📈 Essays on Economics

Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries

Introduction The causes of poverty in developing countries involve culture, climate, gender, markets, education, public policy among other things. The worst affected areas are the rural settings where majority of the population resides. In this report we are going to look at the causes of poverty in developing countries especially...

Online Payment of Traffic Violations Tickets

Background A traffic violation ticket can be considered to be a legal citation or summon which is issued to vehicle owners and people who use the roads by the state’s law enforcement officers in case they have been found guilty of disobeying the state’s particular traffic laws. The traffic violation...

Retail Banking Strategies of RBS and BNP Paribas

Abstract Factors like cross-border consolidation and expansion, introduction of new service distribution channels, and pressures from the stockholders have significant impact on the dynamic of the retail-banking sector across the globe. The increasing competition with high intensity and dwindling profit margins have forced banking institutions to look beyond their existing...

Post-Disaster Development of Haiti

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the redevelopment plan of Haiti. Currently, this country faces a great number of economic and developmental challenges. It is possible to identify the steps that could have been taken by a person who has unlimited political authority. They are mostly related to such...

Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin Models of International Trade

This piece of essay contains discussions about the following: Rucardian model of international trade, assumptions of the model, and the model’s view of the gains from free trade and the determinants of the relative extent of the gains. Discuss about Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade, assumptions of the model, what determines...

The Nature Lab in Columbia

Political and Business Environment in Columbia Columbia is a country situated in Latin America. It has many market opportunities that ensure growth in investment and exports, which are fueled by good combination of business policies, political and economic stability, a flourishing government-led safety and security strategy and a diversified economic...

Economic Impact of Professional Sports

The economic impact of professional sports Sports are a good means of creating a distraction away from stressful aspects of our lives. Sporting events have their own roles in different cultures and have a way of bringing the people together. Advertisers and sponsors have seen this as an opportunity to...

Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Economic Development in Ghana

List of Abbreviations AG = Auditor General BMA = Bayesian Model Averaging BNI = Bureau of National Investigations CAG = Controller and Accountant-General CAGD = Controller and Accountant-General’s Department CBI = Central Bank Independence CIDA = Canadian International Development Agency CPI = Corruption Perceptions Index DACF = District Assemblies Common...

How Does China’s Economics Influence U.S.

Introduction The United States and China are the world’s largest economies and they have had a positive bilateral trade for many years. China is home to about a third of the world’s total population. This is a large market that cannot be ignored by the United States. On the other...

World Trade Organization: Economic Benefits

Introduction The idea of free trade has been embraced worldwide owing to the vast believe that it leads to profound economic benefits such as creation of employment, foreign exchange gains, and proficiency of production (Rivoli 2005). Many countries, including the rich and developing ones, have entered into the unions where...

Disasters That Affect Economy

The majority of the natural disasters have a serious impact on the economy. These include hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and many other natural calamities. For any given corporation, the damage is rather evident – natural disasters destroy equipment and buildings. Moreover, it can also influence human capital and worsen production capacity...

The Most Effect Types of Disasters on the Economy

Natural disasters pose numerous threats to the normal functioning of the society. Aside from the more obvious physical destruction they are associated with, these events often create long-term negative impacts on the economic development of the region (Benson & Clay, 2004). In the areas that are more prone to the...

The Negative Effects of Natural Disasters on an Economy

Natural disasters constitute a serious detriment to the development of society. In addition to the obvious physical threat associated with these events, numerous effects are attributed to them that undermine the quality of life of the impacted population (Marshall & Schrank, 2014). The areas that raise greatest concerns are the...

Development Traps and Failure: The Negative Consequences of Disasters on an Economy

The increasing number of natural disasters all over the world is truly mesmerizing and scary at the same time. Humanity repeatedly addresses the issue because the number mentioned above increased nearly by 400% where various storms, hurricanes, and floods contribute to 70% of the dreadful events. The regions that are...

Against Neoliberalism as a Concept

As of today, there is no universally accepted definition as to what Neoliberalism (which is both an established theory and business philosophy) stands for. Partially, this can be explained by the fact during the recent few decades, the Neoliberal socioeconomic paradigm has undergone a qualitative transformation, which resulted in spawning...

Regulation of Capital Adequacy in European Banking

Introduction Over the past few years, the European banks have struggled to gain traction from the negative impact of the 2008/2009 recession. Subsequently, most European countries are characterized by slow economic growth in addition to tightening the regulatory environment (Putnis 2014). Furthermore, banks are under intense pressure to minimize risk...

Capital Adequacy Regulation in Banking: ICAAP and SREP

Introduction The global banking system has gone through turbulence over the past few years due to diverse macroeconomic changes. Subsequently, banks have experienced inadequate high levels of capital. Strong capital requirements comprise one of the fundamental conditions in promoting stability within the banking industry (Barth, Caprio & Levine 2006, p....

International Policies: 3-Currency Monetary Union

Executive Summary Recent economic crises have highlighted the failures of current economic policies in expanding and improving the efficiency of international trade. This paper investigates the failures of international monetary policies and their effects on global commerce. It also explores the effects of introducing a currency basket as an alternative...

International Trade Balance of Payments and Currency

Introduction In a world where economies have become interdependent, nations have been forced to put in place measures that will help to stabilize and safeguard their economies from international disruptions that are common today. Among the many economic approaches that governments adopt in their quest for protecting domestic economies, monetary...

International Trade: Balance of Payment

Support for US to shift from exports to foreign direct investment According to Elton et al. (2003), foreign direct investment encompasses the aspect of multinationals whereby an organization or an entity is controlled in its host country by the entity or organization in the home country. Foreign direct investment is...

International Economics. Neoclassical Trade Theory

Opening the U.S. to International Trade Opening of the United States to international trade has provided a lasting welfare-enhancing impact on its citizens and growth of its economy. According to Appleyard, Cobb and Field (2014), each country is uniquely endowed, and for this reason, it is necessary to maintain trade...

Market Liquidity Models: Literature Review

Introduction Financial markets are characterised by diverse modes of transaction. Particularly, market variations are noted in the degrees of performance and participation in financial dealings. The diversification of such markets can also arise from the competitions that exist within the global business environment. Due to such diversities, it is important...

International Economics. Classical Theory of Trade

Introduction Trade is one of the activities that foster the growth of the human society. Since the time immemorial, people have used various trade systems with an aim of exchanging surplus commodities amongst localities. This essay discusses the classical theory of trade with respect to Ricardian comparative advantage and influence...

Business Environment and Financialization

Introduction Global corporations are sophisticated institutions, which organize their business with the goal of delivering value to their different stakeholders. To permit quantification and exchange of such value, financialization becomes important. Diverse views exist on how and the manner in which multinational and national corporations have evolved to take their...

Australian & UAE Banking Sector Analysis

Australia Overview of the Banking Sector of Australia Current Market At present, the banking sector is the main contributor to Australia’s national economy; however, this industry has recovered financial strength from the adverse impact of economic downturn and experienced continuous growth from the fiscal year 2011. At the time of...

Evolving of World Economic Geography Concept

Abstract Chapter one of this study seeks to address how the world economic geography concept evolved. Additionally, evidence of a correlation between manufacturing wages and proximity to demand will be analyzed for a specific duration of time, in this case for 23 years. The study utilized trade gravity equations data...

Agricultural Subsidies’ Effect on the World Economy

Agricultural Subsidies It is a fact that resources are not equally distributed among nations. Some countries experience economic growth, while others have their citizens suffer from the lack of food, water, housing, and other necessary goods. The modern trend of globalization pushes many nations to interfere with each other in...

CSR: The Relationship Between the People and the Firm

Introduction CSR is a term used to describe the relationship between individual entities and the society. These entities may be people, that is, workers, employers and entrepreneurs or it can be firms. It depicts the relationship amongst people, people and firms or firms and other firms. The relationship between the...

The Value of Contemporary Art in the International Art Markets

Introduction This research paper has critically illustrated the perceptions and attitudes of the contemporary art market connecting the process of constructing value and factors touching the investor’s motivation in the international market that emerged and experienced during present and past three decades. To examine and explore these issues, this research...

Education Budgets: Types and Explanations

Case Assignment Today, millions of students can get a free education in American schools, colleges, and universities. Much attention is paid to the process of how the public school system is developed and performs its main task that is to educate people of different ages (EdSource, 2007a). Many types of...

Price Elasticity and Decision-Making in Business

Businesses normally face a lot of price demand curves in their day-to-day operations, although a few rarely know the implications of such demand curves. It is however important for businesses to have a clear picture of what such demand curves mean, in order for them to make important decisions regarding...

Managerial Decisions in Differing Market Structures

In making different managerial decisions, organizations usually consider varied factors, which fit well to the current position of the organization and do not jeopardize its position in the future. Among the most important factors that an organization may consider is the market structure in which it operates. However, the decisions...

Hydrogen Economy and Obstacles to It

Introduction The term ‘hydrogen economy’ was formulated about the use of hydrogen as a source of energy to replace the current reliance on fossil fuel. In the 1970s, the need for clean energy and the rising cost of fossil fuels led to a spirited search for a cleaner but more...

Saudi Arabia and International Preferential Agreements

Introduction The modern economic and geopolitical landscape of the world is changing. With the rising importance of globalization, no country can exist without forming any lasting bonds with others. International trade brings great benefits along with the risks of existing in a large, globalized system. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...

Tax Cuts in the US Federal Budget

Introduction Economics enables us as human beings to be able to make wise choices regarding how we use the scarce economic resources available in the world today. This is true because there is few resources available today than what is demanded by the world. Usually, choice is normally accompanied by...

The Impact of the Shadow Economy

So-called “off the books” economic practices such as cash payments, undeclared taxable income, and the drug or illegal arms trade combine to create a “shadow economy,” money that changes hands “under the table,” beyond the purview of taxation controls and governmental regulations. Not all of these business practices can be...

Review of Managerial Economics

Economics is a subject that examines the behavior of different economic agents as they try to achieve their objectives in the face of resource constraints. Resources are scarce and therefore economic agents need to make choices. The process of making choices is important because it determines whether or not the...

An Open Economy: Comparison of Supply-Side and Aggregate Demand Policies

Introduction An open economy struck by an exogenous adverse supply shock may be analyzed from at least two perspectives: fixed exchange rate regime, and floating exchange rate. Therefore, the possible outcomes of the regarded struck will depend on the economic regimes, as well as the inflation level of the currencies....

International Trade and Effects of Technology in the Job Market

Introduction Over the past decade, economic analysts have shifted attention on a new emerging trend in the world economy. Technology is rapidly affecting nearly every aspect of human lives. Due to advances in communication and information technology, the world has revolutionized nearly beyond recognition in the past five decades. Despite...

Fundamental Analysis of Regional Conflicts

Literature Review A perennial question in the study of the effects of war is its effects on the world economy and financial markets (Addison 8-9). This section of the paper explains what other researchers have said about the research issue. Key sections of this literature review explain how regional conflicts...

Effect of Social Capital on the Regional Innovation System

Background and motivation A number of deficiencies exist in literature concerning the role of social capital in the process of technological innovation and economic growth (Noteboom, 1999). Commercialization of innovations by universities has taken center stage in the recent past. Bay dole act and a series of other university reform...

Chinese Generation X: Brand-New Consumers

The impact of such processes as globalization, industrialization, and migration cannot be ignored in modern society. Even the most isolated nations underwent considerable social, economic, and political changes during the last several centuries, and China is not an exception. After the death of a great political leader, Mao Zedong, Deng...

Middle East Regional Powers and UAE Indices Analysis

An Overview of the Index GDP or the gross domestic product is the combined value of the final products and services generated in a country within a particular duration, usually annually, and production levies less any subsidies or grants.1 GDP per capita is expressed in purchasing power parity (PPP) based...

Consumer Reaction and Income Level in the Economics

Introduction Consumer Reaction and Income Level Consumer reaction is a standout among assets for enhancing an association’s quality control and customer satisfaction. While it is customary to receive feedback from unhappy customers, every department of an organization creates an opportunity for customer reaction. As a result, weak links within each...

Monetary Economic Community Central Africa Case Study

Introduction The world has gone through periods of economic and financial crises at different points in recorded history. These crises has been attributed to events such as the collapse of the American real estate market circa 2008 which led to the recent economic recession that spread to other parts of...

Dispersed Knowledge in Markets and Companies

Introduction Market equilibrium mechanism functions best when all suppliers in the market are aware of other suppliers’ price offering. In addition to that, all buyers know the market price at any given time, and are able to make informed decisions regarding their choice of seller. Market equilibrium prices are a...

Homeopathy: An Economic Analysis

Introduction Few of us would disagree that there is an urgent need to reform our health-care systems. The ever soaring health care costs indicate that the current health-care plan is unsustainable. Having seen the need to reform their health sector, multiple governments are now incorporating alternative and complementary medicine into...

An overview of the Current State of the US Economy

The current state of the US economy is taking a diving move due to the financial and economic crisis. The present administration came into supremacy with a lot of optimism from the American people when President Obama staged his campaign with a promise of change, but there has been no...

The United States’ Foreign Trade Aspects

Introduction The United States belongs to the number of countries with the most developed economies. It maintains trading relationships with largest producing countries all over the world, buying and selling great quantities of essential goods. The paper is aimed at reviewing the most recent statistical data on foreign trade links...

The Current State of the US Economy

The current state of the US economy does not meet the expectation of many citizens. There was a lot of optimism when president Obama came into power in 2009 but there has been no significant change according to various economic indicators. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates, the...

Sri Lanka Rural Indebtedness Vs Urban Indebtedness

Research topic: How effectively does the establishment of indebtedness law deal with rural and urban indebtedness in Sri Lanka? Introduction Sri Lanka gained independence in 1948 from Britain. In the post-independence period, the country has witnessed growth and transformation of its main economic aspects especially in the rural areas (Lea...

Free Trade Versus Protectionism Policies

Abstract International trade refers to trade among countries; it is an important element in globalization. However, international trade is faced with barriers to trade imposed by governments in their efforts to protect their economies. Barriers are both trade and non-trade barriers. These protectionism barriers end up hurting the same economy...

Location and Performance of US-Based Multinationals

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact that geographic scope has in influencing the values of multinational companies (MNCs) based in the US; it does this by retrospectively examining the data for US-based multinational companies for one year in 2006. The intention is to explore the...

Financial Crisis in Greece

Introduction Greece is one of the European countries that were adversely affected by the recent financial crisis. Its financial markets experienced a lack of sufficient credit facilities and liquidity (Althanassou 364). The government, on the other hand, had a huge budget deficit. At the moment, the government is heavily indebted...

UK Residential Property Price Behaviour

Executive Summary The housing market in the UK is very volatile and has been found to have strong relations with macroeconomic indicators and monetary policy. The housing market has gone through cycles of boom and bust, which coincided with the business cycles of the economy (Ewinga & Wangb, 2005). Two...

Male and Female Branches of Saudi American Bank Performance Comparative Study

Introduction Saudi American Bank, currently referred to as Samba Financial Group, is a leading financial institution in Saudi Arabia. Started in February 12, 1980, this bank has grown and currently has branches in United Kingdom, Pakistan, Dubai, and many other regions in Asia. In Saudi Arabia alone, the bank has...

Smart Power Strategy for the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Armitage and Nye define the concept of power as “the ability to influence the behaviour of others to get a desired outcome”.1 In the globalizing world, the countries begin to interact with one another more often and more closely. Over the course of the centuries, it was demonstrated that...

Industrialization in Dubai

Introduction Dubai Emirate is located along the Arabian Gulf is the second-largest member of the United Arab Emirates by its area and also its population of about five million people. Dubai is classified as one of the fastest developing economies in the world boasting an US$ 82.11 billion economy. Presently...

Philosophical Issues in Business and Management

Introduction The focus of the above study is to find out the actions of Saudi Banks to assist in social responsibility and environmental practices. The other key focus is the importance of such actions from the perspective of the banking clients in Saudi. Examination of the current attitudes, applications, trends,...

Managing Different Perspectives

While carrying out qualitative research, one is likely to come across different or even conflicting points of view concerning the subject at hand. It is therefore very important for research to look into the different points of view before coming up with the most appropriate conclusion. It might not be...

Different Forms of the Austerity Measures

Introduction Austerity measures are those measures or policies put in place (by a government) in order to aid in cutting down the deficit. It also helps lower the spending. These measures ensure that the number of benefits offered to the people and the public services rendered is reduced. Governments require...

Customer Buyer Behavior in Sri Lanka’s Banking Industry

Abstract Commercial banking in Sri Lanka has entered a new era, thanks to the formation of perceptible good governance, a strife-free business environment and hopefully, a progressive minded civilian Government at the helm of affairs. This being said, it is necessary to consider the aims and objectives of a research...

International NGOs, IMF and World Bank

Amnesty International As an international movement, Amnesty International (AI) has close to 3 million supporters and other active affiliates located in over 140 countries. The main objective of the organization is to crusade against gross maltreatment of human rights. In addition, Amnesty International is dedicated in making sure that the...

Essay on Career and Writing of Elinor Ostrom

Educational and Professional Background Dr. Elinor Ostrom is an American born political scientist who is credited for some of the most influential ideas in the realm of economics and governance. She was born in the city of Los Angeles in the year 1933 to Leah Awan and her Jewish father...

Synthesis of the Concepts in Information

Introduction Current cultural markets undergo a number of considerable challenges and improvements with the help of which people are able to use their knowledge, experience, and ideas to contribute the chosen sphere. There are many sources which explain how changes in different spheres may influence one particular industry and define...

Economics of Education in the East Asian Region

Introduction The connection between economy and education has always been inevitable because these two spheres of human activities are interrelated and interdependent. The contemporary society may be defined as a society of the future due to numerous innovations which are invented daily and which help this society to develop. According...

Solid Bio-Fuel and Its Potential in the Russian Market

Introduction The use of fossil fuel brings about environmental pressure as well as pressure on international relations. The strains that occur on the environment like the occurrence of the acid rain, the increasing problem of global warming that brings about change in the climate, and the occurrence of smog are...

Oligopoly Market Structure in South Africa

Introduction Oligopoly market structure consists of few sellers who sell homogenous products which are differentiated in the eyes of the buyers. In South Africa, petroleum industry is an example of an oligopoly market because it has few sellers who serve the whole market (Thompson 2001). These sellers include Total South...

Global Political Economy: Aims and Perspectives

Outline The general area of investigation is the sphere of political economy, the principles and tendencies, which are observed in the global processes of political economy. Originally, political economy is the sphere of the economy, which is obeyed to political necessities and relations within and among countries. As for the...

UK Economic State After the Global Turn Down

Introduction This paper will focus on the current economic state of the UK after the global economic turn down. The global economy is just recovering from the global economic crisis that resulted from the high debt burdens on the consumer following the “easy money policy” (Hm Treasury, 2009). This paper...

Determinants of Location for Foreign-Owned and Exporting Firms in China

The perfect location is a vital component in the success of a business. The right location gives a company access to transport, labour, customers and raw materials. It is a critical element in a company’s setup plan which should be part of its whole corporate strategy. While market size is...

Franchising in Kuwait Business

Introduction Background information According to Al-Wugayan and Turki (2009, p.1), the global business environment has undergone rampant growth over the past few years. This has resulted from the fact that society is increasingly embracing the concept of entrepreneurship. This has been witnessed by both the developed and developing economies. In...

Regional Inequality of Yogyakarta

The issues of poverty and inequality have always been burning in human society. Some people earn more money and display higher wealth levels, while other experience a lack of money for living, education, health care, etc. Indonesia, as a developing country, is not an exception because inequality can be observed...

Risk Management Application to the Islamic Banking

Abstract There are indications that Islamic banking is tremendously gaining popularity and expanding fast when compared with the other mainstream banks. Research indicates that even as a majority of the other banks were hardest hit by the ongoing global economic crisis, none of the Islamic banks closed down. There are...

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics by J. Harris

Environmental problems that humanity now faces and the necessity of their urgent solving lead to the idea that the environment can no longer be viewed as an entity separate from the economy. A thorough analysis of contemporary environmental issues from the point of view of economic effects and the impact...

Managing Technology in Chinese Context

Abstract Today, China literally becomes a talking point at all international forums. Besides some other issues involving human rights, Tibet, Taiwan etc. the rapid progress made by the country on the trade and industry front has provided a leading edge to China. China has seen remarkable growth in its economy...

How the Economy Affects the Family Over a Decade.

Introduction The economists did not pay much attention to the problems of family up to 1950. But since that time the economic analyses is used to explain the choice I marriage, the reason for divorce, the number of children in the family, the size of investments in to the capital...

China’s Rapidly Growing Economy

Abstract China boasts of being the third-largest economy around the world following the United States and Japan and has a gross domestic product of US$ 3.7 trillion in this year’s statistics which are attributed to the exchange rate terms. China is also placed a strong number two in economic prowess...

Regional Innovation Economics and Its Actors

Introduction Economical innovation on different levels has become a subject for discussion lately. The importance of this phenomenon is hard to overestimate; while the economy of every country is constantly developing, innovation is one of the main processes which signal this development. Some of the branches may need more time...

City of Phoenix Downtown Revitalization

Current research represents a comprehensive analysis of Phoenix, Arizona’s downtown infrastructure including existing elements and future projects of its modernization and revitalization. There is no denying the importance of the fact that public administration both in theory and in practice is characterized by the perception of City as a complex...

Transnational Corporations in Developing Countries

Introduction Developing countries also referred to as third world countries may be described as having low levels of economic development including income levels and industrialization. Over the years, transnational corporations have diversified their operations to developing countries causing various effects, both positive and negative, for instance, the economic development and...

UAE Banks Estimation: Dividend Discount Modelling

A brief and comprehensive summary of the proposal The United Arab Emirates has emerged as a safe haven for investors and businesses as the state has successfully implemented its trade, fiscal and monetary policies, which cultivate major financial inflows and revenue. The UAE includes oil-rich countries such as Abu Dhabi...

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and National Bank of Abu Dhabi

Executive Summary This research paper reviews the impact of different motivational strategies on organisational performance. The paper examines the different motivational strategies within the United Arabs Emirate’s banking sector with reference to the National Bank of Abu Dhabi and the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank. Through primary search, the research paper...

The Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy From the Viewpoint of Foreign Investors

Abstract The work ‘The Competitiveness of the Hungarian Economy from the viewpoint of Foreign Investors in Business Consulting Services’ is devoted to the peculiarities of the Hungarian economy. This issue id of current importance today, because I political and social situations in the countries of Eastern Europe. According to a...

Economics in Computer Science as a Research Interest

Introduction Human curiosity and strive for knowledge have necessitated the union of studies in various domains of sciences. The developments in knowledge-gathering spheres have led to the increase of more interdisciplinary and interdepartmental programs which have been implemented in universities. There is more and more interdisciplinary research done in various...

Impact of Dollar Rates on the European Economy

Introduction Theoretical framework The purpose of this chapter is to provide evaluators with background information on this paper’s research proposal, therefore establishing a ‘framework’ by means of which it is possible to understand main aims of this study (Wilkinson, 1991, p.96). Recently, international financial markets became tense after news emerging...

Marginal Analysis: Optimal Decisions and Estimation Techniques

Introduction Speaking on the issue of the marginal analysis, it is necessary to point out that it is frequently used in both the microeconomic and macroeconomic theory to evaluate the marginal change in any economic variable. The economic variable is usually regarded as a quantity of a well produced or...

Air Transport Development and Economic Growth

The Middle East is becoming an international aviation hub, with Dubai and Doha emerging as the most robust cities in terms of growth of air transport. In this study, the focus was to investigate the relationship between air transport development and economic growth, with special reference to the aviation sector...

Australian Trade Unions: Future Strategies

Introduction Remarks The relations between the human beings within the society have always been a matter of complex processes regulated according to the established rules and regulations. The processes that concern the employment issues have been long displaying the signs of controversy observed in the relations between the supporters of...

Economics and Regional Planning

Introduction The emergence of China from a sluggish Maoist economy to become the world’s fastest-growing developing country has been one the most outstanding phenomenon of the last half-century. The country’s rapid expansion has seen it leapfrog the established industrialized countries to become the second-largest economy after the United States exceeding...

Ecological Economics, Its Contribution and Success

Abstract Globalization has led to multi-disciplinary approaches being developed in a bid to tackle the problems that are coming up. The relationships that exist between the economic systems of the world and the ecosystem have been of great concern to the economic world. In a bid to address the effects...

Nigerian Economy: Agriculture and Trade Relations

Abstract The dissertation is based on a mixed methodology research approach to analyze and discuss the Role of Agriculture and FDI in the economic development of Nigeria. It also discusses the ways through which the Nigerian agriculture, FDI and Trade sector can play effective role in the economic development of...

Bank Loyalty in Greece from a Customer’s View

Introduction According to most recent statistical data, the level of bank and customer loyalty in Greece has drastically dropped over the course of the last ten years (Mikopoulos, 2008, p 24). In part, this can be ascribed to the advent of new banking institutions and the increase in competition. In...

Active Learning as a Managerial Economics Review

Abstract Active learning involves the use of inverse functions where the direct demand function is expressed as an inverse. Functions of two or more independent variables use the coefficient of determination and are expressed as a percentage with a high percentage indicating that the correlation between dependent and independent variables...

Scarcity of Goods and Services and the Choice

Scarcity is the limited supply of goods and services which means that what people want is more than what is available. Scarcity puts limitations on individuals and society because individuals will have limited income to be able to afford all that they need and society will have limited resources such...

Bursting the Japanese Economic Bubble

After World War II the much vaunted Japanese Imperial Army was humiliated by the Allied Powers led by the United States of America. The Americans occupied Japan but they did not conquer the Land of the Rising Sun; instead the U.S. government taught the struggling government that democracy is much...

Behavioral Economics and Political Ideologies Relations

It has often been observed that, although the decisions of economists could promote economic growth, such decisions may not be really rational ones. Economic models evolve predictions that are consistent with the micro-level data on decisions including experimental evidence. In this context, the primary work of behavioral economists centered around...