💫 Essays on Organizational Management

Organizational management includes planning and implementation. Corporate managers can identify areas where improvements can be made by analyzing and understanding the different parts of a business operation.

Managers also strive to improve communication within the workplace and create a positive work environment. By constantly looking for methods to improve a business’s operations, managers can ensure that their company remains competitive in today’s ever-changing marketplace. You can find plenty of essay examples on the subject in our database.

Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of an EMS

EMS, or Environmental Management System, refers to an organization’s business’s surrounding programs in a complete, methodical, intended, and documented method. It consists of the organizational structure, scheduling, and finding resources for expanding, executing, and preserving a plan for environmental safety, etc. It provides a framework for the development of both...

World Wide Web Effect on International Business Activity

The Internet changed the way things are for businesses and organizations. It is seen as a significant contributor to the globalization of culture and the economy. The Internet, the World Wide Web, and globalization are almost synonymous because their functions point to the interconnectedness of computers, and communications have become...

Sources That a Multinational Company Can Obtain Capital From

Markets division is a showcasing term alluding to the collecting of planned purchasers into gatherings, or portions, that have regular needs and react comparatively to a promoting activity. Markets division empowers organizations to target diverse classifications of shoppers who see the full estimation of specific items and administrations uniquely in...

Reducing a Gap of Understanding on Quality Improvement

Different stakeholders define the quality of care differently depending on their motives. For instance, shareholders of an organization will define quality in terms of cost minimization and profit maximization because their major interest is to get the highest returns on their investments. An organization’s management, on the other hand, will...

Measuring Health Outcomes Effectiveness

The structure-process-outcome is one of the tools used in quality improvement. Structure refers to the particular organization responsible for providing care. It is characterized by elements such as “staffing patterns, programs, finances, facilities, and size of the organization.” A process, on the other hand, entails “examining what must happen when,...

Measures to Determine if the Organization Is Performing Well

There are many measures of organizational performance that can be used in healthcare organizations. The first measure is leadership. Because most, if not all, healthcare organizations have adopted quality improvement initiatives, leadership is an important element that determines whether or not the organization will achieve its objectives. Leadership is indeed...

Organizational Dynamics and Decision-Making

It is true people are susceptible to organizational dynamics as Messick and Bazerman suggest. The manager of an organization makes decisions every day, all the time on behalf of the organization. He/she should be careful to always make the right decision, otherwise, it affects the entire operations of the institution....

Organizational Politics and Political Behavior

Managers get things done through other people. They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct the activities of others to attain goals. Managers do their work in an organization, which is a consciously coordinated social unit, composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous manufacturing and service...

Vietnam: The Culture Follows Strategy or Does Strategy Follow Culture

All the performance management systems employed in the organizations measure both the achievement of long-term as well as short-term goals of an employee. Strategy is more concerned with the long term, and the emphasis on short-term orientation affects the strategy implementation within every organization. Also, goal displacement is another factor...

American Red Cross’s Inventory Practices and Cost Reduction

The inventory system adopted by American Red Cross (ARC) has to be modified by the application of scientific methods from the stage of collection to its distribution. The collection of blood can be easily maintained by the adoption of elaborate propaganda activities for informing the people about the need for...

Advices to Improve Organization’s Operations

Companies run on the effective business which brings beneficial revenue to its entrepreneurs and stakeholders. Due to globalization, companies are trying their best to improve their operations and teams according to the modern techniques and competition, and so is the company we are dealing who wants to introduce its team...

Cultural Artefacts and Control in Organisations

Cultural artefact means somewhat created by man through which he wishes to represent a culture. Organisational culture means system shared beliefs and values that develops within an organisation and guide behaviour. “A child’s culture may be the mainstream or dominant culture, or it may be one of many subcultures that...

Why Business and IT Alignment Needs to Be Sustained

According to Kotter, “business-IT alignment is a dynamic state in which a business organization is able to use information technology (IT) effectively to achieve business objectives.” The main reasons for achieving and sustaining business-IT alignment are to improve efficiency in production, improve finance use and cost sustainability, and guarantee high...

Organizational Theory and Organizational Development

Organizational Theory (OT) Organizational theory is an extension of an organization which is defined as a constituted social system comprising of either individuals or groups working together to achieve certain stipulated or agreed on goals; in the same context organizational theory is be defined as a study of either a...

Core Competences and Their Differences Between Organizations

An organization has its own core competencies that are different from another organization’s. It needs many different competencies in order to operate efficiently and effectively. Core competencies can be defined as the few competencies in an organization that ensure long-term success. They are those competencies that are rare, valuable, non-substitutable,...

Information and Transaction Processing Systems in Business

Contemporary information systems comprise three main dimensions required to empower businesses with the appropriate solutions. The first dimension is organisations, which basically assumes that any information system should be designed to meet organisational structure, needs, and business objectives. The organisational structure suggests that there is a clear division of responsibilities...

Managerial and Organizational Decisions for Information Technology

Based on the case study of Jurong Health Services, the following managerial and organisational decisions helped to succeed in IT transformation. Among organisational decisions, the first is a transformational change in healthcare through the use of innovative information technologies that will improve commitment to patients as key customers while realising...

Porter’s Competitive Forces Model and Information Systems

Porter’s competitive forces model is a conceptual framework broadly used to evaluate the competitive advantage of an organisation in the market. The model suggests that organisational competitiveness is affected by four market forces that could have a low, medium, or high impact on its market potential. The force of new...

The Pros and Cons of Offshoring vs. Outsourcing

Outsourcing and offshoring have two separate functions each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Outsourcing, that is subcontracting to a third party is considered to be far less costly, it minimizes capital expenditure as that is handled by the third party itself. Specialized skills in terms of customer services, technical...

Unemployment Issues: Outsourcing

Outsourcing- transfer of ownership of a process from a buyer to a third party supplier is taking the world by storm. It is believed that much of the momentum was in the mid-1990, and most companies relied on outsourcing specifically as a planning tool due to its lower cost, performance,...

Research Method for Managing Organizational Culture & Productivity

The discussion presented will seek to identify and describe the use of the methods identified in the management of organizational change and productivity within the third world. In a report by Beach, Muhlemann, Price, Paterson, and Sharp, it was reported that the use of quantitative methods alone could not be...

IKEA Corporation’s Organisational Management

IKEA is an international corporation that primarily operates in the retail furniture sector. At present, it is one of the most notable companies in the world, ranking #40 among the most valuable brands on the Forbes list and employing more than 200,000 workers (Forbes, 2021). At the same time, the...

Outsourcing and Off-Shoring in a Transnational Organization

Transnational organizations value every highly the off-shoring and outsourcing strategy they employ. This is in seeking to cut production costs and maximize profits by obtaining affordable and skillful labor. Helms notes” transnational organizations, seek strategies that align them with their customers, other business partners, and suppliers to save time and...

The Main Issues Involved With Organizational Transformation

Change is healthy, and it is needed in various organizations as they address evolving needs in the market. However, implementing change successfully is a major challenge facing different organizations in contemporary times. One of the major issues commonly involved with organizational transformation is resistance to change. People are wired to...

Leadership and Team Working Skills Application Examples

In 2008, I led a technical investigation with application engineers and external vendor engineers to resolve a compliance failure issue with the vendor’s upcoming graphic card. Following an analysis, I discovered the root cause was due to the vendor using an outdated and non-standard testing methodology. I, therefore, advised the...

Job Satisfaction Over Organizational Commitment

Introduction Organizations have reciprocity mechanisms that govern the relationship that exists between job satisfaction and having a committed workforce. Job satisfaction has two salient features, namely, extrinsic satisfaction and intrinsic satisfaction. Intrinsic satisfaction is when an employee acquires pleasure from internal job factors (Soomro & Shah, 2019). The internal factors...

Organizational Change and Management Methods

Organizational change is the norm in business, but the pace of change has recently increased significantly. In turn, this gives rise to the need to change and companies operating in this market. In order to survive, they need to adapt to globalization and technological progress, new collaboration principles, and a...

Supervision and Followership Lessons

Introduction Past research on supervision has only concentrated on heads while ignoring the importance of followers. People who follow are a significant portion of the oversight equation and matter just as those serving as bosses. Persons in command cannot exist without followers since the two intertwine in a relationship. Without...

Samsung Electronics’ Systems and Operations Management

Summary Samsung is a global conglomerate with many companies under its umbrella. The South Korea-based company is one of the leading manufacturers and retailers in many domains, including but not limited to electronic devices, appliances and mobile phones. Well, that is as much as people commonly understand it. The company...

The Meaning of Holacracy in Workplace

Over the past decades, more innovative, flexiblem, and dynamic organizational models were developed. One of the models called holacracy challenges the traditional understanding of how an effective business should function. Holacracy is a decentralized organizational system, which brings employees more authority and responsibility for their actions. It is based on...

Human Resource Integration and Organizational Culture

It is hard to disagree that many factors influence a company’s status, competitiveness, and success. It may be beneficial for small businesses to learn from major corporations, the main differentiator of which is often the quality integration of HR with the organizational culture. The purpose of this paper is to...

Layout Decisions: Operations and Supply Chain Management

Layout decisions are of significance for every company and business. It is so because they are “associated with the arrangement of facilities in a manufacturing shop floor, which impacts the performance and cost of the system” (Tayal et al., 2017, p. 621). Consequently, these decisions determine how a company is...

Motivation Theory Assignment

Introduction Need Theory developed by David McClelland stands out among a relatively large number of different motivation theories. It describes the influence of human needs, according to their behavior, and contains the need for achievement, need for power, and need for affiliation. To correctly assign human resources and successfully motivate...

Organizational Behavior and the Related Issues at Etihad

Abstract The current lack of cohesion in the organizational performance of the Etihad Airlines staff jeopardizes the company’s efficacy and the safety of passengers, as well as crewmembers. Therefore, to improve its functioning, Etihad Airways will have to introduce better guidelines with improved and enhanced visuals, while also implementing training...

Verizon Wireless Employees’ Job Satisfaction

In a market economy, the competitiveness of enterprises and the feasibility of their activities in the future is based primarily on the effectiveness of their functioning. In this regard, it is of great importance to evaluate the performance of the organization. This paper will discuss the organizational issue, namely, employee...

Determining Just Cause for Disciplinary Action

Introduction A highly disciplined workforce is required to enhance the success of an organization. In light of this, the human resource (HR) department should come up with the appropriate disciplinary mechanisms to address issues arising in the workplace (Budd, 2010). However, it is important to note that the action taken...

Organizational Culture and Management of Uber

Uber company is known almost all over the world as this fast-growing startup has turned into a large-scale network of taxi services. In recent years, Uber has also gained its fame due to scandals and unethical actions of the company and its employees, which reflects the ability of top management...

DMAIC Tool – Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control

Introduction DMAIC is one of the most effective tools for the continuous improvement and achievement of better outcomes. Its effectiveness comes from the ability to form a practical problem-solving framework that is characterized by a high level of standardization (Wedgwood 15). Such a process can be developed by introducing key...

Production Process in Food Systems and Supply Chain

The production process in food systems is a set of farm and field operations. It is currently under a scope of multiple discussions regarding its sustainability and long-term cost-efficiency. The food market is one of the industries that are severely affected by the growing need for sustainable methods and practices....

Anchoring Change to Organizational Culture

There are several efficient and commonly accepted models used to approach changing organizational culture. Some theories used for this research include John Kotter’s leading change model, the configuration model of organizational culture, and Schein’s model of organizational culture (Sittrop & Crosthwaite, 2021). A change initiative that can be analyzed in...

Honda’s Supply Chain Management

The automotive industry has always been highly competitive, so manufacturers have always tried to maximize the cost-effectiveness of the operations, which is specifically relevant in supply chain management. Honda is one of the leaders among vehicle manufacturers operating across the globe. In the second part of the twentieth century, the...

Aspects of Organization Structure

An organizational structure is an outline that designates how particular tasks are engaged to accomplish an organization’s aims. Roles, rules, and responsibilities are examples of these activities. It defines how information is transmitted amid layers of the organization. Decisions are made from the top down in a centralized arrangement, but...

Organizational Development and Change Methods

The article defines various terms used in change management, including the different change types, methods, and enablers. They propose that every form of change should be aligned with a change method to establish its effect on transformation outcomes. By addressing the various change management and systematic change techniques, the researchers...

Discussion of Division-Classification

Welcome to the most innovative car dealership company in the country. First and foremost, the most significant quality that needs to be experiencing permanent growth is to have a strong interconnection between innovativeness and thoroughly developed instruction compliance (Pongpearchan 53). Being employed in “DeltaDealer” means cementing ambitious goals with realistic...

Digital Transformations in Family Businesses

Research Background and Purpose The background of the study involves analyzing the importance of digitalization in family-owned businesses. The research highlights that for businesses to spread and develop in today’s dynamic business environment, it must incorporate digital infrastructure. Through various research that study characteristics of different businesses, it has been...

Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change Models

Organizational change is the movement from one state of affairs to another and can be evolutionary or revolutionary. Evolutionary change occurs slowly and gradually where the managers adapt to the new processes and procedures to change the external environment. The revolutionary change model involves a complete change such as renovation...

The Importance of Speech and Storytelling in Organizational Structure

Scaling Up Process Scaling up is a progression of steps through which the first aim of the speaker is inserted in discussion and afterward removed from it for the change into text. These are significant experiences in how the connection between text and discussion is a piece of a bigger...

Change Model Theories According to Kotter

Introduction Change model theories are concerned with improving a commercial company’s performance by altering the system of management and employees behavior. One of the most prominent change theories was proposed by John P. Kotter, a renowned expert on leadership and change. Kotter suggests eight steps that would allow to manage...

Warning Signals Factors of Project Management

Every project management team should be aware of warning signals to continue its function. The warning signal is any factor that can undermine the expected outcomes of any project, while the related diagnostic signal is following a response to the warning signal (Pascoe, 2021). This essay discusses three warning signals...

Project Innovation Types

Innovation is one of the proficiencies that a project manager should master in order to be competitive in today’s labor market. Producing and implementing ideas into life has been one of the principal success components for leading managers in almost every industry. Given the poignancy of the topic, Anne Sigismund...

Strategies to a Comprehensive OD Intervention

Some of the strategies that are integral to a comprehensive OD intervention include Walson’s approach to third-party peacemaking, principled negotiations method, and two-person conflict management design (French & Bell, 1999). If this writer were to lead an OD intervention to solve a conflict without having any prior experiences with the...

Discussion of Purpose of a Team Charter

Background A team charter refers to a well-written document developed to give direction to a group with a common purpose by establishing boundaries. In any case, the document is developed early before implementing the team purpose. To facilitate buy-in as well as understanding, the charter is usually initiated in the...

Understanding Organizational Culture

Introduction Culture encloses the complex whole consisting of everything that people think, do, and have as members of the community. It might be envisaged as a form of a channel that flows down the centuries from one generation to another. Though cultural aspects are intangible and abstract, their influence is...

Explanatory Model on the Factors That Affect the Adoption of Total Reward Practice

Introduction There are factors that have to be considered in adoption of a total reward strategy to compensate employees of an organization. They include the factors that are conducive and the factors that prevent the application of total reward management. Organizations need to know which factors exist and are dominant...

Description of YM Research Results: Segmentation

Segmentation is a critical tool of classifying customers into their respective categories. It involves creation of an impervious strategy of dividing customer in accordance to their social classes among other groups. Probably, this would allow ministers to rent similar rooms within a hotel. Also, it allows travel agents to get...

Talent Management Practices in Saudi Arabian Firms: Challenges and Strategies

Introduction The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the countries in the Middle East that have become very attractive to local and international firms because of a number of reasons. According to Effron and Ort (2010), the country has enjoyed a long period of political stability. The economy of...

Six Sigma Implementation Models Worldwide

Introduction The Six sigma as a concept was introduced in the 1980’s by Motorola. Primarily it is associated with the manufacturing sector though in rent times, the service industries have also started using it to enhance quality of the output. Several studies have been conducted to discuss the various frameworks...

Organisational Control Process

Introduction Control is the process whereby managers regulate how efficiently and effectively an organization is performing the activities necessary to achieve the organizational goals (Waddel, Devine, Jones & George, 2008). According to Hubbard, Rick, and Beamish (2007), “the basic concept of control process involves carefully collecting information about a system,...

Organisational Management in Health Care

Abstract This paper is about organizational management in health care. Health care organizations are just like other organizations and their management is not different from others as well. The only difference exists between strategies and aims. Health care organizations aim at patient satisfaction while other organizations aim at customer satisfaction...

Highline Financial Services Inc.’s Forecasting

Introduction Forecasting can be defined as an attempt to predict the future value of a variable of interest. Forecasts are extremely important in business, as they help to plan resources and make necessary corrections to the current strategy. Price and demand are the most common types of forecasts utilized by...

HSBC Customer Service

HSBC bank is a global financial services organization operating worldwide with 8,000 offices in more than 90 countries. The company has assets valued at $2.6 billion ranking it among the largest financial institutions in the world. HSBC has five core values among them outstanding customer services. The bank has developed...

Importance of Organizational Dynamics and Strategic Planning for Business

Introduction My organization, which specializes in the production of crude oil, failed to adapt to the fluctuation of the market by not focusing on the long-term strategy. In this instance, the organization performed the layoff, but reducing the personnel by 45,000 could not maintain sufficient profit margins. Nonetheless, the SWOT...

Organizational Behavior and Performance Management

Executive Summary The objective of this research paper is to represent a depth analysis of organizational behavior and performance management from different complex dynamics of employees and managers coordination within the organizational environment that will provide a better understanding for the stakeholders in these regards. This paper will present the...

Clayton County Library System: SWOT Analysis and Strategic Issues

Introduction This paper is a discussion about SWOT analysis. It provides a brief description of the Clayton County Library System and then points out its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A Brief Description of Clayton County Library System Clayton County Library System is one of the public libraries which have...

Change Management in Telecommunications Sector in the Sultanate of Oman

Introduction Organizational change is a structure-driven process that creates the roadmap for growth. The growth and development of an organization is centered on the correlation between the objectives and the processes involved (Wolff & Frank 2005). Background: Omantel Omantel is the largest telecoms operator in the Sultanate of Oman (Kathiwalla...

Key Methods of Managing and Organizing People

Introduction This paper aims to analyze and identify the key methods of managing and organizing people within a business organization. As a result, to perform this research, it is vital to focus on understanding the theories, principles, terminologies, and concepts, which are associated with individual and group behavior within an...

Implementation of Positive Organizational Changes

Organizational Change Barriers The importance of organizational change is a reality that business organizations cannot ignore. Leaders in some organizations believe that organizational change should take place from time to time as a matter of procedure. However, most organizations implement organizational change in order to achieve vital strategic goals. Although...

Apple Incorporation: Corporate Renewal

Introduction Utterback (2005) asserts that businesses undergo a cycle of development comprised of growth, maturity, and decline stages. In the course of their operation, firms experience challenges emanating from micro and macro environments. The challenges experienced can lead to financial loss, decline in market leadership and market dislocations. Consequently, it...

The IBM Company: Organizational Design

Job design is a practice of isolating the functions of an organization into various working units and also allocating different tasks to the units created (Daft, Daft & Murphy, 2010). Job designs examine how different tasks in an organization depend on one another, and how they affect the set goals...

Innovation and Change Processes Within an Organization

Abstract The concept of innovation in relation to the organization change is still new in the organization management. Whether innovation brings a bout change within the organization is one of the areas that need to be examined. In other words, does the application of new ideas initiate changes that result...

How Various Concepts Can Be Applied to Sustain Change in an Organization?

Introduction Change is a constant factor that frequently occurs in organizations. This happens in a number of ways including; growing from a sole proprietorship to a private or public company, cultural change and changes in operational areas. These changes are usually motivated by changes social issues, technology, economic changes, changes...

Case Study Analysis: GreenHealth–Cranberry

Introduction In mergers, two organizations operate as partners where each has a specific role to play. This plan introduces challenges while coming up with a management structure that can help run the new entity smoothly. In the merger between GreenHealth and Cranberry, management had to face the issue of harmonizing...

Critical Action Learning & Literature Review of a Problematized Case

Introduction Operational efficiency and sustainability are some of the most essential aspects that profit and non-profit oriented firms should consider in their strategic management practices (Pryor, Taneja, Humphreys & Singleton, 2008). The importance of operational efficiency arises from the need to enhance firms’ long-term existence through effective production, sourcing, distribution,...

Employees Resistance to Change

Introduction Resistance to change is inevitable in the transformation management process within most organisations. The change management process in any organisation is majorly concerned with how employees can be reinvigorated and sanctioned to work with the new systems and resources (Folger & Skarlicki 2010, p.534). Managing change is focused on...

Principles of Complex Adaptive Systems Theory in Clayton Country Library System

Introduction This paper is aimed at showing how the principles of complex adaptive systems theory can be applied to the transformation of the Clayton Country Library System (CCLS). Furthermore, it is important to discuss how the method of appreciative inquiry can be used in this organizational setting. These findings are...

Major Hindrances to Organizations’ Efforts in Implementing Changes

Introduction Organizational change has become one of the most important elements in organizations’ efforts to achieve sustainability. Brockner and James (2008) emphasize that change is a never-ending organizational process. Previous studies have led to the formulation of numerous change theories/models such as the teleological, evolutionary, life cycle, and dialectical theories....

Consultation Process: Complete Consulting Scenario

Introduction Individuals and organizations can seek assistance from different specialized professional services in an effort to deal with certain challenges. One of the specialized professional services is consultation. Consultancy services are provided by different categories of specialists such as human resources and health care professionals. Furthermore, the consultancy process occurs...

Effective Organisational Developement and Team Building

Introduction Organizations operate in an environment characterized by diverse challenges and opportunities. The challenges and opportunities emanate from the macro and micro business environments. Despite the challenges , organizations should ensure that they succeed in the future. Organization’s future success can only be achieved through integration of effective strategic management...

Researching Workplace Psychology

Today’s workplace has a diverse environment (as compared to earlier times). Global technological developments have influenced various changes in the business world. Globalization is one such change that has necessitated organizations to adopt different strategies depending on their specific requirements. In order to keep pace with the incessant changes, it...

Virtual International R&D Teams

Introduction Over the recent past, the world has witnessed a transformation in organizational management. The transformation emanated from the unstoppable and unpredictable technological advancements. Advancements in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) led to pronounced transformations that changed the face of operations in a number of companies. The...

Decision-Making in Context of Workplace Organization

Introduction Nowadays, the crude oil industry experiences a significant layoff of personnel and dramatic reduction of the employees’ salaries. The establishment of the action research will contribute to changes and the ability of the workers to accept the alterations in their payments. The primary goal of the write-up is to...

Management of Effective Change

Introduction The management of an organization requires a clear understanding of the change processes by the leaders, staff, and other stakeholders to ensure the effective execution of various successful activities. Students must learn to overcome barriers in the event of the change to ensure that they form teams, new and...

Building an Inclusive School Culture

Introduction The management of change revolves around the formulation and implementation of revolutionizing efforts that correspond to the requirements of policy planning, technological systems, and/or new ways of conducting activities in an institution. The process of change can involve activities such as the launching of new product lines, outsourcing of...

Organisational Learning and Workplace Practices

Introduction The corporate world is characterised by disruptive change that requires organisations to produce value. With competition, organisations aim at producing greater value as compared to their competitors by combining innovation, quality, and efficiency to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Nevertheless, organisations cannot acquire sustainable competitive advantage in the absence of...

Resistance in the Workplace: Literature Synthesis

Introduction Organizational managers encounter different workplace problems that arise from internal and external business environments. One of the main sources of internal challenges relates to change. In the modern business environment, leaders are required to act as change agents by leading by example. This aspect requires leaders to involve employees...

Change Management Outcomes in Organizations

Introduction The contemporary business environment is undergoing a myriad of transformations, which are pressurizing organizations to adjust their strategic management practices in the quest to achieve sustainability and business excellence. Traditionally, responses to organizational events were perceived as managerial and organizational activities. However, this perception has changed, and organizations are...

Top-Level vs. Teams & Groups Leadership

Importance of Top Level Leadership in Organizations Leaders are critical assets in all areas and aspects businesses, politics and social organizations. Leaders envision the future of firms or organizations and ensure that all employees’ efforts are concerted towards the attaining the goals of the firm or organization. Leaders can simplify...

Organizational Management & Problem-Solving Methods

Critical Literature Review Introduction Action research can be described as the study of the forces that lead to professional and social changes in an organization. The process of action research can be thought of as the methodological and meditative study of the actions of individuals in an organization as well...

Organizational Management Elements and Strategies

Critical Literature Review Introduction Organizational management has existed for as long as human societies developed the capacity for collective action and organized activity (Grey, 2010). In the contemporary business world, it is being critically analyzed and is the subject of numerous theories that seek to determine how to maximize the...

Management Importance to an Organization

Introduction Effective management calls for knowledge of some skills by the managers. Management is an important element since it is necessary for any kind of organization to run smoothly and attain its goals and objectives, management concepts must be implemented. The concepts of management learnt can be applied in other...

Changing Nature of Workplaces

Introduction Changing nature of workplaces refers to the process of organizational change within the work environment. Changing nature of the workplace, therefore, refers to the process of transformation in an organization at any level of its operations or departments that may include culture change, work procedures, or an overall change...

Organizational Learning and Change Management in Business

Introduction Peter Senge seems to suggest that knowledge is in reality multi-faceted just like our concepts which are the outcome of other people’s express or indirect pressure. He illustrates organization learning as unique, diverse, comprehensive, and living communities in which individuals share accountability and mutually work. While on the other...

Group Support Systems in Organizational Meetings

A Tale of Two Cities: Case Studies of GSS Transition in Two Organizations by Andres Agres, Gert-Jan de Vreede and Robert O. Briggs This article is a piece of research carried out in two different cities; one in Rotterdam and the other in The Hague. In both places, behavioral patterns...

Advanced Business Studies

Introduction This critique aims at providing me with an opportunity to learn gain knowledge from scholars in order to develop an informed skill in the analysis of concepts and theories related to my field of study. One aspect of this critique assignment is that I am required to link those...

People and Organizational Culture in Health Care

Introduction This critique assignment is designed to give me a chance to use other scholars’ work, and learn from them through the analysis of the concepts presented in their work, and the theories they have brought forth in their journals. In the critique, there is the aspect of linking the...

From a Functional Organization to a Matrix Organization

Introduction Organizations have the challenge of keeping up with the changes that happen around the globe. These changes have brought about the introduction of technology and new ways of management in business organizations. Organizations also face the challenge of maintaining their reputation, revenues, and gradual growth in a constantly competitive...

Overcome the Failure of Knowledge Management Implementation in Organizations

This research proposal, tackles the researcher’s interest in answering the research question of How to overcome the failure of knowledge Management implementation in Organizations. The proposal includes a brief introduction about the broad topic of the field, which is “Knowledge Management”. According to Gurteen, (1998) “Knowledge management is then defined...

The Benefits of a Strong Culture in an Organization

Executive summary When an organization is formed, there is a need for a culture that is understandable and convincing not only to customers but also to employees. Nevertheless, the formed culture should be maintained by ensuring that it manifests itself positively to both the internal and external environment. However, culture...

Performance Learning System and Organizational Behavior

Abstract The performance learning systems and how they do affect organizational behavior have been reviewed and discussed in this paper. The performance dashboards and balanced scorecards in an organization and the way, the managers or the leadership of the company can use them to get the best output of the...

Managing Change and Its Impact on the Business

Introduction The major factors contributing to the need for change are changing business demands in a global economy, technological developments, and changing workforce demographics and values. Today’s business is increasingly consumer-driven and segmented. New technologies have made it possible to achieve profits at lower volumes in “niche markets.” Aims of...

Industrial Organizational Psychology

Assessments to be conducted in order to understand the client’s problems and formal assessments Team effectiveness One of the theories that will be useful in assessment of team effectiveness will be the five element model proposed by Jex and Brix (2008). It should be noted that team effectiveness refers to...