakeholders. Three prominent examples of activities in which we have indicated a few degrees of social participation:

  • Supporting youth activities,
  • Gifts to charitable organizations,
  • Small Business Management Tips.

In our opinion, the primary responsibility of a business is to meet the customer’s needs. Product quality and customer relationships have been recognized as the most critical areas of our company’s social responsibility. We strive to refrain from raising the price of a product to further the social goal of preventing inflation, even if it is in the corporation’s best interests to raise the price. Our company also endeavors to meet the cost of reducing pollution over the amount in the corporation’s best interest or is required by law to contribute to the social goal of improving the environment.

In the field of modern entrepreneurship, the ethical foundations of the business are associated with the concept of corporate and social responsibility in achieving economic success. In the present world, it is based on ethical standards of respect for people, society, and the environment. Our company believes that business has to act within certain moral obligations. Moreover, it is important to comply with all reasonable requirements of society and groups whose interests are affected by the actions of the business.

Reputation, and ethical attitudes towards clients, are gaining more and more weight in the modern world. Modern ethics is now divided into the following important components: first, everything related to diversity, diversity, this includes issues related to tolerance: tolerance to gender, age, to religion. It is a complete tolerance of accepting that we are all different. In addition, a new understanding of aggressiveness and pressure on each other is essential. That is, rethinking the issues of harassment, gaslighting, and other things, revising the relationship between people.

In addition, our company strives at all production locations to reduce energy, material, and resource consumption, thus an environmentally friendly production method, which contributes to the enterprise’s long-term success. The exact observance of these principles in all departments of the group is mandatory – every employee is responsible for this, regardless of status. Furthermore, bosses have a special responsibility to show their employees adherence to the principles of the Code of Conduct by example.

Compliance by employees of any organization with the norms and rules of business ethics becomes its calling card. In many cases, it determines whether your partner or client will deal with this organization in the future and how effective their relationship will be. The role of the boss is to create a working environment in which relationships between people are based on honesty and cooperation. The most important role in the code of ethics for the business sphere is universal values that help regulate its social responsibility. It includes taking care of its employees, creating new jobs, providing white wages, health protection, social benefits, and much more.