🤝 Essays on Employee Management - Page 10

Career Path in Human Resources Management

Introduction Organizing the recruitment and selection process and managing the needs of the company’s employees are vital parts of the human resources (HR) management. In order to select future employees, HR professionals need to determine the level of skills and abilities of the candidates. The stages of the procedure include...

Human Resource Management: Increasing Employee Engagement

Human Resource Management is a system that is aimed to value, control, develop, and manage human resources or people who work in organizations. As a process, Human Resource Management comprises three stages: recruitment and selection, performance, and development. All employees must obtain the right position in a company since only...

Human Resource Development Portfolio for Executive

Executive Summary Human resource development programs have become very important in preparing people to join and fit in the workforce. This report seeks to bring out a full human resource development portfolio for a human resource executive job. It seeks to bring out all training needs and requirements for a...

Human Resources Function in Retail Store

The retail industry has been growing rapidly in the recent years, forcing organizations to constantly continue looking for strategies to remain competitive. The intense competition witnessed in retail industry has presented various challenges that affect sales for many stores. Moreover, given that the industry is labour-intensive, a major challenge arises...

Personal Development in Human Resource Management

During my human resource and payroll course, I managed to identify the links between strategic Human Resource Management and effective business decision-making. These links refer to the relationships that exist between the involved actors and factors. Therefore, the personnel management of a company can affect the business strategy. For example,...

Google’s Human Resource Management Practices: Strategies and Impact

Introduction Human resource management is an important aspect of an organization’s success. Effective HRM practices help companies to ensure that their staff is motivated to contribute to the company and to support long-term goals. HRM can also improve retention and assist a company in building a healthy, highly qualified workforce,...

Why Is Strategic HRM so Important for Organisations?

Introduction The world business environment is increasingly becoming competitive and dynamic due to the stiff competition caused by globalization and demand for superior products and services. The dynamic nature of business in the contemporary world has compelled companies to design and implement innovative strategies to avoid being squeezed out of...

Workplace Issues and Topical Human Resource Practices

Examine the differing perspectives of human resource management Guest’s Model According to Guest, there are two dimensions of HRM, hard and soft. Following the hard HRM, managers refer to employees as resources to realise business strategies and achieve a competitive advantage. This approach is rational and business-oriented, and it contributes...

Recruitment Process in Human Resources Management

Introduction The essay is establishing the strategy as a Human Resources Manager to optimize both the recruitment and selection processes for my organization for a key middle management position of my choice. A dissolute, efficient and reliable recruiting process is an indispensable feature of any fruitful employment platform. If a...

Individual Career Development and Self-Management

Introduction Measures such as training and development are aimed at facilitating career progress and growth. However, they consume organisational resources, especially time and finance. Hence, career development involves the interaction or exchange that occurs between employers and the workforce. Business strategies are aimed at increasing organisational competitiveness in terms of...

Acer Company: Managing Staff Performance

Introduction The aim of this report is to shed light on the strategies that Acer Group can use to manage staff performance effectively. The main objective of the report is to discuss the process of designing and implementing an effective performance management system. It will also discuss the strategies for...

Groups and Teams: Organizational Behaviour and Management

Introduction Business organizations are characterized with activities that are conducted either by individuals or by a collection of individuals. Collections of individuals in a given responsibility or under a given leadership can be classified as either a group or a team. This paper seeks to establish the difference between a...

Staffing and Techniques of Employee Selection

Introduction Employee selection is focused on evaluating resumes of applicants for essential requirements, which include review analytical skills besides academic credentials. Through aptitude tests, elimination of those lacking analytical skills is possible within minimal prejudice or biases. Thus, this paper discusses the different elements of the recruitment and selection process...

Brunt Hotels: International Human Resource Management

Abstract The top executives of the Brunt Hotels, PLC are weighing between hiring host country nationals and parent country nationals. Parent country employees will bring immense experience and get the opportunity to acquire skills in managing across cultures. However, they will face cultural and language barriers in France. On the...

The Impact of Employee Training on an Organization’s Success

Employee training is a subject that has been discussed extensively by various scholars. Study literature indicates that workforce training is a fundamental factor to organizational success. For instance, past studies show that organizations that do not train their staffs are likely to record poor workforce performance. Therefore, training helps in...

Human Resource Management and Business Strategies

With the ever-changing business environment, human resource management is increasingly becoming a central tenet in organizations. This paper assesses weekly topics covered in management with the objective of explaining the functions of a job description. It includes the topics I feel comfortable with, those I struggled with, and how they...

The Strategy “Pay for Performance” in the Business World

Abstract The ability of an entity to realize its potential and earn a competitive advantage in its respective markets is highly dependent on the workforce. Employees who get rewards for good performance tend to increase their productivity by up to three times. Due to the competitive nature of the contemporary...

WIPRO Company: Human Resource Strategy

WIPRO is a multinational company that was established in India; it provides IT services such as IT consulting, IT outsourcing, R&D services, and others. It works across six continents and in more than 175 cities. The company’s revenues made 7.7$ billion in the year 2016. The company plans to open...

Global Human Resource Management: Dell Incorporation

Brief Organization Background I am currently working for Dell Incorporation. The company is a leading player in the computer and technology industry. Dell sells computers, software, and computer accessories to customers, locally and globally. Michael Dell established the company in 1984. He created “PCs Limited” as a student at Texas...

Developing International Human Resources Firm

Globalization has facilitated the movement of factors of trade among nations; when managing organizations in the highly competitive market, leaders should be sensitive on how to manage their human capital. Globalization has led to people of different cultures, ethnicity, gender, nationality, and exposure to work together. To attain high competitiveness,...

Recruitment and Selection Strategies

Introduction Recruitment refers to the seeking and engagement of the right personnel for a given position in any given organization either to work as a temporary or permanent employee. Such positions may be paid or unpaid depending on whether the position is voluntary not. On the other hand, selection is...

Domestic and International HRM’s Differences

Two Main Differences Between Domestic And International HRM There are two major differences between domestic HRM and IHRM. First, IHRM entails working in a complex environment with many employees of different cultures, nationalities, and geographical locations. Second, IHRM works with employees from different nationalities. On this note, it follows many...

Bank of America’s Future Human Resource Challenges

Introduction The finance industry is a rapidly changing business and these transformations are bound to affect the sector’s human resource (HR) management. The HR challenges that apply to the finance industry are also evolving from time to time. On the other hand, several players in the finance industry are seeking...

Toyota Company’s Human Resource Strategy

Introduction Employees play the most significant role in the success or failure of an organization. It is, therefore, important for the management of the organization to invent ways of improving the productivity of the employees. One of the ways the management can improve the productivity of employees is by ensuring...

Human Resource Manager’s Interview on Business Trends

How is the effectiveness of HR measured in the company? The company uses specific HR metrics, as well as ROI, to assess HR performance. The most important metrics, in our case, are employee retention, the cost of hire, and the average time of hire. How does the company do ROI?...

Communication and Team-Building in Human Resource

Introduction The current business environment is experiencing massive competition as many firms struggle to expand their operations to the global market. The only way through which firms can manage this competition is through effective leadership. There are various aspects of leadership and management that need to be given proper consideration...

Professional Work Values in Islam

Executive summary Work ethics is critical to the success of the organization. Work ethics is defined differently in relation to organization and the larger environmental factors. In countries such as Kuwait, religious work ethics plays a critical role in the general functioning of the organization. According to the general operations...

Implementing Organizational Change: Performance and Commitment

Introduction The implementation of organizational change requires a need to transfer and share ideas that are innovative through global summit forums. There is also a need to encourage virtual teamwork and inclusiveness in implementing the change. The engagement of various employees in changing their behavioral patterns at the global level...

Airline Industry’s Human Resource Objective

Abstract Human resource is the core competence of success in the airline industry. This is because the industry is very competitive, sensitive and high-tech. This paper will explore Human Resource Management in an airline industry: Singapore Airlines. It will incorporate various aspects of human resource management covered in the module....

Why Employees Satisfaction Is Important?

Introduction In the modern business world, job satisfaction is considered to be one of the most powerful forces that determine the success of any organization regardless of the sector to which it belongs. This indicator is predetermined by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including employees’ attitude towards their organization and...

Parental Leave: Benefits for Employees and Organizations

The modern work environment is so demanding and complex that many people face challenges in their efforts to create balance between their careers and families. This is particularly tough for women who work and take care of their families simultaneously. The demands of working have also affected men who would...

Human Resource Management: UAE and Sudan Comparison

Introduction Human resource management is a department in an organization concerned with the affairs of the people working in that organization (Ahmad 12). According to Siddique (15), it is concerned with recruitment, management and guiding of the employees. Some of the employees’ issues that it tackles include remuneration, training, performance,...

Strategic Human Resource Management: Complex Evaluation

Introduction: The Concept of Human Resource Management The conception of human resource management (HRM) applies to every domain of business and marketing. Thus, the issue targets recruitment, guidance, and support of people who work for a particular service or establishment. The strategies of human resource management are multidimensional and connect...

Managers and Human Capital

In the contemporary business arena, organizations are deploying personnel from different nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, cultural beliefs, intellectual capacities, and age. In order to manage the diverse human capital, business leaders need to adopt an international human resources management strategy (IHRM). IHRM entails enacting policies that address diverse human resource issues...

The HR Professional’ Operational and Strategic Roles

Introduction: Operational roles Operational roles of the Human Resource (HR) professional are routine in nature that may include employee’s advocate, reduction of costs and risks, and provision of functional services amongst other functions. Employee advocate Employee advocate or employee champion is one of the four core roles of a Human...

Human Resource Services and Its Users Needs

The human resources department is an essential element in the successful functioning of any organization. To get a deeper understanding of the issue, it is important to highlight the users of the HR services and their key needs. The main purpose of the paper is to explain how HR can...

HR Management: Learning, Leading and Performing

Knowledge capital and learning as essential considerations in human resource development Knowledge capital and learning are essential elements in the field of human resource development. The different types of knowledge foster skills of human resources in organizations. The main types of knowledge include tacit and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is...

Management: Employee Motivation in Organizations

Introduction Many American companies embrace the best qualities in order to succeed. Some of these qualities include “extra training, teamwork, diversity, equality, and motivation” (Lumley, Coetzee, Tladinyane, & Ferreira, 2011, p. 103). Managers should use the best behaviors in order to support their employees. The level of motivation is proportional...

Employee Motivation Role in Organisational Performance

Abstract This report evaluates the importance of employee motivation in an organisation’s effort to achieve a competitive advantage with regard to human capital. The first part provides a brief background on employee motivation. Furthermore, the aim and scope of the study are illustrated in this section. The second part entails...

Human Resource Management as a Strategic Partner

Introduction Human resource management, abbreviated at HRM, entails a function within an organization, which is charged with management, recruitment, and provision of directions to people working for a given organization. The HRM, in addition, deals with tasks such as compensation, development, organization hiring, performance management, benefits, wellness, communication, training, safety,...

Job Analysis: Senior Personnel Management Position

Introduction The essay evaluates job analysis of Senior Personnel Management as a career of interest to many students and professionals. The study involves analysis of Senior Personnel Management position by using Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ model) as a method of conducting job analysis. It also evaluates the reliability and validity...

Human Resources Management Strategies at CMRI

Introduction There are different characteristics that a manager must possess to be able to utilize the labor resources within an organization effectively and adequately. Generally, the manager must be able to utilize common sense, apply good management skills, be understanding and be buoyant (Duggan, 2010). Although it is possible for...

Functions of a Job Description

Why is a job description important within the organization? Are there non-human resource-related aspects or areas of an organization that job descriptions affect? If so, what are these and why would a job description affect these areas of business? Even though job description is considered to be one of the...

JC’s Casino: Human Resource Management

Introduction The aim of this essay is to explore aspects of improving organizational retention. The essay highlights the case of JC’s Casino to demonstrate poor aspects of human resource management, and it shows how an organization can enhance overall employee retention. Organizations that fail to retain their qualified employees remain...

Human Management: Measurement and Reward System

Abstract This proposal explains how our company can become innovative. The proposal highlights the best methods to measure and reward innovative employees. The identified methods include remunerations and commissions for every innovative product. The paper examines how the system will affect the company’s financial management practices and investor relationships. The...

Human Resources Outsourcing by Alison J. Glaister

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the analysis and critique of human resource management (HRM) article that dwells on the topic of HR outsourcing and its impact on HR role development. The general information and the key ideas of the article are presented, and three of its claims are...

The Impact of Human Resource Management Strategies

HRM Strategies Globalization is changing the business world in many ways. Thus, strategic HR strategies are also affected when the company is expanding (Torrington et al. 2014). HR specialists should pay attention to specific factors that often shape the way the company develops. They have to make sure that newcomers...

Human Resource Management Environment

Why do you think it is important for HR to be a strategic partner to the business? The strategic focus of the organization on human resource management is explained by the necessity to make the shift from a task-oriented organizational environment to the person-oriented one. Specifically, employees should be regarded...

Retirement Plan Proposal and Communication Plan

Introduction A benefit plan should provide employees with a wide range of benefits. The retirement plan should be in a position to motivate employees to work for the specific organization that is offering the plan. By succeeding in doing this, a company can have a reduced employees turnover rate. The...

Human Resource Evaluation and Outcomes

Introduction Human resource management is an integral aspect of any organization today. The concept of HR management roots back to the 1890s when industrial welfare work was emerging. It was stimulated by a complex of humanitarian, religious, and business factors that made organizations introduce such workplace amenities as medical care,...

Hilltop Stores’ Strategic Human Resource Management

The need for proper human resource strategies is indispensable for success. There is a need for a holistic approach that links workers, organizational values, and performance. Hilltop Stores exhibit poorly managed ventures where intangible human assets have not been given the required emphasis. This has led to understaffing, sagging motivation,...

Coca-Cola Company Improving Its Job Design Process

Introduction Job design involves the process whereby work is organized into several tasks, with a clear description of the process that the tasks will go through, as well as the structure that will be followed to achieve the desired goals. In any organization, the design of jobs takes into consideration...

Benefits Costs for Contingent vs. Regular Employees

Introduction A contingent worker is a person who works for an organization on temporary, freelance or contractual terms instead of a permanent or full-time employment basis. One of the presumed benefits of using contingent workers is flexibility. An organization uses contingent workers for a specified period, by the end of...

Amtrak Corporation’s Diversity Management

Introduction Globalization and its impacts are very evident in the modern era. Organizations are operating at the international level in order to reach more customers, as well as resources. Among these resources are the human resources, which are critical for the success of any organization. Organizations are in search for...

Training Needs Analysis in Organizations

Introduction Staff development is one of the chief elements that propel businesses to achieve their objectives. Investors should identify all relevant employee aspects that determine their ability to deliver quality results within their given timeframe. When modern technology crops in the market; investors should focus attention from concentrating on the...

Effective Employee Training and Its Needs

Introduction Employee training is an essential part of any business or non business organization. This enables employees to focus on essentials of better performance that reflect the organization’s policies, goals, objectives and missions. Training makes employees work hard and maximize their potentials while developing their skills and talents. This proposal...

Marks and Spenser Company’s Human Resource Management

Introduction Business investments and other nonbusiness organizations must have active employees to enable them to realize their aspirations. They establish investments in viable places to acquire qualifieD and competent staff and use modern technology to do different activities. However, sometimes they fail to run their operations smoothly due to the...

Human Resource Management in Modern World

Introduction Employees are as essential to any business as the capital and managers are towards the success of the business. The development of human resource management has been equally important as it deals with all the management activities involving employees. It entails the recruitment and firing of employees by the...

Bundling of Human Resource Management Practices

Introduction According to Macduffie (1995), human resource bundles are a combination of human resource practices that are consistent and interconnected. The bundles are expected to create a greater impact on organizational performance. It has been suggested that a bundle of interrelating and consistent practices yield greater results in terms of...

Human Resource Management in the 21st Century

The 21st century has become the beginning of the new era in Human Resource Management (HRM). In the past 40 years, HRM has changed, from being limited to annual performance evaluations and employee paperwork to incorporating the power, skills, knowledge, and opportunities required to build and sustain organizations’ strategic advantage....

The Process of Recruiting in HRM

Executive Summary The process of recruiting, selecting and evaluating employees is for the purpose of ensuring that only the best-qualified candidate is picked by the end of the process. The assessment team should be keen to ensure that applicants with the desired skills and ability to perform are the ones...