🤝 Essays on Employee Management

E-Learning System for Employee Training

Executive Summary The current technological dynamism calls on employees to receive training regularly to keep them at par with the competitors. The training should involve a reliable tracking system to monitor the operations. Moreover, the system should allow the management to consult and analyze the data as per the needs....

Application of HRM Policy in Public Sector

Background and Rationale The examination of the efficiency of the Human Resource Management (HRM) policy designed according to the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) configurational perspective is an important step in discussing how associated HRM practices can be used to promote employee retention. The discussion of applying the specifically designed...

SMEs Saudi Arabia Employment Guarantee

SMEs in Saudi Arabia are discussed as guaranteeing employment for the large proportion of employees in the country’s private sector (Mohammad 2015, p. 31). In addition, the development of SMEs contributes to attracting more Saudis to work in the private sector of the country and facilitates its economic progress (Adeyemi...

Critical Assessment of Training Actions in Companies

Critical Action Learning Writing Introduction Action research is one of the critical instruments, which is used to determine and assess the essentiality of the establishment of modifications and alterations to enhance the company’s success in operations during cruel times. Nonetheless, the application process might be complicated in implementation due to...

Talent Management in Organizations

Executive Summary The research proposal seeks to explore the challenges facing talent management in many organisations that operate globally. Besides, it investigates how human resource management integrates cultural diversity into talent management practices. The study will be based on a qualitative research method where semi-structured interviews will be applied. The...

The Effect of Local HRM Practices on International HRM

Abstract Human resource management is the process of coordinating the efforts and talents of individual employees within an organization towards the achievements of the goals and objectives of the respective organization. There are different strategies that have been developed towards the achievement of the goals of different organizations. The strategies...

Can Human Resources Make a Strategic Contribution to Sony-Europe?

Company Profile: Sony Europe Sony is a multinational corporation that was established in 1946. The firm has managed to establish a number of subsidiary firms which are located in different parts of the world. The firm operates in over 183 countries and has managed to develop a strong human resource...

Influence of Twelve Hour Shifts on Police Officers’ Job Satisfaction

Introduction Job satisfaction is defined as a positive state originating from the appraisal of individuals’ work or work experiences and, therefore, determines feelings toward their job (Johnson, 2012). Contentment, enjoyment, and fulfillment are other characters of job satisfaction (Adelbayo & Ezanya, 2011). For police officers, job satisfaction correlates with officers’...

Management and Leadership as Complementary Systems

Introduction Kotter (1990) argued that management and leadership have distinct characteristics but also complement each other. The difference between leadership and management is sometimes difficult to define. This is due to the fact that healthy organizations have leaders who perform similar duties and roles as those of the managers. On...

Organizational Identification: The Impact on Knowledge Sharing

Abstract The emergence of economic knowledge has led to significant transformation with regard to the importance of knowledge as an organisational asset. Firms in different economic sectors have become concerned on how to develop their knowledge base, which has led to the integration of knowledge management as one of the...

American Insurance Group: Organizational Team Model

Introduction One of the major challenges faced by American International Group (AIG), an insurance multinational corporation, is the need to unite its diverse employees to effectively work together to achieve its goals. In most cases, the management of AIG struggles to foster working relationships between employees who have different national...

Human Resource Management in Saudi Tourism Sector

Training and education The aspect of staff training is very imperative in yield management as it affects productivity. The focus of this discussion is on the tourism industry in Saudi Arabia and specifically the hotel industry. Almost one-third of the Saudi Arabia population is an expatriate population wherein 27.4 million...

Human Resources Roles Implemented on Westpac Corporation and St. George Bank

Strategic Partner The merger between Westpac Corporation and St. George Bank was a timely move that has helped the firm to become stronger in this competitive industry. As a strategic partner, I believe that this has made us stronger in the Australian market. The service delivery to customers has improved...

The Challenges of HR in Non-Governmental Organization: World Vision Mozambique Case

Abstract HRM plays the function of selection and recruitment to guarantee to hire of people who have the capacity to develop by engaging them in the process of training and development. Effective training and development approach at organizational and global levels foster career development by emphasizing talent management and mentorship...

Comparison between Two Cases of Merger

Staffing ENBD was the new company formed following the merger between Emirates and NBD (Mitra & Pandley 2008). Prior to the merger, the two businesses had formulated principles that would guide the process. Jointly, the two entities had formed a center of expertise that would guide the staffing process. After...

Human Resource Development Practices to Achieve Economic Growth: The Case of Singapore

Introduction Human Resource Development (HRD) plays a very significant role in promoting political, social and economic development and growth of a country. Most countries both developed and developing relies in efficient and advanced human resource to advance in all aspects of development. Through HRD, performance, learning and the individual capabilities...

Employee Retention in Healthcare Call Center

Introduction In this chapter, a detailed review of literature is presented which relates to employee retention and motivation in a working environment. Since, the aim of the research is to penetrate the reason that lead to a high turnover in healthcare call centers, therefore the focus of the literature being...

The Concept of Job Enrichment

Job enrichment defined Job enrichment refers to the process of giving employees an opportunity to put into practice their various abilities and potentials. It is underlined by the fact that employees have different abilities and potentials. Job enrichment is attained through having a variety of challenging tasks, giving feedback to...

National HR Policy Efficacy in Driven High Growth Economies: A Case Study in State of Qatar

Background Qatar has continued to experience rapid economic growth in recent years due to its vast oil resources and the proliferation of other industries in the non-oil sector (Berrebi et al 2009; Weber 2011). Coinciding with the unprecedented economic growth, the number of semi-private corporations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating...

Job Satisfaction and Job Performance Direct and Indirect Relationship

The study is aimed at investigating the direct and indirect relationships between job satisfaction and job performance in companies that deal with automobiles in MI, USA. A standardized quantitative questionnaire will be distributed a sample of 100 employees who will be selected from the companies. Data analysis will then be...

Examining Present Day CEO Compensation

Introduction Massive executive compensation packages are often viewed with disdain by the “everyday working man” within today’s factories, call centers and corporate offices. A worker looks at their salary that barely allows them to live paycheck to paycheck while, on the other hand, the CEO of their company is paid...

Generational Differences in Workforce on Organizational Performance in Canada

The paper provides the results of the descriptive research on the generational differences in the workforce of Canada. The aspects of the work with Millennials and its effects on the organizational performance were studied with the focus on the data provided by Statistics Canada and other agencies. It was found...

Analysis of Work Motivation and Attitude

Introduction Work can be described as tasks performed by an employee with the expectations of compensation from employer. In every workplace, employees need to have positive attitude and motivation in order to work effectively. Generally, employees who are motivated tend to complete their work accurately and promptly with minimal or...

“Understanding Human Competence at Work: An Interpretative Approach” by Jorgen Sandberg

Introduction Organisational activities have always been heavily dependent on the concept of human competence that emerged when the attribution of authority shifted toward reason and ability. Different notions of competence have entered professional practice, invariably changing it from both domain-specific and behavioural perspectives (Mulder 107). The introduction of different conceptions...

Effective Introduction and Adoption of Remote Working in a Governmental Department

Introduction Background Globalization and rapid evolution of information technology have immense impacts on organizations and governments because they transform working practices. Remote working is one of the effects of globalization and rapid development of informatics in the modern society (Rockmann & Pratt 2015). Remote working requires an enabling environment, which...

Reducing Employee Turnover at the Appco Group

Proposed Business Topic The existing gap in research, dealing with high staff turnover in face-to-face marketing, needs to be addressed to provide an understanding into both the causes and possible solutions to this issue. Current research focuses on the various types of operations (direct marketing, social media, etc.) or the...

The Qantas Lockout of Employees in 2011

Summary about the Dispute The Cause The Qantas dispute was all about a dialogue to reach enterprise agreements (EAs) with three unions. The key issues that were the focus of the negotiations involved wage increases, better working conditions, and the impact of Qantas’s managerial policy on “wages and job security”...

“Understanding Human Competence at Work: An Interpretive Approach” – Article Review

Introduction In the article “Understanding Human Competence at Work: An Interpretive Approach”, Jorgen Sandberg uses an interpretive approach known as phenomenography with the view to examining what constitutes competence in work settings. The concept of competence, according to Jorgen, warrants further exploration due to its association with organisational viability and...

Rapidly Developing Economies and HRM Policies

Abstract The context in which human resource management (HRM) policies and practices are developed and implemented is usually important to determine their content and character. From this point, the context of rapidly developing economies also has its particular effects on the development of HRM policies and practices. In addition, it...

ABC Company: Critical Action Learning

Introduction Critical action learning is the process of learning from the experience and thoroughly reflecting upon it (Ram & Trehan, 2010, p. 417). It has been shown that such an approach provides a better understanding of the actions performed and the knowledge gleaned. This paper is devoted to critical action...

Strategies for Managing Human Resource Diversity

Introduction The promotion of diversity in organizations has been one of the major tasks for business administrators who may represent various industries. This goal is essential for improving the cooperation between employees, minimizing conflicts, and protecting the reputation of companies. Overall, researchers offer different guidelines that can be useful for...

Green Human Resource Management in Organizations

Background of the Study The world is changing rapidly and every human aspect is currently relying on the emerging green techniques of supporting sustainable living and conduciveness in the environment. The use of green technologies and green approaches to support a comfortable human life has spurred communities to understand the...

Management Training and Development

Introduction When workers grow, a business also develops (Brown & Harvey, 2011). This statement summarizes the centrality of employee development in the success of an organization and its activities. Companies have unique goals and missions, which demand employee skills and knowledge to achieve profitability (Saks, Tamkin, & Lewis, 2011). Consequently,...

Employee Management: Retention and Performance

Introduction This paper reviews the procedures and results of research conducted to investigate the influence of employee management on retention and performance. The first part of the paper presents the background to the case and provides a basis for the research question, while the subsequent sections describe the research procedures,...

Employee Motivation: Addressing the Current Literature

Introduction Today, most parties to a dispute prefer legal suits in which they are involved to be heard and determined in a court that is likely to come up with a judgment that best suits their interests. The practice is commonly referred to as forum shopping (Wild, Weinstein & Riefa...

ABC Oil & Gas Company Employee Management

Introduction Employee development is a major component of satisfying human resources. However, most organizations establish and tailor their training and development programs to fit the general employees while often bypassing one building block of a stable workforce, namely the management. Just like other personnel, the management officials require training and...

Swire Firm’s Employee Management Development Program

Background Swire is one of the largest European oil and gas companies. It has established a training and management development program to sustain growth and competitiveness. The company has outlets in China, Hong Kong, the United States, and England. Some of its subsidiaries deal with offshore operations, oilfield services and...

Employee Retention Policy: Theoretical Framework

Introduction The main premise of the current research is that (1) the individual perceptions of employees in the public and semi-private sector organisations in Qatar are influenced by the implemented HRM practices, (2) and being explained with references to the Human Capital Theory and Social Exchange Theory, these perceptions form...

Racial Discrimination Practices in Recruitment and Selection

Introduction Unequal treatment of persons based on color of skin or races, especially in workplaces is known as racial discrimination. Many studies indicate that the black people are broadly known to be victims of racial discrimination, especially in multicultural work environments. Some of the contributing factors to racial discrimination include...

Fun at the Workplace to Improve Work Performance

Literature Review The literature review focuses on existing information on fun at the workplace. It seeks to establish how pleasure leads to improved work performance. Although many researchers attest that fun in the workplace revealed through happiness and increased morale amongst the employees, it is not considered as a factor...

International Human Resource Management: Japan & US

Introduction Expansion into international markets causes organizations to export their cultures to foreign business subsidiaries. Organizational culture includes business models such as human resource management practices. For example, multinational corporations deploy their recruitment, training, and development approaches in foreign nations (Ferner & Quintanilla 1998). This strategy suggests that the country...

Entertainment in the Workplace & Employee Productivity

Introduction Clinical studies may be grouped into different categories, such as experiments, surveys, and observational research. Nevertheless, the researcher must meticulously plan to accomplish the goal of each research. Various elements determine the development of an excellent study. The research must identify and define an operational research problem. A clear...

Effective Leadership: A Driver in Talent Retention

Introduction In the current competitive business environment, many organizations are under pressure to retain their best talents in order to remain successful. Finding the right talent to undertake various tasks within an organization is one of the most complex tasks that many organizations face. Having the right academic qualification alone...

Qatari Policy on Employee Retention: Questionnaire

Introduction The properly selected instrument to collect the data for the study is often discussed by researchers as a guarantee for receiving credible and efficient findings that are supported with relevant conclusions (Gkorezis & Petridou 2012, p. 3602; Kuttappa 2013, p. 75). While conducting the quantitative survey and focusing on...

Strategies for Managing Stress in Organizations

Introduction Stress is an inevitable phenomenon in human lives that is caused by a wide spectrum of disturbing factors. Its effects can be either beneficial or undesirable. In the wake of industrialization, technological advancement, and globalization, the workplace has been characterized by a complexity of distressing factors. As a result,...

Employee Training Programs and Handbooks

Training Programs for new employees Research has shown that a large number of current organisations have excellent procedures for recruiting and selecting employees (Grossman & Salas, 2011). Nevertheless, they do not have an organised system through which they can offer continuous training to their workforce in order to enhance competence....

Recruitment & Selection and Conflict Resolution

New Employee Plan Introduction The success of an organisation is significantly determined by the quality of its workforce. The human resource department implements the strategies that the organisation develops. For new employees to acclimatise to the organisation’s culture and practice, they need to receive proper orientation. A supervisor needs to...

Performance Appraisal and Questionnaire Design

Introduction Performance appraisal is viewed as a process through which organisations identify, measure, and improve the employees’ execution of roles (Augustine 2009). This implies that before initiating the process of improving the performance of the employees, the involved department must identify the various roles that will be considered. After that...

The Influence of Non-Work-Related Factors on the Work Commitment

Abstract Generational changes in society have considerable impacts on employees due to the evolution of values, attitudes, practices, and experiences. Some 45% of employees in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) labour market are Generation Y, making this dominant age group. Individuals born in the period between 1980 and 1999 belong...

Employee Loyalty and Career Development Effects

Introduction Career development is a human resource practice that in theory is a designed pathway for employee growth, development, and acquisition of relevant labour skills to modern knowledge economies, and overall labour market preparedness as well as being an organizational employee retention scheme (Karatepe & Karadas 2015). Career development is...

Employee Involvement and Work Stress Correlation

Abstract Employee involvement and work stress are significant factors that determine the productivity of employees and performance of organisations. Fundamentally, employee involvement improves productivity and performance while work stress decreases the productivity of employees. The core objective of the study was to establish the nature and the extent of the...

Impact of High-Performance Work Environments on Employee Satisfaction

Introduction Managers often focus on creating high-performance work environments that can motivate employees, promote their involvement in decision-making, and stimulate them to achieve higher performance results (Giannikis & Nikandrou 2013). High-performance environments are specific settings and conditions with the help of which employers stimulate workers to improve their performance and...

Aspects of Organisation of Employees

Employees who are recognized have high self-esteem, confidence, and willingness to face new challenges and be innovative as they are motivated to work (Pratheepkanth, 2011). A positive climate motivates employee, enhances his/her productivity, job satisfaction, commitment, and performance. Conflict, however, has a negative effect on organizational commitment (Tella et al.,...

The Features of Corporate Downsizing in Canada

Abstract The paper discusses the problem of downsizing in Canadian organizations. Downsizing is a practice that is used by managers as a response to the economic crisis, reductions in funding, and other negative conditions. In Canada, three recession periods were observed, and they led to an increase in rates of...

Possible Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover at Appco Group

High turnover rates in face-to-face marketing remain unaddressed, causing significant issues in companies that engage such type of marketing strategy as the main one in their business. The causes of turnover remain neglected, whereas the main focus of the research is placed on the engagement of social media in face-to-face...

The Influence and Importance of Job Satisfaction on Staff Turnover

Introduction Job satisfaction refers to how fulfilled or gratified an employee is with his current employment position. Satisfied employees are less likely to leave the organization, however, there are other factors that influence staff turnover. These include the availability of alternatives and circumstances that incapacitate the employee such as death...

Steps to Improve Motivation Within Organizations

Background: Current Issues in Motivation Fostering high levels of employee motivation is considered one of the most critical aspects of performance improvement within organisations. The modern business environment is challenged by economic, social, and political changes on a regular basis, which leads to an increased need to change the established...

Happiness Promotion Among UAE Employees and Society

Abstract The paper is a research proposal for a PhD project aimed at studying the issue of employee happiness and the initiatives proposed by the government in the United Arab Emirates to increase social well-being and promote happiness among government employees. The significance of the research is caused by the...

Ship-Repair Industry and Workplace Stress: Study Methods

Various industries face the challenge of occupational stress having a significantly negative impact on job satisfaction, employee performance, absenteeism, and turnover rates (Campbell, 2015; Leon & Halbesleben, 2013; Meško et al., 2013; Prater & Smith, 2011). Compared to other industries, however, the ship-repair industry has higher levels of professional stress...

Pay Transparency and Its Shortcomings

Introduction Every organization desires to possess a compensation scheme that allows its employees to earn pay that is commensurate with the level of their dedication and performance. In recent times, the concept of pay transparency has been lauded as one way of eliminating disbursement discrimination. The rationale is that if...

Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Interaction

Introduction The management topic that has been chosen for this study is the influence and importance of job satisfaction on staff turnover. Employee turnover has been a subject of interest for many scholars, managerial practitioners, and organizational managers over the past decade. Employee turnover happens when employees willingly depart from...

How to Motivating a Diverse Workforce

Introduction Employee motivation is an important element in the realization of organizational goals. From this understanding, employee motivation is deemed an important element for managers and supervisors in the effective running of organizations because from a broad perspective, it reflects on the quality of their leadership. There are many ways...

Talent Management in UAE’s MNEs

Talent management is one of the most critical roles in any organization in the current competitive business environment. In the United Arab Emirates, multinational enterprises have been keen on recruiting and retaining talents to help them have an efficient workforce capable of meeting strict targets within short deadlines. These enterprises...

Job Analysis Project: Human Resource Recruitment and Selection

Business organizations, as well as non-profit organizations, exist because they have got desired goals and objectives to achieve. In essence, organizations are a means to a certain desired end, that is, the achievement of their goals and objectives. Realization of organizational goals and objectives requires a collection of resources. These...

The State of Qatar: Effectiveness and Efficiency of Human Resource Policy

Abstract Human Resource Policy is ostensibly among the most important concepts that have revolutionalized the employment sector. In these modern times, there is greater need drawing the most from personnel than there is need for asset and material capacity of corporations when it comes to productivity. This has ostensibly been...

Ted Noffs Foundation: HRM Strategies

Introduction In view of the quantity of areas of prospective recruitment and the various numbers of techniques existing, it is imperative for a company to have an effective recruitment and selection strategy. This will create a positive image of the organization and assist it compete even more effectively in a...

Qatar’s 2009 Human Resource Management Law & Practice

Background Following the global tendency, public sector organisations all over the world began to reform in order to imitate the approaches characteristic for private sector organisations in the delivery of public services in order to overcome the economic pressures and address the ideas of innovativeness and flexibility (Truss 2008; Truss...

Causes of Stress in the Work Environment and How to Deal With It

Introduction Occupational stress is hard to avoid in the work environment. Primary causes of work-related stress are dense working conditions, severe competitiveness, experiencing differences in finding the balance between personal life and work, conflict with other members of a team, excess pressure from senior management, etc. (Dwamena, 2012; Trivellas, Reklitis,...

Work-Place Stress and Absenteeism, Turnover, and Employee Performance: A Case Study

Introduction Occupational stress goes hand in hand with work and interactions within a work environment. There is a great variety of causes leading to work-related stress; among the primary causes are excessive competitiveness, a strenuous team atmosphere with conflicts and ineffective communication practices, dense working conditions, pressure from senior management,...

Off-Shoring Practice in Multinational Corporations

Introduction Counter to the conventional wisdom, the practice of off-shoring is not driven primarily by the possibility to avoid regulations and offers a range of advantages for the multinational corporations and the involved communities. The recent data available from the Bureau of Economic Analysis points to the fact that while...

Cultural Differences and HR Management

Introduction Cultural differences affect how people make decisions because of differences in thinking, beliefs, and values (Hofsted, 2005). People argue that there is no permanent situation, and culture is not exceptional. Culture is subjected to change when people interact. Interactions constitute group formation, which is comprised of people who have...

Cultural Differences and People Management

Introduction In a contemporary business environment, organizations are recruiting and deploying people from different nationalities, cultural orientations, and ethnic backgrounds. The diversion has created a challenge for management on how to handle cultural differences among their human workforce. Culture affects someone’s behavior, attitude, performance, belief, and understanding; with diverse cultures,...

Organizational Behavior: Strategic HR Management

Abstract The research paper on organizational behavior and strategic human resources management critically evaluate evidence on motivation at work and what managers can do to increase motivation and productivity in their organization on part one. In part two the paper discusses career anchors and Career Orientation Inventory (CIO) and I...

Leadership in a Cross-cultural Organizational Setting

Abstract This paper discusses leadership in a cross-cultural organization setting. It begins by highlighting the importance of effective leadership in a cross-cultural organization followed by the significance of cultures and the need to appreciate different cultures. Reference has been made to various cultural dimensions as propounded by Hofstede. In addition,...

Shift Work Related Theories

Introduction Shift work refers to a type of employment practice that incorporates the 24-hour system as part of its work structure and design. Shift work refers to how employees within an organization work for two shifts that are usually scheduled to occur in one day. According to statistics released by...

When Job Dissatisfaction Leads to Creativity

The Research Question The purpose of the study was to determine the conditions that can lead to creativity in the work environment when employees are dissatisfied. The article revolved around one main research question, which is, under what conditions can job dissatisfaction lead to creativity. In other words, what are...

Saudi American Bank: Male and Female Branches

Introduction The Saudi Arabian economy remains one of the strongest in the region, and indeed the world. According to a 2011-2012 Global Competitiveness Report by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Saudi Arabia was ranked position seventeen from 21 in 2010-2011 (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, n.d). The Saudi Arabian economy has...

Appropriate Level of Remuneration

Introduction There are two key features when it comes to remuneration. First of all, a compensation package is a way to attract and retain top talent. Secondly, remuneration is a drain on the resources of any organization. In other words, resources are scarce and have to be managed carefully (Kroon,...

Human Resource Management in Holland Enterprises

Introduction The long-term success of an organization depends on the capacity to attract, retain, enhance and effectively utilize the most talented human capital of its employees (Schwind, 1998). We are living in an era when employees are only as devoted to the next paycheck. People are more willing to search...

Work Environment Impact on Employee Performance

Introduction Managers in the contemporary are faced with the new challenge of creating working environments that are attractive and motivating to their workforce. As it has been revealed, employees’ level of motivation is directly proportional to their productivity in their workplaces. On this basis, organizational management should create a work...

Controlling Workplace Stress: Employee Training and Development

Abstract This research focuses on the use of training and development to control stress. Employees are an important resource to an organization that whenever anything happens to them, the performance of an organization is affected. Employees are affected by various factors emanating both from the work environment and their home...

Workplace Stress Problem Analysis

Introduction Occupational stress is nearly impossible to avoid in the working place. In most cases, it has a significant negative effect on the emotional and physical wellbeing of employees as well as the level of their performance (Hiriyappa, 2013). It means that work-related stress is not beneficial to a company...

Work-Life Balance in the Corporate World

Abstract The purpose of this investigation is to address the concept of balancing between the way people work and their private life is an issue of great concern in this corporate world. Many governments and business organizations have a better understanding of the concept of work life balance and its...

Training Programs: The Effect on Employees

Introduction The paper is a critical evaluation of the research proposal titled “The effect of training programs on employees’ job linked competencies”. The author and year of publication are unknown to me. At one time or another, for one to graduate and to successfully carry out quantitative or qualitative study...

HRM Practices and Job Satisfaction

Introduction This chapter is structured to reflect the theoretical framework adopted for this research (Figure 1). The chapter provides the review of the previous research on the SHRM perspectives. The critical discussion of universalistic, contingency, configurational, and contextual perspectives provides the background for selecting the specific perspective for implementing HRM...

Organizational Efficiency and Personnel Selection

Introduction Organizational efficiency is a broad concept that serves as a synonym for organizational performance, effectiveness and in other cases competitiveness. The term ‘efficiency’, however, in this context refers to the use of available resources to optimize the production of goods or services. In an organization, these resources may include...

Motivation on the Performance of the Organization

Introduction The notion of motivation is revealed through each worker’s experience of aspiration and distaste. Motivation is derived from the word motive which denotes a physiological need that provokes an individual to an action. Motivation influences the performance of a workforce in an organization in different ways. Motivation has a...

Qatar Telecom’s Human Resource Management Policies

Abstract Managing employer-employee relationship has remained a challenging task for companies. With changing dynamics of businesses and emphasis on acquiring intellectual property as a source of survival companies rely heavily upon their employees to generate new ideas that could help businesses not only to sustain but also flourish. Competitive market...

Royal Mail: Team Learning and Productivity of Staff

Abstract Team learning is essential to enabling for an active Business lives. ‘Has team learning increased productivity of the staff of Royal Mail’ depends on the causal motivation of the transaction learning method. The management theories demonstrate that the risk of both public companies and their stockholders are well diversified...

History and Background of Hewlett Packard

Hewlett Packard is known as one of the most respected companies because of its consistent effort to produce innovative and high-quality products for its consumers. Hewlett Packard famously known as HP and is an American publicly listed corporation that manufactures products within the information technology industry the information technology industry...

Employee Motivation Measurement and Assessment

To create positive morale and improve commitment, employers must find ways to motivate their employees. However, amongst Industrial Organizational practitioners, debates are circulating over which motivation concept is most affective: intrinsic (internal motivators) or extrinsic (external motivators). The purpose of the final paper is to answer the question; which type...

Creativity Program in Human Resource Management

Introduction The ability of human resource to plan and manage its workforce is an integral part of any organization. It is important to be acquainted with the role played by succession management in replacing aging employees with new and productive ones who will take the organization business to the next...

Motivation and Its Effects on the Workplace

Introduction This proposal introduces the background of the research, objectives, scope and the theoretical framework of motivation and it effect on the workplace. Background of the research Motivation refers to an internal or external drive which is thought to influence the direction of behaviour of an individual. Motivation plays a...

HRM Roles & Contributions in Mergers & Acquisitions

Introduction The literature review represents an analysis that has been collected to ascertain the importance of involving human resource managers in the process of mergers and acquisition. The paper will also critically analyse and discuss the importance of involving the practices of human resource in such procedures. As days go...

Worker Safety Incentive Programs in Construction Job Sites

Introduction The functioning of the construction industry in the United States of America is known to have tremendously impacted the country’s economy. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis has found that the construction industry that deals with constructed related businesses that involve materials manufacturing equipment, supply, and designing, provides for...

Typware Software Company: Reward and Recognition H. Adamson

Fashion retailer Right Now Case Hank Adamson is the Chief Executive officer of Right Now, a prestigious retailer of apparel that conforms with fashion standards of young women. Under his stewardship, the company had expanded its retail chain of stores in twenty eight states through a spirited marketing campaign. In...