🚍 Essays on Logistics

Logistics involves the transporting of goods, materials, and information. Efficiency is essential to a successful operation. Don’t underestimate its importance when writing an essay on the subject.

For inspiration on what to write, check out our database of samples. These papers will provide an overview of logistics and show you how to structure your paper.

What Should Be the Customer Service of a Firm Within the Domain of Logistics Management?

Business needs to prove the appropriate level of customer service that will satisfy customers’ needs, increase the number of loyal customers, and business revenue. Explanation: Logistics management is the process of establishing and controlling the efficient flow and storage of a product in order to comply with customer’s requirements. One...

Product Strategy, Customer Relationship Management, and Logistics

Product Strategy Product Strategy is a term that is used to refer to the process of developing a product. A product strategy can be derived from the product’s ultimate vision, which has been described above. It specifies where the product will be used after it has been manufactured. It can...

Geographic Information System Applications in Business

Geographic information system (GIS) is a system developed to store and manage geographic data. The architecture of GIS allows companies to collect, store and manipulate this information. The are many applications of GIS, more specifically in the domain of logistics, it can also be used by different organisations in planning...

Logistical Challenges of Radio Frequency Identification

The use of Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) in the supply chain might seem long overdue to some people, yet to others, it is a brand-new idea that could work. To others, this is a working system in their businesses. RFID is a system that typically has a tag/label bearing...

What Is the Location Impact of Inventory?

The number of routine activities increases with introduction of a new warehouse, inventory tasks and volume directly increase within the logistics system. When the customer demand remains constant, and the number of the warehouse are varied upwards within the logistics network then the cumulative effect on inventory will be an...

Ford Motor Company: Logistics and Supply

Ford Motor Company offers a good example of the manufacturing industries. As the latest trends take shape in the vehicle manufacturing industry, the sector is increasingly faced with the need to change its management operations concerning logistics and supply. Ford Motor Company has realized the need for change and is...

Transportation Costs and Warehouses Quantity Correlation

Main principles influencing the optimization of transportation within the logistics of supply chain center on the maximizing the carrier capacity involved in the delivery mission while obliging to the set legal frames and bulk hauling to remote destinations. This explains the case for manufacturers to supply to customers over wide...

Logistics Planning: Important Factors

Planning of logistics synchronizes warehousing, transportation, and inventory between supply chain partners and within the firm. The planning of logistics incorporates vehicle availability, overall movement demand and pertinent movement cost into a general decision support system, which aims at minimizing overall freight operating cost. There are three crucial factors to...

Outbound Logistics Strategy

In the modern business world, outbound logistics are recognized as an integral part of the process of delivering value to the customers of a given organization or company. In outbound logistics, firms select the best strategy that balances the costs and customer satisfaction. The company tries to strike a deal...

The Factors Involved in Selecting the Right Supply Chain Relationship

The supply management put forward the role of purchasing as it enhances competitiveness and effectiveness in leading a business. Supplier selection consumes much time as it presupposes a thorough assessment of quality, cost, delivery system, facilities, elaborate logistics, and adequate finance, etc. Choosing the right supplier is a complex process...

Demand and Outsourcing & Offshoring Manufacturing Operations

Supply chain operations are the system where companies make available their products and services through an interconnected network to end consumers. An effective supply chain has to be put in place in order to meet the demand of products by the end-users. Doulgi and Proth observed that a supply chain...

Organization Customer Value’s Efficiency Measurement

Any supply chain (logistics) consultant has to be ready to perform a number of activities to improve the quality of services and increase the level of customer satisfaction. Being such a consultant in an organisation, I am responsible for determining and monitoring customer values as a part of supply chain...

Amazon Inc.’s Supply Chain Improvements

Amazon is one of the most notable online stores, constantly innovating and changing standards for retailers. The organization is loyal to its customers and continuously improves for the sake of their comfort. Non-standard ideas, determination to take risks and investment finance in development contribute to rapid growth. The company’s supply...

York Mart: Digital Supply Chain Management

Supply chain digital transformation is a flexible, customer-driven, and efficient technique used to develop various return organizational forms and identify the most suitable approaches with emerging technologies and data analytics. Digital supply chain management (DSCM) has extensive advantages, but many companies experience a hard time in its implementation. Globally, the...

The Electronic Bill of Lading: Challenges of Paperless Trade

The bill of lading, used in sea freight transportation, is a document that proves that the goods are being delivered in the described way, to the agreed destination, and to the consignee (Wunderlich et al., 2020). This record is essential to international trade since it designates risks and obligations between...

Transportation and Logistics Management Research

The operations of transportation are a lifeline for the well-being of the development sectors of today’s world. Any shift in position of a load is a transport entity that has economic implications. The definition of the term; the policy frameworks mainstreaming; the role in management of operations and the infrastructure...

Abu Dhabi Oil Company’s Procurement and Supply

Executive Summary The report analyses the creation of value creation through the function of procurement and supply in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Limited. An investigation of the company’s supply chain structure reveals the nature of ADCO supply chain management division activities. The company is noted as having a comprehensive...

Shipment Companies. Supply Chain

Modern companies are concentrated on the supply chain expansion throughout the world leading to global logistics complications. As a result the spheres of business and industry strive to develop required strategic steps in order to overcome the problems of possible risks of delay or inappropriate transportations. It is necessary to...

A Framework for Supply Chain Performance Measurement

The authors of the article “A Framework for Supply Chain Performance Measurement” argue that skillful supply chain management allows the company to quickly and efficiently meet the needs of its customers. Currently, the SCM concept is one of the most effective ways to increase profits and market share and is...

Logistics and SCM Program Experience

The logistics and supply chain management program that is discussed within the framework of the current paper focused on several crucial concepts that cannot be ignored by modern logistics specialists such as sourcing, planning, managing and communication, transportation, and warehousing. The most important part of the program was that it...

Different Disciplines within a Typical Supply Chain

A supply chain is an essential phenomenon for every firm or company. This term stands for a system that is used by a business to produce and distribute goods or services to consumers. When it comes to developed companies, a supply chain involves “a network of multiple businesses and relationships”...

Evaluation of Scientific and Analytical Resources

The spread of COVID-19 in the United States and other countries has led to affecting the supply chain of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in hospitals. The shortage of PPE during the early stages of the spread of the pandemic was associated with the fact that the majority of masks,...

The Idea of Drone Delivery Services

Concept and Vision The idea of drone delivery services came from the Internet; I have no experience with this market. Perusing recent articles on the web, I discovered the growing popularity of package delivery using drones. For example, I discovered that Amazon Prime Air delivery is becoming increasingly popular and...

Marketing, Human Resource, and Finance in Supply Chain Management

For an international company to remain competitive in the global market, it should successfully integrate its multiple functions within the core areas of performance to ensure a well-managed supply chain capacity. In this regard, marketing, human resource, and finance are the spheres that play a pivotal role in enabling proper...

XPO Logistics Organization’s Analysis

The essence of creating outstanding logistics is to manage an organization’s resources to provide clients with a high-quality service. Indeed, leading companies know that a proper logistical system is a key to attaining a competitive advantage in the market (Bowersox, 2019). Logistical value generation results from collaborative work of the...

Transportation and Logistics Management

Transportation and logistics belong to what is referred to as local business networks that offer a wide range of services such as warehousing, transportation, and freight forwarding. Additionally, the local business networks are responsible for retail distribution operations, distributions, and manufacturing services that attract various businesses where logistics is the...

Report on Commodity Supply Chain Sustainability Performance

Introduction The food industry plays a crucial role in providing the necessities and basic needs of humans, hence determining their behaviors and activities. According to Knorr and Augustin (2021), food should go through different services after harvesting. The most common services that food undergo include storage, retail, and delivery. These...

Contract Types and SpaceX: Comparison and Contrast of Contract Types

SpaceX is a private company that has challenged NASA’s domination in the U.S. aerospace industry. Aside from manufacturing activities, SpaceX acts as a provider of space transportation services for U.S. governmental agencies. Successful collaboration requires competing and meeting the authoritative buyers’ expectations, so firm-fixed-price (FFP) contracts remain the key pricing...

Logistics Management and Globalization: Key Findings

The paper by Ceniga and Sukalova (2015) offers quite a number of interesting discoveries regarding the challenges of supply chain management (SCM) in the global context. The role of collaboration across the supply chain within the global context is, perhaps, the most important takeaway from the article under analysis. With...

IKEA Asset and Process for Supply Chain

The chain of IKEA stores is distributed around 37 countries of the world where 298 stores are open for the customers. IKEA’s overall strategy is consumer-centered, according to which all the furniture designed by IKEA is functional, of high quality, efficiently distributed, and environment-friendly (Lu, 2014). The concept of “Do-It-Yourself...

Shell UK: Behavioural Supply Chain Management Models

Abstract Behavioural supply chain management is a quickly growing part of the broader discipline that has emerged in response to the challenges that the operational approach could not resolve. It explores companies as enterprises run by people, who do not necessarily make the optimal decision every time. As such, the...

RFID in Supply Chain Management

Abstract With an increase in competition in the global marketplace, companies begin to seek new ways in order to gain a competitive edge over their competitors. This was the time when the organizations identified the need for adopting a new approach for supply chain management. The result was the emergence...

Oman Oil Company: Logistics and Transportation Management

Introduction Achieving competitiveness in the market requires the establishment of appropriate strategies in the supply chain process. The amount of revenue generated by a company determines the competitiveness and long term survival of the company in the market. To achieve high level of competitiveness and revenue generation, it is important...

Transperth Supplier and Its Business Strategy

Abstract This report provides an overview of one of biggest transportation services provider around Australian. Transperth has chosen to apply a new sustainable strategy in order to improve the company service quality and get the expected long-term income. Moreover, this report will discuss the objectives of the company and the...

Freight Transport Challenges

Abstract The Australian freight transport industry is very critical when it comes to the country’s present and future economic growth. Australia’s freight size is set to increase in the next few years and yet the country is not well prepared in terms of freight infrastructure. The current freight infrastructure can...

Warehouse-Distribution Channel Challenges

Introduction Distribution and warehousing operations are closely related to the continued increase in production and distribution levels. Warehouses are used in modern society as storage points that ensure the safekeeping of raw materials and other supplies before being transported to various destinations. The economies of scale associated with both transportation...

Supply Chain of British Airways

Executive Summary British Airways is regarded as one of the largest airline transporters in the world. (Dow, 2010) The business strategies applied by this company are effective, and checked by time, however, the company experiences essential difficulties in supply chain and logistics spheres. This is explained by the fact that...

Delay Causes Within the UAE Construction Industry

Introduction Delays are a common phenomenon in the United Arab Emirates construction industry. According to Potts (2008), a delay refers to a scenario where a project is behind schedule. Such delays may be experienced when completing a phase of a project or the entire project. When they occur, then the...

Managing Service Supply Relationships

Executive Summary Infosys had plans to venture the Chinese market in the course of 2002. However, its plans never materialized until the year, 2004. The key reason behind the entry into the Chinese Market was the escalating Indian software professionals’ salaries. The salaries were escalating due to the increasing demand...

Supply Chain Management Issues

Distribution strategies and issues Distribution is a salient aspect that augments value across the supply chain. The significance of distribution’s function to the supply chain management (SCM) can be illustrated through typical examples of supply chains such as FedEx, Wal-Mart and UPS. The foundations of such operations are deeply embedded...

Diageo Company’s Supply Chain Benchmarking

Abstract The present research is dedicated to the investigation of the concept of benchmarking in the UK manufacturing sector on the example of Diageo plc, a beverage producing company occupying an outstanding, stable place in the UK beverage manufacturing market. The hypothesis of the work includes the assumption that the...

Supply Chain Management Strategy: Theoretical Aspects

Background Supply chain management refers to all the activities and processes that are involved in the production of a good or service to satisfy the customer. The supply chain process involves various activities such as sourcing raw materials, storage, keeping inventories/records, and transportation of the finished goods to the final...

Behavioural Supply Chain Management Models

Abstract Supply chain management has traditionally been concerned with companies as theoretical constructs that always take the most rational route of action. However, this view is becoming insufficient as it becomes apparent that the human factor plays a significant role in company decision-making. The sub-discipline of behavioral supply chain management...

Supply Chain Management: Outperform the Competitor When Sharing the Same Supplier

Dissertation Proposal The purpose of this dissertation proposal is to present coordination of supplier chain management which offers a vision of using the same supplier by two competitors. The existing supply chain management literature have not yet been addressed the dilemma of harmonization in supply chains connecting the use of...

The Integration of Cloud Computing Into Supply Chain Management

Abstract The present study considers cloud computing and its integration into the supply chain. The history of supply chain management demonstrates the discipline’s interest in innovation, computerisation and automation of key supply chain processes has led to increased efficiency and profit. Currently, the idea of using cloud technologies is at...

Flexitanks: Organizational Buyer Behaviour

Introduction The expansion of global business-to-business marketing stimulated by globalization, internet and trade agreements accentuates the importance of supply chain. Logistics has gained strategic importance for both the management and academicians as it is an integral part of the supply chain and ensuring an organization’s overall success (Logistics Service Quality...

Lawson ERP System’s Supply Chain Management Module

The business environment has become very competitive, and many firms are now under pressure to come up with innovative management ideas in order to remain competitive in the market. Enterprise resource planning is one of the innovative ideas that many firms are currently using to achieve efficiency in their operations....

BJB Manufacturing Company Supply Chain Management

BJB is a leading manufacturer of high-end compact disc changers for the automobile industry. The products are very popular in the entertainment industry. In the paper below, alliance necessities, recommendations, and suitable metrics for the company to assess the performance efficiency of their suppliers are highlighted. For BJB to have...

Wal-Mart Stores Supply Chain Management

To become and remain competitive, a company needs to adopt strategic management style in different sectors: supply chain management strategy is an integral part of an organisation management (Brodsky and Newell, 2010). For effective and timely operations, a business requires adequate supply of materials and appropriate equipments at the right...

Nintendo Company Supply Chain Development

Executive Summary The long term strategy of this company is to exhaust the global market in the video games. Since the company has been recording high returns over the past, we don’t expect to face serious problems in this expansion as we have adequate funds. We may even realize our...

Walmart and Best Buy Companies: Inventory Management

Abstract Inventory management can be discussed as playing a significant role in the work of Wal-Mart and Best Buy because these companies pay much attention to attracting more customers and satisfying their needs and demands. While referring to the idea of inventory management, it is also important to focus on...

McDonald’s Company Supply Chain and Performance

Executive Summary The most important objective of an effective supply chain management arm of an organisation is to ensure that the supply chain management system reduces the cost associated with inventory holding. This means that products and services need to be availed just whenever they are required. For this reason,...

Supply Chain as a Customer Fulfillment Strategy

Customers are very important stakeholders in the success of any business. In order to attract new customers and retain the existing ones, a business organization should come up with strategies to ensure that its customers are fully satisfied with the quality of goods and services offered to them by the...

Strata Company’s Procurement and Supply Management

How procurement and supply management relate to the objectives of the organisation (Strata) While there are several roles of the procurement and supply chain management at Strata, all these roles must relate to the company’s objectives. The procurement and supply management supports organisational objectives by ensuring that there are goods,...

Aramex Company Supply Chain Management

Strategic cost management is when a company applies management methods to minimise costs while maintaining profitability and quality. Two components of strategic cost management are supply chain analysis and value proposition analysis. This section of the report examines Aramex’s supply chain and value proposition. Supply Chain Analysis of Aramex Aramex...

Operation and Supply Management

Introduction to the operations and supply management The operations and supply management comprises of all the method used to create and distribute the firm’s primary services and products. The process begins from the identification and supply of inputs to the distribution of the output. Within the operations and supply management...