The existing woman’s fitness and spa service providers are not capable to accomplish the desire needs of customers at all. So, from this perspective “Revolution” (is not it Revolution) has been evolved. Revolution’s marketing strategy is to promise its potential customer to fulfill most of their expectation and do something different. According to a reliable estimation, this industry produced more than $10.6 billion last year and predictably, it will be increased day by day. In addition, beginning 2010 in California, the female population 18 and over will grow by about 1 million a year. The incredible growth in this industry is a huge opportunity and it has encouraged “Revolution” to launch in Los Angeles to meet the demand of 789,181 women.
“Revolution” will reach to its customer by placing ads in newspaper and magazines. Newspaper will be used to inform about special offer; but shape, self and woman’s fitness such type of advertisement will be done through magazines.
“Revolution” is committed to maintain the public relation and publicity. Hence, it would begin with trying to get its name out there to the consumers. At the beginning, it will emphasize to make people thinking more about “Revolution”. Furthermore, it would obtain booths at local health fair hosted by the colleges and so others.
We will apply the direct marketing strategy to maintain the customer relationship. Various promotional policy will be used; as for example sweepstake prize-a romantic getaway with a love one to Napa Valley for two night, charity event, free subscription to shape magazines to new members, complimentary sign up kit and much more. Consequently, the customer will understand the benefits by being with “Revolution”. We are also committed to being involved in various types of social activities.
To ensure our commitment and occupied a best position in this industry, “Revolution’s target is to segment its market geographically, then by demographic, psychographic way prospectively. “Revolution” offers an exceptional brand image, high quality services and committed promotional activities to its target customers who are young woman, aged from 18 to 35. The students, young working women with professional and technical education, managers, clerical, sales orientation, white collar are the greater part of potential customer. “Revolution” is loyal and able to ensure the women who are looking for to get all the amenities of a gym and spa combined, want a fun and convenient place to workout will meet their expectation in “Revolution”.
The women who are involved in social, cultural, sport or any outdoor busy type activities or consider visiting friends and relatives as their personal values need physical training and exercise to increase energy and dietary intake. We will focus generally on this segment in larger cities with higher populations. We will emphasize on providing enjoyable environment and superior differences from the other competitors and also the independency of women. Highly educated, affluent, ethnically mixed who has the income level of $35,000 or more, are the prospective clients of “Revolution”.
The rapid move of people to downtown Los Angeles inspired us to choose south California as our target market. We will unlikely launch our market to highly populated cities to help the lives of busy women. It is because women will prefer to go “Revolution” as it is close to homes and work place.
“Revolution” believes that open and honest dialogue with customers will help and strengthens our business. That’s why “Revolution” is completely different from our existing competitors. “Revolution” doesn’t have the salespeople who try to get the most money out of consumer for gym membership. They are very cooperative and friendly and they do their job simply by informing the benefits of “Revolution”.
Offers of variety of workout program, upbeat music with multiple televisions, open for early and late hours to fit women’s busy lifestyles, friendly service and knowledgeable employees, all amenities of a gym and spa combined, close to home or working area, time saving and so on facilities clearly make advantages for “Revolution” over our competitors.
Though, “Revolution” offers a lot and better facilities, the charge for the membership will be very reasonable comparatively to the others. The pricing is based upon the value. “Revolution” attaches value added features and services to differentiate our marketing offer and to support the slightly higher monthly prices, rather than cut its cost to match the competitors. It represents the situation that the customer will see for themselves how beneficial and life changing a membership with “Revolution” would be.
“Revolution” employs those who have strong education background and are very much efficient and promising about their task. The person who can motivate our customer in systematic way and desire for successful accomplishment is suitable to be one of the management team.