Discussion of Leadership Styles in Organizations

Subject: Leadership Styles
Pages: 1
Words: 318
Reading time:
2 min
Study level: College

There are various leaders in my organization, and I have identified three leadership styles that they have. They include authentic, transformational, and authoritarian leadership; all three have unique features that make them unique. Authentic leadership is characterized by a deep and open relationship between a leader and his followers. That kind of leader is emotionally intelligent and is aware of the potential and weaknesses of his workers.

Meanwhile, it is an ethical style in which morality plays a vital role (Mirayani et al., 2019). Transformational leadership is associated with leaders who inspire their followers and bring their potency to a new level. Such leaders push their workers to new limits by encouraging taking responsibility and using creativity for solving challenging problems (Mirayani et al., 2019). Lastly, the authoritarian style implies a top-down approach based on strict control and limiting the responsibility of the employees. The power is not distributed evenly among people and is concentrated in the hands of a small number of individuals (Mirayani et al., 2019). All three methods can be effective and detrimental, depending on the context.

At the moment, I have an authentic leader who managed to build a trust-based relationship with me over a relatively short period. She is the HR Director, who, from the beginning, surprised me with her benevolent nature. She is fair, smart, forward-looking, and perfectly knowledgeable about the people who work for her. She is aware of their strengths and weaknesses and uses them to reach the organization’s aims.

I presume that I possess qualities from all three types of leaders. Firstly, I would want to use my public speaking skills to motivate my followers to work productively and competitively. Secondly, I would use my convincing and organizational skills to gain respect and the position of authority. Lastly, I would apply my ability to emotionally connect with people and develop long-lasting relationships to ensure fruitful collaboration with my followers.


Mirayani, R., Kusumaningsih, S. W., Mustikasiwi, A., & Purwanto, A. (2019). Transformational, authentic, and authoritarian types of leadership: which one is the most influential in staff’s performance? (A Study On Performance In A Religious School Setting). Dinasti International Journal of Education Management And Social Science, 1(2), 172-182.