Product Pricing Methods: Advantages & Disadvantages

Subject: Economics
Pages: 1
Words: 265
Reading time:
< 1 min

Pricing can be defined as the method of determining what a company achieves after supplying its products.

Methods of pricing a product

The following methods are used when pricing commodities. Premium pricing is a process whereby the price of a commodity is priced consistently at or near the possible price range so that it can help attract the status. The other method is goldilocks pricing. This is pricing a product at a premium level, i.e., a lower-priced commodity to look more reasonably priced. Finally, there is demand-based pricing. It is a method of pricing a commodity that normally uses customer demand, apparently based on the desired worth as the center element.

Advantages of pricing a product

The following are the advantages that a company or an organization takes when pricing a product. Normally, prices are always priced so that an organization can achieve the financial goals the company has targeted. Also, the commodities are also priced so that they can reach and fit the realities of the marketplace. Furthermore, commodities are also priced so that the product can be in a better position and be consistent with other valuables in the market.

Disadvantages of pricing a product

The following advantages can affect the pricing of the commodities. The price of the products is always high if the price of the manufacturing is expensive therefore not meeting the consumer demand. Also, if a product is lowered the price lowers its value, therefore, creating inflation.