🤔 Essays on Leadership Styles - Page 2

Impact of Authoritative and Laissez-Faire Leadership on Thriving at Work

Summary of The Article The article “Impact of Authoritative and Laissez-Faire Leadership on Thriving at Work: The Moderating Role of Conscientiousness” was selected to study this type of leadership. It examines the main differences between the authoritarian and most democratic approaches to leadership in an organization. This study shows that...

Traditional Perspectives on Leadership in a Commercial Bank

The traditional perspectives on leadership are based on various theories. They have advantages and disadvantages; however, some of them are more appropriate for different organizations. One such theory is a transformational leadership theory, which is evident to a certain extent in the organization under discussion – a commercial bank. Transformational...

Formal Leadership Theories and Behaviors They Introduce

Introduction In the contemporary world, the role of a leader is considered to be vital. It is possible to notice that in the healthcare area, such factors as emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behaviors are essential for successfully managing organizations and nurses. This essay will examine formal leadership theories and...

Autocratic-Charismatic Leadership: Extended Outline

Charismatic leadership is better suited as a leadership style for modern-day organization due to its ability to facilitate more efficient emergency management, motivate groups, and provide more ethical solutions to potential challenges in comparison to other leadership styles, particularly autocratic leadership. Introduction As one thinks of Apple, the face of...

Lockheed Martin’s Leadership Analysis

The defense industry is the place where people have no right to misalignments. Consequently, the company should have a strong and effective management team to achieve the planned goals with no right for mistake. As one of the largest in capitalization and biggest in the scale of operation companies, Lockheed...

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Introduction The video clip focuses its attention on the role of emotional intelligence in leadership. Five fundamental aspects of emotional intelligence are identified, including self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills (Goleman, 2016). As I studied the concepts of leadership before, I have heard about the importance of emotional intelligence...

Are True Leaders Born or Made?

Society needs leaders to unite it and work together towards a common goal. However, it is still debated whether true leaders are born or made. Leadership is an elusive notion, as different disciplines can offer a variety of definitions for it. For example, in management, a leader is a person...

Discussion of Leadership Abilities

Leadership skills are extremely valuable in the modern world, as they allow organizing effective teamwork. A person’s personal qualities, combined with special knowledge, help achieve a high level of influence. Within organizations, leadership is needed to create a shared vision, mission, and strategy which are supported by all employees. Such...

Personal Model of Servant Leadership

The concept of servant leadership implies that the leader serves the followers and the company or organization. The prime purpose of a servant leader is to prioritize employees’ needs and well-being. This leadership model presupposes that the leader’s personal values include empathy, altruism, honesty and trust. Some typical traits of...

Leadership Benefits to Personal Growth and Society

Introduction Leaders guide and encourage people around them, and the importance of good leadership in a team cannot be overlooked. To be a leader is to be a person who is capable of communicating their ideas and solutions, to have exceeding intelligence or be a great problem solver is not...

Leadership Styles in Business

Authority style has been characterized as the practices used to coordinate, spur, direct and oversee gatherings of individuals to achieve important errands. The Visionary Leader moves individuals towards a common vision, subsequently propelling them to advance (Murray, 2010). They straightforwardly share data, subsequently giving information capacity to other people. The...

Importance of Job Analysis and Its Aspects

Introduction It is widely accepted that human resource management presupposes singling out knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOCs) that are required in a certain position. If future employees are not assessed in terms of these parameters during the interview, they are likely to fail to perform their job responsibilities...

Followership and Servant Leadership Compared

To be successful and efficient, the army should be organized around the strong principles that determine the way how roles are distributed among soldiers. The two most important roles, without which an effective army cannot exist, are followers and leaders. Although these groups have distinctive functions and objectives, these roles...

Personal Attributes in Educational Leadership

Educational leadership encompasses the ability of an individual to enlist and channel the teachers, students, and parents’ energies and talents towards the achievement of common goals. Leadership in the current world entails dynamic aspects requiring those to transform risks into favorable opportunities (Bush & Glover, 2014). Educational leadership theory entails...

Democratic Style of Leadership and Its Benefits

As the president of the company, I would like to introduce and elaborate on the democratic style of leadership. Essentially, it is an open leadership style that works to include all group members within a decision-making process. As such, it creates motivation and incentive among employees as their superiors value...

Transformational Leadership Philosophy and Its Benefits

Introduction A personal leadership philosophy involves principles or beliefs that appraise information and respond to individuals and conditions. It enables people who hear it to understand the decision-making approach, priorities, values, and behaviors that one is expected to portray. Transformational leadership is one of the leadership philosophies that entails applying...

Leadership, Leadership Theory and Development

Regardless of the fact, that leadership has already been studied for more than 100 years, this concept still attracts the particular attention of researchers and practitioners as its core, functions, origin, and influence are not clearly defined. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny the importance of leadership in the workplace...

Jeff Bezos’ Unique Leadership Qualities

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and founder of the giant company Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is one of the greatest transformational leaders in the world. At 31 years old, Jeff Bezos was able to start Amazon with tiny financial support from his company. The young computer scientist made what is today...

Weihenmayer’s Leadership and Team-Building Analysis

Introduction Erik Weihenmayer is one of the most successful climbers in history, having reached the summit of Mount Everest while being significantly disadvantaged by blindness. In general, climbing one of the summits is considered an outstanding feat even for experienced professionals; therefore, the achievement of Erik Weihenmayer shaped the history...

Discussion of Leadership Skills

It is not uncommon in the modern work environment to come across cases of employees who quit their jobs because of their bosses’ unbecoming characters and behaviors. Moreover, it is common for employees to receive promotions to managerial roles based solely on their tenure to the company even though they...

Contingency vs. Situational Leadership Theory

There are quite a few practices in leadership theory that differ qualitatively in approach. This essay compares two of these practices, namely contingency theory, and situational leadership. The first theory recognizes that there is no one-size-fits-all way to achieve the desired outcome, but instead, the experienced leader acts in each...

Leadership Style Analysis: Bill Gates

Widely regarded as a transformational and managerial leader, Bill Gates is one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, known for his role in founding Microsoft. More specifically, he managed to influence the workers to put their resources into building the company’s success by limiting their global decision-making and opening the borders...

Importance of Different Leadership Styles in Business

The differentiation of leadership styles allows for their effective use in different settings for the most relevant purposes to organizations. Four main leadership styles have been identified by James McGregor Burns. They include transformational, transactional, charismatic or visionary, and participative leadership styles. Each of these styles has its benefits and...

Discussion of Transactional Leadership Style

Under the current employment setting, the majority of leadership figures utilize various forms of transactional leadership style, where transformational leadership style is rare and even non-existent. My leader strictly uses a transactional approach due to the organization’s low-risk tolerance since evidence strongly suggests that “any environmental effects on leadership style...

Article Analysis: The Future of Leadership

Leadership is one of the essential human qualities, without which progress in any area would be impossible. However, although its essence does not change, the way leadership is realized changes with society. While many centuries ago, the strongest member of society was chosen as a leader, today, leaders are valued...

Effective Change Leaders’ Characteristics

Effective change leaders possess unique characteristics that make them succeed in their businesses. According to Larsson (2021), these leaders have excellent skills in communication, strategic thinking, and the ability to inspire their subjects. Communication is one of the most crucial factors in an organization’s change management. Managers exhibiting good communication...

Transformational Leadership as Conceptual Framework

Transformational leadership was developed decades ago, but the framework is still regarded as up-to-date and effective in the current business environment. James McGregor Burns developed the theory in 1978 and described the concept of a transformational leader (Siangchokyoo et al., 2020). According to this paradigm, the leader transforms subordinates’ behavior...

The Potential and Problems of a Distributed Leadership Structure

Features of Distributed leadership In the past, when a distributed approach was adopted, it did not confine instructors, engagements but instead, it broadened the scope of leadership in decision-making concerning the overall operation of the school (Lumby, 2019). Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the notion of distributed leadership was taking...

Leadership Through 4-Drive Model

Organizational behavior has a significant impact on the efficiency of the company, its competitiveness, and overall success. In particular, organizational behavior determines how employees interact and how it affects work (Emma, 2019). Modern employees do not need a usual manager, who will force them to work with strict supervision, but...

Discussion of Resonant Leadership

Leadership is one of the critical factors that determine the success of an organization or team. As such, leaders are expected to apply appropriate leadership styles to ensure smooth processes. Thus, during the learning exercise, I realized that leadership incorporates several personal traits other than what meets the eyes of...

Gracious Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Strong nurse leadership is essential for every health care organization that strives to improve the quality of care, enhancing patient safety and satisfaction. The success of leadership in encouraging employees for change and development depends on the leaders’ skills, personal attributes, and style. This paper summarizes the article written...

Leaders are Unable to Self-Rating

In their article “Leaders Aren’t Great at Judging How Inclusive They Are”, Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman examine how leaders’ self-appraisal results compare to their assessments by other workers of different levels from the same large company. This study builds on diversity and inclusion perspective and an evaluation of effectiveness...

“Walk the Walk” by Alan Deutschman

Purposes of the Book Alan Deutschman is professional journalist, writer and professor at the University of Nevada with vast experience. He worked in business-related journals such as Fortune and Wall Street Journal. He is also an author of a few more books on leadership, business and change. The book that...

Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Approach

In chapter 3, the most interesting segment was Hersey and Blanchard’s situational leadership approach, and it is stated that “the situational leadership posits that different situations call for different styles of leadership.” In other words, such a form of leadership style is adaptable to the circumstances in which a leader...

Leadership Quality and Successful Personnel Performance

Leadership quality is particularly important because it impacts all the processes as well as other people in the company. The article by Badawy et al. discusses the subject of the person-environment fit and the factors that connect the leader-employee relationship to the staff’s performance (86). The purpose of this essay...

The Significance of Vision and Effective Communication in Leadership

Introduction A leader’s communication style can potentially affect how motivated, efficient, creative, or secure team members feel. The ability to communicate efficiently could be viewed as one of the essential competencies for individuals who manage and direct groups and those who constitute their part. This competence facilitates communicating and creating...

Personal Philosophy of Leadership in Business

I got going as a division director for four unique regions. Then, at that point, it turned into a Support Manager evening directing the whole store. I am presently an overnight group captain with my essential occupation ensuring all-new cargo is supplied. Besides, my momentary objective is to turn into...

Researching of Leadership Styles: Model the Way

The Most Important Values for a Project Considering the further development and promotion of the student Library club idea proposed during the previous writing assignment, there are a number of values the project will require to be completed. While most of the mentioned areas are essentially important, I feel that...

Psychopathic Leadership and Effects on Organization

Introduction Clive Boddy, in his article “Psychopathic leadership a case study of a corporate psychopath CEO,” published in the Journal of Business Ethics, demonstrated the effects of a psychopathic CEO on the performance of an organization. The article follows a case where such a CEO was recently appointed to that...

Literature Club Business Leadership Project

This paper describes a business leadership project: creating the literature club to promote reading books, selling them, and donating money to the local orphanage. The literature club members are expected to be young people, primarily students, from the college. The project is about promoting literature, meaning that it aims to...

A Strategic Plan Against Leadership Challenges Concerning a Culturally Sensitive Community

Leadership in a culturally diverse society is challenging for individuals assigned with public roles and responsibilities. Communities depict different attributes of diversity, including gender, race, sex, and religion (Hallinger, 2018). Leaders are expected to integrate vital skills and knowledge intended to ensure growth and progress within a society. This plan...

The Servant Leadership Style Aspects

Introduction The Modern Servant Leadership Movement was founded by Robert C. Greenleaf and is based on an essay he originally published in 1970. Servant-Leadership is a style developed by Robert Greenleaf based on his years of experience in management development, and his wide teaching practice (“What is Servant-Leadership?” n.d.). Although...

Exploration of Leadership Styles at GlaxoSmithKline

Introduction GlaxoSmithKline GlaxoSmithKline is a multinational pharmaceutical and healthcare company headquartered in Britain. GSK is known for its science-based approach to the production of vaccines, drugs, and consumer products. Currently, the company’s staff reaches about 99,000 employees in 95 different countries (GlaxoSmithKline 2019: 1). The corporation strives to achieve global...

Authoritarian Leadership Observation at Workplace

The learning of various management styles from this class has greatly helped me to reflect on the style used by my nursing director whom I have worked under since I started practicing in my career. Although I had little knowledge on management and leadership acquired from working at LPN for...

Discussion of Leaders of the Future

There are various models of leadership styles, and all of them have some traits in common, while still focusing on different ones. What has traditionally been required from a good leader remains relevant in many respects. However, some of those conventional skills and strategies may have become out-dated, and new...

Leadership and Management for Organizational Success

The role a leader plays is of major importance in any organization or company. Leadership means creating the vision of the company that will guide it towards a bright future. Leadership is also a foundation for good management of the company, which is key in achieving high productivity and efficiency...

Qualities of a Leader: A Focus on Malcolm Jenkins

Malcolm Jenkins is a two-time Super Bowl Champion and an acclaimed leader. One of his most conspicuous achievements is Malcolm Inc., an organization he founded and currently serves as its chief executive officer. The interview explores Jenkins’ growing business portfolio in addition to his perspective on his broadcasting career and...

Contingency Theory of Leadership versus Path-Goal

Situational leadership theories argue that a manager’s strategy adapts to the implementation of a task in terms of complexity and structure. Becoming a leader occurs as a result of situations that can replace each other (Northouse, 2013). To achieve goals, some leaders may look at the situation and enact a...

Elon Musk as an Influential Business Leader

Elon Musk is an American entrepreneur who can be considered one of the most prominent and influential leaders in the contemporary world. I chose him to create insight into his activity, as I am confident that his actions play the most significant role in the future of humankind. Elon Musk’s...

Discussion of Leadership Styles in Organizations

There are various leaders in my organization, and I have identified three leadership styles that they have. They include authentic, transformational, and authoritarian leadership; all three have unique features that make them unique. Authentic leadership is characterized by a deep and open relationship between a leader and his followers. That...

Discussion of Servant Leadership

The concept of servant leadership differs significantly from other leadership theories primarily in that it has a pronounced moral and ethical emphasis, “overturns” the role of a leader (instead of a leader walking “in front of” the followers, a servant leader is “behind” them), and the fact that not only...

Action Learning in Improving Leadership

Introduction This chapter aims at discussing the main aspects of the research methodology chosen for this project. It is expected to investigate the consistency of the methods in regards to the research question and approach identified in the previous chapters. The evaluation of the methodological aspects helps to improve the...

Marie Jackson’s Leadership and Performance in Renfield Farms

Introduction Leading any organization through a change is a challenging process – doubly so if the organization in question is the company going through hard times and steadily losing its share of the market. Renfield Farms, an important player in the natural foods market, began experiencing considerable difficulties in the...

The Problem of Decreased Quality of Church Leadership

The results of the study conducted in the present work and the project of addressing the problem of decreased quality of church leadership in multicultural environment in the specific community, allow making conclusion that leadership is a unique phenomenon in public life that permeates all spheres of society’s life, and...

The Impact of Leadership Styles and Skills on Teams

Introduction Modern conditions dictate a radical change in the role of human in the organization’s management system. He ceases to be part of the technological process, and turns into the most important resource of the organization. Therefore, the priority task of management is to ensure conditions for the fullest disclosure...

Self-Awareness Process in Leaders

Case Overview The primary goal of this qualitative research was to investigate aspects of self-awareness and the way it defines the decisions and experiences of leaders, especially when faced with various challenges in their jurisdictions. When a leader lacks self-awareness skills, their thinking can easily be distorted by deception. Studies...

Delivering Project Leadership: Case Study Analysis

Introduction As Turner and Muller (2005, p.49) surprisingly noted, most literature on the factors of project success have failed to acknowledge the useful role as played by any project leader in the implementation of projects. Instead, these literatures have stressed that results are all that matters in project implementation. Though...

Military Leadership Experiences in Information Support Operations

Abstract The following doctoral dissertation outlines the parameters of a study focusing on leadership development experiences of Military Information Support Operations officers who have served in the recent conflicts in Southwest Asia. The purpose of the study is to determine if these officers agree that the current leadership development paradigm...

Leadership Strategies: Apple Inc.

Apple Leadership Apple’s leadership is headed by Tim Cook, who acts as CEO of the company, while Eddy Cue and Angela Ahrendt are senior vice presidents in Internet and software service and retail, respectively. The detailed board of vice presidents can be observed on the slide. Direct and Indirect Leadership...

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles

Introduction The ever-changing business environment has compelled organizations to change the way business is done to stay relevant and compete successfully. While in the past, managers simply maintained the status quo and still managed to get things done, the contemporary competitive business setup needs a radical approach if success has...

The Role of Communication for a Learning Community and Public Relations Leader

Introduction The field of public relations (PR) has become an important facet of the learning process in school learning communities. According to Wilcox and Cameron (1978), public relations is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizations’ leaders, and implementing planned programs of actions, which...

Personality Traits in Leadership Behavior

Literature Review This section reviews and evaluates the literature on personality traits seen in leadership behavior. Through this section, readers will be able to better understand what leadership is and how personality traits impact the style of leadership that is being implemented. The literature in this review is drawn from...

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Skills

Introduction Effective leadership requires people to have the capacity to manage their emotions well. For this purpose, integration of the perspectives of emotional intelligence in leadership becomes crucial (Gardner & Stough, 2009, p.69). Many scholars contend that leaders need to possess qualities such as the ability to listen effectively to...

Organizational Psychology: A Holistic Strategy for Wellness in the Workplace

Rationale for the Proposed Direction of The Studies As glimpsed by the above compilation of the annotated bibliography, this study seeks to show that, even though there are several factors that contribute to organizational efficiency; leadership tends to play a more pivotal role than other factors. In supporting this point...

Transformational Leadership to Drive Breakthrough Results

Abstract This study focuses on transformational leadership and seeks to build a detailed picture of how leadership facilitates achieving organizational goals and motivating employees. Numerous organizations are adopting transformational leadership to boost their performance. The dissertation will use a qualitative approach in correcting and analyzing data to facilitate an understanding...

Colombian Navy Academy’s Leadership Approaches

Context To attain organizational goals effectively and efficiently, strategic leadership is demanded. Leadership incorporates a focused control/management of an organization and its subjects (Sagawa & Jospin 2009, p. 9). In this context, effective leadership remains relevant and applicable in numerous organizations. Concurrently, this includes the Colombian Navy Academy. Ideally, leadership...

Leadership Style in the Saudi Public Sector

Brief Overview of the Area The effectiveness of public service cannot be achieved unless leadership styles are properly identified. The analysis of leadership styles in Saudi Arabia is important because this field is poorly discussed in the literature. In this respect, specific attention will be given to the analysis of...

Servant Leadership Framework for Project Management

Introduction Within project headship, investigators have explored the idea of leadership widely (Gehring, 2007). The investigators focused on highlighting the significance of project management as a crucial element of project success. Their findings implied that more challenging marketplace situations needed better attention to headship, awareness, and work-based knowledge in ensuring...

Leadership Assignment: An Interview of Rosalind Lett

Introduction This paper discusses Rosalind Lett’s leadership qualities and how those qualities have made her be an effective leader. The Leadership Experience of Rosalind Lett Rosalind Lett is an individual with many years of leadership experience because she has worked in various libraries and organizations as a leader (Ortiz, 2011)....

Situational Leadership vs Transformational Leadership

Reflective Personal Development Plan Leadership enables one to accomplish a task by using the aid and support of others (Chemers, 1997). A leader provides guidance to other individuals to help them achieve a particular goal or objective. Leaders should set clear visions and have the right attitude to execute their...

Global Expansion Leadership Plan

Introduction A leader ought to be an influential and inspirational person who sets direction for people to follow. A leader suggests achievable leadership plans containing specific and verifiable goals, and guides followers towards attaining them. Setting global expansion leadership plans for an esteemed company as Wal-Mart is not a simple...

Culture of Change: Leadership

Introduction Managing change is the most important factor in determining the ability of an organization to redesign its management structures, harmonize the culture, and raise productivity. When Change is effected in an organization, it aids in raising productivity, improving value and enabling an organization to operate profitably either internally or...

Positive and Negative Effects of Situational Leadership

Positive Effects of Situational Leadership The positive effect of situational leadership is obvious due to how it enables managers to be more flexible in the way they lead those under them. This particular leadership style also has a certain intuitive appeal to it given the capacity of most managers to...

The Phenomenon of Moral Leadership

Introduction A leader is any individual who influences and guides other people in order to attain certain desired outcomes. A leader acts as a role model and leads by example. Effective leadership is characterized by the ability to persuade others into following certain rules and guidelines. Persuasion is only possible...

The Many Challenges of Leadership Succession Management

Introduction Evaluating an employee, who seems to have grown into a candidate for a more serious leadership position is an extremely hard task. Not only does it demand that a choice of one candidate among several decent options should be chosen, but also that the process should be carried out...

The Social Construction of “Leadership”

Today, crude oil is more important to industrial and economic development in the world than it has ever been in the history of humankind. This importance was particularly underscored in the aftermath of the Second World War; arguably, the war acted as a catalyst since technology and oil were some...

Leadership as Factor on Personality Performance Relationship

Introduction The significance of theory in both qualitative and quantitative data analysis can hardly be overrated (Lengnick-Hall & Clark, 2012). Every single step must be made based on a specific theoretical postulate. However, the relationship between a theory and its practical application is much more complicated than an experiential confirmation...

Bridging Theory and Practice Leadership

Leadership has different connotations in different political systems. In certain political systems, Leaders need not necessarily hold the top position in the government to influence the governmental actions, as in the Great Britain. However, some political systems reflect the prominence of the top political leader who is capable of making...

How to Initiate Change and Get your People to Follow You

Introduction Leadership defines the performance of any sector of the society. The education system is one of the areas that value leaders’ the input. One major function of leadership is to bring change. According to Wagner and Kegan (2006), effective leaders are proactive in leading change. Leaders should be able...

Transformational Leadership: Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis

Case Assignment Introduction Transformational leadership is one of the most common types of leadership when people demonstrate their best skills and knowledge on how to organize the work of employees and promote the achievement of positive results. The characteristics of transformational leaders in the article are an idealized influence, inspirational...

Soroof International: Leadership in Family Business

Introduction Background of the Study The business world has reshaped significantly over the last several years. Research shows that modern businesses have their backgrounds from certain family partnerships and shareholdings (Schermerhorn 320). In his research on the impact of family-owned businesses, Ward discovered that family firms have been pivotal in...

Indra Nooyi’s Leadership at PepsiCo

Introduction All organizations aim at enhancing their financial performance with time. Their goal is to undergo a transition from being average organizations to great companies. Collins (2001) describes the mechanisms through which organizations transform from normal into great businesses in his book Good to Great. The author defines greatness as...

Strategic Leadership at Nissan and Costco

There are three popular types of leadership in the business world. They include visionary leadership, managerial leadership, and strategic leadership. Briefly, it is important to note that managerial leaders concentrate more on the daily activities of the firms they lead, and as such, may not have a future vision for...

Leadership Development and Change in Organization

Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Attributes The term leadership and management are frequently used as synonyms of each other and arguably are interchanged through out phrases and sentences (Wren, 2005). They both involve influencing employees. Groups, teams and organisations need both effective and efficient leaders and managers (Ricketts, 2009). Leadership is a...

Leadership in the 21st Century

Introduction In the 21st century, many organizations are characterized by multicultural, multiracial, multi-gender, and multi-mobility environments that necessitate new approaches to leadership and leading. This multiplicity of personalities and experiences transforms organizational landscapes and calls for new definitions of leadership. In order to effectively traverse complex terrains of modern working...

Groupthink: Literature Review

Introduction Groupthink is one of the most critical aspects, which occurs due to the inability to depict the rising conformity in the organization and the lack of desire to disturb the friendly atmosphere. Meanwhile, groupthink is one of the adverse psychological phenomena, as it tends to lead to wrongful decision-making...

Action Learning for Family Firms Leaders in Saudi Arabia

Introduction In the Middle East, the world of business has been considerably improved and developed in a short period of time. There are many countries such as Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia that have already demonstrated unique and effective approaches to take leading positions in different industries. Such business...

Richard Lewis’ Proposed Trends of 21st Century

Introduction In an attempt to deviate from the traditional cultureactive to intercultureactive edge, Richard Lewis endeavored to establish, theoretically, a framework within which to ground his novel intercultureactive trends. Having done a plethora of cross-cultural studies, Lewis noted that the globalization phenomenon required a new approach to cultural interactions. The...

The Exemplary Leader Overview

Introduction This paper entails an analysis of the concepts of leadership as shown by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum. The main objective of this analysis is to determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the leadership style and philosophy of Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum and find...

Develop the Skills of Leadership and Management

Introduction The success of any business venture will mostly depend on the ability of the managers or owners to combine their leadership skills with good judgment and decision making capabilities as well as steering business ventures in the right direction. Leadership is defined as the ability to influence the actions...

Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

There are several differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods though there are similarities too. However, this section focuses on the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods. Generally, during the quantitative research study, the end data is mostly data that is reduced to numbers, which are statistically analyzed. Furthermore,...

Relationship Between Leader-Centered and Follower-Centered Leadership

Introduction Organizational performance and the success of maintained operations depend greatly on the way leaders control and direct their employees. In this framework, there are two major styles of leadership: leader-centered and follower-centered leadership. These two styles tend to differ in their focuses, goals, and achievement methods. Today, most attention...

Contemporary School Leadership Theories

More recent theories on leadership take from the established theories from the past and enhance them to fit the present context. Many leadership models have been formulated, and are still being fine-tuned. Kouzes and Posner (2007) are examples of theorists who are vigilant in enhancing their constructs of leadership and...

Potential Leaders: Strategic Leadership Development Program

Introduction Research usually calls for this section to give an overview of the topic under investigation. This has been met satisfactorily in my own view since the reader has given an overview of leadership in the UAE as well as the trend in economy and performance of the public sector...

Cultural Differences in Leadership

Introduction Culture is one of the terms which play a crucial role in human life. As a rule, culture predetermines the way of how people have to behave under certain conditions, what people have to think, and how they should react to the events which happen around them. It is...

Leadership and Process of Guiding the Behavior

Leadership refers to the process of guiding the behavior of others towards the accomplishment of certain goals. Effective leadership is the ability to influence others to willingly accomplish certain tasks at a high standard and quality that exceeds expectations. Effective leadership is an essential aspect in the success of any...

A Leader’s Legacy: Book Critique

Leadership is a phenomenon that is actively discussed in relation to many spheres of social interactions, including business, education, and management. In their book A Leader’s Legacy, Kouzes and Posner discuss leadership in the context of a legacy that can be viewed as a person’s contribution. According to authors, this...

The Concept of the Change Leadership

Introduction “How you define and exercise leadership in the present climate will be a significant determinant in your organization’s fortunes” (Warilow 2010, p. 1). The above statement was made with the intention of explaining the importance of good leadership in the organization. Today’s business environment stresses the importance of leadership...