🎩 Essays on Corporate Culture

Corporate culture is an indispensable part of the business world. It can impact how employees interact with each other and customers; it can also influence the overall tone of the workplace. You can learn more about corporate culture through exemplary papers written on the subject.

The samples in our database are a valuable resource for learning about corporate culture and how to write about it effectively. As you review these examples, pay attention to the different approaches authors take and the techniques they use to communicate their ideas.

A Highly Profitable Company’s Environmental Consciousness

Businesses should be accountable for their environmental practices, whether it is a highly profitable company (e.g., a casino) or not, and print a true account of their activities. They should be regulated on a societal level and more environmentally conscious. Any entrepreneur who goes into business aims at satisfying the...

The Model of Organizational Culture of Future Internet

Future Internet has a market-oriented organizational culture. This means that the company emphasizes the importance of achieving measurable results and overcoming competition. Future Internet’s market-oriented culture is reflected in its vision statement, which clearly indicates that the company’s strategic intent is to exceed the performance expectations of its stakeholders. In...

YT Ltd’s Functions for Creating Consistent Business Culture

Having a consistent business culture is essential in maintaining the stability of YT’s business strategy. Strategy planning is one of its core functions that should be responsible for creating a consistent business culture because it defines the direction that the firm will follow in carrying out its business activities. The...

Organizational Culture: Behavior, Values, and Beliefs

Organizational culture signifies the system used to guide operations in an organization and is usually depicted as its personality. It often encompasses different practices such as ethical behavior, organizational core values, and the recommended dress code. Every organization has a distinct culture that many find appealing or detestable. Nevertheless, there...

The Meaning of Corporate Culture

Corporate culture implies the belief, the values, ethics, procedure and atmosphere that is inherent in an organization, and in general is the way an organization does its thing. The cooperate culture, therefore, determines the standards of efficiency in an organization. Co-operate culture has a great role to play in an...

How Cultural Dimensions Influence Organizational Structures

Cultural assumptions have a great and profound impact on organizational structure, leadership, and decision-making determining the main methods and tools used to achieve long-term growth and profitability. Different cultures have different perceptions of time, space, and human relations. As a decision-maker, the leader’s role is to create relevant order, coherence,...

The Culture of an Organization and the Impact of the Strategic Leader

Culture is one of the obstacles that affect the success of businesses, especially mergers. Many mergers have been found to fail due to their failure to recognize cultural integration. People from different organizations come with different views and beliefs about the new organization, not realizing the damage it can bring...

Corporate Profitability and Social Responsibility of Wirecard

Introduction The paper aims at discussing the potential ethical dilemma between corporate profitability and social responsibility during managerial duty. The fundamental question is what behavior is more crucial to a company’s success and image: being socially responsible or gaining more profit despite the ethics code and corporate principles. Therefore, I...

Organizational Cultural Artefacts in the Workplace

In some cases, in the organisation, there arise cultural barriers. In an organisation, effective communication of different cultures is not simple. Cultures of people depend on how they think, how they see and analyse the whole world. The behaviour of an organisation is closely related to the culture of that...

Culturally Diverse Team for Project Success

The process of organizing and successfully running a business in a culturally diverse setting – especially carrying out serious projects – is not only laborious and painstaking but also quite complex in terms of cross-cultural management. Roberson (2019) states that “both researchers and practitioners have strived (and struggled) to understand...

Culture of the Organization and Potential Changes

Every workplace has a particular culture that is unique to that organization. The current culture for medical device manufacturing can be one of stress and contention. Conflicts can arise easily, causing deeper problems for the structure of the work environment while affecting employee relationships. The tension among employees has increased...

Creating a Workplace Culture Where Transgender Employees Are Valued

Introduction Despite the progress made toward transgender employees in the workplace, millions of people still go to work with the fear of being discriminated or losing their jobs because of their sexual identity and who they are. At the moment, according to a report titled LGBT People’s Experiences of Workplace...

Importance of Workplace Culture

The workplace culture is undoubtedly one of the most significant aspects that contribute to the organization’s efficiency. However, the working atmosphere is established not only by the employer but also by the employees who share the same ideas regarding the company’s future and its aims. As a matter of fact,...

Creating a Culture of Work

The creation of a culture of work involves a change in an organization. Change in a corporation may vary from simple day-to-day operations to major revolutionary changes (Michalak, 2010). Revolutionary changes in an organization according to Smith may include amalgamations and procurements, company expansion, cultural changes, and reorganization of structural...

Informal Communication in the Workplace

Introduction Both formal and informal communications are critical components of many organizations. As a result, organizations nowadays develop strategies that enable them to communicate effectively with their internal employees. Policy documents of most progressive organizations are characterized by terms like HR communication, quality circle, and internal customer communication among others...

A Team Culture as an Aspect of Cooperative Learning

Introduction This paper will focus on team culture as an aspect of cooperative learning. Team culture is a concept derived from the social definition of culture as a way of doing things. In this particular case, this paper shall refer to how an individual acculturates to the obligations and responsibilities...

Organizational Culture of Greek Small & Medium Enterprises

Abstract SMEs are now becoming increasingly important in almost every economy. It has been noted that the SMEs that employ less than 250 make over 99% of the European companies. Particularly in Greece, SMEs make up to 90% of all businesses. They also account for over 52% of the total...

Greek Enterprises’ Culture and Its Impact

Abstract Small and Medium Enterprises have become part of the economy in Greece offering fifty percent of employment opportunities. The organizational culture determines the level of innovation, profit, as well as technology adopted by the enterprise. The huge number of SMEs in Greece compared to other European countries makes it...

Greek Enterprises’ Organizational Culture

Introduction There is consensus among economists that small and medium enterprises contribute significantly to overall economic growth. Several countries including the United States have recognized the role played by small and medium enterprises in the economy and have drafted policies that support the growth of the sector. In many of...

Organizational Culture of a Greek Small & Medium Enterprise

Abstract The following paper presents the organizational culture of an SME and its impacts. The analysis majorly surrounds the contextual framework of any organization’s environment that is revealed through the analysis of the Social-cultural, Economic, technological, and political elements of an organization. The analysis of these elements exposes the various...

Greek Small and Medium Enterprises’ Culture

Introduction According to official figures, there were 742, 600 SMEs in Greece. They had a combined 2,512,493 employees, representing 85% of total employment, which was well above the EU average (OECD, 2002). This means that there are 73 SMEs per 1000 inhabitants in Greece (OECD, 2002). It is also worth...

Greek Small and Medium Enterprises’ Organizational Culture

Abstract This paper analyses the conceptual framework under which Greek SMEs conduct their business. These include social, economic, policy, technological, and challenges, and opportunities that exist for SMEs. It also includes the support SMEs get from various partners. A review of the literature regarding organizational culture shows that there are...

Organizational Culture Aspects: LPA Ship Repair Company

Elements of a strong culture According to Dunbar and Starbuck (2006), organisations have their embedded cultures, which are classified into strong and weak cultures. Linnenluecke and Griffiths (2010) agree with Dunbar and Starbuck (2006) that most often, strong organisational cultures serve as substitutes to the formal way of doing things...

Organizational Culture and Innovation Culture: Training as a Moderator

Abstract Having an innovation culture within an organization is very critical for a firm to achieve success in the current competitive business environment. In this study, the focus was to determine how training can be used as a moderator to promote innovation culture within a firm’s organizational culture. The researcher...

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Satisfaction in Telecom Industry of Bangladesh

The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been predominantly treated as an issue concerning corporation management, and the majority of studies have been focusing on the management perspective (Jamali 2008). Nevertheless, CSR can be useful in contributing to building a stronger reputation, strengthening the long-term shareholder value, boosting performance,...

Leadership Shaping Organizational Culture

Abstract An organizational culture entails unique values and behaviors that explain the self-image of an organization and the people in it. The culture delineates the bond that exists between workers of an organization, and it expresses the existing values and beliefs. A stranger can always interpret the organizational culture by...

Country Culture and Its Impact on Organizations

Abstract Culture constitutes the beliefs, values, and aspirations of people. It varies from one community to another and influences people’s behavior, perceptions, and socioeconomic characteristics. Different countries have different cultures which greatly influences international business and management for Multinational Corporations (MNCs). In most cases, the culture of a country reflects...

Corporate Social Responsibility: A Literature Review

Introduction Despite the few cases when the option of abandoning the corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept is being voiced, CSR is becoming increasingly wide-spread and popular, which can be justified by the benefits that it offers and promises (Pava, 2008). In this paper, a review of the literature that is...

Knowledge Sharing Behavior: The Impact of Organizational Culture

Abstract The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of different types of organizational culture on knowledge sharing behavior. The study notes that, the collaborative employee attitude is the complementary knowledge management culture for knowledge sharing, and in the same respect; it identifies the collectivism culture as the...

Managing a Change Focused Culture

Introduction Culture in an organization is not static but it changes over time to adapt to the changing situations or circumstances. Organizational culture can be changed, managed, and controlled within a short time to overcome the challenges facing a company. Each organization should adopt a good culture that will influence...

Employee Training on Social Perception and Culture

Introduction The aspect of organization behaviour as part of the human management process is very dynamic and ideal in an organization that offers proactive training to employees to understand the social perception as part of the symbolic elements of organization culture. Several literatures suggest that training on social perception might...

Matsushita Company and Japanese Culture

The philosophy of a company is crucial for its effective functioning and further development. Matsushita Electric Industrial was among the first in the world to apply corporate philosophy to its business environment. The company emphasized the importance of harmonious interactions between business and society with a philosophy that stated that...

Organizational Behavior, Culture, and Hierarchy

Introduction Not only the concept of organizational behavior gains more and more importance in the different fields of management, but also people can experience different nuances of it in their daily professional life. Therefore, it is important to add the practical and experiential aspects of the research to the theoretical...

Organizational Culture Profile and Clan Culture

It is imperative that every organization tracks and monitors its performance and looks for areas calling for changes which will result in streamlining the overall organizational cycle. Based on the current culture profile, the organization’s dominant characteristics seem to be more or less aligned in terms of the existing and...

Organizational Culture and Performance Relationship

Culture appears to be an inalienable part of every organization. Admittedly culture influences a majority of aspects of an organizational life, such as decision-making process, rewards distribution, treatment of colleagues, internal environment, etc. The article ‘The Impact of Organizational Culture on Performance of Educational Institutions’ explores the influence of the...

Cultural Values and Organizational Development

Measuring the Effectiveness of Organizational Development in Connection to Cultural and Moral Values The field of organizational development (OD) is versatile, covering the most current research on successful team building and cooperation techniques. Due to OD, companies can increase the efficiency of the employees and reach beneficial goals. OD enables...

Leadership and Culture Influence in Business Ethics

Organizational culture is the collective way by which employees interact at the workplace. It encompasses life experiences, values, and beliefs that bind employees within the firm. According to Argyris (2010), organizational culture is the way employees in an organization behave and the meaning that people attach to their behaviors and...

Art Depot Company’s Organizational Culture

Introduction One pillar of organizational success is organizational culture. Beliefs, values, and ideologies form the bedrock for the creation of organizational cultures (Lee, 2004). Indeed, these sets of cultural building blocks determine the way employees interact with people within and outside, the organization. Since organizational culture is an important factor...

Organizational Culture and Its Implications

Organizational culture is shaped by common values and ideals shared by people in an organization. It gives the organization identity and a sense of belonging for the employees working in that organization. Culture defines the organizational structure of an entity. Culture could stem from the founders of the organization, repetitive...

Organizational Culture in UAE: United Front Corporation

Mission To appreciate cultural diversity and meet the varied preferences of our clients. To liaise with different designers to ensure that customers have access to the current fashion and trends. To establish more clothing distribution outlets throughout the UAE. To develop effective delivery systems to cater for clients who do...

Corporate Social Responsibility

The term corporate social responsibility describes an element in business management that enables an organization to regulate itself. CSR enables a business entity to comply with the requirements of the law, ethical issues, and norms of international businesthe s practices. The practice also ensures that activities of a business organization...

IBM Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility is an umbrella term for company programs that are aimed at evaluating the effects the corporation’s activities have on environmental health and general social well-being. These programs usually also address the need for damage prevention and control and are a representation of the company’s responsibility on the...