💬 Essays on Business Communication

If you’re dreading the thought of having to work on yet another business communication essay, don’t despair – there are ways to make the process less painful. One of the best ways to get started is to use essay examples as a guide.

By studying a few well written academic papers, you can learn the rules of effective business communication and apply them to your own essay. Of course, simply reading a piece isn’t enough – you also need to do the hard work of actually writing the paper. However, studying a few good examples from EssayBizLab can make the task much more manageable.

Various Steps and Barriers to Communications

Organizational communication is usually structured in a way that enhances effectiveness by ensuring that the intended message reaches the right audience at the appropriate time. In the context of criminal justice organizations, this assertion calls for both formal and informal communication to be elaborate, clear, and precise to avoid miscommunication...

Effective Business Communicator’s Qualities

Communication has now become the epicenter of the business world. As such, there are some vital qualities that will determine whether or not the employee is an effective business communicator. Some of these qualities include: Completeness In the delivery of a business message, an effective business communicator always ensures that...

Communication Barriers Observed in the Workplace

The effectiveness of the organization’s activities largely depends on the success of the business communication between managers and staff, as well as on the peculiarities of staff communication with customers and partners of the organization. Among the phenomena that impede communication in the organization, and sometimes lead to its complete...

Conflict Management and Policy Recommendations

Introduction In the corporate sector, communication is essential for running a successful operation. External communication is directed at actors in the organization’s environment, and internal communication, which is focused on personnel, occurs in any organization. Furthermore, it is inconceivable to imagine a corporate communication system devoid of conflict. Since people...

Persuasive Communication and Impression Management

Almost every form of communication in life has an aspect of persuasion, which is a crucial tool in business. Cialdini (2001) defines persuasion as the ability or a natural gift to sway people, capture an audience, and convert opposition into unity. The individual endowed with this power communicates with the...

Organizational Communications Theories’ Principles

A theory is a set of ideas that explain something using defined principles. A theory has three main elements, which indicate the extent to which theory has to demonstrate a universal attribute. These components include definitions, concepts and ideas, goals or objectives, changes, or predictions of a specific phenomenon. There...

Conflict as Part of Organizational Communication Activities

Conflicts and negotiations are critical aspects of an organization’s communication activities. An organization’s success or failure largely depends on the conflict resolution processes and the negotiations’ efficiency. A conflict is a disagreement within oneself or with others, while talks are the processes used to reach an amicable situation on a...

Ways for New Communications to Improve Efficiency in Virtual Teams

New communications such as video conferencing, audio conferencing, phones and Skype have the potential to increase flexibility in virtual teams. This is because employees can easily give their employers feedback on certain tasks at any time- day or night through phones or Skype. They may also choose to work either...

The Problems of Poor Communication in Organization

Organizations have a lot to lose when communication becomes ineffective. First, members of the organization will not be aware of what is required of them or the company’s expectations. In this regard, they may not understand work policies, objectives of the company and the general working order within that organization....

Solopreneurs Strategies for Developing Soft Skills

Usually, when we talk about projects and project management, we represent a large team, where each employee has clearly defined responsibilities and stances in the system. In 2021, in the era of the Internet and various assistive technologies, solopreneurship was gaining more and more popularity. Independent charge of the workflow...

The Usage of Emotional Appeal in Communication

Emotion and Mood Both emotions and mood are terms used to describe feelings. The former can be described as a more intense and focused type of feeling that arises from a particular stimulus; mood does not require a stimulus and tends to be less intense and can have a longer...

Ways to Establish Effective Communication between Managers and Employees

A manager is a person who primarily executes the managerial duties of a company or an institution. This person has the mandate to hire, fire, monitor attendance of assignments, and appraise workers based on their performance. On the other hand, good management can handle and organize people and tasks to...

International Negotiations: Cross-Cultural Environment

Business negotiations are an extremely challenging and serious process that usually has a great influence on companies’ future. International negotiations, though, are even more difficult since not only politeness, sincerity, and ability to express one’s thoughts and adapt to the situation but also awareness of the other party’s cultural features...

The U.S. and Sweden International and Intercultural Communication

Introduction National cultural dimensions can significantly affect intercultural communication in the business context. When referring to the categories determined for the cultural analysis by Geert Hofstede, it is possible to explain the specifics of doing business in different national contexts (Barkley & Eggertsson, 2017). The purpose of this paper is...

Interpersonal Communication at the Workplace

As the name implies, interpersonal communication is an exchange of information that takes place between people. Whenever two or more people talk, send each other emails, or share any other knowledge through some method, interpersonal communication takes place. It is essential to study the topic because of the implications of...

Aspects of Demonstrative Communication

Introduction Demonstrative communication is a big part of the communication process. It involves the use of non-verbal communication. It can take the form of, body posture, tone of voice, dressing, facial expressions and use of eye contact among others. Demonstrative communication is used to improve verbal communication. Correct use of...

The Integrated Strategic Communication Concept

Introduction The concept of integrated strategic communication became popular in modern marketing and public relations worldwide because the social media era gave more control to consumers, requiring companies to develop positive connections with the target audience. For example, advertisers use this tool for event planning, promotion, and direct marketing to...

Delivering Messages Appropriately

Abstract For people to communicate effectively, they are required to convey messages to their recipients in a clear and comprehensible manner. Effective communication also requires that the received information be free of any distortions. Therefore, the success of any communication process depends largely on the input of both the sender...

Deconstructing Dong and Wang’s “A Pre-Emption Model of Mergers”

Introduction In order to find solutions to the problem known as the merger paradox, researchers pay much attention to developing models and theories that can explain and address this complex phenomenon. In their article “A Pre-Emption Model of Mergers,” Dong and Wang (2014) focused on studying the paradox associated with...

Business Communication: What to Remember About?

Advancement in technology has brought new trends in various fields of practice and disciplines. For instance, the internet and other electronic media have improved performance of businesses by providing a medium of communication. The various forms of electronic communication can be categorized into external communication, internal communication and personal communication....

Effective Means to Overcome Communication Barriers

Introduction In any organization, communication is considered an important tool for success and proper business operations. The human resource personnel is therefore required to familiarize themselves with the diverse communication aspects of the business (Berman et al., 2002). In fact, it is necessary to employ effective communication techniques in the...

Effective Communication for International Business

Introduction In this modern era of globalization, the world is becoming intertwined economically, socially, and politically. There are business operations that cut across diverse cultures and borders; communicating across borders and cultures is a multifaceted and complex issue. During the mercantilism era, trade and investment were limited by communication difficulties;...

Group Support Systems Significance in Increasing Efficiency in Organizational Meetings

Introduction Efficient organizations are vigilant in finding ways to improve their efficiency as a group. For example, too frequent meetings are considered a major source of conflict and discontent among employees (Crowe, Cresswell, Robertson, Huby, Avery, & Sheikh, 2011). Hosley (2010) discovered that the productivity of a firm largely depends...

Public Private Partnerships and Partnering

Introduction Schwalbe (2009) indicates that project integration is simply the integration or incorporation of all the activities and process involved not only in identifying, defining, uniting but also unifying and coordinating the different processes in the context of project management. Change management involves making some changes to the available systems...

Conflict Resolution Skills: Self-Analysis

Discussion Question Question 1 Based on the self-assessment done in section one above, it was evident that the conflict management style which I had the highest score was set D which means that I like forcing things or dominating over others. I was surprised at this outcome because I believed...

Conflict Resolution Strategies in the Workplace

Introduction Conflicts are unavoidable phenomena in the workplace. However, supervisors should handle them appropriately to avoid the likelihood of negative impacts on the parties that are involved and/or the organization. Conflicts that are not countered on time can cause employee absenteeism, work inefficiency, low production, and provision of poor services...

Business Communication For Bangladeshi Students And Professionals

Abstract Business communication in Bangladesh has attracted great concern among different scholars across the globe. In regards to the developments of globalization in recent days, Bangladesh has been dragging behind due to its high concern for culture. This has highly impacted business communication in the country thus calling for further...

Crisis Management: The Importance of Crisis Communication

Introduction Communication during a crisis is an important aspect that organizations must be prepared for in order to maintain the corporate image to the stakeholders. Top management communication during a crisis is vital in order to mitigate fury, censure, aggravation, and misery that characterize public dialogue right after the crisis....

Family Business, Its Issues and Conflicts

Introduction Family businesses face various challenges that have led to their persistent failure in the economy. The success of a family business depends on the consolidation of the family members at large. Most of the family businesses fail because of the family issues and conflicts among the family members. Historically,...

Time Management Importance in Business Communication

Introduction Communication has evolved to become the center of business in modern times. With the witnessed advancement in telecommunication, business people can communicate with their customers, suppliers, and even other individuals in real-time. This situation has made it easier to obtain important feedback that is needed to keep the business...

Emirates Airline: Corporate Communication

Abstract The growth of any company is largely dependent on how it is viewed by different categories of people in the society. However, an important consideration is to safeguard the image of an organization. This looks at Emirates Airline and how the company has managed to succeed in its operations...

Communication in Working Groups and Organizations

Introduction Blundel and Ippolito (2008) provide that the communication effectiveness of an organization or working groups is a “primary element determining success or failure of any organization” (p. 28). Effective communication provides a framework stating their various departmental functionalities and relationships between various working groups. It also ensures that organizations...

Nonverbal Communication in Strategic Management

Introduction Communication plays a pivotal role in the development of personal and professional relationships. It creates a connection that allows access between persons or places. Research has established that a big percentage of all the communication done between people is often nonverbal (Halbe, 2012). Nonverbal communication refers to the wordless...

Organizational Communication and Success Factors

Introduction Communication is one of the most important factors of success in any organization. Communication among employees as well as between employees and management is a determinant of organizational efficiency and effectiveness (Miller, 2014). Effective communication facilitates decision making, problem solving, proper comprehension of job requirements, and dissemination of information...

Cross-Cultural Communication in Project Managers

Introduction In the present-day business world striving for globalization, organisations do their best to benefit from cost-saving technical expertise in other countries. This trend creates a business environment that necessitates ongoing interaction across cultures. Project managers today have to deal with teams that are scattered across the globe and consist...

Cultural Differences Affecting Negotiations

Introduction Negotiation in an organization alludes to procedures carried out by organizations to present a component of progress that is intended to enhance the execution of roles at the best possible circumstance. In this manner, negotiation is basic in adjusting the input with the execution objectives as a cure towards...

The Advantage of Good Communication System in Organization

When an organization seeks to work towards one common goal and make all the operations efficient, it has to ensure that there is a good communication system among the employees, the management and to the environment around it. The communication system should be good and free flowing to ensure that...

Non-Verbal Communication in Organizations

Introduction Communication is very important in daily interactions. Although it is the passing of information from one person to another, it is not limited to words. This thus raises the importance of non-verbal communication which ideally forms the greater significant part in any communication as compared to verbal communication. The...