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Financial and Managerial Accounting: What I Would Do

Relevant Facts One of the relevant facts of this essay is that Kathy Ryan is a trade credit officer with Diversified Consolidated Corporation where she is responsible for credits to North Manufacturing of approximately $ one million. Another relevant fact is that North Manufacturing, whose treasurer is Scott Bradley, has...


Technical Barriers to Trade in Goods and Service

Abstract This piece of work gives an in depth discussion of technical barriers to trade. Aspects such as trade policy and standards will be reviewed. Over the past decade, a rise in use of technical directives as tools of industrial policy in different contexts for instance regional, unilateral, and international...


Monetary Policy and Reserve Bank of Australia

Introduction The paper attempts to explain the meaning of the monetary policy and its objectives. The way Reserve Bank of Australia uses monetary policy to achieve various objectives has been outlined in the paper. Monetary Policy Monetary policy is a decision set out by the Reserve Bank of Australia concerning...

Risk Management

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Hedging

The future can hardly be predicted accurately; to reduce losses likely to be caused by fluctuation of prices, the business engages in hedging transactions. Hedging is defined as the process of using derivative products to manage the risk of loss caused by fluctuation of financial prices; financial prices managed through...


Financial and Managerial Accounting: A Case Study

Relevant Facts One of the relevant facts of this essay is that Chris is a management trainee at Commerce Trust Bank, where he has been working for almost two years and he desires promotion from his traineeship so badly. Secondly, the bank is staffed by inexperienced employees, and the occurrence...


Hong Kong: Investment Analysis

With one of the most open and business-friendly environments in the world, Hong Kong offers excellent opportunities for companies. Hong Kong is a major center for British business in the region. In 2010, UK exports of goods to Hong Kong were valued at £4.2. Billion, up by 20% over 2009,...

Risk Management

Managing the Operational Risks

Executive summary This report basically highlights the flaws that exist in AlphaDelt Bank’s operational framework going by the case study that was presented. It begins by giving the reason as to why this report was prepared and for whose benefit. It goes on to define operational risk and of what...


Kuali Test Drive & Transaction Processing Capabilities

Introduction The Kuali Financial System (KFS) was developed by a number of academic institutions for use by colleges and universities. This system has several features such as: manages impediments, endowments and cost sharing; permits institutions to establish various business rules and workflows for diverse fund groups; and utilizes features that...

Financial Management

Investment in Real Estate: Arguments in Favor

There are two basic reasons why an investment company would go for real estate. To begin with, it is imperative to note that renting and buying of real estate is quite lucrative and capable of generating impressive revenue. Eldred (7) notes that it is possible to accumulate significant income and...

Financial Management

Small Investors Entering the Stock Market

Most of the advantages that the stock market provides to small investors are usually the detriments of the stock market on its big investors. Small investors have the flexibility to jump in or out of the market and go to cash depending on the stock prices and have the ability...


Credit Analysis of Nordic American Tankers

Executive summary The purpose of this report is to investigate the position of Nordic American Tankers to suggest the bank about the application of loan. However, the recommendation of this report is based on few issues such as external business environment, adverse impact of global financial crisis on the company,...

Financial Management

Directors Failing to Report Their Trades in the Australian Market

Introduction The Australian stock market has made efforts to beef up its regulation and supervision to curb insider trading. Despite the efforts by the market regulators, it has been in the media that, many directors in the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) market do not meet the requirements that pertain to...

Financial Management

Three Fundamental Laws of Success in Financial Management

This article highlights the three basic laws of success that anyone can apply for astute financial management. The three laws include generating more income than expenditure, investing the difference, and understanding where the money is going. My understanding after reading the article is that: Spending more money than one is...


Eurozone Versus Switzerland Banking System

Introduction A banking system can be defined as an institutional network or group that is focused on providing financial services to people. Such an institution or group is responsible for providing individuals with investment assistance, as well as taking deposits and offering loans (Soskic 2015). Basically, a banking system controls...


The Thickness of Plywood Sheets Manufactured by Plywoods

Introduction The objective of the assignment is to compare the thickness of plywood sheets manufactured by Winsor Plywood and Royal Plywood companies and determine which one is thicker. Conditions, Rejection Criteria, and Hypotheses Conditions Compare the means of the thickness of the two types of plywood sheets. The hypothesis test...

Financial Management

Google’s Investment: Financial Management

Introduction Google Inc. is an American multinational company that offers internet-related products and services. The company offers services such as cloud computing and search engine advertisements. Google obtains most of its profit from AdWords which refers to online advertisement services that allow adverts to be listed on the search engine...

Financial Marketing

How Young Millionaires Invest Their Money

Many Millennials strive to make a statement, influence society and help the environment through their financial investments. This practice has already received the name of “impact investing” and is becoming increasingly popular. The overwhelming majority of these so-called impact investors (which may be up to 93% of Millennials) believe that...


Investment of Money Inheritance: A Proposal

Outline This is a research paper offering an investment proposal that also explains and describes the various opportunities available to a person namely Beatrix. Beatrix is one of the three children of Mr. Jones who died. Like the other two children of Mr. Jones, Beatrix also received inheritance money of...


Investments in Oil and Gas Sector

Introduction It is seen that many countries in the world have rich and abundant deposits of oil and gas, but their domestic infrastructure, due to lack of necessary technical skills or knowledge, does not permit these countries to become self-sufficient in the technology needed to identify and drill these resources...


Long Tem Investment Overview and Analysis

Summary This essay considers various aspects of individual long-term investments and provides comparative food for thought on issues surrounding the soundness of investments in different options – bonds, funds parking in banks, property guides and commodities like gold, etc. From the data gathered through field studies, it is evidenced that...


Countering Veblen’s Understanding of Investment

It is impossible to imagine a modern economy without investments. They constitute the essence of any development in the business, governmental, or financial sphere. However, there is a debate on what an investment entails. American economist Thorstein Veblen believes that the point of any financial transaction is profit in the...


Cuban and Buffett Investment Strategies

Introduction Investment strategy plays a critical role in the overall success of every business. Over the past years, both Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban have used different strategies to invest in their firm. Ideally, Buffett believes in the power of using long-term value investing (Otuteye and Mohammad 473). Subsequently, Cuban...


The Impact of Madoff Ponzi Scheme

The largest investment and financial scandals The Madoff Ponzi Scheme was one of the largest investment and financial scandals of U.S. history which came to an end in 2008 when Bernie Madoff was charged on 11 counts of fraud, money laundering, theft, and perjury. Over the years, Madoff who was...

Company Information

The Freedom of Information Act and the Stock Market

This essay summarizes an article by Gargano et al. (2017), which documents the usage of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in the stock market. The law enables people and institutions to request information from federal agencies and be entitled to receiving it, which is enforceable in court. There are...


Setting of Auditing Standards for the United States

Introduction Auditing standards refer to principles that are set by either a government or an independent body in order to govern the practice of auditing. In the United States, the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) is the body that is mandated to set standards for auditing and assurance...

Company Information

Legal Forms of Business Paper

This paper outlines the various forms of business that one can choose from when planning to venture into commerce. The particular form that a business takes may significantly impact the business’ financial returns, capability and the risks that it is likely to encounter as it progresses. Each of these forms...

Company Analysis

Coinstar Inc: The Company Analysis

Coinstar Inc (CSTR: NASDAQ GS) is an American company that was founded in 1991. This company’s headquarters are located in Bellevue, Washington. The firm’s original focus was the conversion of loose change into paper currency, donations of gift cards via coin counter kiosks at a fee except for the gift...

Company Analysis

Rolls Royce Company: Social and Environmental Reporting

The main reasons why companies undertake social and environmental reporting The Rolls Royce utilizes both the legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory in its report. Stakeholder theory implies that companies would make environmental disclosures to stakeholders in order to gain their support and enable entity continuity (Mattei, 2011). Legitimacy theory on...


Derivatives Markets: The Personal Plan of CBOE

Introduction Derivative is a security whose value depends on the value of one or more underlying assets. As the name suggests, a derivative is depended on another product traded in the market. Besides, the value of the derivative is directly proportional to the market value of the asset or product...


Activity-Based Costing at Super Bakery

Super Bakery Inc. was founded in 1990 by Franco Harris, a football player. It constitutes the typical example of a virtual corporation, an entity that has outsourced its non-core business functions to other players (Warren, 2011). Having been in the business of supplying baked doughnuts to school systems and public...


Borrower Consider Before Issuing Dual-Currency Bonds

Introduction The international market of bonds is a market for investments similar to the stock market. In this market, bonds are traded over the counter unlike in the stock market, which deals with exchanges. However, there are special types of bonds in the international market that are traded on exchanges....


International Banking Office and a Service It Provides

A foreign branch operates just like a local bank. It is legally owned by the parent bank. As such, the branch bank operates under the rules and regulations of the parent branch country and the host country. One of the reason why the parent bank finds it important to open...

Decision Making

Accounting – Decision Making Criterion

The science of decision making in the field of accounting and finance involve mental consistency in regards to the prevailing business laws. Managerial accountants must be well informed in decision making in order to protect the company from dubious consequences of misguided choice of action. Decisions in accounting must be...

Financial Management

Investment: Prices of 3M Stocks

Introduction The decision to invest in any company needs to be supported by detailed analysis with a focus on the company’s financials and liquidity. Two options need to be discussed in this analysis, and it is necessary to consider a five-year period in order to evaluate the investment. It is...


Break Even Analysis in Cost Accounting

Introduction Break even analysis is an important tool in economics and business used for cost accounting. It explains a point where the total revenue and total cost are the same. That is, although there is no profit or loss, the opportunity cost takes care of and is expecting a profit...


Business Financing and the Capital Structure

Introduction Business financing is the technique employed to acquire money for commerce funding. On the other hand, a capital structure denotes how firms bankroll their assets using stocks, bonds, and securities (Liu, Cowling & Ledger, 2012). This paper discusses investment bankers, debt and equity options as grounds for business financing,...


Australian Securities and Investments Commission: Audit Quality

Introduction Audit quality refers to a wide range of concepts of interrelated factors including; the ethical standards that apply to all the accounting bodies, legal framework related to audit regulation, the auditors’ independence, the auditing and accounting standards as well as ASIC’s role in the process of audit review. There...

Business Controversies

Conflict Handling Style

Organizational change is a requirement for the growth and sustainability of any institution. Different theories can be applied to facilitate change in an organization. According to Barsky (2014), each method is suited for a particular situation and the type of organizational structure present. The health sector is characterized by complex...

Financial Management

Literature Review About Spend Analysis

The control of costs due to the increased recession outcomes realized in different economic basis assists in the limitation of adverse results, supply management and the supply procurement (Presutti 2008). The lack of growth due to inappropriate accumulation of revenue generation results in cutting costs by business entities to facilitate...


Master Budget Plan for Dell Corporation

Company background Dell Corporation established in 1984 by Michael Dell is the sixth largest producing factory in the world. The multinational corporation manufactures electronic device, multimedia tools, and computer peripherals. The list of products includes XPS, Dell Inspiron, servers, smart phones, gaming consoles, desktop computer, storage device, printers, and communication...


Ethical Responsibilities in Tax Practice

Introduction Best practices guidelines allow tax practitioners to do the right thing for the clients and themselves as a way to avoid the penalties and repercussions of being guilty of unethical practices. Circular 230, Section 6695 and Section 6694 together with the Statements on Standards of Tax Practice (SSTPs) provide...


Abu Dhabi Oil Company’s Procurement and Supply

Executive Summary The report analyses the creation of value creation through the function of procurement and supply in Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Limited. An investigation of the company’s supply chain structure reveals the nature of ADCO supply chain management division activities. The company is noted as having a comprehensive...


The Attractiveness of France for Business

Background of France France is located in the Eurozone and the western part of Europe. France has a history of kingship, feudal lords, and a number of revolutions. Price (2014) describes that the emergence of the Ile-de-France’s authority was a key feature in its history. In the current situation, France...

Employee Management

Business Ethics in Employee Management

The situation under which we find ourselves in as the directors of this company is very challenging. The best way of addressing this dilemma is to start by defining the primary values of this organisation. The primary value when it comes to employee management is professionalism in hiring and managing...

Decision Making

The Framework for Ethical Decision-Making

To make an ethical and fair decision regarding the problem in the case study, it is important to apply the framework for ethical decision-making (Carroll and Buchholtz 27). In the scenario, my most important primary values that would be demonstrated are integrity, honesty, and high levels of discipline. It is...


Ageing of Accounts Receivables: Understatement of Bad Debts

Internal Memo Friedman Jewelers To: Chief Executive Officer From: Independent auditor 27th October 2014 Subject: Understatement of bad debts Facts Upon review of the information that relates to accounts receivable, I have noticed that the write-offs have been surpassing the reserves that have been made at year-end. The documents show...


Impacts of Increase in the Rate of Personal Income

Introduction Personal income tax is one of the ways that governments raise revenue to finance their activities whilst providing public services. Personal income tax is usually varied. It depends on the nation within which the individual is located and the existing monetary and fiscal policies. Many economies alter personal income...


Conducting Market Analysis in the Medical Services

Abstract Conducting market analysis is an important aspect of starting any business. This is also true for engaging in the medical services industry. An understanding of the needs of the market, known as the market gap, which informs any existing demand is important. It is also important, as part of...

Recognizable Brands

Diversification of Portfolios: Case Study of Enron

It is indeed true that it was not the company’s fault when employees never diversified their investment portfolios. In any case, the 401 (k) plans did not put any restriction for employees to spread their investment risks (Bratton, 2002). A number of critics were quick to point an accusing finger...

Financial Management

Cash Flows at Warf Computers, Inc.

The net cash change of Warf Computers, Inc. was positive. Cash and equivalents of the company increased from $301,000 in 2011 to $348,000 in 2012. The cash flow statement also reflected that the company had sufficient cash to repay its long-term debt and also to meet its operational needs. Based...


Business Strategy Audit

Introduction Businesses executives employ all possible strategies to produce high and outshine other companies that operate in the same industry. Usually, every new measure that has positive results is “strategic.” However, the strategic measures become infinite after several years of operation, and the managers find it difficult to identify the...

Financial Management

Target Costing, Impact of Targeting

Introduction “Target costing is a method used by firms, defined as a cost management tool for reducing the overall cost of a product over its entire life-cycle with the help of production, engineering, research and design” (Clifton, 2005). A lengthier definition is given by Vedder (2008) who explains that “target...


Influence of Quality in Retail Banking

Introduction In the recent past, the UK retail banks have come under intense pressure owing to increasing competition. Due to the increasing competition, banks began engaging in a number of activities in order to consolidate their market positions (Morris 2000). Various options such as merging and adopting new technologies were...


Tax Effects on Stock Price Behavior Around Dividend Dates

Introduction This paper focuses on tax effects on stock price behavior around dividend dates. It has been observed that a share price of a stock usually drops when the stock becomes an ex-dividend. This behavior inhibits stock market traders from gaining a quick profit realized from purchasing shares and holding...


The Calculations of the Tax Return

The given family consists of two parents and three children each of which is underage and, consequently, should be considered as the dependant. Based on the information provided that includes personal information, salary, receipts, expenditures, charitable donation of stock as well as miscellaneous, the tax return would be computed. The...


“Insider Trading, Earnings Quality, and Accrual Mispricing” by Beneish

The article by Beneish and Vargus examines the issue of insider trading and the possibility to use the information about it so as to assess the quality of earnings (i.e., to find out whether the chance of stable earnings in the future is high or low), as well the implications...

Consumer Science

Customer Experiences as Drivers of Customer Satisfaction

Customer service plays an essential role in the creation of loyalty and satisfaction among the customers of an organization. Despite this, organizations have put less effort to ensure that they have satisfied employees and customers. Customer satisfaction creates an environment that makes organizations grow fast and become more profitable since...


Financial Statement Analysis: Management Accounting

Financial statement analysis is a powerful tool used by many users to learn about the prevailing circumstance of the firm. It helps investors to make sound investment decisions. This paper seeks to carry out financial statement analysis of Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics to establish the most profitable company where...

Recognizable Brands

The Case Lego A,S v. Best-Lock Const. Toys, Inc.

Analysis The case Lego A/S v. Best-Lock Const. Toys, Inc. is significant not only in terms of its result but also as an uncovering of the issues that can arise in the intellectual property law, and how challenging it might be to distinguish generic products and goods that were produced...

Employee Management

Union Avoidance at the Workplace

Introduction Union avoidance is an attempt by an employer to diminish the strength of labor unions or any other body that is seeking to defend the interests of the employees. Such practices are common when the management forces the workers to agree to unfavorable working conditions. It may include, among...

Financial Management

Economic and Financial Management: Healthcare Institution

Introduction According to Gibson (2011), “financial statement analysis involves the identification of the following items for a company’s financial statements over a series of reporting periods” (p. 45). This analysis attempts to reflect on the financial statement analysis as a tool for aiding the making of informed decisions on the...

Financial Management

Economics and Financial Management in Health Sciences

Drivers of Financial Performance Healthcare companies try to improve their financial performance like any other business. These firms operate in a sector associated with high costs and risks as well as a variety of ethical issues (Friedman, 2015). The market is also highly competitive and technology-driven. Some healthcare organizations fail...

Corporate Governance

An Employer’s Policy Manual in the Organizations

An employer’s policy manual is important to every organization regardless of its size. It enhances communication between the employees and their employers. The policy manual reflects what the management expects from the employees. It also contains the expectations of the workers (Budd, 2010). The rights and obligations of the employees...

Organizational Management

Determining Just Cause for Disciplinary Action

Introduction A highly disciplined workforce is required to enhance the success of an organization. In light of this, the human resource (HR) department should come up with the appropriate disciplinary mechanisms to address issues arising in the workplace (Budd, 2010). However, it is important to note that the action taken...


Islamic vs. Conventional Banking & Loan Structures

Overview Modern commercial banking, including conventional banking and Islamic banking, remains a major character in any economy. Financial services are vital for local, national, regional, and global commerce, and the banking industry is a key player in facilitating economic growth. Countries with robust banking systems are relatively developed. Banks offer...


Net Present Value of Pursuing a Master Degree

The net present value is an evaluation technique that measures the difference between the present value of inflow and outflow. The outflow is the initial cost of the project (Correia, 2012, p. 17). This method is used to calculate the expected returns from investment. Investors make their decisions by looking...

Business Communication

The Usage of Emotional Appeal in Communication

Emotion and Mood Both emotions and mood are terms used to describe feelings. The former can be described as a more intense and focused type of feeling that arises from a particular stimulus; mood does not require a stimulus and tends to be less intense and can have a longer...


Private Equity Investments and Strategies

Private equity is an asset class which is not publically traded on a stock exchange (“Private Equity” par. 1). Private equity investments are generally aimed at increasing a company’s value and productivity in order to receive profits through interest or reselling of an acquired firm. The primary players in the...

Company Analysis

Alinma Bank’s Analysis in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Alinma Bank is a Saudi Arabian-based financial services company that was formed in 2008. The company is one of the smallest listed companies in the stock exchange market when it comes to asset base. Alinma Bank (AB) has approximately 1,500 million shares being traded and they have a market...


The US Cosmetic Retailing Industry Profile and Overview

Industry analysis Industry Background and Overview The cosmetics retailing industry of the US is comprised of department stores, the sales of which have been declining in the past years, as well as “niche brand in-store boutiques”, drug or food stores, “direct merchants, and mass retailers” (Mills par. 2). The products...


Impacts of the 20 Mile March on Personal Lives

Introduction In the book Great by Choice, Jim Collins discusses several strategies that great companies use to overcome chaotic and tough times. One of the most outstanding concepts the author discusses is the 20 Mile March. It is based on the 10x principle that covers the strategies that great companies...


Global Entrepreneurship Analysis

Entrepreneurship is an innovative process defined by its ability to identify a business opportunity by addressing a specific need. Entrepreneurship in the contemporary world has adopted a sophisticated approach. Entrepreneurs are no longer developing tangible and space-consuming products. Instead, by integrating technology, the products that are currently emerging are aimed...

Consumer Science

Microsoft Access Overview and Analysis

In this task, records of 25 customers were entered into the database. Seven of these customers were from Massachusetts, six from Pennsylvania, four from New Jersey, and eight from Maryland. These customers were served by four sales representatives. The management considered it appropriate to assign each representative to clients in...

Company Information

The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

About the company The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is a public entity that operates in the manufacturing segment. Frank Seiberling founded the company in 1898 and it was incorporated in the same year. The company has grown tremendously since its formation and currently it has substantial presence all over...


Freight Technology and Systems of Transportation

Intermodal freight and container technology is quite crucial for the facilitation of trade globally. According to Rodrigue, Comtois and Slack (2006), there is growing volume of freight in different countries all over the world, which generate quite substantial quantity of wealth (194). Such trade present opportunities for economic growth to...


How the Sarbanes-Oxley Relates to Internal Control

‘Sarbanes-Oxley act’ (SOx) was endorsed in 2002 in the US, to address the limitations that came about with internal control rules (Moeller 57). It was sponsored by a personality, Sarbanes a senator and Oxley a representative. It initiates compliance to the existing accounting procedures and promotes transparency in fiscal reporting...


Domestic Tax Provisions

The Current tax provisions under the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001(EGTRRA) provides for 10%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35% tax rates for taxing income which expires after December 31, 2010. These rates apply for regular taxable income brackets for which marginal tax rate increase to correspond with...


Strategy: Volume Consolidation With Limited Suppliers

Volume consolidation with limited suppliers is an imperative step towards the acquisition of an effective procurement strategy for an organization. It involves employing the services of a limited number of suppliers. That is, an organization halts the use of services from multiple suppliers and identifies fewer (or limited) suppliers it...


Accounting: Controls for Outflows

Introduction Every organisation should have a good control system so that to assist in the management of its accounts. This is a proposal that will look into the appropriate control of accounts in regard to outflows, that is, cash disbursements and pay rolls, to control the outflows of cash from...

Decision Making

Decision Making in Business

Decision-making in business refers to the techniques and skills applied in making a sound decision, pertaining to the running of business activities. On the basis of this statement, ‘business management accounting’ refers to the directions that businesses take to correct a situation of financial crisis or shortcomings. These decisions that...

Employee Relationships

Camaraderie In The Work Place

Introduction Background study The success of any business enterprise normally draws into consideration many factors that that act in varying degrees. Of great interest is the success of businesses dealing in single-line merchandise such as sports franchises. Sociology of business culture reveals another aspect of organizational culture that breeds sustained...


The Case Against Goldman Sachs and Company

Goldman Sachs is an international company located in the New York City of the United States. This firm engages in offering securities services, venture banking, managing investments as well as offering other fiscal services principally among institutional customers. In the year 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission sued Goldman Sachs...

Case Studies

Sunshine State Building Society: The Case Study

Sunshine State Building Society was one of the major players in the mortgage market in Australia since the early 1990s. They had the ambition to become an important player in the banking market also. From a human resource considerations point of view this was a huge task. Human resources are...

Employee Management

The Importance of Employee Recognition

It is important for the management to keep the employees motivated for the overall well being of the organization. Global organizations have difficulties in motivating and developing reward systems. Apart from the regular pay, other financial rewards can be given. Nonfinancial rewards like career advancement or training are also comely....


“Mass Transit Through the Eyes of a Conservative” by Geist

Mass Transit Through the Eyes of a Conservative Rick Geist views mass transit as an economic generator and a people mover. The former in the sense that, no productive economy can survive without an effective mass transit system in place. In addition, the latter is in the light that a...


Federal Trade Commission: Anti-Trust

Introduction The central role of Federal trade commission (FTC) is to promote and foster an environment of free and fair competition. This commission is also charged with the responsibilities of taking up: “reviews mergers and acquisitions, and challenges those that would likely lead to higher prices, fewer choices, or less...

Case Studies

The Advantages of Using the Internet

The Internet proposes many advantages for users and businesses connecting people with resources. The internet bound to a traditional physical form such as a book or map (or even a service delivered by a person) must be distributed through a transportation process and sophisticated systems have been developed to put...


Shipment Companies. Supply Chain

Modern companies are concentrated on the supply chain expansion throughout the world leading to global logistics complications. As a result the spheres of business and industry strive to develop required strategic steps in order to overcome the problems of possible risks of delay or inappropriate transportations. It is necessary to...


Global Service Supply Chain Management

Introduction To begin with it should be stated that the increased levels of globalization the role of global services and the supply chains of these services has increased essentially. The improved service supply chains is originally aimed to decrease the costs of service procurement generally by outsourcing the skilled labor...


Globalization and Working Across Cultures

Globalization is the transition from the economies of separate countries to the economy of international scale. The tendency in the era of globalization can be traced through particular characteristics that describe the current state of the economy in the world. All countries are situated on different levels of economic development,...


Wal-Mart Retail Chain Store’s Equity and Debt

Introduction Wal-Mart is the largest retail chain store in the USA. It consists of three segments – Wal-Mart US, International, and Sam’s Club. Wal-Mart has more than 4,100 stores and clubs in the U.S., and nearly 7,300 units worldwide. “Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. operates Wal-Mart discount stores, supercenters, Neighborhood Markets and...

Company Analysis

Wal-Mart Company’s Capital Asset Pricing Model

Outline The topic on CAPM on Wal-Mart deals with the investment issues in Wal-Mart shares. In this study better investment option is found out through applying the analysis of beta coefficient of different companies. The expected rate of return on Wal-Mart is found out by applying the cost of capital...


Concept Discussion Decision Usefulness Concept

Introduction The problem of the paper is to define how decision usefulness concept and true and fair view relate each other. Originally, these two concepts symbolize absolutely different approaches in the sphere of accounting management? The fact is that the true and fair view concept is regarded as the heart...

Business Ethics

IMA Statement of Ethical Professional

The standards of professional conduct can be revealed through the specifications of ethical concepts. This paper reviews four basic standards of ethical behavior that have to be adopted at work: competence, integrity, confidentiality, and credibility. Since moral conduct stipulates social responsibility, it is vital to encourage the adoption of professional...


Accounting Income Statement

The ethical issue in this situation is an academic dishonesty involving unauthorized collaboration. The unauthorized collaboration in this situation involves receiving a copy of an old examination containing questions of class notes without permission from the professor facilitating the course. The rules and regulations of the course plainly state that...


Aspects of Successful Entrepreneurship

One requirement for the successful completion of this course was to attend an entrepreneurship event, whose invitation details are available at (Client to Provide Link). The event was aimed at empowering young students so that they can move beyond the entrenched mentality of good grades, good job, climbing the corporate...


Globalization of Markets and the Financial Stability

Introduction In the recent past, the world has experienced a steady expansion of financial flows via the now porous national borders due to globalization. Financial institutions that incorporate investors and banks into their business have increased the geographical boundaries of their business activities. This way, they operate as mediators who...


The Failure of Superior Bank FSB

Financial Institutions Case Discussion Assignment The failure of Superior Bank FSB can be attributed to irresponsible business practices of business owners, the directors of the company, and regulators. They failed to exercise their oversight authority when the firm started making a wrong turn. It is important to look at the...


Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank Analysis

Executive Summary Conducting market research constitutes an important aspect that existing and potential investors should undertake in determining the likelihood of generating the desired return from their current and potential investments in different stocks. The financial analysis report is one of the core sources that investors can obtain such information....


Failure of Superior Bank

Superior Bank was one of the promising businesses in the thrift industry. It had all the potential to become one of the best banks in the nation. The continuing scrutiny and investigation would unearth some of those pending issues. The Savings Association Insurance Fund was one of the regulators of...

Company Analysis

People for Ethical Treatment of Animals

Why the government requires so much information from not-for-profit organizations Not-for-profit or non-profit making organizations are independent entities that operate with the aim of delivering vital services to targeted communities. The main sources of funding for non-profit organizations are charities and donations from well-wishers. Although non-profit organizations are largely expected...