Human Resource Management, Practices, and Influence

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 19
Words: 2111
Reading time:
8 min
Study level: College

Internal and External Factors Affecting HRM

The internal factors affecting HRM include employee relations, operational strategies, financial strategies, and corporate objectives. Regarding the operational plan, introducing new IT and other systems within the Google, Dubai Company may force new personnel recruitment (Torrington et al., 2020). Poor employee relations may cause some employees to be moved to new departments. New product development within the Google firm may drive a new sales team recruitment regarding marketing strategy. Finances help allocate resources that support the company in meeting its goals, such as the employment of personnel. Relating to corporate objectives, the corporation may set objectives on cost minimization, thus laying off some workers.

The external factors that affect HRM include market changes, economic changes, technological changes, social changes, and political and legal changes. Political factors include tax policy, labor law, political stability, trade restrictions, and tariffs (Torrington et al., 2020). Government regulations affect many steps in the HR department, including hiring, compensation, training, and termination. Unfavorable government policies, such as heavy taxation, will adversely affect the operations of the Google company, and thus they may lay off some staff to compensate for the high tax. Employment legislation laws protect the employee’s rights and govern employer-employee relationships. Trade restriction policies may bar the company from operating in Dubai. Political instability within the nation may make the workers run searching for safety. Technological advancements may contribute to laying off some workers as machines perform some tasks. Social changes include demographic changes such as when the older people retire, the younger individuals get the employment chances. Social issues, such as family disputes, may affect workers’ performance.

Application of HRM practices in a Work-related Context

The HRM practices have found application within most work-related contexts in many parts of the world. In the Google company, the potential scenarios of HRM practices include social media recruitment, mobile recruiting, and the tracking system of the applicant (Nawaz and Gomes, 2020). Through social media recruitment, the Google company can use the video call applications, such as Google Meet, to recruit more employees. It reduces the cost to both the employee and employer, as the latter does not have to set up a physical interview while the former is saved off the traveling expenses. The tracking system can help scan various documents, such as the curriculum vitae. The method benefits the employer, requiring little time and effort to select the best applicant from many curriculum vitae forms submitted to the corporation. In mobile recruiting, the organization’s potential employees can easily be tracked. The common techniques used in this tool are mobile browser, texts via mobile phones, and mobile apps.

P5: Importance of Employee Relations in Influencing HRM Decision-making

Employee-HR management relation is essential for attaining the Google company’s success. Before any final decision is undertaken, the HRM department must consult the employees to ensure the effectiveness of the launched plan. Trust is an essential component that should be developed between the executive and the employee in contributing to the firm’s success (Behravesh, Abubakar and Tanova, 2020). When a good employer-employee relationship is established, the HRM policies within the company are easily implemented. There should exist mutual respect between the corporation and the worker. The two should freely communicate on the issues regarding work status.

A good employee relationship has importance in influencing HRM decision-making. Through this, a friendly working environment with no conflicts is attained. There is increased productivity within the corporation as the workers work harder for organizational success (Behravesh, Abubakar and Tanova, 2020). It influences HRM decision-making as a good employee relation will lead to a higher retention rate, thus reducing the cost of looking for new workers to fill the vacant positions. It reduces personnel turnover as individuals are willing to work for the company. The workers become more loyal to the organization under an excellent employer-employee relationship (Mayrhofer, Gooderham and Brewster, 2019). The HRM management needs to be fair and avoid making discriminatory decisions that will negatively alter the employee relationships within the Google Company. An excellent employer-employee relation is a crucial intervention in ensuring the prosperity of the Google firm.

P6: Elements of Employment Legislation and its Impact on HRM Decision-making

Employment legislation encompasses the workers’ rights and controls the employer-employee relationship. Some laws and regulations help reduce differences in recruiting an employee for a particular job. These elements include equal employment opportunity, working time regulations, wages remuneration, affirmative actions, trade unions, sexual harassment prevention, and working conditions (Wilkinson, 2019). They are encompassed in the 1998 Human Rights Act, 2010 Equality Act, 1991 Anti-Discrimination Act, and 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act, among other laws (O’Brien, 2020). Google Company follows the employment legislation directives to protect workers’ rights. It avoids discriminatory practices against the stipulated rules governing the employer-employee relation.

Every individual has the right to equal employment opportunity regardless of gender or race. Affirmative action provides equal opportunity for everyone in the workplace. Sexual harassment prevention is essential for creating a healthy and safe working environment (Wilkinson, 2019). The employer and employee have to agree on the working hours to avoid worker exploitation. Wages and remuneration have to be paid by the employer for the worker’s services to the corporation. Workers have the right to join trade unions to get an equal representation during their demands for rights. The unions advocate for a better collective bargaining agreement (CBA) to increase employee satisfaction. There should be no discrimination on which member has the right to join the trade unions.

Health safety and social security have to be accorded to the employees. The workers’ health determines their overall performance, as sick workers have low work output (Whysall, Bowden and Hewitt, 2017). They can also transmit the diseases to their colleagues at work, causing fear to operate in the work environment effectively. Sick workers need to be given a sick leave to recuperate. It allows them to regain their initial high rate performance necessary for their success in their occupation. Their salary should not be deducted because of work absence during the sickness duration. The employees have to operate in good working conditions with adequate resources.

The impact of these elements on HRM Decision making is impressive because they all ensure the workers’ proper protection, regardless of race, gender, and economic status. The workers are assured of a safe working environment during HRM decision-making. The sick are accorded a sick leave, and an alternative labor source is sought to avoid burdening the worker during work resumption. The workers can join trade unions and attend important trade union delegation meetings. The organization fully understands the worker’s rights during its entire decision-making process. The firm supports programs meant to protect its employees against sexual harassment. Some HR managers may hire counselors to advise their employees, especially those with post-traumatic stress disorder, because of previous experiences. It shows all the firm’s efforts that the firm can put in to safeguard its employees’ rights.

Employee Relations Management and Employment Legislation Aspects Affecting HRM Decision-making

Employee relations discusses the relation between the workers and the employers. It focuses on collective and individual relationships found in the workplace. A proper employer-employee relationship is crucial to the Google Company’s success (Carbery and Cross, 2019). Employee engagement has become a key component of deciding affecting HRM. The best aspects of employee relations include honest communication, trust and recognition, and appreciation. The HR manager needs to ensure collaboration among workers to increase productivity and profit. The workers need to be shown that they are cared for by the organization. The HR manager should not favor any worker; all workers must be treated equally. Equity helps build the employer-employer relationship and employee relations (Kodelja, 2016). The employer needs to keep the promises made to workers so that the relationship remains solid. Based on the equity theory of motivation, workers will work harder if they feel the reward will be higher (Francis, Zirra and Mambula, 2020). The workers will put in higher input through their effort and enthusiasm, skills and abilities, and loyalty and commitment to the organization. The worker expects to be recognized by the HRM through financial compensation, job security, praise, and even promotion.

Employment Legislation laws relate to workplace discrimination laws, wage and hour laws, employee benefits laws, immigration laws, and work safety laws. Work discrimination laws prohibit any form of discrimination of an individual based on age, race, disability, pregnancy, or religion. U. S Department of Labor regulates the wage-hour laws to prevent employers from exploiting the workers. The employee benefits laws relate to ensuring workers’ access to benefits, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Immigration laws guide the eligibility of working in a particular nation. Workplace safety ensures employees work in safe conditions to avoid exploitation.

M5: Rationale for the Application of Specific HRM Practices in a Work-related Context

Best HRM practices point to superior business performance, and they universally work when applied to different work-related contexts. These practices include providing security to employees, selective hiring, compensation, training relevant skills, and making information accessible (Carbery and Cross, 2019). The rationale for security provision plays an essential role in employee retention. An employee will work in an area and organization where his security is guaranteed, unlike an area having instability. The employee’s life is a top priority than work, and thus they should be assured of protection. Selective hiring entails recruiting the right people for the specified position. It helps bring employees who add value to the enterprise. The unqualified employees who would struggle to perform a specified task are avoided. Recruiting qualified workers improves an organization’s performance, which is correlated to increased profitability. The HRM recruitment panel checks the workers’ ability, trainability, and commitment during the interviews.

The HRM practice of having self-managed and effective teams is important for any organization. The rationale for this practice is that teamwork among the employees is necessary for a firm to attain success. In the teams, the workers think differently but are focused on one goal. Different ideas are generated in the work context to help a firm achieve its goals. These ideas are combined or the best one selected to meet the organization’s demands. The HR manager’s responsibility is to encourage and ensure workers cooperate. Cooperation is vital for building solid relationships among the employees. Fair and performance-based compensation is essential HRM practice to improve employee retention. The workers add value to the organization, and thus they have the right to be fairly paid. Training workers with relevant skills is crucial in helping. After recruitment, an organization can ensure that the workers remain the organization’s frontrunners through training. Vital information within an organization should be available to those who need it. An HR manager needs to open communication about operations that establish a culture in which the workforce feels trusted. If an HR manager wants the employees to share their ideas, they must be informed to understand the things happening within the organization.

Employee Relations and Application of HRM Practices Affecting Decision-making

Healthy workplace relationship provides an excellent working atmosphere to the employees. Employees highly engage in work practices when a perfect employer-employee relationship exists. The workers thus closely operate with the HR managers and contribute to the decisions made within the organization. There is improved communication between the employer and the worker, and therefore the latter can get accurate feedback on work performance from the former. The harmonious employee relationship will enhance good economic development within the organization. The employers easily communicate with the HR managers on their thoughts about specific policy plans within the firm, which may influence HR decision-making. The workers endorse the strategies that they think will benefit the organization, and if a good relationship exists, the HR manager readily agrees with these proposals. An organization can use the reward and recognition system to build a solid connection between employers and employees.

Different HRM practices may overall affect decision-making within an organization. These include recruitment, compensation and benefits, onboarding, employee retention, and training. Recruiting the right staff will affect HRM decision-act as the staff will not struggle to hire new employees, as experienced when incompetent workers are employed. A proper onboarding process will ensure that the hired employees have finer details crucial for work performance. IT will affect HRM decision-making, as the organization will not struggle to find the right personnel for the positions. Proper treatment of the workers will lead to higher employee retention; thus, the company does not need to source more employees. Training equips the workers with various skills that increase their work flexibility. It may make the organization avoid hiring personnel in some posts, as the workers may multitask.

Reference List

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