🤝 Essays on Employee Management

Distributed and Virtual Teams in Project Management

Characteristics of Distributed and Virtual Teams The internet continues to facilitate the use of virtual and distributed teams. Such virtual teams are usually situated in different parts of the world (Gundersen, Hellesoy, and Raeder, 2012). Project managers can use the internet to monitor the performance and effectiveness of different virtual...

Human Resource Practice and Its Elements

The HR profession has evolved throughout decades. Modern HR practitioners focus on such aspects as leadership, strategic thinking, developing partnerships and so on (Pritchard, 2010). This paper includes some ideas concerning the future of the profession as well as competencies that will be needed to address new challenges. However, prior...

Developing Professional Practice in Business

Introduction A number of organisations have established a specialised human resource (HR) department to handle the issue of recruitment and retention of talent. The HR function in such firms is referred to as People/Performance Partnership (PPP). It is an integral part of the organisation. The PPP is made up of...

Performance Appraisal in Human Resource Management

Performance appraisal is an important element of HR management because it can significantly contribute to the improved performance of workers and businesses. In particular, these tools can help managers retain the trust of employees, make them more engaged in workplace activities, and identify organizational weaknesses. This is the main thesis...

Human Resource Management Primary Outcomes

To understand the connection between recruitment and retention, we need to define both phenomena. Recruitment is a process of finding employees that are suitable for hiring by an organization. Recruiting includes one or more verification procedures aimed at determining the candidates’ suitability and the means of persuading them to join...

Human Resources as a Strategic Business Partner

Introduction Human capital is one of the most important resources that enable companies to create competitive advantages in their industries. A firm with a talented and innovative workforce is likely to develop unique products or services that satisfy market needs. Thus, most companies are adopting strategic human resource management (SHRM)...

Human Resource Manager Action Plan

Successful recruitment of an employee as a new member of a company can greatly affect his or her performance, motivation, as well as retention in a position (Philips & Gully, 2015). Therefore, it is crucial to give the process of recruitment extra thought as to how the hired talent can...

Oakwood International Limited and Work-Life Balance

Employee Welfare in an Organization Work-life balance has emerged as an important term in the modern industrial context. According to scholars, work-life balance involves a number of issues related to employee welfare at the workplace. This report analyses the state of employee welfare at Oakwood International limited. This is a...

Human Resource Manager as a Strategic Business Partner

The strategic role of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the context of the ever-changing world is rather diverse, yet the core goal is to provide value to an organisation. Among HR managers’ functions, there can be recruitment, training, motivation, and so on. At this point, they encounter different challenges such...

The Virgin Blue Company Employee Compensation Plan

Introduction The Virgin Blue is small pharmaceutical company with ten employees. The store department has two employees while the administration section has five employees. On the other hand, the sales department has two employees. Reflecting the compensating differential theory, the proposed compensation scheme aims at improving the remuneration that each...

Human Resource Management Practices and Concepts

The purpose of this reflective paper is to demonstrate learning attained in classroom on comprehension and use of information in the area of human resource management. It aims to capture issues related to equal employment opportunities (EEO) and affirmative action, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, as well as human...

Human Resource Management: Emerging Trends

Introduction The practice of human resource management often comprises of the activities that involve the management of the people, commonly known as a workforce. Since the practice of managing people changed from personnel management to human resource management, the human capital paradigm has been evolving rapidly with numerous transformative changes...

Employee Benefit Plans and Strategic Advantages

Abstract Employee benefit plans have been designed to provide workers with financial security to manage unexpected life situations. While it has been widely recognized that such programs are essential, lack of attention has been given to the value they can bring to both employees and their employers. The paper aimed...

Human Resource Management and Employment Laws

Functional Areas of Human Resource Management Human resource management (HRM) is a powerful practice that brings stakeholders in a firm together. HRM leaders should be aware of the major functional areas in a firm. The first one is a business strategy. The HR manager can propose the most appropriate strategy...

ISI Company’s Reward System Policies

Case Study This paper evaluates the case of ISI and its reward system policies currently in use in its United States operations. This review considers the impact of the policies on the company’s operations in India. The sections below bring out various factors to consider when thinking about performance-based pay...

Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction

Abstract Employee engagement is often associated with an improvement in organizational performance. This study examined how different engagement strategies (intrinsic and extrinsic) relate to job satisfaction levels of new employees. It involved a survey of 20 respondents drawn from two different firms. One of the firms had an established employee...

Human Resource Management: Skills Development Initiatives

Introduction Training and development is a crucial undertaking in the growth of an economy. Unless professionals in various fields are moulded and additional developed through capacity building, an economy can hardly boast of growth. As a matter of fact, human resource development is the epitome of impressive economic performance in...

Performance Management and Human Resources Efficiency

Performance management is a fundamental aspect of the human resource (HR) department. In modern organizations, it is essential to create a work environment that supports and enhances the most qualified worker’s productivity. A systematic approach is formed to engage with personnel throughout their employment and maximize the use of human...

Business Strategy and Employee Management Nexus

Linking Business Strategy and HRM High-performance work systems relate to a special collection of human resource practices. They are interconnected, and the majority of them (including training, performance evaluation, and reimbursements) are designed to improve workforce performance (Jiang et al. 2012). When these human resource practices are applied, the overall...

The Evaluation of HR Performance

Abstract Human resources management is essential to the success of every organization. Efficient functioning of the HR department allows to reduce turnover, improve motivation, and increase workers’ profitability, while at the same time decreasing some of the business costs and retaining talents. The roles of the HR department include a...

Human Resource Managers Activities

HR Manager’s Core Duties Being an HR manager is never easy as it involves working with individuals having their own problems in order to make the company more successful. If we speak about the peculiarities of their work, there is a plenty of practices that are helpful when it comes...

Issues in the Human Resource Management

Explain the objectives of effective compensation management. The absolute objective of effective compensation management is to have reasonable salaries and wages amongst employees. This salary scale ought to match the employees’ qualifications and other qualities that may be unique to different employees. It also seeks to enhance fairness in salary...

Training Plan for Employees

Introduction Employees are the most significant asset of a business since they are the determining force of the overall business success. Considering the significance of the workforce in a business, it is important for organizations to invest heavily in their workers through consistent employee development. This significant intervention will not...

Human Resource Practices in Organizational Change

Introduction Human resource (HR) managers should use their competencies to guide, empower, and meet different employees’ needs. Skilled HR leaders implement appropriate strategic plans and processes to increase organizational performance. One of these processes entails the execution of powerful changes depending on the goals of a given business organization. That...

Google Inc.’s Employee Benefits Management

Introduction Compensation management is a very important element of human resource management. It entails giving monetary and other forms of benefits to employees as payment for services offered or reparation for a loss or injury suffered (Barber, Dunham & Formisano, 2012). Most organizations use their compensation strategies to motivate their...

UAE Aviation and Human Resource Management Role

Proposal Summary The proposal is about the role of HR management in recession, specifically in UAE aviation sector enterprises, with a look at Emirates Airlines, Dubai Airports, and Air Arabia. The study will be reviewing the roles that HR plays during the recession test whether it causes firms to withstand...

Successful Leadership’s Influences on Productivity

Abstract The paper discusses how successful leadership positively influences productivity. It begins by noting how the current business environment is rife with competitive and therefore in need of strong leadership. It discusses how leadership will result in innovation and creativity. This leadership will also increase motivation and help the organization...

Human Resource Devolution and Evolution

Executive Summary Devolution in human resources has become more popular as a vital component of organizational practices and culture in many companies. Companies are increasingly embracing the concept of delegating work responsibilities and duties to subordinates to ensure they achieve positive results in the end. The changing external business environment...

Price Waterhouse Coopers: Hiring Candidates

Executive Summary Companies in the United Arab Emirates face numerous challenges in choosing and hiring staff. This is because of the shortage of skilled domestic labour and the bureaucracy of hiring expatriates. The report will focus on most fundamental human resources systems involved in choosing and hiring staff. The paper...

Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices

Introduction Recruitment and selection of employees is an essential decision for any business enterprise. Acquisition of employees costs the organization considerable capital. Therefore, the process should be undertaken with care to obtain an effective and efficient workforce to aid in the realization of overall organizational goals and objectives. Recruitment and...

Pepsi Company: People Management Practices

People Management Practices at PepsiCo Successful organizations have proper human resource management practices that correlate with the organizational structure (Welch and Welch 79). People management practices include a set of guidelines that help an organization to handle the internal environment of work. The internal environment comprises of the employees, competitors,...

Virtual Groups and Teams Development

Introduction In contemporary business environments, groups and teams are widely used for the creation of projects, planning, research, monitoring, assessment, and evaluation. The rapid development of technologies in the modern world has led to the appearance of teleworking. This means that there is a tendency of creating virtual offices that...

HRM Perspectives: Mismatching College Degrees and Careers

Outline Introduction Reasons for Working in Fields and Industries Differing from Areas of Study Graduates’ Reasons not to Develop Careers in Fields Related to Their Majors Adaptation of HR Managers’ Practices to the Situation of Mismatching College Degrees and Positions Employee Orientation in Addressing Employees’ and Companies’ Needs Summary Introduction...

Motivation in Organizational Behavior

The motivation of employees plays a crucial role in organizational behavior; probably, it is one of the most difficult parts of it. If an employee lacks skills, he or she can be trained, if working conditions are not sufficient, those can be improved, but motivation is an indicator that is...

Emirates Airlines’ Employee Job Satisfaction

Introduction The performance of organizations is subject to a myriad of internal and external factors. Some of the external factors such as economic, social, and demographic changes are unpredictable and beyond the employers’ capacity to control. Despite the inherent uncertainty in these forces, employers can control some internal organizational aspects....

The Tesla Company’ Employee Training

The scenario for the analysis Your department has fallen behind on production of a new product and is unable to keep up with demand. The company executive believes lack of motivation and ineffective training to be the major factors contributing to the team’s slow progress and poor quality of the...

Importance of Systematic Training Process for Employees

Training needs assessment The new employees in the company require training before they can start their respective jobs. Identifying the specific needs of the employees will be the first step in the training program. A survey will have to be developed to identify with the areas of weakness among the...

Annual Performance Evaluation and Recent Trends

Embry’s performance review Embry’s strengths include high ratings on expertise. He has the initiative to assist because he volunteered to help a team that appeared to be failing. He met his objectives with the two teams that he was assigned at the beginning of the period. One of Embry’s weaknesses...

Measuring Human Resource Management Effectiveness

Introduction Despite the fact that the field of human resource management is central in contemporary organisational practice, HR managers tend to have a relatively harder time than their colleagues when it comes to budget approval. Guest (2011) suggests that the reason for such challenges is that there has been little...

Abu Dhabi Health Services Company: Talent Management

Introduction Talent management at Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) is done to ensure the expertise of employees improves over time as they gain experience while working in the various hospitals under its management. This practice is done by developing staffing models, which are accurate, identification of vital skills while...

Talent Management in Saudi Arabian Firms

Abstract Talent management is one of the most important human resource functions. In this study, the researcher focused on talent management and how it relates to other human resource functions within organizations in Saudi Arabia. The researcher will use both primary and secondary sources of data. Introduction In Saudi Arabia,...

Human Resource Management: Key Concepts and Skills

Introduction I belong to an organization whose business is tourism and travel. Tourism has allowed me to travel and meet peoples of various cultures. Heritage sites, tourist spots, and wonderful places have become familiar to me. Our organization seriously handles human resource management. Our manager says that we are the...

Middle Manager Recruitment and Hiring Strategy

Introduction Human resources are crucial for the success of practically any type of business. For a company to be effective, it is essential to make sure that the workers hired have the necessary skills and qualifications and are able to do their job properly. Therefore, the process of hiring new...

Learning and Development Strategies at Workplace

Executive Summary The unpredictable nature of work and the consequent challenges that follow it are some of the biggest problems organizational managers have to deal with today. To overcome the challenges of the dynamic business environment, organizations ought to have a knowledgeable, skillful, adaptive, and flexible workforce to counter this...

Employee Motivating in Private Organization

Introduction According to Smith, employees (human resource) are an important factor of production for any organization and also the most challenging to manage (85). This is because human resource management requires skillful handling of an individual’s skills, thoughts and emotions in order to increase productivity. Motivated employees are necessary if...

Human Resource Activities and Competitive Advantage

Introduction Competitive advantage is a critical element of present-day organisations. The competitive advantage can either be in services, goods, employee management or internal and external procedures. According to Del Valle and Castillo, “The employees are the assets of the organisation. Competitive advantage in human resources policies can generate an enormous...

Canadian Human Resource Management

Objectives of human resource – One of the main objectives of human resource management is to ensure that the employees’ potentials in an organization are utilized effectively. They also ensure that the workforce is matched with the needs of the business. They also ensure that the employees who are in...

Worker Productivity and Job Satisfaction

Introduction The global economy has increasingly become competitive. This situation has compelled organizations to generate cultures that promote job satisfaction in an attempt to maintain an active workforce throughout their operations. Various studies have indicated that productivity is directly related to the level of satisfaction of workers, regardless of the...

Customer Service Workers’ Training Class

The goal of any retail business is to sell a product to a customer. However, the simplicity of this statement is deceptive – company’s owners and employees have to consider many aspects of this process and appropriately train not only to sell the products but encourage customers to return or...

Theories for Active Learning and HRD Strategies

Introduction Training and development in different types of organizations are important to help employees improve their task comprehension and performance. It is possible to train and educate employees, as well as to develop their skills, with a focus on the active learning approach and human resource development (HRD) strategies oriented...

Workplace’ Group Performance

Brief Overview Groups are very important in any organization since they help members in realizing their personal objectives, as well as institutional goals. A group is described as a team of individuals who are motivated to join hands with the aim of helping each other in performing certain functions. It...

Human Resource Management and Mission Statement

Advantages and Disadvantages of Best Practice and Best Fit Best practice and best fit are common principles in HRM. However, the best-fit approach implies introducing HRM strategy, which complies with the initial mission statement of the firm (Boxall & Purcell 2013). This tactic helps the company shape a distinct competitive...

Employees Motivation Management

Abstract Motivation is one of the main driving forces for the employees to fulfill their tasks in the workplace properly and to stay satisfied with their job in general. Many employers do not realize that a poorly motivated employee is not really interested in the overall company’s success, his/her goals...

Strategic Human Resource Management and Leadership

Differences between strategic Human Resource (HR) Management and operational Human Resource Management Strategic human resource management “Requires human resource professionals to consider the overall picture of business’s growth and implement ways to make a direct contribution to long-term goals” (Rosenzweig & Nohria, 2003, p. 229). In strategic human resource management,...

Workplace Stress Management and Work-Life Balance

Introduction There are various factors that shape employees’ attitudes towards their job. Much attention should be paid to the way in which managers support workers. Admittedly, business administrators should make these people committed to the organizational goals and demand excellent results from them. Nevertheless, it is important to remember about...

Employees’ Behavior in the Workplace

Relevant Variables at the Individual Level of OB Individual-level Variable Organizational behavior is a concept that has been commonly used during the analysis of employees’ motivation. The concept of identity at an individual level is essential in understanding the individuals’ differences over a given position or management policies. Companies consist...

Recruitment and Selection at Midsized Organization

Recruitment and selection are the most important processes of HRM, in addition to the training of workers. The two processes ensure that positive qualities in people manifest to support a favorable atmosphere for improving organizational culture. For a medium-sized organization, the processes will often overlap and its repeatability may not...

The Orientation-Safety Portion Training Concept

Introduction The main objectives of the Orientation-Safety Portion Training help in educating new employees and current employees on potential safety hazards in the workplace including fire and electrical safety, emergency action plan, and Lock Out/ Tag Out among others. Based on the Gestalt theory, the program aims at addressing emergency...

360 Degree Appraisal Systems Analysis

Introduction In the modern world of business, companies have to engage in stiff competition to survive in the market. Because of this, it is paramount that the workers are provided with adequate feedback on their actions so that they might capitalize on their strengths and address their weaknesses to increase...

Work-life Balance: Management and Organization

Kalliath and Brough (2008) established that there was an increasing interest in matters relating to work-life balance. According to the authors, the rise in curiosity about these issues was caused by the concern that lack of balance in the work-life relationship could lead to poor health and decreased performance of...

Aramex Company’s Organizational Behaviour

Executive Summary The focus on organisational behaviour is important to understand rules and factors that affect the human forces in organisations. Organisational behaviour studies the employees’ attitudes and actions important to influence their productivity and performance. Studying organisational behaviour, leaders pay attention to the employees’ individual needs, to the group...

Lenovo Company: Effective Management of Staff Performance

Introduction The management of employee performance is one of the most important factors that determine organizational success (Markos & Sridevi 2010). In the current competitive business environment, organizations have adopted the resource-centered approach to management. Organizations should strive to integrate the human resource practices with the company’s goals and strategy...

Group Performance and Organizational Behavior

Introduction The performance and success of any group activities depend on various factors. Based on the conditions and type of work performed, different results can be achieved, and some criteria are significant and affect productivity. The status of employees and the size of the group are those indicators that should...

Human Resources: Employee Engagement Initiatives Promotion

Introduction Employee engagement has to do with treating employees as organizational assets not as liabilities. During the era of scientific management, organizations viewed employees as liabilities and as a result, they did not bother to invest in employee development because they believed that the compensation offered to employees was enough...

Organizations and the Human Resource Roles

Part A Main products In our organization, we have four different types of products. First, we have the differentiated products, which have been able to have a distinction from other similar products. Secondly, we have customized products that meet customer’s requirements. We make considerations when developing our products to meet...

Workplace Violence, Its Causes and Prevention

Executive Summary Violence in the workplace can be explained by multiple factors; among the most important causes, one can distinguish the following ones: high levels of work stress; lack of communication between managers and employees; poorly-developed performance appraisal methods, unwillingness of managers to investigate bullying behavior. Secondly, it is important...

Training Model and Kirkpatrick’s 4-Step Evaluation

Introduction A lot of business organizations desire to pass training skills to their employees and workers in an aim to equip them with the necessary skills to achieve the organization’s goals. Therefore, a training model is a step by step procedure designed by a business organization describing how training practices...

Compensation and Workforce Diversity Issues

Introduction and Thesis Statement In the modern business world, human resources management is becoming an important part of strategic management (Wright & McMahan, 2011). It is no longer about the normal practices of recruiting and employee welfare. Strategic human resource management is majorly concerned with how to best manage the...

Employees’ Cultural Values in Global Business

Abstract Understanding the cultural values of employees is important in determining their behavioral patterns at the workplace. In this study, it has been discovered that an individual’s behavior is closely defined by his or her cultural background. The research has also revealed that people from different cultures embrace different values...

Human Resource Management in Australia

Do you agree with Juliet Bourke that the use of flexibility has moved away from its original paradigm? Juliet Bourke states, “flexibility is now about how we get more out of fewer people” (Kramar et al. 316). Indeed, to get better results, many companies prefer to have fewer workers but...

Human Resource Management Outsourcing Decision

Introduction Human resource outsourcing is a situation where a company enlists the services of a third party to perform some of its tasks related to human resources. In big corporate organizations, outsourcing is mainly done for highly specialized tasks or functions (Adler 53). The main points The article primarily addresses...

Job Analysis & Description in Recruitment Process

Introduction Personnel or people management is concerned with matters of employment and management of people and workforce for completion of their specific tasks and responsibilities. The basic purpose of this branch is to manage recruitment, people resourcing, employees’ training, and developing relations with employees. Recruitment is a crucial part of...

Diversity Human Research Management Strategies

HR MANAGEMENT Diversity HR strategies have become an important element of contemporary HR management as more and more companies have to manage a diverse workforce. Notably, research shows that during financial crises (or when facing certain financial constraints) companies pay little attention to diversity management (Crawshaw, Budhwar & Davis 2014)....

Employee Monitoring and Privacy Rights

Thesis Statement The 21st century has ushered in the latest and increasingly sophisticated technology. The improved technology may be viewed as either a blessing or a curse in the modern business environment. Such sophisticated monitoring technologies enable organizations to conduct basic business transactions, launch investigations, avoid liability as well as...

Gourmet Coffee Shop’s Staffing and Recruitment Plan

The Plan and Strategy for Recruiting Staff The proposed recruitment plan (Gourmet Coffee shop) will be used to hire a workforce for the next three years (2014-2017). The positions that need to be filled include three store managers and ten coffee servers. A recruitment agency will be contracted to enlist...

People Management: Motivation Techniques

Introduction Managing human resources in the context of international business can be discussed as a challenging task, especially with the focus on selecting sources and methods for motivating employees who work in intercultural environments. The principles of the strategic business management should also be taken into account to develop and...

Total Rewards Management in the United Kingdom

Introduction to Total Reward Management The United Kingdom highly acknowledges total reward management because total rewards are aspects that employees regard highly in an organization. Employers use total rewards to attract, maintain, and motivate employees. The problem is that employers cannot afford offering benefits and salaries that motivate employees and...

Dubai Ports World Company’s Human Resource Planning

Executive summary This report evaluates the emergence, growth, and development of HR function over the past decades. More emphasis goes to planning as one of the most important HR functions. Firstly, the rationale for the assignment stands out by outlining the description of the issue under evaluation coupled with outlining...

Diversity Effects on the Workplace

Introduction Diversity refers to the “extent to which the workforce of an organization is heterogeneous in terms of personal and functional characteristics” (Paludi 12). It encompasses the demographic attributes of the employees such as their ethnicity, gender, age, culture, and race. Diversity also includes the educational achievements and the work...

Training and Development as Experience

Comparing Definitions Training is traditionally viewed as a set of activities that compel the participants (i.e., employees) to acquire a set of specific skills. There are, however, other ways of looking at the process of training. Particularly, some studies suggest looking at training as a “process whereby the trainer imparts...

BlackBerry Company: Employee Performance

Introduction Employee performance is essential in any organisation that is deemed to realise its goals. Workers form the backbone of the organisation; hence, they should be regarded as investment tools rather than liabilities. This distinction substantially acknowledges that both individual and collective performances play a fundamental role in propelling the...

Employees Management: Recruitment and Selection

Introduction One of the most crucial elements of organizational success is strategic human resource management. Human resource management is process through which organizational leaders plan for a favorable workforce, hire qualified people, skill them appropriately, and shift their talent mix to meet demands in their respective market. The process also...

The Internet and Email Usage Monitoring on the Workplace

Introduction The introduction of internet and Email can be considered as one of the best discoveries in the history of mankind. This is because it has made communication to any part of the world faster and easier. Because of its rich resources and information, the internet is a major source...

Adventure Street Co.’s Employee Training Design

Abstract Making changes to the very design of a company, including the leadership style adopted by the managers, the ethical principles and values that the decision-making process is based on, etc., is a challenging task. In order to become competitive in the global economy, Adventure Street, Co. will have to...

Effective Management Solutions Company’s Hiring and Variable Pay Plan

Abstract This paper will focus on the hiring and variable plan developed by Rodriguez in order to enable EMS to achieve its objectives. Effective Management Solutions (EMS) is currently being faced with a challenge of high job turnover. This program is aimed attracting new applicants and reduction of turnover rates...

Workplace Conflict and Successful Team Management

Introduction A growing literature reveals that sustaining workplace relations among workers of different ethnic backgrounds, social affiliations, and economic statuses is proving challenging for the human resource managers (Johansen, 2012). It is obvious that workplace conflicts tend to affect the working environment and results in unnecessary violence that affects workers...

Customer Service Representative in Retail Company

Introduction The current position of a Customer Service Representative is needed to ensure the retail company realizes its goals. However, it will be appropriate to examine the nature of the job, skills, knowledge, experience, and abilities required to ensure the position reflects the expectations and workload at the company (Weeks,...

Ulrich’s Model in the UAE HR Management

Human resource (HR) is defined as individual contribution to an organization in terms of efforts, skills and capabilities. On the other hand, human resource management (HRM) is the division of the organization that deals with the management of human resource (Dessler 4). Human resource management can be viewed in two...

Learning and Development Strategies and Activities

Introduction An organization has to have the required skills and knowledge to be able to compete with other organizations across the globe. To keep with a highly changing and complex business environment, an organization has to learn and develop appropriately. Successful employee learning and development strategy can help an organization...

Employee Contributions and Incentive Pay Options

Introduction Employee involvement and motivation are among the key factors affecting the company’s performance, profitability, and growth. This is especially prominent in retail business settings, where the employees’ enthusiasm and proactivity largely define the company’s sales results. In order to boost employee performance, companies introduce various benefits schemes. One of...

Infosys Group: Human Resources Management

Case Analysis Question Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) is one of the best practices in every business organization. This practice is what differentiates success from failure (Mello, 2014). SHRM is a powerful approach whereby “organizational leaders manage different human resources in order to produce a strategic framework that can support...

Defense Media Activity’s Human Resource Management

Abstract The division has seven main operating components, which are the American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS), defense information office, defense visual information, production, technical, general support, and the famous Stars and Stripes magazine. Specifically, the reporting procedure for the organization is aligned to a systematic grid consisting of...

Human Resource Management: Strategic Talent Management

Need to Monitor Personnel’s Work The need to monitor how the work is performed in this or that organisation is an integral component of the leadership. The better the control process is established, the higher the productivity of labour will be, and this scheme is known for almost all modern...

Teamwork Planning in the Organization

Managing Teams I am currently working as a Production Manager in my organization. This Senior Managerial Position (SMP) makes it easier for me to monitor and supervise a large number of employees. I always use the best leadership practices in order to support my employees. My team focuses on the...

EngCo Company’s Employee Voice Survey

The issue of employee satisfaction with the workplace environment has become the main concern for the management since it directly impacts business productivity. Despite the fact that an open-plan office environment has some benefits as to employees’ satisfaction, the employees did not accept the announcement made by the EngCo CEO...

Talent Management Strategy in Big League

Introduction Big League is a small software development company located in New York. The organization employs 200 people 20 of which are identified leaders. The company’s human resources (HR) department understands that there is a link between efficient and appropriate talent management and a company’s net earnings. This paper aims...

Recording, Analyzing and Using Human Resources Information

Introduction Human resource management has become a very essential field of study in the current business environment. The levels of competition in the corporate sector have skyrocketed due to the development of technology, globalization and liberalization of markets. This has led to magnificent increase in business activity across all corners...

Procter and Gamble Company: Designing a Training Program

The proposal designs a two-day training program for 20 employees at Procter and Gamble. In the program, there are training needs and justification for the approach, the objectives of the training, the training cost, and the method of training. A training program for 20 Procter and Gamble employees under the...

Employee Motivation and “Pygmalion” Management

What types of motivational strategies are applicable to improve employee productivity? The first and supremely important strategy of an organization is to empower the employees. Employees are empowered by being accorded trust, authority and encouragement to accomplish a certain task. Corporate intrapreneurship is being promoted by managers in organizations. Therefore,...

Industrial Relations Understanding: Employees Management

Understanding workplace relations is important in the current society where employee’s role in making firms achieve their objectives has become very relevant. Understanding the theoretical framework of workplace relation will enable a manager understand the best strategy through which, employees can be managed in order to improve their productivity. According...

Dubai Design District: Resource and Talent Management

Introduction Talent management practices are important to organizations because they help to arrange and implement the skills of human resources that play a crucial role in business success. Effective talent management allows companies to develop competitive advantages, increase innovation, and decrease turnover rates. The given report aims to explain the...

Motivation Strategies and Employee Performance

Abstract Developments in the business operating environment have necessitated the evolution of employee motivation strategies, so that theory and practice are congruent. This paper reviews motivation strategies and how they have developed over time. The paper then looks at contemporary motivation strategies and how they can be used to improve...