🤔 Essays on Leadership Styles

All leadership styles have their pros and cons. For example, an autocratic style may be appropriate when quick decisions need to be made. However, it can create conflict and alienate employees. A more democratic style may be better suited to a team environment where everyone is involved in decision-making.

Understanding different leadership styles is a key to writing a successful paper on the topic. Our database of essay examples can be a valuable resource, providing access to numerous academic works.

Chapters 2-3 of Competing for the Future: Insights

Company leaders must take the initiative in setting out how the company should function and operate, but they must also be dynamic in responding to needs and requirements as they arise. Effective strategic management must enable companies to move quickly in response to new challenges and replace outmoded ideas and...

Why Leadership Styles Need to Be Adapted to Situations

In the course of giving leadership, leaders are faced with different situations, which require specific techniques and distinct decision-making approaches. It is prudent for leaders to acclimate leadership styles to specific situations and use leadership styles flexibly to allow effective goal achievement and development. Adaptation during crisis. Occasionally, crises arise...

Leadership and Management Comparison

In order to understand the relationship and difference between management and leadership, it is important to understand their meaning. In simple words, management refers to managers. The manager’s primary obligation is to the organization he/she works in. His primary task is to manage his subordinates in achieving the organizational goals...

Groupwork and Leadership Functions and Styles

Generally, a skilled leader is expected to perform the following functions: Understand and interpret the circumstances in which the organization or team wants to operate. Clearly set the objective and prepare a plan to achieve the objectives. Execute the prepared plan in a brilliant manner. Determine the impact of the...

Meg Whitman’s Authentic Leadership

An authentic leader is one who modifies their behavior in accordance with the situation such that they can effectively respond to the need of their followers. Authentic leaders demonstrate four main characters: Understand and respond to the core of the organization; Must know who he/she is and how this self-knowledge...

Johnny the Bagger: Transformational Leadership

Johnny the Bagger believes in the transformational kind of leadership. In his three-minute video clip, we learn about how little things that are generally taken for granted can change people’s lives. In business, it is very crucial to create good relations with the customers. However, creating good relations with customers...

Leadership: Different Approaches and Theories

Within the scope of leadership, trait theory has had a significant place among theorists and practitioners. The crucial characteristic of this approach is the recognition that a leader’s traits cannot be gained by training and learning, unlike other theories assume. True leaders are to possess specific features from their birth....

How Leadership Styles Could Be Adopted to Influence Others

An organization can influence leaders to adopt different leadership styles. Some of the common leadership styles include autocratic, bureaucratic, charismatic, consultative/inclusive/participative, laissez-faire, and transactional leadership styles. The directive leadership style gives the leaders absolute power over the followers where the follower’s impacts in decision-making are absent or minimal. Therefore, decisions...

Situational Models of Leadership in Examples

There are several situational models of leadership, but one of the earliest and influential models is Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership. Other influential models are the path-goal theory and Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership theory.  According to Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership, the affectability of a leader in a given...

Ultimate Leadership Style: Possible or Not?

The term of leadership is commonly used to reflect power, potential, position, heroism, and dignity. A leader is the person who rules or directs a certain group of people together under his guidelines and directions. Leadership is basically is the management capability and skill of a person who takes and...

Fair Leadership in Organizational Justice Framework

Within the framework of organizational justice, it seems that the first issue that should be treated is related to Disruptive Justice. The employees do not believe that they are treated on an equal basis, and there is no fairness in the outcomes of their work. In this vein, I have...

Six Leadership Styles Implemented in a Group Project

The six leadership styles might be determined and depicted as follows. First, it is a directive style that implies strong and coercive actions. It is focused on clarity and the provision of exact goals to be achieved; the most appropriate use – is during adverse conditions of various characters. For...

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Relationship

Emotional Intelligence or EI helps leaders meet the difficulties in their leadership roles. There are five elements of EI in the context of emotional leadership. These are perception, expression and appraisal of emotion, understanding and attending to the other’s emotion, emotional facilitation of thinking, analysis of emotion and regulation of...

Leadership Styles Embraced by Businesses

Many businesses embrace two forms of leadership. These include transformational and transactional leadership styles. Every transactional leader will influence the targeted followers by appealing to their personal interests using valued rewards for services. Such individuals will also be guided to exhibit desired traits and behaviors. The emerging relationship between the...

Sears Company’s Leadership to Restore Past Glory

The central aspect affecting Sears is the extreme rivalry peculiar to the sphere. For this reason, the brand has to acquire a strong competitive advantage to attract clients. One of the possible ways to achieve it is to change the corporate culture towards higher levels of excellence among its workers....

Leadership Competency in Global Business Community

Consistent with Kedharnath’s observations, my understanding of leadership is that it is important in every aspect of life, including politics, business, religion, and social networks. I understand a leader as a person who arranges and guides other people towards the attainment of common mutual objectives and goals. Leadership occurs through...

The Analysis of Kevin O’Leary’s Business Leadership Principles

Kevin O’Leary is a Canadian businessman who is mostly known as one of the major investors on Shark Tank. Apart from that, he is an entrepreneur, mutual fund manager, venture capitalist, and media person. Kevin O’Leary is also a person who funded an investment fund company and is involved in...

Personal Leadership Style, Strengths and Weaknesses

My leadership style is the Democratic leadership style. Democratic leadership is a leadership style where the manager shares responsibilities with the subordinates. The leadership style is one of the most effective styles in the world, especially in the 21st century where people are quite knowledgeable. The first characteristic of democratic...

Aspects of Adaptive Leadership

Leadership is viewed in a different light today than it was in previous years, developing into a team sport. Individuals in leadership roles now collaborate with their staff to achieve goals and make improvements. However, given how unpredictable and chaotic the business world can be, executives often struggle to keep...

The Coaching Leadership Style: Case Analysis

Responses to Susan’s Leadership Dilemmas Among the possible responses to Susan’s dilemma, the B option representing a coaching leadership style seems the most appropriate. This approach implies that a leader acts as a coach in sports, transforming employees’ physical and psychological resources into specific outcomes (Karlsen and Berg, 2020, p....

Third World Countries’ Leadership & Developmental Hindrance

The quick economic expansion of Asia and the development of African states in recent decades is one of the most significant events in history. This expansion continues today and there is every cause to expect that it will continue ad infinitum unless disrupted by probable but unlikely global divergences. At...

Core Leadership Styles: The Foundation of Leadership Study

The charismatic leader rules by imparting energy and excitement to their team members. This form of leader has to be entrusted to the arrangement for the long run. If the achievement of the separation or project is featured to the leader and not the group, charismatic leaders may turn out...

Tri Vac Industries Inc.’s Leaders and Their Approaches

Leadership styles are mostly motivated by the working environment and the size of the corporation. For small and medium-sized companies, there tends to be a very close relationship between the junior and senior staff which makes leadership slightly easier. It is easier to coordinate a small group of people than...

Leaders and Leadership Styles: Personal Experience

Regardless of the role played in an organization, a leader should have the relevant emotional intelligence skills or competency in order to influence others towards the achievement of results. The strength of a leader lies in their ability to influence others and to achieve positive results. According to DuBrin, leadership...

Standardized Leadership in an International Organization

The results of the article “Leadership and Cooperation in Marketing Channels: A Comparative Empirical Analysis of the U.S., Finland and Poland” by Mehta et al. have shown a positive correlation between cooperation and productivity in Finland and the USA, which was predicted by Hofstede’s framework. At the same time, Poland...

Integrity and Compliance Programs in Ethical Leadership

The concept of ethics is a branch of philosophy, and it is concerned with living well. More specifically, ethics is concerned with actions such as doing the right thing and establishing an environment that is conducive for all people. It is essential for a society to establish ethical practices that...

Ethical Leadership: Integrity vs. Compliance Programs

The terms integrity and compliance have become widely used within the realm of management in recent years following the consequences of lapses in various organizations around the world. To begin with, both integrity and compliance programs are set up with the aim of preventing illegal conduct within the organization. The...

Motivational Theory and Management Practice

Leadership is not about an individual but the entire group that is being led. Leadership is useless without having the people to lead. The success of an organization mainly depends on the channel of communication that is maintained by the leaders and their subordinates. Any major decision that is taken...

Role of Leadership in Dealing With Challenges to Achieve Business Excellence

The role that a leader plays in addressing the challenges that a business faces when aiming to achieve excellence is essential. According to Deming, a leader is “a coach, not a judge,” which means that leaders are responsible for training their employees and planing the work to ensure that excellence...

Transformational, Transactional, and Situational Leadership

Leadership refers to a process through which one person uses the help and support of others towards achieving a particular goal or task. Hickman, states that the effectiveness of great leaders can be evaluated through their core attributes and characteristics. They include being a knowledgeable professional in the field of...

“Great Man” Model vs. Personal Leadership Style

The great man model presents leaders as people who are selfless and dedicated to serving others. Most of the leaders in the past exhibited these characteristics, but things have changed in the 21st century. The pressure to succeed within a short period forces leaders to employ different mechanisms that can...

Aspects of Leadership Styles in Rotech

An integrated approach to using different styles of leadership can be both positive and negative. Rotech positions itself as a team of professionals whose primary goal is excellence in the narrow field of clinical care (Rotech, 2021). If Timothy Pigg and Mike Dobbs are committed to Rotech’s core mission, transformational...

Foundational Leadership at The Home Depot Firm

Effective leadership across every level of the organizational hierarchy is the cornerstone of any business’s successful operations. As such, all the managers in the company must share similar views concerning the mission and vision of the company. However, the different approaches to leadership are also desirable if they complement each...

Developing a Leadership Identity

The formation of leadership identity is a complicated process. This encourages people to make decisions that help them achieve their overall leadership objectives. It also represents the individual’s ideals, thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. The importance of leaders is hard to overestimate in almost every aspect of life – in politics,...

Leadership Styles: Transformational and Governance

Introduction In the health field, there are different leadership styles that managers may use. When people see a leader, they assume that they fit into one of five categories: authoritarian, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and pacesetting (Yarnell & Grunberg, 2017). Usually, a manager or supervisor will have a specific leadership style....

Leader-Member Exchange Theory and Leadership

High-quality relationships between leaders and followers are characterized by a high degree of mutual trust, respect, and responsibility to each other. In my opinion, both the leader and the follower consider these aspects the same, as they are the basis for high-quality interaction. The relationship between the leader and the...

The Leadership Style Assessment

My total score is 9, meaning in terms of task-oriented, I am on the lower side, but for the people-oriented, I am on the upper side. This is because 9 is lower than 10 but more than 7, making me more of a too people-oriented leader. The results similarly indicate...

The United States Marine Corps Leadership Trait: Unselfishness

The contemporary world is self-absorbed as people care only for their survival. Unselfishness is vital in today’s society, plagued with numerous challenges such as war; thus, people should embrace this trait to make the world better. Unselfishness requires sacrifice to oneself since it entails service to others. People deem unselfishness...

Importance of Quality Leadership

The existence of a majority of social, business, and political institutions depends on quality leadership, which makes it vital in all areas of life. A good leader has to possess the necessary skills and strengths to distinguish themselves among corrupt, dishonest, and morally bankrupt bosses who are currently in charge...

Impact of Responsible Leadership on Organizational Performance

No doubt, responsible leadership has an impact on organizational performance. It has become a compulsory company’s attribute. Modern business is impossible without implementing it. Concerning my knowledge of the topic, it will affect both my personal and professional life significantly. For instance, as the ethical aspect of responsibility spreads widely,...

Leadership Style of Jeff Bezos

The leadership style of Jeff Bezos could be characterized as a transformational one and is aligned with such principles as innovation, mobilization, transformation, and motivation. Some scholars characterize Bezos’s leadership style as autocratic and toxic, whereas others find it transformational. Gradinaru et al. (2020), Rivet (2017), and Breuer and Szillat...

Consultative Leadership Style as the Most Suitable One for Modern Organizations

Introduction The present essay argues that the consultative leadership style is the most suitable one for modern organizations. Main body Even though experts debate what leadership style is the most effective one, some scholars claim that it is impossible to choose only one specific style. Instead, this choice should depend...

What Is Leadership? Finding Possible Definitions

While there are many discussions about the nature of leadership, it is crucial to correctly define the word “leadership” for the concrete audience: commercial banks. First and foremost, the definition of leadership has many possible explanations when turning to commercial banking due to the variety of departments in the system...

Situational Leadership Aspects in Business Setting

Introduction The performance in the workplace is significantly conditional upon the adoption of an appropriate leadership style by managers addressing the principal organizational needs. One of them is situational leadership, and its incorporation in regular operations of present-day companies seems to provide positive results (Walls, 2019). However, this approach also...

The Concepts of Leadership and Management

The leadership style of managing an organization is a topic that many leaders have heard over the past decade. A quite reasonable question arises: why is leadership important when you can just be a good executive? The concepts of leadership and management are far from identical, but many people do...

Contemporary Leadership Theories

Introduction An authentic leader is dedicated to self-awareness and seeks to exhibit the desirable qualities of a leader. These qualities are those that followers should associate with and emulate while developing in crucial personal aspects. These leaders exhibit their authentic selves and integrate this into every aspect of their lives...

Leadership in Supply Chain Management

Leadership is characterized by a person’s traits, qualities, and behavioral features. Leadership can be described as a process of influencing people in order to achieve a common goal. Leaders do not manipulate people but rather guide and motivate them based on their objectives, visions, and missions (Mokhtar et al. 256)....

What Makes an Effective Executive

The task of the head of any level – from the general director to the head of the department – is to build the most effective work of the team entrusted to them. According to the YouTube video The Effective Executive, leaders share characteristics that enable them to be efficient...

Impact of Destructive Leadership

A destructive leader is characterized by excessive use of power and control, self-centered qualities, and harmful behaviors. Significantly, dangerous leaders are narcissists who demonstrate a high level of charisma. Usually, there are two groups of followers, such as conformers, who are afraid not to follow because of low self-esteem, and...

Characteristics of Authentic Leadership

Being an effective and successful leader is not an easy task. A beginner might need some advice concerning starting their project or a startup, building a team, and maintaining a productive atmosphere. Bill George, a former CEO of Medtronic and the author of the bestseller True North, shared some valuable...

Comparison of Leadership Styles in a Clinical Setting

Introduction Notably, healthcare facilities are working environments that require exceptional leadership that focuses on providing efficient, quality, and safe healthcare services to the highest degree possible. As a healthcare employee, I have observed that clinical environments are subject to changes in laws and regulations, rapid technological changes, increasing ethical issues,...

Effective Leadership Approaches for Nursing Field

Cote, R. (2017). Vision of effective leadership. International Journal of Business Administration, 8(6), 1–10.  The article describes several key leadership theories, including Transformational, Pseudo-Transformational, Transactional, Charismatic, and Situational ones, as well as identifies their key features. The research highlights the main advantages of Situational leadership and states that the approach...

Leader Types and Their Effects on Employees

Leaders are people given the role to govern others within a country, organization, or business place. Within the area of business, there are different types of people with different personalities. Different leadership styles majorly impact how an organization performs since a good working environment can boost employee morale. Exemplary leadership...

Leadership in Teams and Trouble with Teamwork

Organizations rely on different individuals to implement their strategies and meet the brand goals. The employees might work independently or in teams, but the target is one; achieve the set objectives. The readings focused on some of the challenges teamwork faces, including complaints, lack of commitment and trust, conflict, and...

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Introduction Being a leader is one of the requirements of the present-day world, guaranteeing one’s success, and it applies to professional and personal life. It correlates with numerous provisions, which constitute a personality to which the related qualities can be attributed when describing their influence on others. Therefore, the presentation...

Researching of Leadership: Case Study

The team leader in a small business is essential since this person offers actions and consistency in the most profitable way. Moreover, leaders support and inspire employees and provide them with the necessary means to carry out their responsibilities. Personal qualities influence the behavior of leaders and thereby determine the...

The Democratic Leadership Style

The organization I currently work for, Keeprite Refrigeration, focuses on cooling and refrigeration units. The mission of Keeprite Refrigeration is to take a flexible and innovative approach while providing high-quality products that are subject to continuous improvement. The vision of the company consists of meeting the needs of its customers...

Personal Leadership Philosophy Paper

Introduction Equating leadership to holding a formal position in the hierarchy of power is a common misconception. For me, leading is impossible without impacting teams at the emotional and moral levels. This essay discusses my leadership philosophy based on responsibility, moral support, loyalty to the team, and firmness. My Philosophy...

Exceptional Leadership Model and Emotional Intelligence

Introduction There are numerous leadership theories and models that intend to assist organizations with establishing the most positive work environment and achieve goals with high efficiency. Garman and Dye propose a framework for the assessment, selection, and training of leaders that will add a significant value to an organization’s operations....

Leadership in Times of Transformational Change

In times of transformational change, it is important to understand what and how can be done to keep the organization, teams, and employees in working order. The leader must consolidate the management team around the vision of the future and the chosen strategy, ensure a successful start, and overcome resistance...

Leadership Style and Continuum in Organization

Leadership style is a model of interaction between a manager and subordinates. It allows leaders to make proper decisions, delegate tasks and put the responsibility on certain employees. In addition, the style usually defines such vital aspects as the level of motivation of workers, their loyalty to the company, and...

Leadership Development in Human Resource Management

Introduction Leadership development in terms of human resource (HR) management is a fundamental approach to promote the economic performance of a particular enterprise. Within a broad spectrum of leadership-oriented theories, it is crucial to consider the actual practices in the work environment, as well as the potential benefits of the...

Discovering the Potential in Nursing Leadership

Abstract Understanding oneself is essential in order to evaluate the real leader underlying within. It is the leader’s behavior that reflects the magnitude of leadership. The results evaluated from some of the questionnaires present a brief view of the knowledge of the theories of leader behavior, in the light of...

Fiedler’s Contingency Theory and Leadership

Introduction The issue of effective leadership has been an area of intense interest for researchers on a global level. At the same time, health care is a particular industry, which is currently undergoing major changes on a structural level. New philosophies are developed and implemented as the focus of health...

Personal Development Plan: SWOT Analysis

Strengths As a leader, I manage time efficiently and encourage my colleagues to do so. I am a good listener, communicator, and problem-solver. These attributes are essential to support the functioning of an organizational team. I know how to guide others to solve their differences and focus on the targeted...

“Psychopathic Leadership” Research Quality

This paper will evaluate the quality of research in the article “Psychopathic leadership a case study of a corporate psychopath CEO” by Clive Boddy by analyzing the author’s methods, findings, and writing style. The setting of the paper is sufficiently described as a charity organization that had a newly appointed...

Charismatic Leadership Style

I feel most comfortable with the Charismatic leadership style because those who hold to it are driven by an unwavering commitment and their own beliefs. Apart from it, they are distinguished by their charm and attractiveness to others and the ability to communicate on an emotionally deep level with their...

Followership and Servant Leadership

Leadership is a vital part of a functioning community, yet the choice of a leadership strategy typically hinges on the specific characteristics and unique needs of community members. For this reason, servant leadership is typically represented as the quintessence of leading a community, with the person at the helm representing...

Organizational Leadership Theoretical Approaches

There are three theoretical approaches to studying organizational leadership. These are leadership as a property of the leadership approach, relationship approach, and social process approach. According to traits or the great man theory, outstanding leaders have a specific set of personal qualities (Salihu, 2019). These include the level of intelligence,...

Power Abuse From Transformational Leadership and Creativity Benefits

The research on the association between power abuse from transformational leadership and creativity benefits has been detailed and led to rather conflicting findings. On the one hand, a considerable bulk of research and business world success stories suggest that creativity culture, emotional intelligence, support, and an appropriate working atmosphere are...

Warren Buffet’s vs. Elon Musk’s Leadership Styles

Introduction “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18. Same could be said about businesses and organizations. Many companies and their visions are directly associated with their leaders. It is important for a front-liner to possess the personality and characteristics that compliment said vision and ensure that...

Ethical Principles and Leadership Skills

Ethical Principles in DNP Practice Ethical issues are necessary to consider while carrying out a quality improvement project. This paper will apply this term to a Capstone project (CPR) that is dedicated to the reduction of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. It will argue that for CPR to achieve the desired...

Path-Goal and Situational Theories of Leadership

Abstract This discussion focuses on the issues and strengths associated with the path-goal leadership theory. The essay also gives a detailed analysis of the path-goal and situational leadership theories. The discussion explains how the theory can be applied in different healthcare settings. Introduction The purpose of leadership in a healthcare...

Leadership Roles and Management Functions

Leadership is the process through which a person, in this case the leader, influences a group of people towards the realization of a common goal. The effectiveness of leadership depends on the style of leadership that the leader adopts, and usually depends on the context of leadership. This implies that...

Alabama Department of Mental Health Agency’s Leadership

Each of the multiple leadership strategies emphasizes various aspects of planning, goal-setting, organizing, and decision-making, as all of these activities are vital for establishing a highly efficient working process. Companies and organizations of all types rely on leadership as the cornerstone of their success. Leaders are expected to clarify all...

Power Bases Within an Organization

In the modern business world, the concept of power plays a critical role. According to Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, and Osborn (2014), power is defined as the ability of an individual to make other people do what is wanted or get things done the way it is desired. Power bases are the...

Leadership Styles by Elon Musk and Warren Buffet

Leader Motivation An engaged, motivated, and responsive workforce is more productive than unmotivated employees. When personnel is inspired, they are likely to work harder to attain company goals. The motivational style depends on the work environment and what a leader needs to achieve. The management uses different strategies to motivate...

Brief Characteristics of the Three Leadership Styles

Introduction Charismatic leadership is a method of inspiring and encouraging certain behaviors in followers through persuasion and effective communication. Charismatic leaders are committed to their cause and employ charisma to solve complex coordination challenges demanding collective action from group members (Grabo et al., 2017). Moreover, charismatic leaders rely on the...

Tannebaum-Schmidt Continuum and Fiedler’s Theory

Similarities Both Tannebaum-Schmidt Continuum and Fiedler’s theory discuss how well a leader can manage an organization in different situations using diverse leadership styles. They both agree that there is no one particular way a team can be led; many other options can be used for effective leadership in an organization...

Leadership in Teams and Groups

Introduction The management of teams and groups is an ability of an organization or an individual to coordinate and administer people to perform tasks. Managing members working for a common goal includes communication, teamwork, performance appraisals, and setting objectives. Proper running of groups involves identifying problems and resolving them within...

Charismatic vs. Transformational Leadership

Introduction Communication refers to the conveyance of information and its meaning from the source to the recipient. The ideal process occurs when both parties interpret the message and understand it from a similar perspective. In headship, communication is often used to influence others to perform a specific task. As such,...

Leadership Experience with Positive Influence on Others

Taking on a leadership role in any project or teamwork certainly gives me a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life. As someone who is naturally driven and ingenious, I was often selected as the leader in group scenarios. One of the notable examples of my leadership experience is when...

Employee Motivation: Transformational Leadership Style

Managing the workforce is a challenging task. The supervisor has to account for all sorts of employee difficulties and react with disciplinary actions accordingly. However, constant penalties do not boost performance most of the time. Motivation is a crucial aspect of success in any company, and it is the managers’...

Technical and Adaptive Challenges

Any leader is confronted with unexpected tasks and challenges that need to be responded and overcome quickly. However, some of them can be easily solved due to the knowledge and experience of a manager, while others require efforts on his or her part, as well as on the involvement of...

Servant Leadership Versus Transformational Leadership

Many companies try to achieve the maximum level of effectiveness. Choosing the right form of leadership is one of the ways to reach this goal. Therefore, leadership has become a widely discussed topic in business people, politicians, and even scholars. Through rational organizing of work, a leader can create a...

Leadership: Approaching the Case of Ogilvy & Mather

Leading a team always represents a significant challenge due to the multiple needs and specifics of each participant that have to be addressed, as well as the necessity to align these needs with those of the organization. However, the head of has managed the specified issue rather effectively by integrating...

Organizational Leadership Philosophy

The personal, organizational leadership philosophy is primarily based on the Book of Nehemiah. The main reason is that it contains a strong first-hand narrative about Nehemiah’s leadership in rebuilding Jerusalem walls. There are many useful connotations regarding one’s approach to organizational leadership and management. Nehemiah is an outstanding example of...

Henry Ford Leadership Values: Policies to Succeed in Businesses

Henry Ford was an industrialist whose achievements transformed the transport industry in America. He was born on July 30, 1863 in Michigan, and died at the age of 83 on April 7, 1947. Ford is remembered for creating new methods of manufacturing and personnel management that had never existed before....

Leadership Theory in Management

The word leadership refers to a social process of persuading individuals to carry out certain duties. In the modern world, conservative meaning of this idiom has changed. Individuals or groups have unique needs and characteristics through this: One should understand their own characteristic and needs. Leaders should understand the characteristics...

Mack Attack: Example of a Good Leader

Introduction According to Drejer (2002) core competencies are those that provide the firm with a competitive advantage when executed within the firm. A similar definition can be extended to define an individual’s competencies, which in this case would be those aspects or qualities of that makes him competent in what...

Researching of Changes Within Amazon

When it comes to customer service, a conversation is hardly possible to end without mentioning Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon. His leadership style is praised for being innovative and transformational, as well as criticized for fostering toxicity within the company (Noddy, 2019, para. 1). Both assessments apparently have the...

Analysis of Types of Power in Leadership

Power is an essential part of human relations, especially in entrepreneurship and business. Power is traditionally defined as the ability and ability of a particular person to rely on various means (force, authority, law, economic mechanisms, tradition) to influence other people and the decisions they make (Krausz, 2017). The ability...

Main Tasks of the Virtual Team Leadership

Introduction During the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, many employees worldwide were forced to work from home. For this reason, in the recent two years, the issue of virtual team leadership has become immensely topical. People who work in virtual teams cannot communicate in person, and hence, it might be challenging...

Gender Disparities Disruption Female Leadership

The “Glass ceiling” Lisa Weber never doubted that she would be a partner in her Wall Street firm. A graduate of a prestigious business school with a doctorate in economics, she had taught briefly at a major university. She was the first woman hired as a market analyst in her...

Technology and Leadership: The Impact of Aligning Business

Technology has given the market an opportunity to look at itself from a new perspective, which resulted in the need to manifest a new approach. Langley et al. (2021, p. 853) states that “over the past five years, common day-to-day objects have evolved to embed new capabilities through technologies”. Still,...

Transformational Leadership and Trait Theory

Transformational leadership has become an essential element of all successful businesses, especially in the banking industry, and trait-based leadership can enhance it even more. In my commercial bank, transformational leadership is the primary style used by managers and is directly linked to the trait theory. Transformational leadership involves influencing employees...

Transactional Leadership in a Commercial Bank

Transactional leadership includes a range of structures and precise regulations within its relationships, and this approach has its benefits and drawbacks. The strong feature of this strategy implies motivating employees to do their best to fulfill their responsibilities (Dartey-Baah, 2015). In addition, it is possible to establish achievable aims for...

The Leadership Styles in Business

Although there are many debated styles of leadership, such as autocratic democratic, transactional, transformational, and affiliative among others, there is no definitive answer on which one is the best one universally. The paper will narrow down the research and discuss whether it is better for the leader to manage the...

Leadership Styles and Values: Personal Development Plan

Leadership is both the specific skill and mindset, enabling one to lead people to obtain goals. The mindset includes evaluating oneself and finding the leadership style that fits the most. Then, it should be practiced to see how it can solve people’s problems and how one can actually lead people...

Tips for Developing Excellent Leadership

The podcast “PMPEncore197: 10 Tips for New Assistant Principals” by William Parker, accessed through the address, provides tips for aspiring and new assistant principals to offer excellent leadership. Teachers willing to advance to administrative roles can rely on various tips and resources to remain successful. In addition, the podcast provides...

Transformational Leadership for Business Success

Transformational leadership presents motivation and encouragement of employees to create changes that might result in future company advancement. The majority of leaders fail to gain clear communication with their followers, coach them to succeed, or motivate them to achieve excellent performance. However, the psychological rewards of transformational leadership inspire workers...