⚠️ Essays on Risk Management

Risk management involves the identification, assessment, and control of dangers arising from operational factors and business practices. Organizations rely on forecasting to decrease the possibility of accidents or other adverse events occurring. There are many ways to approach such an evaluation.

One popular method is to create a risk management plan. A risk management plan outlines an organization’s steps to identify, assess, and control risks. If you are writing an essay on this subject, be sure to look through our collection of essay examples about risk management.

Societal Risk Assessed in Terms of an FN Diagram

FN diagrams are used to present information regarding risks. They can be used to represent three vital types of information, namely: historical incidents record, quantitative risk analysis results, and judging criteria for risk tolerability. Two key variables are important in estimated risk analysis. These include the forecasted event occurrence frequency...

Three Companies Too Involved in Risky Finance

The fact is that financial risk is any risk that is closely associated with the matters of profitability and financial well-being of any company. The companies, which were involved in the risky financial operations may either succeed or experience total failure, as everything depends on the financial circumstances and actions...

Dell’s Potential Corporate and Operations Risks

As business becomes more complex, many companies may face a large number of potential & operational corporate risks. Thus, Dell is not exceptional in this case. Several problematic issues for the company are: By engaging in a hedging strategy for foreign currency that was much risky, Dell faced difficulties in...

Which Investment Type Typically Carries the Least Risk?

Any investment transaction, whether it is a passive or an active exchange operation, carries elements of risk. The main proportion of investment theory is that potential return is inversely proportional to the level of risk. Explanation: The risk increases due to the lack of predictable fixed returns, but potential profits...

Risk Management Techniques in Real Estate

Introduction Risk management is a critical component of real estate financial risk management and property investment strategy. By understanding and implementing the right risk management techniques, investors can protect their portfolios from potential losses while still achieving their desired returns. This essay explores several different risk management techniques used in...

Risk Management Plan for a Property Management Company

Failing net rent is when the tenant fails in their responsibility to pay the net leases. Net rent refers to the agreed amount of money a tenant would pay in a net lease at the start of the period. This means that they would pay the leaser the set upon...

Does Walmart Inc. Operates Risky?

A leading enterprise is inherently connected to its capacity to deal with successful risk management within an unsettled and challenging business environment. Risk analysis is a crucial planning tool that can help to save “time, money, and companies’ reputations.” According to Tranchard, some of the potential increasing risks for the...

TBS Plc’s Complaints and Risk Management Issues

Reputation risks are the major issue that arises from the set of problems affecting TBS Plc. This risk refers to the perception that customers would develop about the company based on the complaints registered by its clients. All the four major issues affecting the company highlighted in the report all...

Risk Managemen: Pepsi Bottling Plant

From: Project manager. To: All the workers. Subject: Reported failure in the products. Beverages are made to entice or, for taking during celebrations. Drinks like alcohol are made to stimulate people, to be more active. Many people, therefore, like drinks in order to satisfy their pleasures. The quality and the...

Main Phases Involved in Risk Analysis and Assessment

Risk is a hazard, danger, or exposure to mischance that can bring about the loss of property or life. There is, therefore, a need to manage the various risks that individuals more often than not find themselves exposed to. There are three main phases involved in risk analysis and assessment....

Major Risk Drivers Analysis

Globalization Globalization involves the opening up of new opportunities and in this case, it is likely to cause new inequalities across the world economies. The economies that have been lagging behind will not have an opportunity to establish themselves because the developed economies are certain to dominate the world market,...

Risks in Capital Investment Project Appraisal

Generally speaking, risk can be defined as the chance that the actual outcome will differ from the expected outcome. In investment appraisal, we are concerned with evaluating the riskiness of a project’s future cash flows. In other words, we wish to evaluate the chance that actual cash flows will differ...

Multinational Company Hedging Its Exposure to Political Risks

Firstly, what organizations must do is completely comprehend protection as an intense approach to moderate political hazards. While at a full-scale level, political hazards and fiascoes are exceptionally hard to oversee, at the organization level, the political hazard can be guarded against for a premium. This comes at a significant...

Meaning of Diversification

This is a risk management practice that combines various asset classes in a portfolio; a portfolio with different types of asset classes will yield higher returns and lower risk when compared to an individual asset class. In such cases, diversification eliminates unsystematic risks. The negative performance of some asset classes...

Why the Risk of an Extreme Event Is Often Misrepresented?

In the face of extreme calamities witnessed in the recent past, risk managers are increasingly concerned with the stability of existing measurement instruments in the evaluation of extreme risk events. Many risk decision analysts no longer consider them as expected risks but as expected catastrophes/unacceptable risks. These commonly used methods...

Improving Health & Safety in the Australian Mining Industry

Risk management within the mining industry calls for the participation of all stakeholders. Stakeholders, in this case, include employers, employees, government, and policymakers. While some measures require the collective engagement of the stakeholders, some are specific to individual stakeholders. First and most, there is a need for all stakeholders to...

Internationalization Barriers and Risks

There are various factors that act as barriers to internationalization. Some of these include a lack of knowledge by the business operators. Due to business operators not having adequate knowledge of the available markets in foreign countries, it becomes hard for them to venture into the international market. Organizations also...

Risk Management: Boundaries & Vulnerabilities

In the modern world, the importance of security management grows together with the amount of information that businesses, institutions, and others operate. To protect it successfully, maximal integration of the components a security system comprises is necessary, which, in turn, calls for studying its structure to understand it better. The...

Crowd Control Concepts, Event Emergencies, Contracts and Risk Management

Crowd control is a security measure that focuses on preventing mass disorders and allowing for a better organization of large groups of people. It is also designed to prevent chaotic and hazardous events such as riots, insurrections, and massive outbreaks of law violations. There is a significant number of crowd...

Ladue Horton Watkins High School Risk Management Plan

Risk management is a significant part of the functioning of any organization. This process focuses on identifying, assessing, and controlling threats that may arise both for the institution itself and its staff and clients. The sources of threats can be external and internal, for example, concerning insurance, crisis situations, applied...

Risks in International Trade

Many companies turn to international trade in order to take advantages of various benefits this trade. The companies try to increase turn over by expanding their market, take advantage availability economic conditions of certain countries and diversify their market. Despite of the various benefits trading internationally has various risks. The...

Qualitative Versus Quantitative Country Risk Premium Estimation

Two main approaches are used to measure country risk: qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative approach relies on the opinions of experts, namely politicians, members of unions, economists, etc., and the country’s existing data gathered by performing a variety of government researches. Financial analysts, in turn, collect data from newspapers, local...

Business Risks for Small Businesses

Business risks are defined as those risks that can impair the cash flows of an insurer because of adverse economic conditions. These risks make it difficult for businesses to break-even in times of cut throat competition or in other words, it becomes difficult for the issuer of cash flows to...

Incorporation of Country Risk Premium to the Discount Rate

According to Damodaran, country risk premium must be included in the discount rate only if the risks of investment may be diversified. For example, if one is investing in such countries as Malaysia or Brazil, they must evaluate the market risk. If the market risk may be transformed, the additional...

Financial Markets and Risks

Introduction The rapidly changing structure of most business organizations is what has led to the occurrence of risks. Following their occurrences, there has been the need to manage the risks to ensure effective and efficient operations of the enterprise. The business of commercial banking is no exception and in fact,...

Financial Markets and Risk

Introduction According to the analysis done by the human resource management department of the bank, there are different risks that are evident in the commercial banking. There is a great need therefore to extend the already planned workshops so as to include using financial markets in managing the exposure of...

Risk-Return Analysis of Five Assets Portfolio

Introduction The given analysis will primarily focus on the risk-return analysis of five key assets represented by companies, such as Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation (COG), Cooper Companies Inc. (COO), ConocoPhillips (COP), Coty Inc. (COTY), and Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN). It is important to note that all of these companies...

Protecting a Business From Tort and/or Contract Liability

Background Small company owners and workers should avoid making public statements or doing activities seen as dubious. These activities include libelous or possibly defamatory remarks, as well as conducting business with dishonest people. Employing people renowned for unethical business activities may not seem troublesome to SMEs since they believe its...

Comparing Reinvestment Risk and Interest Rate Risk

Reinvestment Risk An investor faces reinvestment risk because of investing in a particular market. It affects all the stock in the market regardless of company or industry. Reinvestment risk is also referred to as “un-diversifiable” risk, which means that an investor cannot escape the risk by investing in a different...

A Diversified Investment Portfolio

Introduction A well diversified portfolio is a kind of investment that has spread its securities and clearly approximates the systematic risk of the market and the unsystematic risk of the market of each security that has been deployed. This reduces the risks associated with one security and increases the chances...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Hedging

The future can hardly be predicted accurately; to reduce losses likely to be caused by fluctuation of prices, the business engages in hedging transactions. Hedging is defined as the process of using derivative products to manage the risk of loss caused by fluctuation of financial prices; financial prices managed through...

Managing the Operational Risks

Executive summary This report basically highlights the flaws that exist in AlphaDelt Bank’s operational framework going by the case study that was presented. It begins by giving the reason as to why this report was prepared and for whose benefit. It goes on to define operational risk and of what...

Investment Appraisal Techniques: The Case Study

Payback period The payback period gives information the duration of time it will take the management to recover the initial investment. Based on the payback period criterion, Epoxy resin will be selected because it has a shorter payback period. However, Tim should not rely on this criterion because it does...

The Concept of Risk Management Assignment

The primary risks that are of substantial consequences for small businesses include serious investment into projects that are not successful, unfit hires, serious injury in the workplace, and losing trust with customers. The risk of each is very high and can result in very detrimental results for a small company...

Technology Risk Management in Organizations

Introduction Organizations face numerous risks in their everyday activities. In most cases, the majority of businesses fail to achieve their set goals and objectives due to the lack of appropriate strategies for the management of any potential risks (Zsidisin, Panelli, & Upton, 2000; Power, 2009). In the human situation, risk...

New Petroleum Companies’ Risk Management Performance

Executive Summary This study strives to find innovative ways to improve risk management performance in new petroleum companies. It focuses on highlighting the role of human resource practices in risk management and explaining how this field could improve risk management performance. The study has three main research objectives. The first...

A Guide to Health and Safety for Small Manufacturing Businesses

Abstract This dissertation is about health and safety of workers in the workplace. The methodology includes review of the literature and qualitative analysis using survey questionnaires emailed to workers of Kent Industries Incorporated. The questionnaires were sent to the sample participants who were chosen through random sampling. The answers of...

Risk Management Planning: Manchester Fire and Rescue Service

Executive summary Purpose – this dissertation aims to examine risk management planning based on Manchester Fire and Rescue Service with objective interest of determining structure of Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Risk Management planning, proportionate of Risk management planning to risks that might affect Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, determine...

Amazon Supply Chain Risk Profile and Its Mitigation Plans

Corporate Profile Amazon is famous for its corporate cultural trend that aims at motivating employees to take risks and explore new ideas. The organizational culture of Amazon is characterized by customer-centricity, boldness, and peculiarity. The boldness characteristic is reflected in its ability to sell a wide array of items online,...

Risk Reporting and Risk Management in Companies

Introduction Risk reporting and risk management are very important in the life of organizations. There are various risk-reporting practices used by organizations that ignore adequate risk disclosures in annual reports and much of it depends on the sizes of the companies (Abraham, Marston & Darby 2012, p. 16-75). Another factor,...

Risk Assessment Methods in Projects

Introduction to the Study Risk assessment is a stage in the risk management process that is concerned with the determination of both quantitative and qualitative risks in a particular project. Risk assessment in various contexts involves the objective evaluation of risk where the uncertainties and assumptions that exist in a...

Capital Structure, Shareholder Value and Risk Level

Introduction This paper seeks to determine whether changes in a firm’s capital structure can add shareholder value or they merely change the level of risks. This will discuss the different theories of capital structure using examples from both theory and practice. The different theories of corporate structure The corporate structure...

Insurance Applications in Construction Industry

Introduction The types of risk faced by the present day construction industry have proliferated over the period. These risks range from the liabilities arising out of meeting the environmental obligations to meeting the compensation for injury and death of workmen in the construction sites. The risks also extend to the...

Preliminary Study of Risk Factors

Introduction Projects are designed to achieve predestined objectives and attain or exceed the respective stakeholders’ expectations. An effectively executed project results in a unique service or product that did not previously exist. A project is regarded as successful if the predetermined goals and objectives are achieved for the stakeholders’ fulfilment....

Leidos: Risk Management

Abstract Risks cannot be avoided within a firm, but they can be managed to minimize their impact. One way of doing this is to transfer the risk to other parties such as an insurer. Leidos must understand the risks that should be transferred, and those that should be retained. Risk...

Wal-Mart: Enterprise Risk Management

Introduction Risk is one of the ever-present phenomena in business operations. Subsequently, business managers must assess the probability of a risk occurring and the likely impact that it will have on business operations. Such knowledge gives business managers insight on the most effective strategy to implement to minimize the negative...

Risk Management Role in Managing Projects

Introduction Background of the study The world today is uncertain. Some of these uncertainties pose very great risks that affect our ability to achieve our goals and objectives efficiently. Since projects are intimately associated with goals and objectives, efficient and effective management of risk is a very crucial factor for...

Risk Assessment in Fast Track Projects In UAE

Risks involve the notion of uncertainty associated with a project under management. Risk assessment is the process of identifying the risks that are most likely to affect a given project (Oberlende 2009). It also involves describing the characteristics and evaluation of every risk identified. The risk assessment procedure starts as...

Sanzaplan: Emergency Recovery

Abstract SANZAPLAN manufactures and sells chips that contain people’s medical records. The chip is sold to different hospitals, health insurance companies, and doctors. The technology presents a significant market potential considering that it constitutes a scientific innovation, which people anticipate that it can succeed in the market. Although the company...

Outsourcing in the Service Company

Introduction In outsourcing, a service company is hired by another company to perform certain specific services. The service provider employs and pays the work done by its employees, or sub-contracts another company to perform these services. There is no employment relationship between the contractor and the workers or members of...

Effective Enterprise Risk Management Practices

Introduction The modern business environment has become very intricate over the past few years, and this trend has increased the degree of risks in running companies. The degree of complexity within the business environment has been prompted by a multitude of factors such as economic, technological, global politics, and an...

Project Risk Factors, Their Influence and Analysis

Project management is a broad area of management that encompasses wide-ranging chores, roles, and accountabilities that enhance accomplishment of business goals and objectives. Risk is an all-encompassing term that is highly debated in the field of management. Numerous researchers have endeavoured to define various aspects of risk that pertain to...

Evolving Theoretical Framework in Risk Communication

The main focus of this paper is the theoretical framework in risk communication. Despite being quite a recent concept, risk communication permeates entire human history. Risk is a natural phenomenon, and people always had to deal with it in the past, use the latest technological advances to handle it in...

Security Protocols’ Effectiveness Related to Fire

Introduction Managing the risk of fire outbreaks is one of the biggest concerns for many organizations in North America. According to Dunlap (2016), the fear of cases of possible fire outbreaks and their consequences have forced many companies to develop measures of countering the problem. Emerging technologies have made it...

The Analysis of Enterprise Risk Management

Introduction In the contemporary business circumstances, numerous risks of various kind exist (Weldon, 2018). Therefore, there is an evident need in a decision-making method that would help organizations to manage their risks efficiently (Gatzert & Martin, 2015). Lam (2014) has developed such an approach, which is known as the Enterprise...

Governance and Accountability of Public Risk

In the contemporary business environment, companies have to ensure that they remain effective in order to remain competitive and ensure positive financial performance. However, local and global changes, including legal, political, environmental, as well as internal organisational factors can impair the company’s efforts, posing a significant risk to the business....

The Influence of Risk Governance on Project Objectives: Statistical Analysis

The statistical analysis process was undertaken using the SPSS software package, which analyses data in batches (Davis 2013). The main types of statistics applicable in the base software include bivariate statistics, prediction of numerical outcomes, the prediction for identifying groups, Geospatial analysis, GUI (R extension) and descriptive statistics (Pallant 2016)....

Dwelling Fires: Risk Factors in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Comprehensive Fire Safety Effectiveness Model is composed of several components; one of such components is evaluating the risk associated with fire in the dwelling areas. Fire risk assessment is a process that entails scrutinizing and evaluating the various conditions that expose the community to be susceptible to fire hazards....

Enterprise Risk Management: Future Tendencies and Expectations

Introduction The realm of the global economy poses a range of challenges to companies entering it, primarily due to intense competition between corporations that are attempting at monopolizing a particular market niche. In the context of the specified environment, financial risks are not simply probable, but nearly unavoidable, hence the...

Changes and Risks for SMEs in China

Abstract Although China is an emerging economic nation in the world, there has been the increasing collapse of small and medium-sized firms despite their contribution to social and economic stability. The study investigated the risks that affect small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China with the objective interest of determining changes...

The Case of Rural Payments Agency

Introduction The following paper highlights the similarities and the differences in the program and project management techniques employed by the OGC & Rural Payments Agency and those recommended in the presentations. The reason for the recommendations in the presentation is also provided along with how the Rural Payments Agency could...

Construction Project Manager and Risk Management

Abstract Management of risk constitutes one of the most critical managerial activities in a project, and project managers often are required to design and implement a risk management strategy meticulously. The fundamental principle underlying each business venture is to generate value for all stakeholders. The rationale underlying the design and...

A Systematic Work for Effective Outsourcing Risk Management

Introduction The phenomenon of virtual corporation and its fundamental element of outsourcing became increasingly popular and common primarily with companies seeking out individuals and service providers to cut their costs of operations and improve their efficiencies. The concept of outsourcing led to a change in corporate thinking where operational control...

Rolls-Royce Company’s Information System in Risk Management

Abstract Risks are prevalent in all types of economic activities. If appropriate remedial measures are not adopted, these risks could result in substantial losses and render a business organization ineffective. The main aim of this study is to investigate how information systems can benefit the process of risk management. Risk...

Enterprises Risk Management – ERM

Preface All business entities encounter uncertainty and the main issue for management is to determine how much improbability to accept as it struggles to enhance investor value. Vagueness offers both opportunity and risk, with the probable to enhance or erode value. Enterprise risk management (ERM) facilitates management to efficiently deal...

Risk Facing Financial Institutions Review

Introduction In any economy the market participants look for the services of the financial institution since they have the ability to provide a detailed knowledge about the market, transaction efficiency, and enforcement of different contractual arrangements. In view of the nature of products being dealt with the financial institutions as...

Bradford & Bingley Company’s Risk Management

Introduction Today Companies placed risk management at top as their agenda because of market globalization and frequent change of customer demand. For a strong position in industry, effective risk management strategy and their practice are necessary. An organisation needs to take action at three level such project level, business strategy...

Risk Assurance: Reporting and Evaluation

Risk Assurance Risk assurance in management is an approach that allows the manager to understand how to prevent, avoid, or minimize possible risks. Risk assurance is used in risk management; with the help of various tools (e.g., critical path analysis) and strategies, it helps to evaluate potential risks of the...

Risk Assessment and Monitoring in Organizations

Introduction The issue of risk assessment and monitoring in organizations is currently one of the most underrated issues in the field. There are numerous reasons behind this complex issue such as secretarial and governance failures, scams, and organizational control breaches (Sadiq and Graham 35). More importantly, individuals within most organizations...

The Process of Risk Response Planning

Introduction It should be noted that the process of risk response planning should begin after management has conducted a risk analysis; otherwise, the proposed strategies might not effectively address the emerging risks. The assessment and analysis can be both qualitative and quantitative; however, it is advisable to conduct a mixed...

Supply Chain Risk Management and Recommendations

Introduction Supply chain risks cause disruptions with far-reaching implications for end-to-end business continuity. A supply chain risk is defined as the “likelihood and consequence of an adverse event” occurring at any point in the supply chain (Tang 452). It could be an externally driven (environmental risk), process-related, or information-related event...

Effective Risk Management in Business

Introduction A risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives, either positive or negative (Gorrod, 2004). Risk management is the science of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks. Further, this is followed by application of resources with an aim of reducing and controlling the possibility of unfortunate events or maximizing the...

Risk Perception, Management, and Regulation

It is definite that most empirical studies on risk perception usually scrutinize the various perspectives which individuals express when they have been requested to offer their own judgments regarding technologies as well as natural and man-made activities that may be hazardous at their disposal. As a matter of fact, what...

Business Continuity Management and Its Stages

Prudent managers should always remember about the probability of crisis events while carrying out their business activities. Ignoring such probability may lead to disastrous consequences so, the managers should do their best to provide the company with the plan for continuous development and functioning and minimizing the losses in the...

Risk Identification and Evaluation in Organizations

A critical evaluation of the broader implication of risk to organizations Risk refers to the exposure of a company to a potential threat during its operations or after undertaking a certain project. Risk includes all negative events that hamper the timely completion of a project. Before investing in any project,...

Rachel’s Bus Company: Risk Strategy

Rachel’s Bus Company is a successful business venture. Rachel has portrayed some of the best moral practices as an entrepreneur. She has used new practices in order to make her business successful. She has employed many people from her neighborhood in order to achieve her goals. She has encouraged her...

Risk Management in Software and Educational Projects

One of the most important factors in guaranteeing the success of software development projects is the proactive participation of involved stakeholders. This is necessary because of the numerous risks involved in the software development cycle. Risk can be defined as a potential future occurrence than can affect the outcome of...