Coca-Cola Company: The Human Resource Management

Subject: Employee Management
Pages: 1
Words: 282
Reading time:
< 1 min
Study level: College

Coca-Cola is one of the most successful multinational enterprises. Coca-Cola branches are located in almost 200 countries, and about 80% of the company’s revenue comes from its activities outside the United States (The Coca-Cola Company). The Corporate HR group sees its mission in developing and providing a core strategy on the basis of which local businesses can create their principles. For example, instead of a general payroll policy for all company divisions, Coca-Cola adheres to a general guide regarding wages. It means that the available package should compete with the best companies in the local market with all compensations. The corporate HR management Group conducts two-week introductory seminars for employees of all 25 departments dealing with human resources twice a year (The Coca-Cola Company). These seminars summarize the company’s HR management strategy and explain how local businesses can use it in their regions’ HR management programs. Coca-Cola considers this exchange of information to be the most outstanding achievement for which it is worth bringing together professionals in the field of personnel management. In general, the company seeks to improve personnel’s well-being and sustain a friendly working environment.

The policy that seems a bit odd is that the company attempts to hire as many local people as possible. Diversification is the primary strategy of the world’s leading companies. Hence, Coca-Cola should alter this procedure since many migrants could get a chance to start working for this organization. This would also expand and strengthen the international relationship. In addition, it is beneficial for eliminating global issues such as age, sex, or race discrimination, and others. Therefore, this policy lacks adequate management and if fixed, could benefit the company both in increasing reputation and profit.

Work Cited

“The Coca-Cola Company Human Resources.” Comparably.