📖 Essays on Case Studies

If you’re a business student, you know that case studies are integral to your education. What better way to learn about real-world challenges than by analyzing actual business cases? However, case studies can be tricky to write.

That’s why it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the basics before you start. Thankfully, you can brush up on your business knowledge with the help of numerous online resources. We recommend taking some time to review case study examples. These can be found in the EssayBizLab database. Checking out the database will save you time and effort in the long run and help you produce a better overall essay.

International Business Case Study: A Comparison of Two Countries

Introduction For ages, commerce has existed, with science and creativity altering the form and size of the market. Because no country has an absolute advantage of exactly enough of each product to meet its demands, nations participate in international trade, resulting in the global economy. When a country engages in...

Alleged Bribery Case Against Compass Group

Compass Group was alleged by the UN in 2005, and all investigations about its bribery case were done by the US. A company sponsored by Compass Subsidiary Eurest Support Services (ESS) was involved in supplying food items to UN peacekeepers and tried to get information about UN tenders and contracts....

Variety Reduction and Its Examples

The variety reduction model is concentrated on special teams or groups. The whole procedure of the variety reduction process is done by recruiting a team of a few people to study the problem. A simple procedure is depicted below: In the above diagram standardization method is used in two kinds...

Multinational Enterprises in Terms of Geographical Scope

In terms of geographical scope, multinational enterprises can be divided into three major groups in particular, local, regional, and global businesses. It should be noted that this classification is based on the premise that enterprises can focus on different markets that are critical for their sustainability. For instance, local multinational...

Absolute Advantage and Comparative Advantage Trade Theories

Absolute advantage and comparative advantage trade theories help countries make decisions concerning the production of goods, imports and exports, specialization, and resource allocation. Absolute advantage shows which country can produce a given good more effectively, ceteris paribus. In turn, comparative advantage indicates the country’s ability to produce a given good...

A Joint Venture: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages of joint venture partnerships. However, we will highlight the benefits and challenges using three focal points, which include multinational organizations, joint businesses, and the host nation. To the multinational firm, a joint venture incorporates nearby wellsprings of capital, access to neighborhood financing, comprehension of the...

What Problems Can Encoding Failure Lead To in Business Operations?

In psychology, there are three significant stages of processing memories: encoding, storage, and retrieval. A malfunction in the encoding process leads to forgetting essential things that might have significance in the future. Explanation: Encoding is responsible for imprinting our experience on our brain, whether it be an event, situation, person,...

How the Tylenol Crisis Was Resolved?

The crisis was one the best managed case in history: Johnson & Johnson reacted by notifying health and government officials immediately, and then they put out a recall for all capsules in the Chicago area. No distinction was made for lots or size. They simply recalled all product that was...

Standard of Care and Its Determination

Each and every organization has a certain set of norms and policies which are useful for profitability, quality, and success in operations. The standards of care are those which can be reasonable, competent, specific, and many considerable. The standard of care can be compared on the criteria, which are consistent...

Challenges in Procurement at National Health Service

In a decentralized model of procurement, each division of the company (departments, ministries, etc.) conducts the purchases necessary to meet their needs independently. For this purpose, specialized purchasing departments or other units similar in function are created in its structure. The centralized model provides for the creation of a kind...

Preventing the Union from Going on Strike

Various companies face a threat from the Union of workers that they could go on a strike against the company. Now, this strike could be anything; it could end up as a protected walkout of all the workers, it could be workers yelling slogans against the management of the company,...

Collaborative Arrangements With a Foreign Partner

Differences in the Attention of Business Partners to Collaboration Foreign and domestic partners may have different attitudes towards the importance of a particular collaborative business project. It may be due to a different economic or cultural environment. As a result, the active partner can accuse the passive partner of not...

Utility Workers Union of America Changing Corporate Bylaws

Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (UWUA) is basically a labor union in the United States. The Utility Workers Union of America is considered to be one of the most progressive and prosperous labor unions working in the United States, with a number of more than 50,000 members across the...

McLuhan and Williams on Organizational Communication

Marshall McLuhan and Raymond Williams were theorists who shaped people’s understanding of the media using technology. Marshall McLuhan highlighted four significant aspects surrounding the media: various mediums that coexist with other media, manipulation of people’s view on space and time, extensions of human senses, and unavailability of neutral tools. By...

Major Forecast Components Definition

Forecasting is a very important necessity in planning since it drives the process of accommodating the requirements of customers in many supply chain arrangements. Forecast has six main components, which include base demand, seasonal, trend, cyclic, promotion and irregular. Base demand is the average long-term demand after removing the remaining...

A Non-Profit Organization Definition

A non-profit organization (NPO) is an organization that does not have profit extraction as its main goal and does not distribute the profit gained among the participants. They can be created to achieve social, charitable, cultural, educational, political, and scientific purposes. NPO’s managerial goals are focused in the areas of...

Business Organizations Policies and Procedures

It can be said that business organizations’ policies and procedures are those rules and standards that support the internal and external hierarchy of companies. Established business organizations’ policies help organizations comply with laws and regulations and provide future employees with a clear picture of what the work process and career...

Challenges That Organizations Face

It is evident that organizations face challenges throughout their business excellence journeys. Affecting the behavior of the employees who perform the daily tasks, communicate with customers, and affect the output of the firm is the most complicated task for the management. Organization’s culture affects the behavior of employees, as well...

Information Technology Adds Value to the Business: Examples

Many consider mobility as one of the essentials for business. All its aspects can be processed using only a tablet or smartphone. There are many possibilities: from content marketing to customer relationships, from sales to internal actions such as billing and delivery. However, mobile solutions are helpful not only for...

Challenges to Collecting Accurate Data in Work Setting

Different challenges encountered when collecting data in a work setting relate directly to the data collection method used in the context of partnership case studies involved. To begin with, a case study researcher may miss some learning especially when the case is undocumented from the start. With a lack of...

International Regulations and Texaco

International regulations should oblige Texaco to invest in new technologies and new cleaning facilities to support local communities and clean up the polluted regions. Some of this involvement is primarily generous, while other community affairs with which business becomes involved pays a direct return to the company. It is not...

Diversity: Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action

A few days back, students from various colleges and universities celebrated diversity and tolerance in a way they never did before. They ate lunch at a table with the only purpose of meeting a different group of students. Unity in diversity is a spirit of America maintained by the American...

Pareto Charts, Principle, and Practical Applications

Nowadays, there are a large number of tools that can be used to analyze and present information in business and economics. When speaking about such tools, it is necessary to discuss a Pareto chart, a tool that depicts the information on the frequency of events and, therefore, can be used...

Facilitating a Client Through the Action Stage

Initially, the client is asked what changes he or she would like to make in their dream. Since it is the client who created the dream, it would be possible for them to change it too. This is a creative way to get the client to start thinking about making...

Relationships Between Absenteeism and Violence at Work

An ability to motivate employees and encourage their interest in the quality performance of immediate responsibilities is the valuable feature of a nursing administrator. Unwillingness to control the productivity of subordinates and their success, on the contrary, reduces the significance of a leader in the team and affects the results...

Hindering Democracy in Oil Exporting Countries

Oil plays a great role in the energy sector, and statistically, many of the oil-exporting countries lack democratic ideals or leadership. Many schools of thought that exist argue that the presence of oil in a given country negatively impacts the democracy of the very country. This could be internally motivated...

ISO 14000 and Its Usage by the Company

ISO 14000 is a family of internationally recognized standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that deals with the management of the environment. It can be applicable to any type of business regardless of its size. On the other hand, there are some set rules and guidelines that...

Importance of an LCA When Working With an EMS and Iso 14000

Life Cycle Assessment, or LCA, is an important tool in the EMS of a company. ISO 14000 is a certified EMS system. The major purpose of using an LCA is that LCA applied in the EMS of an organization provides the organization with a stronger insight into environmental problems than...

Challenges Involved in Program Evaluation

The first barrier to program evaluation is the reluctance of key figures to make decisions and be involved in the change process. It often happens that busy politicians or managers tend to delegate the assessment responsibility to incompetent employees: this leads to the violation of the company’s integrity and the...

Chris Judd as an Asset of Carlton Football Club

IAS 38 demands that an enterprise should recognize the intangible assets, whether bought or self-created (at a given cost), and simply if it is possible that the potential financial benefits which can be attributed to the asset would flow to the project and the fee of that asset is measurable...

Absolute Advantage and Comparative Advantage: Similarities and Differences

Absolute advantage is manifested in a country’s ability to produce goods using fewer resources than other countries. Сomparative advantage refers to a country’s ability to manufacture some products at a lower cost than others. Explanation: Absolute advantage and comparative advantage are elements of trade theory, which explains the mechanisms of...

Correlation and Causality in Market Research

A key error that statisticians and researchers make is to form causal relationships with data or attempting to form relations between data and trying to set a cause for it. Data can frequently be discreet and independent even though they are from the same sample lot. As seen in ‘Chi-Square...

Information Technology for an Increasing Productivity

The competitive elements in business have indeed overtaken most business houses such that price increases of products and services may remain difficult to realize in the short term without compromising on turnover of business or retention of customers, especially when other competing firms are pro-offering better service at lower costs....

Demographic Changes in the United States

The process of urbanization has been expanding over the past decades, capturing increasingly large areas and affecting the population of the U.S. significantly. There are several stances on the nature and effects of urban growth, each representing a unique stance on how the process starts and by what it is...

How Mobile Tech Is Transforming In-Store Shopping

The pace of life has significantly increased with the introduction of modern technologies. The functionality of smartphones grew immensely, which influenced almost every sphere of trade, including traditional brick-and-mortar retail. Since the majority of customers use their mobile phones frequently, many shops try to suit their needs in the format...

Corruption: What Money Can’t Buy by Michael Sandel

Michael Sandel makes the argument that line scalping for underpriced, publicly available goods is inherently corrupting in most instances. The cause is not entirely that the addition of a price to events that are not intended to have one excludes some people unfairly. Setting a money barrier for attendance will...

The Concept of Lean Operations and Lean Supply Chain

Lean production is defined as: “a Japanese approach to management that focuses on cutting out waste, whilst ensuring quality. This approach can be applied to all aspects of a business – from design, through production to distribution” (Lean production n.d.). It is hard to imagine Lean production without the comprehensive...

Quantity Demand Driver and Market Price of Good

An increase in prices means that the quantity demanded is higher at every price, whereas a decrease in prices is tantamount to the fact that the quantity demanded is lower at every price. Such are the relations between price and demand. From the chart below it, the demand and supply...

Multiple Dimensions of Job Satisfaction

Mainstream theories of human behavior, including those for motivation and organizational behavior, suggest that job satisfaction is complex, multi-level, and dynamic. Four examples bear this out: The phenomenon of rising expectations posits that consumers are never satisfied after obtaining what they had initially wanted. Almost a day after finally driving...

Kinked Demand Curve Model and Oligopoly

At zero price elasticity of demand, we have sticky goods. In this case, there is no association between a rise in the demand for a product and the consequent rise in the price of the same. On the other hand, when a few sellers dominate a given market, this is...

The Concept of “Adverse Selection” and “Moral Hazard”

Adverse selection refers to the insurance policies that attract customers who most need the insurance and who think that they will obtain extra benefits out of the insurance than what they paid in the premiums and the deductibles. It is a problem of screening the customers by the insurance companies....

Urbanization: Term Definition

Urbanization can be defined as the increase in the size of population in cities and suburb of cities as a result of people migration into the urban centers. The economic forces can be explained to be the reason as to why cities came about to be ideal places for establishment...

Great Powers’ Competition in International Relations

The quest for world supremacy is not a new thing to the face of the world. It all started with the Cold War between the United States of America and the Soviet Union immediately after World War Two until the early 1990s. China, India, Russia, and the EU have worked...

Vendors and Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation

Vendors do not seem to know many things about implementing ERP systems. If a product is obtained by a large vendor, the long-term plans should be understood. The implementation of ERP is not easy. The right vendor and good software can increase the productivity of an organization. The implementation of...

Tony Hayward’s role in the Recent BP (Gulf Oil Spill) Fiasco

The role of Tony Hayward in the events in Mexican bay are generally assessed from various positions, and these positions presuppose extremely different opinions on the personality of this CEO. On the one hand, the spill event reminds a provocation. On the other hand, this may be treated as the...

Zenith: Current Situation Assessment

Zenith faced a barrier of confusion and lack of qualification among clinicians in the use of EMR. It is a rational outcome because preliminary decisions and system maintenance were not made correctly. The current situation is chaos, but Martha has begun the process of fundamentally solving the problem. The CEO...

General Electric: Case Study

General Electric (GE) should disclose its operations to its stakeholders at all times. This includes their investment activities which the firm engages in mainly because the stakeholders’ capital will always be at stake whenever the management seeks to make such investments. Indeed, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has always...

The Concept of CSAs and FSAs in the Context of China

Theorists believe that multinational enterprises will succeed only if they are able to develop capabilities that are knowledge based, which are often referred to as firm specific advantages (FSAs). Country specific advantages (CSAs) refer to the strengths emanating for MNEs upon which they can rely in obtaining competitive advantages in...

Monopolistic Market of Diamond Jewelry Products

When one huge firm dominates the market, it is called a monopoly. Monopoly is the opposite of perfect competition. It usually exists either because there are no similar firms in the vicinity or because its product is unique and hence cannot be bought from anywhere else. In a monopoly, the...

Employee-Owned Devices’ Disadvantages for Company Business

Using employee-owned devices is associated with several disadvantages. The company might be forced to spend more funds on securing the current IT networks since different devices have different security protocols. Since each employee has his or her own taste on the kind of personal device to bring to work, the...

Organizations and Their Responsibility to Society

Organizations located in particular communities should contribute through socially responsible initiatives as they are responsible to their community. This is partially explained by the fact that a number of organizations are formed within their communities to accomplish particular aims set by them. It is also a frequent situation when organizations...

Retail Design and the Influence of Context

Although the amount of analysis and planning involved in retail product management might appear vast, retailers should not underestimate the effects of consumer’s tastes on their sales turnover. Due to increased competition and development of interrelated products in the modern market, retailers have to increasingly focus on retail design as...

Critique of the Various Methods of Market Entry

A retail firm wishing to expand its activities into the international markets is faced with numerous options for market entry. These options include international mergers and acquisitions, organic growth, franchising, joint ventures, in-store concessions among others. Franchising, a market entry mode often adopted by firms in the food industry such...

Surprising Factors of China’s Development

The first aspect which proves to be surprising is the culture of Asian countries, which differs significantly from that in Europe or the US and has influenced the development of economies. Many Asian countries have shown a significant level of growth over the past decades while they were not adhering...

Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer: Case Study

Johnson and Johnson is one of the world’s top pharmaceutical companies. Based in the United States it was founded back in 1886. The company was well known for its corporate governance and even received an award from the US Department because it had developed several programs funding international education programs....

Organizations Do Not Have a Responsibility to Society

Organizations do not have a responsibility to their community as they have their management and owners who establish their operating strategies and major goals to secure their efficient functioning. Their responsibility ends with employing its members, which is also one of the most important points in their operating for the...

Why the Price Elasticity of Demand Can Change

The price elasticity of demand of a commodity can change as a result of various factors. In this case, the factors that have been revealed to affect the price elasticity of demand of a product include the price of other related commodities, future expectations, change in tastes and preferences among...

TNT Express: Deming Prize Criteria and MBNQA Criteria

MBNQA EFQM was initially designed as a European equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA). Therefore, it would be the only natural to suppose that TNT can meet the criteria for MBNQA at a similar extent; it meets the criteria for EFQM. MBNQA has seven principles, including leadership,...

Actions That Companies and Governments Can Take to Avoid Easy Piracy of Products

Firstly, the governments should establish, ratify, and embrace legislations, which condemn piracy. It is through stringent laws that the aspects of piracy can diminish. Additionally, companies should know lias with the international governments to help them in curbing the vice. Other governments like China should cease protecting pirates within their...

International Change in Organization

One fairly recent international change is the view of the environment, climate change, and carbon footprint. The need to protect the environment has influenced fuel acquisition, automobile manufacturing, and packaging, to name a few. One recent concern is migration and displacement. Natural events such as tsunamis and hurricanes are causing...

Reductionism and Systems Theory Controversy

Though reductionism and systems theory have already helped in making significant strides in the business area, it is important to acknowledge the criticism put forward in the past years. The system theory has faced a lot of criticism, especially in its original form. One of the top critics of the...

Innovation Sources in Examples

Several issues trigger the need for modernization. One of the sources of innovation is the continuous need for being prepared for the unforeseen. Businesses that have succeeded in their different lines of operations have realized the importance of being ready to face unpredictable events that range from market breakdowns, booms,...

Researching of Collective Genius

Innovation requires companies and employees to be patient and work hard for a long time for a result. Linda Hill explains that the main challenge for modern companies is to create a context within which employees are willing and able to engage in the innovation process (Editor- I – Global...

Reframing Organizations: Sharon’s Case

Assuming Sharon is qualified for the project, what should determine whether you do indeed assign the task to her rather than doing it yourself we’re looking for another way? Assuming that Sharon is qualified for the project, several factors have to be taken into consideration in order to determine if...

The Case of Wells Fargo Account Fraud

The case of Wells Fargo account fraud reveals the difficulty of attributing the responsibility while encountering the crisis. On the one hand, the company’s managers are blamed for setting a priori unachievable goals. On the other hand, the workers involved in the creation of fake accounts are liable as their...

Public-Private Partnership

Introduction Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are projects that have received much impetus in the infrastructure industry both in developing and developed nations in the recent past. That is has been the case in the international scene involving developing and developed countries. Analytically, PPP projects are characterized by a partnership between the...

Shareholder Derivative Cases in the United States

Shareholder derivative action is an important mechanism that allows shareholders to pursue litigation against parties that may harm the organization. It plays a critical role in providing legal rights to shareholders in terms of controlling and managing a corporation. The mechanism is also designed to prevent unlawful actions committed by...

Personal Jurisdiction in the Case of Great Vegetables, Corp.

When a company registered in one state incurs losses due to the fault of a company registered in another state, it may be unclear how to resolve the dispute legally. In the case of Great Vegetables, Corp. there are three possible guilty parties, two of which have not physically operated...

The International Medical Laboratories: Business Events Case Study

The analysis of this case study explores certain business events between three main characters John Cannon, Klaus Ehrwald, and Dr, Rombach. John Cannon is the product line manager dealing with surgical equipment and is well known for his abilities as a successful market analyst within the company. Cannon’s main duty...

Sunshine State Building Society: The Case Study

Sunshine State Building Society was one of the major players in the mortgage market in Australia since the early 1990s. They had the ambition to become an important player in the banking market also. From a human resource considerations point of view this was a huge task. Human resources are...

The Advantages of Using the Internet

The Internet proposes many advantages for users and businesses connecting people with resources. The internet bound to a traditional physical form such as a book or map (or even a service delivered by a person) must be distributed through a transportation process and sophisticated systems have been developed to put...

Case Study: Curriculum Vitae

Career Objective To be a professional lecturer in languages and literature Personal Information Name: Mona Hussein Sabir Cell Phone: E-mail: Address: DOB: dd-mm-1980 Nationality: Saudi Languages: English, Arabic Marital Status: Married Education 2006-2008 King Abdul Aziz University – Masters Degree in Linguistics (European Languages Department, Arts & Humanities Faculty) GPA: My GPA...

Road Safety Speed in Developed and Developing Countries

The world is changing rapidly; the population is growing with each passing second and to ensure the safety of the people the government has to take suitable measures. Traffic rules have to be followed no matter what the same ensuring the safety of the other people. There are various ways...

“Why the Student Loan Crisis Is Everyone’s Problem?” Article Review

The article “Why the Student Loan Crisis Is Everyone’s Problem” by Joseph Orsolini shows how the money led to the learners helping fund their education has adversely impacted all people’s economies. Orsolini is a financial planner who helps families regardless of their income level to plan for colleges, retirement advice,...

Crisis Communication: Pete Rose’s Gambling Scandal

Effective crisis communication aimed at minimizing the unfavorable consequences of some parties’ mistakes is critically important in professional sports. To support fair competition, ensure the presence of equal opportunity, and gain spectators’ trust, it is essential to promote ethical norms and implement regulations to ensure the integrity of professional athletes,...

The Potential of SMEs in the U.K. Bakery Sector: Cakes Today

Introduction The present presentation purposes to analyse the potential of SMEs in the U.K. bakery sector, and the various factors influencing their success. The industry experiences real competition and change like all the other industries. SMEs play a major role in the industry’s survival. Such SMEs need to analyse the...

Rocket Internet Company Case Study

Introduction The company seeks primarily to consider markets with low competition. Rocket Internet believes that product development and promotion should be aggressive – i.e., aggressive implementation can also be seen as a sustainable advantage (Browne, 2020). It is also necessary to emphasize the bets on the implementation of the idea...

MiniFitness Objections and Responses

The MiniFitness pitch can be described as excellent because it addresses market gaps exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, a few objections can emerge because the proposal assumes that everyone is ready to start exercising and have the funds to purchase gym equipment. The first objection is that though intended...

Buildup Company’s Workforce Turnover and Performance

This case study is focused on workforce turnover and performance at Buildup, a company that has recently been created as a merger of two companies from the UK and Qatar. The problem at hand is a complex one and incorporates diminished workforce well-being, a decrease in the agility of performance,...

Trek Bicycle Corporation’s Environmental Impact

Trek’s Buying Center The buying center at Trek is responsible for finding the vendors and suppliers that would correspond to the company’s criteria in the best possible way. The new supplier for Trek is most likely to be chosen by people at the buying center who can evaluate the quality...

Chick-Fill-A Firm’s International Expansion Challenges

Chick-Fill-A is a fast-food restaurant chain popular in the US for its chicken sandwiches. Being one of many fast-food providers, it faces great competition. However, its friendly atmosphere and excellent customer service secured a dominant position in the US market. Despite that, the brand is known for its controversial stance...

Analysis of Goya Foods Company Case

The case of Goya Foods may be regarded as an example of not only modern cancel culture but a rich history of American corporate boycotts and consumer activism. Founded by Spanish immigrants in 1936, in the present day, Goya Foods, Inc. may be regarded as the largest Hispanic-owned food company...

The Enron Corporation Scandal Analysis

Enron Corporation, an American energy business based in Houston, Texas, was involved in an accounting controversy. The corporation declared bankruptcy, and its accounting firm, Arthur Andersen – then one of the world’s top five audit and accounting firms – was virtually disbanded. Enron was recognized as the biggest audit failure...

McDonald’s Performance Management Improvement

Introduction McDonald’s aims firstly to ensure that young employees develop a system of values aimed at improving attitudes toward work. It will also improve loyalty to the organization, unacceptability of discipline and misconduct, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. McDonald’s business process management system is regulated by clearly defined...

Promotion and Pricing of Korwin’s Products

Code of Conduct The code of conduct of Korwin should reflect the values of Korwin pharmaceuticals. First, the employees should ensure that the products are of good quality and meet the customers’ needs. The products should meet the required standards set by regulatory authorities. Secondly, the employees should make sure...

The Netflix Case of 2011: Mistakes and Solutions

Introduction The Netflix case of 2011 was related to losing 800,000 of the company’s U. S. subscribers because they attempted to split the DVD delivery service and online streaming platform. These decisions have caused customers’ dissatisfaction and confusion, primarily due to the consequent price hike, and the CEO of Netflix,...

Chipotle Mexican Grill Company’s Analysis

Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG) is one of the most prominent restaurants chains in the US, which has been facilitated by the company’s branding, its mission, and the business structure that has helped attract customers and overcome risks. However, certain challenges that have occurred in 2012 resulted in CMG’s stocks decreasing...

Toyota’s Approach and Views of Responsibility

Toyota’s Approach and Three Concepts of Responsibility Toyota’s approach to social responsibility relates to the three concepts of social responsibility in various ways. First of all, the company has a responsibility to distribute its profits wisely, which it does by investing in building and upholding its positive image. Second, it...

Toms Shoes: 4PS, Innovation, and Marketing Recommendations

Introduction TOMS Shoes is an organization founded in California and operates in several markets across the globe. It was formed by Blake Mycoskie after he experienced poverty among peasants in Argentina, where the villagers could not even buy a pair of shoes (Hammond, 2020). Mycoskie returned to the US with...

Whole Foods, American Multinational Supermarket

Introduction Whole Foods is an American multinational supermarket chain headquartered in Austin, Texas. The company specializes in selling natural and organic foods and ensures its customers are provided with a wide variety of products. Due to its certification by USDA, the company is also referred to as America’s healthiest grocery...

Zara and H&M: Business Models Comparison

The business models of Zara and H&M differ in the role of locations. Therefore, they affect these companies’ profitability in the long run. There are several reasons why the mentioned factor is a key principle in the operations of Zara and H&M. First, as per the principles of value creation,...

Legal Issues of the Facebook Company

Legal Issues Mark Zuckerberg to Be Added To Facebook Privacy Suit – The New York Times. (2021). Mark Zuckerberg will be added to a Facebook privacy lawsuit. Web. Facebook is marred with different legal issues that continue to impact the operational processes. The causes of these issues are diverse given...

Charles Schwab Firm’s Creditor-Debtor Relationship

Regular loans allow to establish relationships with borrowers in Charles Schwab through securities or cash. The borrower undertakes to return the amount of money taken or things of a similar property and quality. The parties to the agreement with which the creditor-debtor relationship is established in the Charles Schwab organization...

Walmart Corporation’s Case of Using Robots

In my opinion, the cost of robots is fixed because once the expenditure is done to purchase, there is no other additional expenditure (expect cost incurred for their upkeep and maintenance). In addition, when using robots, costs do not change with an increase or decrease in the number of goods...

Business and Economics: Comparing Legal Entities

The two business partners appear to be at variance concerning the legal entity that the enterprise should assume, with the retailer agitating for the corporation route. At the same time, the farmer prefers either a general partnership or a limited liability company. A corporation denotes a legal entity that is...

Starbucks Global Supply Chain Management

Background Starbucks is a good example of managing extended supply chains; coffee is an exchange commodity which is sold in grains. Usually, when a company needs to buy a specific type of coffee, it can be done cheaper on the stock exchange, where the offer is lower. At the same...

Apple Inc. in 2020: SWOT Analysis and VRIO Framework

Apple Inc. in 2020: Analysis Case Essay Apple Inc. has a long history that revolves around ambition, innovation, and product diversification. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple in 1976 and quickly brought it to the leading positions in the developing personal computer (PC) industry. Unfortunately, the early success of...

Tip Top Markets’ Operations Management

Tip Top Markets is a regional supermarkets chain in the Southeastern United States. Recently, one store in the chain received a substantial number of customer complaints were received, with a large proportion of grievances being submitted by shoppers on Tuesdays. In order to improve the operations of the Tip Top...

Training at Brighten Inc. Case Study

Introduction Organizational development programs and activities are orchestrated every day by Human Resources or the Learning & Development departments. Countless new products and ideas are scrutinized to see if they align with the training objectives. However, the workforce is also made up of capable individuals who are well-versed in the...

Peloton Interactive Inc.’s Crisis and Solution

The Crisis Faced by Peloton Peloton Interactive Inc. is a fitness media and exercise equipment manufacturer based in the United States. It is best known for its high-tech stationary bikes and treadmills, which can be connected to the Internet, allowing users to participate in virtual classes and compete against other...

Gender and Race Discrimination at Workplaces

The press release where the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) sued Walmart for gender and race discrimination. The compliance issue regarded employment discrimination based on sex and skin color. EEOC sued Walmart for failing to promote one of its employees to a management position at its Ottumwa store since...

Business Proposal: Social Media Management Agency

Business increases its presence in social networks fights for the audience’s attention in various ways. Promotion on the Internet is no longer just a fashion trend but a necessity for large and small companies. Too many brands have come to Instagram in recent years, and the system’s algorithms are constantly...